My husband hates healthy!?



  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I agree with others who advise you to cook for yourself, because not everyone has snooper high metabolism.
    I want to share some new to me information, more like shocking news to my family.

    My mother in her mid 60th now, she always had high metabolism, loved her yammy fat food, and she is a smallest person in our family. We went to a Doctor for general check up and her cholesterol and blood sugar is very high, needs medication. It was big surprise for all of us. The Doctor said that its very common for people with high metabolism, they can eat unhealthy and they think that they are safe. Unfortunately despite good weight control unhealthy food still do damage to your inside.

    Being sick, had a diabetes, or heard disease is very unpleasant and very expensive as well.
    I understand that your husband quite young, but its going to be too late to do something when sick condition is already there.

    Try to give him this info, if he wants to live long and happy he might rethink his approach.

    I'm snooper happy to read this. Is that you John Gaut?
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    As a friend of mine told his spouse… I'll love you when we're old together, and I'll take care of your if you have lifestyle based illnesses, but I'll resent the good times we'll not be able to have together.
  • wannakimmy
    wannakimmy Posts: 488 Member
    You did get a few genuine responses here OP, take them and leave the rest.

    IMO - Make similar meals as suggested by an earlier poster.... If you are having chicken, cook his the way he likes it and yours how you like it. Have a couple side dishes maybe so you can have a choice and he can have both.

    Another response I liked was make him up what he likes, enough for a few days and heat it up for him, and do the same for yourself.

    You aren't going to get him to change how he eats until and if he sees it as an issue.

    Good luck on your journey :)
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Try fruit. Even the most avid meat eater doesn't mind a little watermelon in their diet.
  • Xaudelle
    Xaudelle Posts: 122 Member
    My husband hates fruits and vegetables. Know what I do? Nothing. I married him. We're happy. I'm not going to try to change him or the way he eats.

    If I want veggies, I make a single portion.
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    Maybe steam some brocolli and pour velveeta cheese on it.

    :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
  • PandaCustard
    PandaCustard Posts: 204 Member
    I can't eat gluten without my small intestine imploding and I still have 30 pounds to lose. My husband has hyperthyroidism, tends to fast throughout the day due to his crazy work schedule, loves gluten and all the delicious foods that come with it, and needs to eat a ton of food when dinnertime comes around. I can't cook his breaded meals in the some containers as mine due to cross-contamination. We manage with no problems. Can it be a pain sometimes? Well, yeah. But it's really not that hard. Here's a rough example of a meal we might have:

    Him: Enormous serving of homemade mashed potatoes with large amount of butter and cheese, zucchini grilled in olive oil, 10 oz of chicken breast breaded and fried, and a roll or two. Probably will follow with a snack of Pop-Tarts or ice cream or three Greek yogurts, or all at once.
    Me: Smaller serving of mashed potatoes (weighed out) with small amount of butter, decent amount of grilled zucchini, 4 oz of grilled chicken.
    One pot for the potatoes (mix the butter/herbs in separate bowls to control portions). One half of the stove-top grill for the zucchini, the other half for my chicken. One pan for his chicken. Clean as you go.

    If this is still too much, then just ask him to help you cook. I cook most of the time, but my husband will still help with some things, like stirring, timing, seasoning, mashing, etc., and it really makes a difference.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Cook your own food, let him cook his.
  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    Then he can cook his own damn food?

  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    I too am blessed with an active husband who could happily eat a quarter-cow and a loaf of bread smothered in butter at a sitting. We've had good luck finding Cooking Light ( versions of comfort foods we both love without all the fat and calories but with most of the yum factor. He gets bigger portions and more bread. I get salads the size of mixing bowls and the lion's share of the veggies. Lots of dishes to wash, but we're both content. And sshhh... but he's actually losing some weight himself.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Ok so my wonderful husband has a super high metabolism & can eat anything without gaining weight.

    This is nonsense. It is what overweight people say when they look at someone of a healthy weight munching on a burger.

    People who can eat anything without gaining weight - these people dont exist.
  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    I sort of have the same problem - it's not that my husband won't eat it - it's that the rest of the family actually needs to GAIN weight -while I need to lose it.

