

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's joke of the day is a little gruesome:


    A cannibal entered the meat market to buy something nice for dinner. The owner greeted him and told him to look around. The cannibal began to inspect the meat case and noticed the market specialized in brain.

    Upon further inspection he noticed a marked disparity between the costs of brain meats. A carpenter's brain sells for $1.50 per pound. A plumber's brain sells for $2.25 per pound. He noticed with alarm that a politician's brain sells for $375.00 a pound. With not a little curiosity he asked the owner why the huge difference in price between the similar meats.

    The owner responded with a deadpan look on his face, "Do you realize how many politicians it takes to get a pound of brains?"


  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sat.
    think I over did it yesterday,gonna chill out today.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia, I think the sight of seeing a man holding a little tikes hand doing anything is just so precious, especially a Grandpa. Charlie loved being a Dad, he resented it when his coworkers asking him if he was baby sitting. But I don't think he knew how to parent very well. He left most of that to me but has learned so so much as a Grandpa and loves the role. When DD is here with her girls he loves it that he is the one that they wake up at 6 AM to fix breakfast. Now the kitchen is a mess and more than likely he will fall asleep while they are watching some TV show that their Mom would say is a no-no but he loves the attention they give him. The oldest one didn't quite know what to do with him and he was kind of a stand away and let women take care of her. But the younger one will refuse anyone not wanting to be her best friend. Actually it sounds kind of dangerous if she ever meets some bad person. But her sister has followed suit and they love to go with Grandpa. Charlie is very regimented about his daily walks on our local deserted mall that is used mainly for walkers. So the last time the family was here, Grandpa took Ellie with him. That child has no concept of what walking in a straight line and walking at a steady pace. She dances, twirls, jumps, hops, not just a simple walk. I don't think Charlie will ever ask her to go back again.

    Heather, I am afraid to ask what a 'hold up' is that you would wear with a fancy dress.

    Sun is not out today, I am so tired of this flip flop weather. And I don't mean flip flop wearing weather. Yesterday short sleeves shirts, today winter coat.

    The book 'The island sounds interesting. Will have to check that one out. That is the kind of fiction I love to read. I used to be an avid reader but I must say that I have let the computer and internet surfing get in the way.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    Joyce - the "hold ups " I was talking about are stockings that don't need a suspender belt because they have a sticky top and cling to the thigh. I thought that would be easier than fake tan on my legs and I hate wearing tights. I bought ones with see through toes, not reinforced, as I am wearing peep toe shoes and want to show off my blue nail varnish. Luckily I will only have to stagger from the hotel bedroom to the restaurant as I really can't walk any distance in heels. DH might have to hold me up! :laugh: I probably dress up like this a couple of times a year max, so it is quite a stretch for me. I spend nearly all my time in pants and long t shirts. I am rarely out of trainers because of my terrible feet and ankles and my bad knee, but I am determined to do it next week.:bigsmile: :blushing:
    Went over today by 88 cals as I succumbed to a hot cross bun. Enjoyed it though! :tongue: The anchovy stuffed lamb was sensational and I will definitely do it again. Not low sodium though!:wink: We have enough lamb left to do something with it tomorrow and I have saved the juice for reheating. DH thought the lamb was delicious.:bigsmile:
    Just relaxing now on the sofa. Going to watch an Itallian cop drama set in WW 2.

    Our clocks go forward tonight.

    Love Heather in Hampshire UK
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Oh for goodness sake, I let yesterday get away from me and now I have to skim to see what I missed. Lots of chocolate eating going on. I actually made myself a cup of chocolate, which I RARELY have, to get the chill out. It just sounded better than tea this afternoon for some reason. I planned to have a few sips and by the time I was done skimmed, the cup was nearly empty.

    Did the Mom2Mom sale this morning with Aaron. He earned nearly $100 toward his XBOX by selling the stuff, mostly toys, he doesn't use anymore.

    Can't believe it's been almost 3 weeks since my mom's been gone. Also can't believe it's been ONLY 3 weeks.

    Made it though my first week of T25 with no injury and looking forward to week 2.

    Want to chat more but I have to get dinner on the table.

    Gloria in dark and dreary Metro Detroit
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Happy Saturday to everyone. has been raining here since 9 am.
    Vicki,sending sympathy & good thoughts. So hard to lose a parent at any age.

    Sylvia,imagine all your MFP are in church with you,just to hear you sing.So glad
    you get to do something that makes you happy.

    Thanks for the no salt recipe. Going to make it. Will need to cut back on the chili powder,not hub's fav.

