"Are you trying to get fat?"



  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member

    Would love to hear your obviously unbiased opinions on the topic.

    Oh Lord, do we have to?
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    He was probably trying to flirt with her...a lot of guys say dumb things to women thinking that it's cute. It's not.
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    ........ I've just heard from a tiny size 8 friend that she went to the petrol station this morning .......

    I redacted the OPs post to highlight what popped out at me that I LOVED: tiny size 8 friend

    I'm now a size 8 and I've never felt tiny - so this made me SMILE.

    And NO - the comment wasn't acceptable - just gotta chalk it up to butt heads that open mouth, insert foot. He prob thought he was being "cute" and making conversation. His misguided attempt at flirting. Who knows? ehhhhh.
  • MB2MN
    MB2MN Posts: 334 Member
    He works at a gas station. Just laugh.

    Elitist, much?
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    ........ I've just heard from a tiny size 8 friend that she went to the petrol station this morning .......

    I redacted the OPs post to highlight what popped out at me that I LOVED: tiny size 8 friend

    I'm now a size 8 and I've never felt tiny - so this made me SMILE.

    And NO - the comment wasn't acceptable - just gotta chalk it up to butt heads that open mouth, insert foot. He prob thought he was being "cute" and making conversation. His misguided attempt at flirting. Who knows? ehhhhh.

    I'm guessing the OP is an Australian or from the UK so a size 8 is like a US 4, so pretty tiny (not to burst your bubble, size 8 US is awesome too).

    I'm not sure why people think it is acceptable to comment on the food choices of a healthy weight, fit-looking individual where at the same time the same idividual would likely not think it was acceptable to ask an overweight or obese person "why are you eating that chocolate, are you trying to get even fatter/stay fat?"

    Both are rude but one seems to viewed as okay, maybe it's due to a perception that fit people don't have issues with food or body image (obviously not true). Not sure really
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Sometimes I wonder whether certain "people" walking around are actually even human. I've just heard from a tiny size 8 friend that she went to the petrol station this morning, decided to get a Twirl chocolate bar and the guy behind the counter said to her "are you trying to get fat?"

    ...how is this in ANY WAY ACCEPTABLE!?!!!?!!!


    Rant over.
    I think it is my business, but only because I've never heard of Twirl bars. Are they good?

    Yup. Made by Cadbury, kind of like Flakes, but coated in chocolate so not as messy to eat.

    Okay, now whats a "Flakes"?

    Thanks for asking! Now I don't feel like I've been living under a rock. :)

    Delicious milk chocolately goodness. The texture is what makes it good. I can't post pics but here you are

  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Totally agreed.

    And that's why I regularly do things like eat slices of pizza at the Costco food court. I've been asked various times how I stay in shape despite eating "dirty" ;)

    Absolutely. Yesterday I bought a bag of potato chips and a woman gave me the most shocked look! She almost said something to me and then walked away. lol......
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    He works at a gas station. Just laugh.

    Elitist, much?

  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I would have just replied with, "Why yes. As a matter of fact, I am." Hopefully that would end the conversation and make him stop trying to flirt. :wink:
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member

    I got a lot more than 20 to go. And i didn't get fat by eating fruit, i gained all the weight when i was eating meat and dairy. I don't gain weight when i'm eating massive amounts of fruit, i lose it, just like everyone else who tries eating a fruit and vegetable based diet.

    that's funny- because I lost weight eating a high fat high protein diet - full of meat and dairy.
    You can lose weight that way, but that's not a sustainable healthy diet.

    You can lose weight, AND reverse heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune conditions and improve energy levels, improve cognitive ability, live longer, etc on a fruit and vegetable based diet.

    I have tried both. I have lost weight with both. But fruit and vegetable based diets are FAR, FAR healthier!

    Not trying to knock what's working for you, but a ton of people have reversed all those conditions on a LCHF way of eating; there is a plethora of information available if you're willing to look. And it's about as sustainable in the long run as veganism is for most.

    This is the problem that too many 80/10/10ers, raw vegans, fruitarians, etc, often have; a self righteous attitude that turns many people completely off. You know the old adage about catching more bees with honey?