    I make veggies and salads - I use light dressing and steam the veggies - I take mine out and then add butter/bacon/whatever.

    Instead of frying things - we bread and bake them - still not the best - but I have a small portion and they have what they want.

    Gravey/sauces - fortunately my husband is a chef - (however he isn't fond of cooking at home since that is work) Anyway - he will adapt things by subbing ingredients - milk instead of cream, healthy oils (olive instead of butter) etc. to help me out - I just use small portions for flavor rather than drown my food - the rest do tho.

    I also have bread at a lot of meals - I just eat one small slice - they devour the loaf. I also have my own 'fake butter' as the kids call it - I take a stick of butter - soften it and mix with olive oil (about 1/2 and 1/2, but however you like it) that is what I use for butter. I get the creamy flavor, but have the healthy fat - and it spreads easily from the fridge!

    I also eat very carefully at lunch since no on is around (I pack) - that allows me more calories for dinner time.

    So far it's working
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Ok so my wonderful husband has a super high metabolism & can eat anything without gaining weight.

    This is nonsense. It is what overweight people say when they look at someone of a healthy weight munching on a burger.

    People who can eat anything without gaining weight - these people dont exist.
    Oh bullspit. We all have a friend that can pound the crappiest food and their waistline don't show it. I have a skinny friend that can eat my under the table. We used to go to Mcdo when we were younger, and this guy would get 2 large fries, dessert and 2 sandwiches. He still eats this way well into his 30's, still skinny as a rail. His brother is more like me, eat a little bit and blimp up.

    Personally, I feel lucky that i have a body that gains easily. That has forced me to learn about health, and correct my poor eating habits.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Ok so my wonderful husband has a super high metabolism & can eat anything without gaining weight.

    This is nonsense. It is what overweight people say when they look at someone of a healthy weight munching on a burger.

    People who can eat anything without gaining weight - these people dont exist.
    Oh bullspit. We all have a friend that can pound the crappiest food and their waistline don't show it. I have a skinny friend that can eat my under the table. We used to go to Mcdo when we were younger, and this guy would get 2 large fries, dessert and 2 sandwiches. He still eats this way well into his 30's, still skinny as a rail. His brother is more like me, eat a little bit and blimp up.

    Personally, I feel lucky that i have a body that gains easily. That has forced me to learn about health, and correct my poor eating habits.

    Bullspit? You need to look closer to home. I dont have any friends who could eat piles of junk without adding weight, and if I asked my mates the same question, they would stay the same. I was doing it for a while, and I only went one way.

    Metabolism varies to relatively minor detail and never to the extent that one person becomes overweight from eating salads where as his mate gorges on burgers and ice cream and stays thin. This is just sour grapes and frustration from people who cant lose weight so blame metabolism rather than themselves for lack of weight loss.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Ok so my wonderful husband has a super high metabolism & can eat anything without gaining weight.

    This is nonsense. It is what overweight people say when they look at someone of a healthy weight munching on a burger.

    People who can eat anything without gaining weight - these people dont exist.
    Oh bullspit. We all have a friend that can pound the crappiest food and their waistline don't show it. I have a skinny friend that can eat my under the table. We used to go to Mcdo when we were younger, and this guy would get 2 large fries, dessert and 2 sandwiches. He still eats this way well into his 30's, still skinny as a rail. His brother is more like me, eat a little bit and blimp up.

    Personally, I feel lucky that i have a body that gains easily. That has forced me to learn about health, and correct my poor eating habits.

    Cold showers work for me sometimes, but I generally prefer a more "battery-centric" method of relief. IYKWIM. :wink:
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Ok so my wonderful husband has a super high metabolism & can eat anything without gaining weight.

    This is nonsense. It is what overweight people say when they look at someone of a healthy weight munching on a burger.

    People who can eat anything without gaining weight - these people dont exist.
    Oh bullspit. We all have a friend that can pound the crappiest food and their waistline don't show it. I have a skinny friend that can eat my under the table. We used to go to Mcdo when we were younger, and this guy would get 2 large fries, dessert and 2 sandwiches. He still eats this way well into his 30's, still skinny as a rail. His brother is more like me, eat a little bit and blimp up.