    Loved the story about the tiny Cadbury eggs.Seems we all have a candy that calls our name.

    My wt hasn't moved but had to return T shirts bought on line. They were XL.Ordered a size smaller,L petite
    & they are perfect.I started this journey wearing 2x,so happy to be down 3 sizes.
    Doesn't take much to make me happy.

    I need to get our homemade pizza made & in the oven. Pat in Ohio
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    The last couple of days have been topsy turfy for me, so have not kept up with reading the posts. Although i did catch about the rolling chocolate eggs. :laugh: It is hard to believe that March is almost done with. I lost a little bit of weight, but happy that it was something. I know that the closer I get to my goal the harder it becomes. Healthy lifestyle becomes more and more important. That notion is my locomotion.

    I've been thinking about upgrading my bike before summer. I love bike riding and a smoother ride might just be the ticket.

  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    evening ladies~
    well went to work, didnt go see my DFIL today...I feel bad,but the DH will go tomorrow, I went to my grandaughter's dad's grandpa's wake tonight.. now Kyles mom is totally wacked, , she does drugs and drinks, she was even dealing when the boys where younger,so gram and pop helped raised them...
    Joanne was sitting right next to her mother,Kyle and Tracy and Tal lived with her for awhile,but it wasnt a good enviroment for them..
    Joanne was verbally and physically abuse to my daughter..
    so I gave my condolences to Shirley(gram) and I took a deep breath and gave Joanne a hug and said I was sorry for her loss, she started tearing up and said it meant the world to her, then I went and sat with Kyle, he showed me the pictures and explained who was who.I think he was happy I showed up too, that is who I did it for...
    I have to work until noon and then I have a bridal shower to go to.. sunday is grocery shopping, cooking and cleaning, and then it starts all over again...
    Alison,you are just so good to everyone. Hope they appreciate you. That's a great example for the kids.Hope your FIL is
    Doing well. Such a hard thing to get thru.Your /DH's visits will mean the world to him.
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Sorry to hear you are feeling unhappy. If both,of you regret the move,maybe meeting new ppl once the weather breaks will help.It 's never easy to move away & the older we are,the harder it gets. Hope your Dr can help. Pat in Ohio
    I am beginning to wonder if the move to CT was right for us. I do enjoy being near my family and seeing my grand-kids, but I am not happy. My DH is not happy either. It's not the job, I just don't know what....... Guess my depression is getting the best of me...I am so tired all the time and all I want to do is sleep. No ambition, I have to force myself to do anything. I will have to talk to the doctor.

    Thanks for listening.

    Rita from CT
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    evening ladies~
    thank you all for the words of encouragment, It truly means alot..
    well I am sooo tired.. worked and didnt get out until 12:20, then went down to the bridal shower, which was just lovely.. over indulged:huh: :grumble:
    and now just having a cup of tea and then will go to sleep early..
    I like getting to the grocery store early in the am before the crowds show up...
    I am going to be kind to myself and I know I will get back on track, I got this far ,not going to give up now...
    Rita, sorry you are unhappy, I am glad your here and you, me and Jill will have to get together soon...
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Hello friends,
    It's been several weeks since I posted. I apologize for not being supportive.
    I've been trying to keep up with the everyone's posts. I'm so sorry to those
    who lost loved ones and those dealing with illnesses.

    For the past 3 months I've been doing the 'CHOOSE 2 LOSE' challenge at
    the YMCA. Today was weigh in and I got rid of 16.5 lbs of fat. My goal was
    to lose 20 lbs, but the best part is that I learned that just by watching my
    portion sizes and exercising I didn't have to give up my favourite foods and
    can still lose wght. And that is thanks to all the great advice on this board.
    By the way the winner lost 33 lbs.

    Now I need to make my plans to keep up this journey. Today after weigh-in
    I felt good about it but the first thing I wanted to do was over eat. I didn't
    because I got on mfp and read all the encouraging posts and it helped me
    to refocus, so thanks again ladies.

    Brenda from Md
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Night everybody. After losing my three pounds I had a bad day today, foodwise. Tomorrow is a new chance!

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • kitcat1163
    Hi everyone!

