2 weeks on Lyle Mcdonald's RFLD...advice please?



  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Deethebee -- just let the other stuff go with the other posters. I've literally had similar conversations with many of them, ndj1979 in particular. It's useless. It's not a meaningful exchangs - people like him are not interested in an honest exchange of ideas (unlike someone like Cortelli who is). I don't know what their personal psychological issues are per se, but they're significant. It's just beating your head against the wall. I still can't resist doing it sometimes (though I'm trying), but at least I'm aware that I'm doing it now. Best to ignore them (trying to follow my own advice).

    right, everyone that disagrees with you has a "psychological" issue..I guess that is an improvement over everyone "misunderstanding" the five thousand contradictory statements that you come up with on a daily basis.

    If you look over the advice that was given OP in this thread it was very meaningful, she just chose to lash out at everyone and keep saying "you do not understand me, I am different"....hey, wait a minute are you two sisters? You seem to think that everyone just does not "understand" you ...

    See, Dee, it's this sort of stuff that's just laughable. Baseless accusation and ridiculous conclusory statements. I've had plenty of federal and state judges grant my motions. They seem to be able to follow my logic and arguments (as well as folks like Cortelli and Milk Flax). But, I'm sure they're all wrong -- and ndj1979, a random, oftentimes nasty poster on an anonymous fitness board is correct.

    What a joke.
  • deethebee83
    Deethebee -- just let the other stuff go with the other posters. I've literally had similar conversations with many of them, ndj1979 in particular. It's useless. It's not a meaningful exchangs - people like him are not interested in an honest exchange of ideas (unlike someone like Cortelli who is). I don't know what their personal psychological issues are per se, but they're significant. It's just beating your head against the wall. I still can't resist doing it sometimes (though I'm trying), but at least I'm aware that I'm doing it now. Best to ignore them (trying to follow my own advice).

    right, everyone that disagrees with you has a "psychological" issue..I guess that is an improvement over everyone "misunderstanding" the five thousand contradictory statements that you come up with on a daily basis.

    If you look over the advice that was given OP in this thread it was very meaningful, she just chose to lash out at everyone and keep saying "you do not understand me, I am different"....hey, wait a minute are you two sisters? You seem to think that everyone just does not "understand" you ...

    We don't have the same opinion of what meaningful advice is. To me it would be something that is significant and useful and would help the receiver. It does not help me to tell me I am underestimating my calories enough to significantly reduce my weight loss when I'm not and it does not help me to be told to go back to eating at a small deficit when I've been there, done that. I have not said no one understands me, the fact is none of you are actually paying attention to what I'm saying or believing it. That's absolutely fine, I expected no better.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    On this type of diet I'd expect at least 1lb loss per week but I will cut my calories more and see what happens. Thanks for your input.

    Someone with 10 pounds to lose cannot expect to lose 1 pound per week in a healthy way.

    I tried telling her that. She didn't want to hear that or even acknowledge it. Logic doesn't belong here.


    I have more than 10lbs to lose. I never said I believed this diet is "healthy", but it is safe and short term. If I don't want to wait a year to lose 10lbs that's my choice and I have the right not to be judged for that. LOGIC dictates you can lose 1lb per week be creating a 3,500 cal deficit. My deficit is bigger than that and I'm losing less - I was simply asking for some insight into why that might be. Really.

    I suspect excess Cortisol.

  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Deethebee -- just let the other stuff go with the other posters. I've literally had similar conversations with many of them, ndj1979 in particular. It's useless. It's not a meaningful exchangs - people like him are not interested in an honest exchange of ideas (unlike someone like Cortelli who is). I don't know what their personal psychological issues are per se, but they're significant. It's just beating your head against the wall. I still can't resist doing it sometimes (though I'm trying), but at least I'm aware that I'm doing it now. Best to ignore them (trying to follow my own advice).

    right, everyone that disagrees with you has a "psychological" issue..I guess that is an improvement over everyone "misunderstanding" the five thousand contradictory statements that you come up with on a daily basis.

