I am the woman in the freeweights section of the gym



  • Beautifully worded!

    The more you do it the easier it gets! : )
  • brainfreeze72
    brainfreeze72 Posts: 180 Member
    I love this post, and I love the freeweights. Growing up with several weight lifting uncles and two older brothers I was always a tomboy anyway and if I wasn't just as strong and capable as they were then I was clearly slacking. The worst insult was being told I was "pretty strong for a girl" I wish more women would embrace freeweights and come to the dark side.
  • lpgone
    lpgone Posts: 4 Member
    Don't blast your music - you will look great but you will be well on your way to deafness - not a good trade off. Rule of thumb - if someone else can hear sound from your earbuds, the volume is way too loud!
  • NianMaya
    NianMaya Posts: 108
    Thanks so much for sharing. I have been begging my husband to take me in the free weight section at the gym but we workout at different times. I'm gonna go find the book right now online.
  • cg11a
    cg11a Posts: 1
    Such a great post AND sooo true. I like to call it the "Big Boy Playground"...I worked up the nerve to enter and haven't looked back. You do get looks but for the most part they're friendly, some very helpful and just like everyone else... trying to get their physique on
    I will try to check the books out....my obsession is Bodybuilding.com...soo much info on their.
    Well good luck to you all and Happy (heavy) Lifting!
  • CJay1993
    CJay1993 Posts: 6 Member
    I started out in the gym when I was about 13, and was training to power lift, but life got in the way. I have tried several times to get back into the healthy lifestyle, and back in the gym. I finally made the decision that it is time for my flight or fight instincts to come in. If I want to be healthy and feel confident I have to fight for it everyday. But you are so right. It intimidating before a female in the free weight room especially on a college campus at the rec center. I have went in the weight room once or twice with a plan, but when it came to the dumbbells in the middle of the room(literally) surround by guys talking I couldn't bring myself to head over there. So now between work and school I try to get a workout doing Zumba or just basic no equipment workouts in my dorm, but I would love to get back into the weight room.

    This is a great post, and it is so true.
  • rustyroof
    rustyroof Posts: 76
    Great post
  • NoVatheNinja
    NoVatheNinja Posts: 17 Member
    I, too, have always been the only woman in the free weights room. I used to be intimidated by all of the men there, but once I realized I am here for myself and not them, it stopped bothering me.
  • snhatley
    snhatley Posts: 1
    I just recently began lifting weights, I've always had that weird fear because I'm a woman. However after beginning crossfit I no longer fear the weights. I now enjoy it!
  • geauxspin
    geauxspin Posts: 4 Member
    What a great post and so true!
  • baccav
    baccav Posts: 1
    Lots of women using the weight room at Gold's both in Dallas, Atlanta and in Charleston SC. Never saw anyone look at them funny or say anything. Some are in good shape and some are trying to get into shape. I have had and it is rare but have had men (try) to take over my stuff. So if it happens it does to both sexes.
  • dt3312
    dt3312 Posts: 212 Member
    I am one of the few women at the gym who use the free weights at the community gym. I am a senior citizen. Every one has been very kind and polite to me. When we both are heading for the same bench, the people have always been nice and offer to let me use it first. At the senior center gym, I am lifting heavier weights than a lot of the men there. Everyone is really nice to me there too.
  • smithed812
    smithed812 Posts: 289
    Really appreciate this post. I have always *wanted* to lift, but have always been too nervous. I've been researching SL 5x5 and found a gym to join... The next step is going to be the hardest but I'll just keep this post in the back of my mind :)
  • gpoliver
    gpoliver Posts: 87 Member
    OH! I loved this post! My trainer would NOT let me learn free weights in the "ladys section" of the gym. He said pretty much the same thing. He also said "this isnt about anyone looking at you and judging its about you learning"... and thats what I did. Pretty soon it was like I was just another member working out. I would have guys say general things, and some compliments. Now i appeared to be alot older than these guys so never thought it was creepy or anything, just generally nice compliments or advice or even help sometmes which was AWESOME! One thing I did notice is that these silly girls would come in and try to be "helpless" and it would piss these guys off, and they would talk such smack after these girls left. Made me laugh. They may have had cute little booties, but they were not getting any respect intruding on the guys weightlifitng time!
  • MrsAllyP
    MrsAllyP Posts: 3
    love this! I hate the "ladies section" of the gym because it doesn't have some of the great equipment! I find that if I have my headphones on (or should I say my yurbuds) I find the guys will leave you alone if it appears you can't hear them - headphones on, looking at phone between sets and as long as you don't make girly noises when you drop something they will give you respect. And always ask someone near equipment if they are using it if you think they might be - this way they will give you that same respect! I love the weight area and since I workout in the late evening I find it is all guys and we give nods when we make eye contact with someone we have seen before and I never make it known in the middle of my set that I know a guy is staring - except the one guy who on purpose got on the equipment across from me when I was on the lying leg curl - he didn't even make eye contact with me - he was just staring at what little cleavage was shown since that position it is impossible to have 0 cleavage unless you wear a turtle neck!! After finishing my set I decided to go work my hamstrings on another piece of equipment!
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    I am training my DH to lift weights here in Fort Worth. I haven't done this in so long I had to re-learn a few new things! I had one dufuss give my DH a bit of 'tude about being trained by a woman but after I laughed in his face ,exaggerating his Southern accent for fun, he decided to leave us alone to do our thing. He was the ONLY one. Everyone else was doing their own thing just like back home in LA. Personally, I won't be lifting more than my own body weight in anything. I have a "grey hound" build that lends itself to kickboxing. I like speed over power but could use some more upper body strength. My DH, who has a good build for lifting, is tolerant of this type of exercise over anything else. Working out and dieting is a challenge for him. We have plenty of women who do light and heavy lifting in the weight room here in Fort Worth.
  • misschoppo
    misschoppo Posts: 463 Member
    Great post :happy:
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    After finishing my set I decided to go work my hamstrings on another piece of equipment!

    Hip thrusts and deadlifts will work your hamstrings as well. The machines never work so good for me, maybe because I'm petite or because of the structural issues I was born with or my past growing problem and injuries in car accidents (I find them extremely awkward). I know some people know more about them than I do. Except for Quadruped hip extension (I like that one), and glute kickbacks will do in it's place (can't say I love that one).
  • Eekababy
    Eekababy Posts: 10 Member
    :smile: -
  • judyde
    judyde Posts: 401 Member
    Bumping this up *AND* copying and pasting it so I don't lose it!