    Just starting out and needing support in changing my eating habits. I have a limited range of "healthy" foods that I like and from logging my food each day I realized I REALLY need to overcome my addiction to "bad food carbs" and and learn to like healthy carbs. I do not just want to lose weight I want to be healthy. I envy people who can eat "clean". I am a compulsive/emotional eater and I need to change. I am determined to get healthy and on March 17th have also quit my 2 pack a day smoking habit (which has been pretty easy this time). Being disabled with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia, I was eligible to join Silver Sneakers and have been going to the gym 3 days a week and riding my exercise bike at home on days I don't go. The motivation is high right now and I want to keep it that way. I can stay within my daily calorie range, however, even though I am losing weight the quality of the food I am putting in my body is less then ideal. I have increased my fruit intake and try to have a salad each day, but I need to make more changes. I have made many big changes these past 2 weeks and I want to start small in terms of replacing my bad carbs with good ones (eg. love white bread and hate whole wheat and the like). How does one make the transition and still feel satisfied and not deprived? My fear is that my love of junk will win. I need to find a doable lifestyle and not a diet - unfortunately - I've always lived to eat and not eat to live. Any support would be welcome!
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Kitcat-congratulations on quitting smoking, you should be so proud of yourself.
    For me, when I started on my weight loss journey I focused on portion control (even
    Junk food) and calories. Slowly I exchanged my junk food for better foods. I did cut out
    sodas cold turkey. After 3 months I still have my favourite junk food but only a serving
    and I'm able to stop at a serving. Sometimes I just have taste.
    Good Luck to you and use the threads, they are very helpful and supportive.
    Brenda from Md
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Welcome, Kitkat! Congratulations on the loss! That's a really good amount for the time frame. I love "bad" carbs, too. For bread, I started out switching to Nature's Own WhiteWheat and then went to Nature's Own 40 calorie per slice Honey Wheat. It tastes more like white bread than many of the others and it also packs in 3 times the fiber. I like all kinds of bread, but for every day use, the Honey Wheat is the best I've found. I, too, fail at eating enough veggies most days. I could eat fruit all day long, but they're higher in calorie. On the other hand, I cook in bulk and will fix vegetable soup quite frequently and freeze it to get in the veggies more regularly. It's hard for me to cook for just one.

    I did some cleaning out today and packed up all the too big clothes. Well, except for those I need to try on. I told a friend that I kept looking at garments and thinking, "That wasn't all that big last time I wore it." Then I remind myself that I haven't worn it in a year and that I don't wear a 2X or even a 1X anymore! All that's left now is to clean out my sock drawer. That is, of course, not because they don't fit anymore, but that the lost mates never turned up or they're simply worn out!

    Does anyone else feel like they're an imposter or something when they shop for smaller clothes? I feel uncomfortable in the Misses section, like people are looking at me and wondering what the fat lady is doing looking at regular sizes. I guess I'll get over it, but I feel weird now.

    Oh, I wanted to tell y'all that I slept last night! In fact, I slept close to 11 hours! It felt amazing.

    Well, I've got another 1500 steps to get in before bedtime so I need to get to work on it! Oh, and I have a new dress to wear to church tomorrow and then to work this week. I got it on clearance for $5.99. I bought a medium, which I could wear, but it was a little tight for modesty's sake, so I went back and got the large. My daughter says my behind looks awesome in it. In fact, she told me to take my flat belly and skinny legs somewhere else! :laugh: My belly is not flat and my legs are not skinny, but it was nice to hear, anyway.

    Goodnight from Carol in gloomy NC.
  • kitcat1163
    Thank you I will try the Nature's Own!!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Kitcat, it is a slow journey for most of us. At least it was for me. You are doing good things by going to the Y, exercising at home, stopped smoking, recognizing that you need to change, reached out to MFP. I promise, it will come with time.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Kitcat, welcome! First off, congrats on quitting smoking! If you can do that, this diet thing is a piece of cake! Mind over matter. It's really hard to get to a mindset where you can start making those changes and stick with it. Years ago I told my GP that I wanted to lose weight and asked how. He said, "you just have to devote your life to it". Heck, I couldn't do that! It took many more years and a serious heart scare before I finally got it. I have totally focused on it for most of the last year. From the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep I'm thinking about what I will eat and how I will get my exercise. Even when I'm tending to grandkids I'm thinking about it on some level. I used to be really bad at unconscious eating, not paying attention to what I ate of how much. It boggles my mind just how many calories I was consuming before. Now I'm a planner, thinking of it like a budget. If I don't plan for it, I don't eat it. I buy my food with my exercise. If I can't "afford" it I don't eat it. When my calories are used up for the day, I quit eating. I try not to eat after 6:00, and try not to skip breakfast or lunch. I slip up sometimes, but I try really hard, and I think it's getting easier.