    Personally, I feel lucky that i have a body that gains easily. That has forced me to learn about health, and correct my poor eating habits.

    Cold showers work for me sometimes, but I generally prefer a more "battery-centric" method of relief. IYKWIM. :wink:

  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Ok so my wonderful husband has a super high metabolism & can eat anything without gaining weight.

    This is nonsense. It is what overweight people say when they look at someone of a healthy weight munching on a burger.

    People who can eat anything without gaining weight - these people dont exist.
    Oh bullspit. We all have a friend that can pound the crappiest food and their waistline don't show it. I have a skinny friend that can eat my under the table. We used to go to Mcdo when we were younger, and this guy would get 2 large fries, dessert and 2 sandwiches. He still eats this way well into his 30's, still skinny as a rail. His brother is more like me, eat a little bit and blimp up.

    Personally, I feel lucky that i have a body that gains easily. That has forced me to learn about health, and correct my poor eating habits.

    Cold showers work for me sometimes, but I generally prefer a more "battery-centric" method of relief. IYKWIM. :wink:


    Not sure what that is, but I think I want one!! Is there a version that runs on diesel?? :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • brosis85
    brosis85 Posts: 114 Member
    An Actifryer will be your friend ... its a way to get a deep fried feel without all of the deep fried badness!

    Also, look up recipes for things like nut bread - way better for you, but still the 'bread' part of it for your husband.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Ok so my wonderful husband has a super high metabolism & can eat anything without gaining weight.

    This is nonsense. It is what overweight people say when they look at someone of a healthy weight munching on a burger.

    People who can eat anything without gaining weight - these people dont exist.
    Oh bullspit. We all have a friend that can pound the crappiest food and their waistline don't show it. I have a skinny friend that can eat my under the table. We used to go to Mcdo when we were younger, and this guy would get 2 large fries, dessert and 2 sandwiches. He still eats this way well into his 30's, still skinny as a rail. His brother is more like me, eat a little bit and blimp up.

    Personally, I feel lucky that i have a body that gains easily. That has forced me to learn about health, and correct my poor eating habits.

    Cold showers work for me sometimes, but I generally prefer a more "battery-centric" method of relief. IYKWIM. :wink:


    Not sure what that is, but I think I want one!! Is there a version that runs on diesel?? :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Ok so my wonderful husband has a super high metabolism & can eat anything without gaining weight.

    This is nonsense. It is what overweight people say when they look at someone of a healthy weight munching on a burger.

    People who can eat anything without gaining weight - these people dont exist.
    Oh bullspit. We all have a friend that can pound the crappiest food and their waistline don't show it. I have a skinny friend that can eat my under the table. We used to go to Mcdo when we were younger, and this guy would get 2 large fries, dessert and 2 sandwiches. He still eats this way well into his 30's, still skinny as a rail. His brother is more like me, eat a little bit and blimp up.

    Personally, I feel lucky that i have a body that gains easily. That has forced me to learn about health, and correct my poor eating habits.

    Bullspit? You need to look closer to home. I dont have any friends who could eat piles of junk without adding weight, and if I asked my mates the same question, they would stay the same. I was doing it for a while, and I only went one way.

    Metabolism varies to relatively minor detail and never to the extent that one person becomes overweight from eating salads where as his mate gorges on burgers and ice cream and stays thin. This is just sour grapes and frustration from people who cant lose weight so blame metabolism rather than themselves for lack of weight loss.

    Growing up my brother and sister ate whatever they wanted and never gained any weight. Instead I gained all their weight and my weight... My nephew is 16 and hasn't gained an ounce, he's skin and bones.

    My brother continued eating what he wanted and not gaining weight until he was about 25-30 years old. My sister is still as rail thin as ever, though I know she has to work at it.

    I do have a couple adult friends in their 30s and 40s and they eat what they want and I have never seen them getting bigger. So it can happen. It's rare, and few and far between, but it can happen. Just because you don't know anyone doesn't mean it's not true.