    If you look over the advice that was given OP in this thread it was very meaningful, she just chose to lash out at everyone and keep saying "you do not understand me, I am different"....hey, wait a minute are you two sisters? You seem to think that everyone just does not "understand" you ...

    See, Dee, it's this sort of stuff that's just laughable. Baseless accusation and ridiculous conclusory statements. I've had plenty of federal and state judges grant my motions. They seem to be able to follow my logic and arguments (as well as folks like Cortelli and Milk Flax). But, I'm sure they're all wrong -- and ndj1979, a random, oftentimes nasty poster on an anonymous fitness board is correct.

    What a joke.
    What kind of law do you practice? (Sorry, just curious).

    Also OP, you mention "free days". Are you treating the entire day as a free day, or did you mean the day in which you have a free meal? You've closed up your diary again, so I can't tell. I'm assuming your category 2, and so that would be one free meal a week and one 5 hour carb refeed per week.

    ETA: Also, what is your exercise like?
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member

    I just took a quick look at your post history. Based on what I saw, my recommendation is this: get off the RFLD now. With your history, this is not a good plan for you.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Deethebee -- just let the other stuff go with the other posters. I've literally had similar conversations with many of them, ndj1979 in particular. It's useless. It's not a meaningful exchangs - people like him are not interested in an honest exchange of ideas (unlike someone like Cortelli who is). I don't know what their personal psychological issues are per se, but they're significant. It's just beating your head against the wall. I still can't resist doing it sometimes (though I'm trying), but at least I'm aware that I'm doing it now. Best to ignore them (trying to follow my own advice).

    Lindsey, I don't know how to tell you this, but you frequently use "per se" incorrectly.
    I know this is nitpicky, but it bothers me and I can't help myself.
    I think that what you are trying to say in the sentence above is: "I don't know what their issues are, but they're significant." "Per se" means "intrinsically" and really isn't applicable in this context.
    Also, "personal psychological issues" is redundant. What other kinds of psychological issues would a person have? Non-personal?

    Please just relax. You're trying too hard, honey.

    I'm pretty sure I'm using per se correctly. It also means "of, or in itself". It's the same as saying, "I don't know what his personal psychological issue is, in an of itself, but it is significant." That is used correctly. Check the Chicago Manual of Style if you don't believe me.

    As for psychological issues, there can be differentiation between those arising from internal reasons and those arising from external. Internal example would be someone with an inferiority complex having to go out of their way to bash other people -- like we see on this site -- and that's what I was referring to as personal rather than as a result of external, environmental source. External would be the anxiety and stressors one has to deal with as a result of being married to an alcoholic or drug addict.

    I was using it loosely to indicate that the people that post nasty things unprovoked are doing so from an internal issue, not as self-defense or response to external stimuli (i.e. defending oneself from another's attack).
  • deethebee83
    Deethebee -- just let the other stuff go with the other posters. I've literally had similar conversations with many of them, ndj1979 in particular. It's useless. It's not a meaningful exchangs - people like him are not interested in an honest exchange of ideas (unlike someone like Cortelli who is). I don't know what their personal psychological issues are per se, but they're significant. It's just beating your head against the wall. I still can't resist doing it sometimes (though I'm trying), but at least I'm aware that I'm doing it now. Best to ignore them (trying to follow my own advice).

    I know you're right, it's absolutely unhelpful and useless and total misunderstanding of the point of the thread. It's funny how some people can be so narrow-minded huh? This is how people get their kicks - sit behind a computer screen and abuse others. Sad state the world is in. All the trolls taking up the thread I need to go back and find your previous post ;)

    I used to think it was a genuine misunderstanding, and so I tried to explain and clarify. Some called that backpedaling. Others grossly mischaracterized prior statements. So, now, I'm fairly confident that it's intentional on their part. I suppose it could still be gross incompetence, but I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt on that.

    I've seen it with ndj1979, QuietBloom, graceisjinxed (not as heavily with her -- but her last post is a good example). However, there are also some great people out there where I've had really interesting exchanges -- Cortelli, Milk Flax, etc. Keep the good; discard the bad.