    I really believe being on a low salt diet helps. I'm not so tempted to eat as much without the salt. And it has forced me to stay away from processed and packaged foods. I don't eat much bread anymore. Mostly what I make myself. I recently found some pita things called Smart Pockets that are low salt and calories, and I like those. Some things I have stopped altogether, like fried foods, bacon, and ham. Other things I eat in moderation, like an occasional ice cream cone or half a chocolate bar. I switched from white rice to brown rice. I seldom eat white potatoes anymore but have found I like sweet potatoes. I eat far less red meat and far more chicken breast. I always thought fruit was too expensive, that was my excuse not to buy it, but now I'm eating more fruit. So I gradually made the changes I thought I could stick with. You couldn't pay me to eat broccoli to spinach, and I'm doing ok without them. Let's not go crazy.

    We used to eat out nearly every night, and lunch out most days too. Just about everything was fried and/or breaded. I ate bacon for breakfast every day, and it almost killed me! Now I truly prefer to eat at home and enjoy trying new recipes. I love making big batches and portioning it out into containers so I have lunches or extra dinners made ahead.

    Tell us more about yourself. Do you work? Have a hubby? Do you have a support system of friends and family? Pets?

    I hope you will check in often. This MFP thing really works if you use it.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Kim - thanks for telling me about the chocolate chips in the black bean brownies. I think they're good, but I don't know how Vince'll feel. I did add extra chocolate, but they still don't taste real sweet. Then I realized it's probably because you add cocoa powder but there isn't any sugar added. Well, we shall see what happens.

    Alison - please don't beat yourself up thinking that you didn't eat well enough. Remember, stress can certainly add on the pounds. I know it sounds weird, but that's how our bodies deal with stress. And you've certainly been under a lot of stress lately.

    Cynthia - good for you being down!

    Eli in Tuscon - also, every month our fearless leader, barbie, starts a new thread, regardless of how many pages are left. So be on the lookout in a few days!

    Margaret - you know, I had that mini-splurge Thursday, Friday I wasn't feeling good at all, even this morning my stomach was upset. I'm beginning to think that I had a touch of food poisoning. Now I'm feeling better. Still not 100%, but my stomach isn't rumbling any more

    Ordered a new chlorine resistant swimsuit. Bought one a few years ago and it's held up quite well. The biggest problem is that the suitspinner at the Y chewed up part of it. So I'm planning that I'll use the new one here and take this chewed up one and keep it down at the condo. When we were there last time in the summer, I was in the pool every day. The day we left I went into the pool in the morning and did some exercises. I know that I didn't have time to wash out the suit so I just let it dry. I do hope the chlorine didn't totally dissolve it. Well, I should have this new one to take down with me next time so even if it is dissolved, at least I'll have another suit. I also got 10% off.

    Made catfish to have later in the week and then made these spinach parmesan bites to take to Mexican Train Dominoes with me Tuesday night.

    Sylvia - so sorry you had such a terrible time with your dinner. That's amazing how the chef treated you, just letting you sit there and watch your hubby eating. You'd think he'd be able to come up with SOMETHING

    Pat - woohoo on being down three sizes! That's fantastic.

    Rita - look online and see if there is a Newcomer group. Most of the people will be transplants, too. Most -- probably not all -- but most.

    Brenda - great weight loss, and even greater that you learned so much.

    kitcat - welcome and big congrats on stopping smoking. Brenda had great advice, concentrate on portion control, even the junk food. Eventually (trust me, it WILL happen) you'll get to the point where you want less and less of the junk food. Yes, it may take a while, but it will happen. I'm very fortunate that I can have just a little of something that I'm craving and then I'm satisfied. Not everyone is like that. You'll get lots of support here.

    Carol in NC - $5.99 for a dress! Awesome! What a thoughtful daughter you have there, what a compliment!

    Michele in NC
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 351 Member
    Good evening everyone,

    I began to feel much better this afternoon, hope to exercise tomorrow.

    Welcome Kitcat. I really love pasta and cheese. Portion control and logging my food has made a big difference for me. Because I love carbs so much I made myself find other ways to prepare healthy food. One BIG thing I found is to roast my veggies and season them a lot with herbs, it makes a huge difference. I sauté salmon and roast veggies 2 to 3 times each week. I don't miss my pasta now and make it about 3 times a month. You have a lot of support here. Take it one day at a time. :flowerforyou:

    Carol, congratulations on some great sleep, smiles and smaller clothes!

    Have a wonderful evening everyone!

    Cindy in OK :drinker: :heart: