20-somethings looking to lose weight



  • aktommy
    aktommy Posts: 4

    Looking to lose 15 lbs. in a healthy, happy way. Just getting started so feel free to add me! :)
  • Imperfect_Angel
    Imperfect_Angel Posts: 220 Member
    Hi I'm Tino 22 from Zimbabwe. I've already added a lot of you but feel free to add me. I log everyday & try to support as much as I can. My stats are: SW 211lbs CW 205lbs GW 150-160lbs. I'm 5'8 tall :)
  • milla1985
    milla1985 Posts: 153 Member
    Hi! I'm 28 and from London (where it is beautiful and sunny today!)

    I've dabbled in MFP on and off for a few months but decided to really make a go of it as summer is coming and I am fed up with feeling uncomfortable in my own skin. I find it so much easier to share goals with other people as then we can all encourage and motivate one another.

    I'm currently looking to shed 20lbs to start off, with another 15lbs after that. I'm only little though - 5'2 - so if I put on even a few pounds, it really shows.

    I don't know how this whole message board/weight loss tracker thing goes, so any tips on that too would be super helpful!
  • katlaf23
    katlaf23 Posts: 20
    I'm 24 and looking to lose that last bit of stubborn fat on my stomach and thighs. I'm a beginner to using this site even though I made the account a while ago so feel free to add me!
  • SusanHulance
    SusanHulance Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all. I'm in my 20's (for 3 more months). And that's my deadline to lose a further 32lb (lost 16lb already this year) Any support would be great.
  • cait0716
    cait0716 Posts: 2
    Hey, Caitlyn from Louisiana! I'm 23, and finally getting my life together to be fit and more healthy, but I have a long way to go! Any encouragement is welcomed! Today marks the beginning of my journey! I have a total of about 65 pounds to lose. Hoping to lose about 2 pounds/week. Began my first workout today, and feeling great! I know I have a lot more challenges ahead but ready to face them head on. No looking back! Never want to be at the point where I began this journey! Feel free to add me as you see fit!

    Thanks! =)

    **The only easy day was yesterday!**
  • sunnydelight23
    sunnydelight23 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey, I'm Sunny. I'm 22 going on 23. I've been battling with my weight for as long as I can remember. I am ready for the change, and I could use as much advice and support I can get!
  • Cdillo1372
    Cdillo1372 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, im chelsea im 21 with 3 kids looking to lose that baby weight. Ive just started to get serious about losing weight ive got about 80 that needs to go feel free to add me :)
  • lpwhite0528
    lpwhite0528 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey, I'm 26 and have been stuck between 50-60 lbs lost since January. Need a fresh start, new angle, and to recommit myself back into this way of life. Add me! Need new, fresh, fun, & MOTIVATING friends to help me along the way.
  • Hi! I'm 23 and looking to lose the weight I gained during university. Trying my best to log daily and exercise. Feel free to add me :)
  • mellifluous_baker
    mellifluous_baker Posts: 8 Member
    24 and trying to lose the last 5 and/or lower my bodyfat by weightlifting. Feel free to add me!
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    What up guys, I'm a 25 yr old distance runner that snowboards and climbs mtns. If your in need of a little motivation or are just curious about my crazy lifestyle, send me a friend request. I will accept. Open to anyone.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
  • peachezncreme
    peachezncreme Posts: 60 Member
    Hey, I'm a 20-something! I fell off too, so I could use just as much encouragement. Today is day 3 back on the bandwagon.
  • jhonanie89
    jhonanie89 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 24, 5'2". Last weigh in was 142....looking to get down to at least 130 and slim down my waist. Started Les Mills Combat on 3/24/2014 and I love it...starts my mornings off right. But I also love ZUMBA! I take a 40 minute class during my lunch hour Monday through Friday. I'm looking to add friends for support and motivation. Please friend me!
  • Pnutcashew
    Pnutcashew Posts: 24 Member
    28, with a few more pounds to lose. I am finding it harder to stay on track the closer I get to goal. I splurge more :(
  • 08JKgirl
    08JKgirl Posts: 44 Member
    Hey my name is Jess and I am looking to lose 50 pounds over all... starting with a goal of 30lbs! Feel free to add :)
  • Kendra_003
    Kendra_003 Posts: 18 Member
    Hey y'all! I'm 21 with 50 pounds to lose. Feel free to add me:) I could really use support buddies to help me stick with it! :D
  • Wild22
    Wild22 Posts: 2
    20 Year Old trying to get back in shape after Shoulder Surgery to get ready for Air Guards!
  • BRA_S
    BRA_S Posts: 111 Member
    21 starting at 230 with a goal weight of 140 =)