    Well there seems to be a lot of resistance to accepting other people's choices huh? Then they get upset when you retaliate to their rudeness. It's a lot of taking things out of context, twisting words and refusing to keep judgements to themselves. 90% of people are judgemental though, it's a real shame. I see it everywhere. I ask people something about a supplement for a diet experiment I'm doing and I get purposely vague so that I don't get judged on the diet but the responses I get are, "Why are you experimenting? Don't be stupid just eat a balanced diet". It's funny how people just can't help themselves!! hahaha. I mean I absolutely did expect it from here and even from Lyle's site but they are sooooo nice on that site :)

    wait, you posted a thread saying you are not losing and ask for advice and you then say all the advice "will not work for you" but the people giving you advice are not accepting of your choices....eh????? You are the one that made the choice to go on this "diet" that is obviously not working for you ...

    I am definitely calling troll on this one...

    Oh my.....:D This is getting funny. You've all given me the exact same advice!! Stop this diet, go on a moderate calorie diet. I didn't say it won't work, I said I've tried it and it DIDN'T work. Big difference. How are you accepting my choices when all you're doing is criticising me for doing this diet and telling me to do something I've already done?? Please point where I actually said this diet is not working for me. I said the scale hadn't budged but measurements had gone down...I asked for any reasons this might be. I wasn't being a whiny kid saying "Boo hoo, this diet isn't working what should I do???" Reread the original post...I asked for possible reasons why the scale hasn't budged. The scale is NOT the only thing that measures fat loss. But see, all you're doing is twisting my words. Really can't see the point. You must be very bored.

    Also pretty funny how you continuously call me a troll when you people are the ones hijacking my thread and spamming it with pages of abuse so that the ones who actually have some real insight into this diet can't get through. Go back under your bridge.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Deethebee -- just let the other stuff go with the other posters. I've literally had similar conversations with many of them, ndj1979 in particular. It's useless. It's not a meaningful exchangs - people like him are not interested in an honest exchange of ideas (unlike someone like Cortelli who is). I don't know what their personal psychological issues are per se, but they're significant. It's just beating your head against the wall. I still can't resist doing it sometimes (though I'm trying), but at least I'm aware that I'm doing it now. Best to ignore them (trying to follow my own advice).

    right, everyone that disagrees with you has a "psychological" issue..I guess that is an improvement over everyone "misunderstanding" the five thousand contradictory statements that you come up with on a daily basis.

    If you look over the advice that was given OP in this thread it was very meaningful, she just chose to lash out at everyone and keep saying "you do not understand me, I am different"....hey, wait a minute are you two sisters? You seem to think that everyone just does not "understand" you ...

    See, Dee, it's this sort of stuff that's just laughable. Baseless accusation and ridiculous conclusory statements. I've had plenty of federal and state judges grant my motions. They seem to be able to follow my logic and arguments (as well as folks like Cortelli and Milk Flax). But, I'm sure they're all wrong -- and ndj1979, a random, oftentimes nasty poster on an anonymous fitness board is correct.

    What a joke.

    wait, you are a lawyer now???

    Ok then lindz - please go back through the advice given to OP and point out what was "baseless"...?
  • KendraElmendorf
    KendraElmendorf Posts: 837 Member

    Shhh... Shhh... Shhh... just let it happen.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member

    I just took a quick look at your post history. Based on what I saw, my recommendation is this: get off the RFLD now. With your history, this is not a good plan for you.
    Holy ****, I did not realize you were recovering from an eating disorder. I completely agree that this is a HORRIBLE IDEA for you. I have a feeling the author of the diet would completely agree.
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Deethebee -- just let the other stuff go with the other posters. I've literally had similar conversations with many of them, ndj1979 in particular. It's useless. It's not a meaningful exchangs - people like him are not interested in an honest exchange of ideas (unlike someone like Cortelli who is). I don't know what their personal psychological issues are per se, but they're significant. It's just beating your head against the wall. I still can't resist doing it sometimes (though I'm trying), but at least I'm aware that I'm doing it now. Best to ignore them (trying to follow my own advice).

    right, everyone that disagrees with you has a "psychological" issue..I guess that is an improvement over everyone "misunderstanding" the five thousand contradictory statements that you come up with on a daily basis.

