Love Peanut Butter? Then read this.......



  • stef_monster
    stef_monster Posts: 205 Member
    I am weak when it comes to nut butters. A serving is usually 150-200 calories for 30g or so. For 200 calories, I could have a full cup of Greek yogurt with strawberries, a big salad, a veggie burger in a wrap with cheese and avocado... the list goes on and on. For me, 200 calories is half of a meal or more.

    I have never been able to identify with the people who argue that a single serving of real nut butter is more satisfying than all the PB2 you can shovel into your facehole. Currently, the world has not yet produced enough nut butter to satisfy me. It's hard to stop eating it if it's in the house. I have little concept of moderation when it comes to cashew, almond, or crunchy peanut butter.

    Is PB2 more healthy than regular nut butter? Of course not. For me, PB2 is the equivalent of strapping on a helmet before jumping headfirst down a flight of stairs: it simply reduces the amount of damage I do to myself. I eat anywhere from 1.5 to 3 servings of the stuff per day and it fits my macros just fine. SIX HUNDRED calories of peanut butter would leave me either feeling guilty and gaining weight for eating at a surplus every day, or extremely hangry because I have to skip a meal to fit it into my daily goals. It's not as tasty as the real thing, but it quells my cravings well enough for me to get by.
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    I use both. Regular mostly all the time. But, when I don't have enough fats in my macros I pull out the PB2. One is not healthier than the other though. Just a matter of preference and what you can fit into your macros.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Known about PB2 for ages. It has been posted about regularly over the last two years.
    Nowt new there. It goes well in Greek yoghurt.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    For me, 200 calories is half of a meal or more.

    I think I might die if I could only eat 1200 calories or less per day.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    PB2 is just... wrong. Like using cauliflower as a pizza crust or fake meat.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    PB2 is just... wrong. Like using cauliflower as a pizza crust or fake meat.

    She don't eat meat but she sure likes the bone...
  • stef_monster
    stef_monster Posts: 205 Member
    For me, 200 calories is half of a meal or more.

    I think I might die if I could only eat 1200 calories or less per day.

    I usually eat about 1700... split into 4 or 5 350- or 400- calorie meals. I tried the 1200 thing once :noway: NEVER AGAIN.
  • Maleficent0241
    Maleficent0241 Posts: 386 Member
    Ewwww. I'll pass on powdered PB lacking fat and calories.

    Call me when you discover this one instead:

    i blacked out for a second. i need this immediately!

    Add me to the list of people that are going to go hunt this stuff down! And if there is only one jar left, you had better just back away slowly...:wink:
  • mgpearce4
    mgpearce4 Posts: 71
    I have both PB2 and peanut butter in my cabinet. I love both for different reasons. For a protein shake which is already caloric, I use PB2. I would never eat that stuff by itself haha
  • ilovescarymovies
    ilovescarymovies Posts: 202 Member
    Ewwww. I'll pass on powdered PB lacking fat and calories.

    Call me when you discover this one instead:

    this^^^^^^^^^^:heart::heart: :heart:
  • missionquestthing
    missionquestthing Posts: 48 Member
    Ewwww. I'll pass on powdered PB lacking fat and calories.

    Call me when you discover this one instead:

    OMG. I want that. I'm going shopping tomorrow just for that. I must possess it.
    They also make a dark chocolate one.

    The dark chocolate one is to die for
  • catawbalovely
    catawbalovely Posts: 19 Member
    JIF girl all the way!
  • shaybuggie
    shaybuggie Posts: 160 Member
    I use the regular PB2 and love it in my shakes! I bought the chocolate one recently, just haven't tried it yet.
  • missionquestthing
    missionquestthing Posts: 48 Member

    Way, way better
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member

    Way, way better

    I have to agree. I am so used to turkey bacon now that I can't really eat the real stuff anymore. I don't like that gross fuzzy feeling real bacon leaves on my teeth. I know, I'm weird. Luckily I don't have a 'man card' or I'd have to hand it over!:laugh:
  • tracegoldb
    To recommend a great natural peanut butter, I'd suggest Brad's Naturals! The only ingredient is organic peanuts.
  • shayemimi
    shayemimi Posts: 203 Member
    I love PB2 and I LOVE peanut butter. :) So I use both. PB2 I use mostly to flavor my shakes, or yogurt like peanut butter, without so many calories...but for sandwiches I like the real thing. PB2 is a great alternative for someone who wants to save calories for other least it was for me when I was losing... :)
  • dianalee9
    dianalee9 Posts: 134 Member
    It is because I love Peanut Butter that I do not eat PB2.

    + one.

    + two

    And I have a sneaking suspicion that this thread did not go the way the OP thought it would.
    No this thread did not go as I thought it would!! I thought I was being helpful!! GUESS NOT!!
    I say it is a healthy alternative to PB because i LOVE pb!!! and I tend to go waaaay over board with pb and I blame me eating too much pb with my apples for much of these 21 pounds I need to lose.... I know regular PB is healthy but not when you tend to go overboard as i tend to do!!!
    That is why I sat it is healthy!!

    And with the PB2 *so far* I am not going overboard!!!

    Those of you who did not antagonize me......THANK YOU :flowerforyou:

    Those of you who did I think we got off on the wrong foot........


    Well I appreciate that you took your wounds and clarified :) I will now deflect some of the heat from you and say TURKEY BACON IS BETTER THAN PORK BACON!

    I'll take your turkey bacon and raise you veggie bacon.

    FYI its great with eggs :)

    I do love turkey bacon although my husband LOVES pork bacon.
    Veggie bacon?? Never knew there was such a thing. If I even tried to bring that in our house, I think my husband would want a divorce!
  • FitnessLover001
    FitnessLover001 Posts: 188 Member
    Nothing wrong with some good ol' PB!!! That is my go to. I love love love it.

    And if anyone ever tells you you put too much pb on your breads, celery, etc….get rid of those people. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.
