Things People Say When You've Lost Weight



  • ktaylormusic
    ktaylormusic Posts: 151 Member
    Just as a flip side to the "people are jealous and jerks" interpretation: I think that while maybe there are some mean-spirited and threatened people out there, that most folks are trying to find something that both:
    a) acknowledges your weight loss as a big deal (everyone knows it's hard) and
    b) somehow also says that they didn't think you were ever fat (even if that's not true) or that they have always thought you were lovely and fine at whatever weight you've been (which is usually true)

    It's a hard combo to work into in one comment to an acquaintance.

    I must admit the "are you sick?" thing as a office-hallway comment is awful though... that's something that should only be said in the right relationship and at the right time so that if the answer is "Yes" you can follow through appropriately and meaningfully.
  • b7bbs
    b7bbs Posts: 158 Member
    I've gotten some very nice comments, and some not so very nice comments in my opinion.

    When my face started to become slim, a co-worker of mine said, "before you were cute, now you're pretty" I responded to her saying, "I'm beautiful!" She also asks me all the time if I lost anymore weight. And she does this all the time and sometimes in front of coworkers. My weight loss journey isn't a race and I would appreciate not being asked in front of a group of coworkers if I managed to lose anymore since the last time we spoke.

    I have also gotten compared to a coworker by another coworker that I have the better face, but so and so has the better body. Now that I am losing more weight, she constantly compliments me. However, they make me feel good up until I remember she blatantly told me my friend has a better body than me.

    I take the good with the bad. It's going to happen. People are not going to realize that what they say can be damaging to others. I've cried from rude comments before, but I throw it all away and focus on myself and what I am trying to do for me. I am just happy that I am on the right path to losing weight. We all have to have tough skin because people just don't think.
  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    When I first lost my weight, I was still about 14lbs from goal, I lost a total of 118lbs, some super skinny gym bunny Mum said to me 'you'll be like all of us soon' I just replied 'not if I can help it, I'm not that rude and insensitive' and walked off...

    Still maintaining, running half marathons and working on fitness but still not being rude!!!!!!
  • beaches61
    beaches61 Posts: 154 Member
    (one which really got me was "you'd better not throw away your big clothes because you might need them again"

    I laughed out loud when I read this comment. Cracked me up. I can't BELIEVE someone would be so rude to say something like that to someone who is losing weight!
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    Gotta love the ones that say "You're getting too skinny" Ummm, no I'm 5'2 and 155 now, who's definition of skinny is that?
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    Whhhhhaaat Thhheeeeeee Hellllllllll..... Ugghhh, some people!
  • HerbertNenenger
    HerbertNenenger Posts: 453 Member
    I've worked so hard to get where I am, I will take the "you're wasting aways" and the "you don't need to lose anymores" very happily, thank you very much !
  • seashell16
    seashell16 Posts: 1 Member
    At least for me, I know they don't mean it intentionally, but could they at least be happy that I'm striving to reach my goal. Yeah I lost weight. Anything else you want to point out?? I hate it when people say "Oh you need to go eat a steak" or "YOu are beautiful just the way you are, but you really are too skinny." It's really obnoxious when people think they know all the answers. Well here is a answer for you: "It's not your life!"

    If losing weight makes you feel better about yourself, then that is all that really matters.
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    It's annoying. Recently I was talking about dinner or something and a friend said "well you hardly eat any more!'. 1) This friend is literally living on the other side of the world from me right now and 2) She was looking at me on Skype eating a massive plate of fruit, berries, nuts and cheese. She just seems to figure because I've been successful at losing weight through my diet I'm OBVIOUSLY starving myself... a lot of people seem to think this actually!