    If you look over the advice that was given OP in this thread it was very meaningful, she just chose to lash out at everyone and keep saying "you do not understand me, I am different"....hey, wait a minute are you two sisters? You seem to think that everyone just does not "understand" you ...

    See, Dee, it's this sort of stuff that's just laughable. Baseless accusation and ridiculous conclusory statements. I've had plenty of federal and state judges grant my motions. They seem to be able to follow my logic and arguments (as well as folks like Cortelli and Milk Flax). But, I'm sure they're all wrong -- and ndj1979, a random, oftentimes nasty poster on an anonymous fitness board is correct.

    What a joke.

    wait, you are a lawyer now???

    Ok then lindz - please go back through the advice given to OP and point out what was "baseless"...?

    I had this same thought- i though Lindz was a (bro)scientist after the calorie thread lol
  • deethebee83

    I just took a quick look at your post history. Based on what I saw, my recommendation is this: get off the RFLD now. With your history, this is not a good plan for you.

    Can I ask why? I'm not at risk of becoming anorexic, trust me. Binge eating was my problem and I haven't done that in a long time.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member

    I just took a quick look at your post history. Based on what I saw, my recommendation is this: get off the RFLD now. With your history, this is not a good plan for you.
    Holy ****, I did not realize you were recovering from an eating disorder. I completely agree that this is a HORRIBLE IDEA for you. I have a feeling the author of the diet would completely agree.


    And again, explains why you aren't able to lose the weight. Excess Cortisol, from PCOS and additionally the extra stress you are adding with the crash diets. And perhaps a suppressed metabolism.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Deethebee -- just let the other stuff go with the other posters. I've literally had similar conversations with many of them, ndj1979 in particular. It's useless. It's not a meaningful exchangs - people like him are not interested in an honest exchange of ideas (unlike someone like Cortelli who is). I don't know what their personal psychological issues are per se, but they're significant. It's just beating your head against the wall. I still can't resist doing it sometimes (though I'm trying), but at least I'm aware that I'm doing it now. Best to ignore them (trying to follow my own advice).

    right, everyone that disagrees with you has a "psychological" issue..I guess that is an improvement over everyone "misunderstanding" the five thousand contradictory statements that you come up with on a daily basis.

    If you look over the advice that was given OP in this thread it was very meaningful, she just chose to lash out at everyone and keep saying "you do not understand me, I am different"....hey, wait a minute are you two sisters? You seem to think that everyone just does not "understand" you ...

    See, Dee, it's this sort of stuff that's just laughable. Baseless accusation and ridiculous conclusory statements. I've had plenty of federal and state judges grant my motions. They seem to be able to follow my logic and arguments (as well as folks like Cortelli and Milk Flax). But, I'm sure they're all wrong -- and ndj1979, a random, oftentimes nasty poster on an anonymous fitness board is correct.

    What a joke.

    wait, you are a lawyer now???

    Ok then lindz - please go back through the advice given to OP and point out what was "baseless"...?

    I had this same thought- i though Lindz was a (bro)scientist after the calorie thread lol

    Just my bachelors is in integrative biology, I got a JD later (same school though -- I undoubtedly bleed blue and gold).

    I thought the lawyer thing was fairly obvious with my (1) verbosity, (2) tendency to clarify and point at nuance in arguments and (3) intransigence in certain topics.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member

    I just took a quick look at your post history. Based on what I saw, my recommendation is this: get off the RFLD now. With your history, this is not a good plan for you.

    Can I ask why? I'm not at risk of becoming anorexic, trust me. Binge eating was my problem and I haven't done that in a long time.

    That, right there. On this type of diet, you are much more likely to binge than someone else.

