Shirataki/Miracle noodles - anyone lost weight eating them?



  • crystal075
    crystal075 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi, I know this is an old topic, but I wanted to leave a comment. I eat these noodles weekly and I actually just rinse out of bag once and can often eat them straight from bag with even something simple as soy sauce. I have eaten these noodles as a stir fry as well and have felt super full had only taken in about 250 calories with my stir fry mix at the max. I think its a wonderful filler to get your tummy feeling satisfied. I eat about 4 bags a week! Being conscious of losing weight involves being open-minded to different alternatives and being creative, along with innovative. :smile
  • elliottwave
    elliottwave Posts: 6 Member
    OK, old post here but these wonderful noodles are getting a bad rap due to ignorance! It is all how you prepare them, people!

    1. RINSE THEM THOROUGHLY - yes, they smell like fish but this disappears after a good rinsing.
    2. COOK THEM IN A HOT FRYING PAN FIRST, before you put them in any recipe. This takes a good deal (although not all) of the rubbery texture away. Just heat a frying pan on high, add a small amount of butter or spray, and heat them for 8-10 minutes, stirring occasionally. They don't stick to the pan so it's hard to mess up.
    3. Enjoy them with your favorite sauce! I love them best in an Alfredo sauce and Thai peanut sauce but the sky is the limit.

    As for the "miracle" part, I believe the reason they call them that is because they are made of from a Japanese yam that's packed with dietary fiber but has no carbohydrates and no calories (although tofu shiritaki noodles do have about 40 calories and 3 grams of carbs per serving). They have no artificial ingredients in them, are very healthy for you, and you can eat them without guilt no matter what diet you are on (I happen to use them on a ketogenic diet) and they can be a life saver when you are hungry but need to watch your intake.
  • I ate one every day for about a week and lost weight just fine.

    But they still taste awful and would rather make room for real pasta.
  • sansa
    sansa Posts: 1
    I love these noodes. I wish they were easier to find and cheaper though. I'm at a stall and hoping they'll help kick me back over the hump.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    I love these noodes. I wish they were easier to find and cheaper though. I'm at a stall and hoping they'll help kick me back over the hump.
    You can buy them on line at amazon and other places.
    They are made out of cellulose -- not digestible by humans.
    That is why they are often marketed as zero calories.
  • Puffingmuffin
    Puffingmuffin Posts: 76 Member
    I bought three different brands and over ten packets. I rather eat the real noodles or not eat pasta at all. The texture is so bad. I rather not eat chocolate than eat fake noodles.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Doesn't matter.

    If you're inside your calorie goal, then you'll lose weight (spikes in water weight due to sodium, cycles, etc notwithstanding)

    No food can "trick" you into gaining fat deposits if you're in a sustained calorie deficit. That includes diet coke, FWIW.

    Time for the broscience to be put away.
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    If YOU EAT shirataki noodles or miracle noodles, have you actually lost weight while eating them and sticking to your daily calorie goal?
    I am asking because I wonder if they are fooling the body like diet soda does and you don't lose weight, even with the same calorie deficit.
    There have been studies in rats designed to test their theory that artificial ingredients alter the body’s ability to regulate calorie intake. There are foods that stall weight loss regardless of their calorie content.
    I'm not asking who doesn't like the noodles.

    I wouldn't buy them because they are a highly processed food. They have 0 nutritional value! So aside of putting a bit of bulk in your belly, I see no value in eating them and I definitely would not consider them good value for my food dollar.
  • Jelaan
    Jelaan Posts: 815 Member
    I eat the shirataki noodles and they do have calories, about 40 for the serving I eat. When I cook pasta for the rest of my family I eat those instead plus the sauce I have made and they have helped reduce my calorie intake and yes I have lost weight. I rinse them really well then microwave them. As long as you are not expecting them to be exactly like pasta, they are not bad. I buy them in the grocery store here in Toronto, found them in the fridge with the tofu.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Ugh, I tried them and regret it to this day. They were gross and bore no resemblance whatsoever to actual pasta.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I love these noodes. I wish they were easier to find and cheaper though. I'm at a stall and hoping they'll help kick me back over the hump.

    I see them at Kroger in the health food section.
  • I don't get this idea that one can "fool" the human body into anything. How are we supposed to fool the way nature works? This is in the complete basics-section of how the body keeps going.. If you provide your body with less energy than it requires, the body will use the energy it already has, thus losing weight.

    There are no magic pills of any kind, other than M&M's.
  • It's ridiculous to me that people get so angry at the idea that something other than calorie deficit can help with weight loss. Yes, it's the calorie deficit itself that creates weight loss, but certain foods HELP YOU CREATE AND MAINTAIN A CALORIE DEFICIT. Why is that so hard to understand? Sure you can eat 800 calories of candy corn every day and lose weight, but how long can you do this before your body completely freaks out on you? In my 20's I could probably do it for a week. Now my body and mind would start to fall apart after one day. I would never eat "normal" noodles to lose weight for this same reason. The truth is, no one can continually go against the hormones in your body. When your body rebels against your method of reducing calories, you're done. So about shirataki noodles, YES they've helped me lose weight. They fill me psychologically, physically, and help regulate my glucose and who knows what else, so that I can reduce my calorie deficit without counting. Yay!
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    This may sound funny, but I won't buy them. I just can't get around the way people talk about the funk taste or smell. I am very sensitive to those things, and just have chosen to steer clear of that. Some things, I don't need to experience.

    My goal, is to just eat clean, and this does not sound like something I want to eat. If it is not pasta, why bother? I eat spaghetti squash.
  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    If YOU EAT shirataki noodles or miracle noodles, have you actually lost weight while eating them and sticking to your daily calorie goal?
    I am asking because I wonder if they are fooling the body like diet soda does and you don't lose weight, even with the same calorie deficit.
    There have been studies in rats designed to test their theory that artificial ingredients alter the body’s ability to regulate calorie intake. There are foods that stall weight loss regardless of their calorie content.
    I'm not asking who doesn't like the noodles.

    I eat something called pasta zero which is shirataki noodles (I think). It has the consistency of mushrooms, so I love them. The only thing that I don't like is that you can't get them to "dry up" when I cook them by pan frying them. I tried to saute them, but there was just too much water (especially after adding any veggies). It kind of worked but was still moister than I'd like. Otherwise, for 2 servings it is only 30 calories and makes for a great low carb substitute with almost as much protein (4 g) as well. I am a fan especially if you're trying to cut out some starches from your day! :)