    Oh wait, you people don't eat honey.
    Hahahaha, it's "*flies* with honey", not bees! Bees are what make the honey. Why would you want to attract bees, if you already have honey? Then again, why would you want to attract flies...? I love language!

    Ha! Great catch!
  • luadams2
    luadams2 Posts: 122
    Some guys are so lame when it comes to trying to strike up conversation with the opposite sex. I would have just smiled, said nothing so as not to hurt his feelings (why kick a dog when it's already half dead) and walked out.
  • CassandraBurgos83
    CassandraBurgos83 Posts: 544 Member
    I eat way worse than that, but I'm not trying to get fat... Just trying not to hurt certain people therefore my sugary chocolatey yumminess diverts my angered course of action.

  • LozPenguin
    LozPenguin Posts: 139 Member
    I once went to try some clothes, and the guy who was serving went "DO YOU EVEN EAT ANYTHING!?!" and then asked me when the last time I ate was.

    It's not about if I care about what other people think of me or not. It's rude.

    Exactly. It's rude. It's not his business, he could have very easily just kept that thought to himself.
  • romsmom101
    Insert huge effing eye roll here. Seriously?

    i don't know how to do the quote thing but i'm chuckling my fat *kitten* off!

    so EVERYONE that buys petrol is an addict in someway???? agreed, get over it!

  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Sometimes I wonder whether certain "people" walking around are actually even human. I've just heard from a tiny size 8 friend that she went to the petrol station this morning, decided to get a Twirl chocolate bar and the guy behind the counter said to her "are you trying to get fat?"

    ...how is this in ANY WAY ACCEPTABLE!?!!!?!!!


    Rant over.

    You and your friend clearly care too much about what other people think...

    Nah ah. You could say this every time when someone is being rude. There comes a point where you have to care about what other people think because they are PLAIN WRONG and if they aren't called out on it they'll continue on their merry way being wrong/arseholes. Don't twist this round to be the OP + friends fault for caring.

    In other news, I had a discussion with the owner + coach of my gym about how he can NEVER go shopping for food locally without some busybody eyeing up the contents of his basket or trolley and feeling the need to comment on it. Some people don't recognise boundaries.

    How is posting this on a forum required for caring?

    Hmm, if for every time that someone was rude to their friend, that they found it necessary to actively rant on about it in a public forum in front of people they dont know, then this website would be more like The Jeremy Kyle Show than a weight loss/health place.

    Why does anybody that doesnt know you need to know about your friend? Why is it up to you to bring up their business anyway?
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    It's not an insult, it's a question that you and others chose to interpret as an insult by projecting what you imagined was in the mind of someone you never even met, and based this on a biased story told by the OP. And then you accused that person of not understanding that someone else might see it differently.

    It's really sad that everyone thinks the one way they chose to take that statement is somehow the only way and anyone who sees a different circumstance behind it must be at fault for not being the same.

    Perhaps you're ignorant of the fact that not everyone else thinks every statement is some sort of evaluation of your worth as a human being.

    I could see it being an insult- depending on the tone.... but mostly it's rude.- but since we don't know tone- it's hard to say. (I have had people sarcastically ask me stuff on purpose- knowing my answer- but usually friends- not strangers)

    If someone asked me that I wouldn't really be insulted- I know what I look like (hawt) and what my work gets me (awesome).
    So there is no question to me about that- BUT- I think I would be a little peeved if someone I didn't know flat out asked me over a single candy bar if I was trying to get fat- mostly annoyed-and sitting on my high horse would have said something extremely flippant back but not insulted.

    Now- I think I wouldn't have been annoyed if the cashier said something while ringing up my 2 pizza's- 1 ice cream and 2 family sized boxes (containers? what do oreo's come in anyway) of double stuffed oreos- I suspect I wouldn't have been shocked, offended or anything LOL- because that's a hell of a fat kid meal LOL
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    In for the Cadburys twirls & flakes...

    Out for the bizzare generalisation of purchasing items at garages.

    * The garage next to my place of work puts out a tips box at Christmas - I think I'd keep my customer services skills to smiling & nodding.