Mission to loose 20lbs by 30th June- Join me please?



  • exgque1911
    exgque1911 Posts: 2 Member
    I would like to join the challenge also. Just got active on Myfitnesspal. I would love to drop 20 lbs by the end of June. Please add me.
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    They started a group for the challenge today if you search groups for Team 20. It's got a blank picture.
  • g_yeah93
    g_yeah93 Posts: 3
    I'm putting 15lbs till July b/c it'll be my 21st birthday. but 15lbs is safe. 20lbs would be awesome. So I'm on the same boat. Let's to this together!
  • knyoung3
    knyoung3 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in!! Looking to be active daily on here in the process. It's great to see so much motivation and encouragement! :)
  • tarch333
    tarch333 Posts: 26
    That's great! I'm in!!

    I've got to lose 10lbs in about as many weeks so any help would be great :) I really appreciate the support on MFP, there's nothing better than others for a bit of a confidence boost or some inspiration!

    What gym routines do people find that work?
  • Great!! Please Add me!! Lets work together for this common goal!!
    Capt Rahul
  • I'm in, 14 pounds is my main goal but 20 would be awesome and need some encouragement and help :) x
  • glamgrljess22
    glamgrljess22 Posts: 37 Member
    Sure, I'll join everyone feel free to add me : ) my goal is to only loose 15 pounds so i'll stop once i've reached it.
  • I am 47 and it is time to get in shape. After seeing how amazing Christie Brinkley looks in a bikini at 60 I am super motivated. My current weight is 150 and my goal is 120. I look forward to making friends here and getting a group together to keep each other motivated. Let's do this everyone!!!! We have much to lose, but so much more to gain from it. :smile:
  • Blanche76
    Blanche76 Posts: 89 Member
    I am in!
  • fionauu
    fionauu Posts: 52 Member
    my best friend is having a destination wedding in Jamaica nearing the end of July. I am 150% with you on this goal. All my friends are just naturally fit and never work out or eat right it, it would be nice to have some motivation =D
  • theluckypig
    theluckypig Posts: 4 Member
    I need to get my but in gear... CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!!
  • cyndel1964
    cyndel1964 Posts: 7 Member
    Please include me! I need to be motivated.
  • HumpyMak
    HumpyMak Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in.. been slacking off the past few weeks and need to get back on track... usually just lift weights buy started adding cardio back into the mix... feel free to add, always looking for motivational friends :-)
  • pooksmimigma
    pooksmimigma Posts: 1 Member
    Please add me....like to loose 25 lbs.:happy:
  • beansoverjava
    beansoverjava Posts: 26 Member
    I'm with you! I'm looking to add friends with open diaries, I love looking at everyone's foods especially in those times when food gets boring! Feel free to add me! :D
  • sbicica
    sbicica Posts: 52 Member
    I have 16 lbs to my next goal weight and 21 until my ultimate goal weight!! If I could lose 21, I'd be golden ;)
  • ukgirl1972
    ukgirl1972 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in!! I am going back to the UK (I live in Australia) for my brothers wedding which is on 5th July. 20lbs is my goal as well and the support from others with the same goal is just what I need. Feel free to add me.
  • dcue103
    dcue103 Posts: 19 Member
    Ok I'm in.
  • LadyAlvena
    LadyAlvena Posts: 4 Member
    Im in! Worth the try. :D