    And to answer your original question, deksgrl probably pretty much just nailed it.
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member

    I just took a quick look at your post history. Based on what I saw, my recommendation is this: get off the RFLD now. With your history, this is not a good plan for you.
    Holy ****, I did not realize you were recovering from an eating disorder. I completely agree that this is a HORRIBLE IDEA for you. I have a feeling the author of the diet would completely agree.


    And again, explains why you aren't able to lose the weight. Excess Cortisol, from PCOS and additionally the extra stress you are adding with the crash diets. And perhaps a suppressed metabolism.

    Over restriction can lead to binge eating
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member

    I just took a quick look at your post history. Based on what I saw, my recommendation is this: get off the RFLD now. With your history, this is not a good plan for you.
    Holy ****, I did not realize you were recovering from an eating disorder. I completely agree that this is a HORRIBLE IDEA for you. I have a feeling the author of the diet would completely agree.


    And again, explains why you aren't able to lose the weight. Excess Cortisol, from PCOS and additionally the extra stress you are adding with the crash diets. And perhaps a suppressed metabolism.

    I'm still throwing in for the thyroid since your TSH level puts you in overt hypothyrodism at over 3 (and yours were over 4).
  • kjo9692
    kjo9692 Posts: 430 Member
    Deethebee -- just let the other stuff go with the other posters. I've literally had similar conversations with many of them, ndj1979 in particular. It's useless. It's not a meaningful exchangs - people like him are not interested in an honest exchange of ideas (unlike someone like Cortelli who is). I don't know what their personal psychological issues are per se, but they're significant. It's just beating your head against the wall. I still can't resist doing it sometimes (though I'm trying), but at least I'm aware that I'm doing it now. Best to ignore them (trying to follow my own advice).

    Lindsey, I don't know how to tell you this, but you frequently use "per se" incorrectly.
    I know this is nitpicky, but it bothers me and I can't help myself.
    I think that what you are trying to say in the sentence above is: "I don't know what their issues are, but they're significant." "Per se" means "intrinsically" and really isn't applicable in this context.
    Also, "personal psychological issues" is redundant. What other kinds of psychological issues would a person have? Non-personal?

    Please just relax. You're trying too hard, honey.

  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member

    I just took a quick look at your post history. Based on what I saw, my recommendation is this: get off the RFLD now. With your history, this is not a good plan for you.
    Holy ****, I did not realize you were recovering from an eating disorder. I completely agree that this is a HORRIBLE IDEA for you. I have a feeling the author of the diet would completely agree.


    And again, explains why you aren't able to lose the weight. Excess Cortisol, from PCOS and additionally the extra stress you are adding with the crash diets. And perhaps a suppressed metabolism.

    I'm still throwing in for the thyroid since your TSH level puts you in overt hypothyrodism at over 3 (and yours were over 4).

    Perhaps that too. But even if it is not thyroid, she probably has enough going on with cortisol to prevent normal weight loss, paired with what damage there may have been to metabolism from past unhealthy eating.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member

    I just took a quick look at your post history. Based on what I saw, my recommendation is this: get off the RFLD now. With your history, this is not a good plan for you.
    Holy ****, I did not realize you were recovering from an eating disorder. I completely agree that this is a HORRIBLE IDEA for you. I have a feeling the author of the diet would completely agree.


    And again, explains why you aren't able to lose the weight. Excess Cortisol, from PCOS and additionally the extra stress you are adding with the crash diets. And perhaps a suppressed metabolism.

    I'm still throwing in for the thyroid since your TSH level puts you in overt hypothyrodism at over 3 (and yours were over 4).

    Perhaps that too. But even if it is not thyroid, she probably has enough going on with cortisol to prevent normal weight loss, paired with what damage there may have been to metabolism from past unhealthy eating.

    True, true. And adrenal issues should be checked with thyroid concerns as they often impact one another. My doc checked mine for that very reason, though both cortisol and DHEA were in normal ranges along with the others.
This discussion has been closed.