    There is no fear of me starving myself. :P

    It took one person in my life (someone who has been on and off Weight Watchers for decades) months to get her head around what I was doing. I would eat a dessert and she'd be like ''ahhh no loss for you this week!'' etc. She gets it now (or just keeps quiet about it because she's sick of me explaining portion control and moderation...).
  • SloRose
    SloRose Posts: 67
    I know exactly what you mean, I have a friend who used to be 200 lbs, she's only 5'2". She finally lost weight and is 109 lbs. Everyone told her she's too skinny and it's unhealthy. But where were those people when she was 200 lbs?! No one even thought to tell her, hey 200 lbs at 5'2" is unhealthy...No one said anything. It's only when people start to lose weight that others are so quick to jump on. Just interesting to me. Keep up the good work, don't listen to people trying to hold you back from completing your goals or make you try and second guess your goals. I'm sure you look great half way to your goal, but keep going you can do it!!!!!
  • randomhelena
    randomhelena Posts: 17 Member
    I got the "Did you have a gastric bypass?" and daily I hear how skinny my legs daughters friend commented that my boobs are much smaller. This morning my husband said that I am not the woman he married anymore (physically) that stung....I know he didn't mean it bad but it just really DID sound bad. My best reaction was from my brother who I see only 2 times a year. When he saw me he said that I was on some real life biggest loser s*it lol, his reaction was so shocked and real.
  • kportwood85
    kportwood85 Posts: 151 Member
    My "favorite" right now is "You've lost weight! You look great! I wish I could lose weight as easily as you." :huh:

    I count calories and spend 10 hrs a week at the gym, plus walk at least a mile around the neighborhood daily. I think anyone can lose as "easily" as I am. But, they don't see that. I'm up and out of the house while most of them are still sleeping. They see me eating a cupcake at the baby shower, and fitting in smaller jeans and assume the weight just fell off.
  • MDF247
    MDF247 Posts: 64 Member
    Stupidest comment I've had so far was my wife saying, "Honey, you're looking really good!" I mean, what on earth is she thinking?!?
  • Praying_Mantis
    Praying_Mantis Posts: 239 Member
    Stupidest comment I've had so far was my wife saying, "Honey, you're looking really good!" I mean, what on earth is she thinking?!?

    HaHaHaHaHa. She must be from my husband's side of the family. He says, "In order to be sure, you'll need to take off your clothes so I can accurately judge the change(s)."
  • Jaydec70
    Jaydec70 Posts: 63 Member
    I got the "Did you have a gastric bypass?" and daily I hear how skinny my legs daughters friend commented that my boobs are much smaller. This morning my husband said that I am not the woman he married anymore (physically) that stung....I know he didn't mean it bad but it just really DID sound bad. My best reaction was from my brother who I see only 2 times a year. When he saw me he said that I was on some real life biggest loser s*it lol, his reaction was so shocked and real.

    I've moved from have you lost weight, to your wasting away, to when are you going to stop, to recently having people at work speculating how or when I got gastric bypass surgery (I didn't) last summer to have lost all the weight. It's sort of stages of denial by others. I'm now at the you don't need to lose any more weight, ah I'm still a 28.5 BMI, and I feel like I could easily lose another 25 pounds and be fine, but everyone else at work is worried I've lost too much already.

    Glad I can think independent of above input.
  • Amelia7779
    Amelia7779 Posts: 53 Member
    I totally get how irritating comments beyond "wow, you look great!" can be...


    These comments always come from an envious or sad place. Someone sees your accomplishment and it makes them feel like they are inadequate for not having done it themselves. In some people, this results in a snarky comment about "wasting away" or diet pills, others will keep quiet, and a few will be inspired to lose weight or become healthier themselves. Remember, just because someone is thin doesn't mean they will automatically rejoice in your transformation...maybe they thought being thinner was the only thing they were better than you at...and now, that's gone.

    Keeping this in mind when people make intrusive or rude comments can help keep your sanity :)
  • jessannprice
    jessannprice Posts: 183 Member
    "Wow, I bet you miss eating (pizza) (hamburgers) or (whatever else they seem to think is the only thing that contributes to weight gain). I just cannot deprive myself like you. You only live once your know."

    Yes.. I'm well aware of that...

    I'd like to live longer.. and have a better quality of life.

    They never like my answer that I still have things that I love.. including pizza and burgers.. but in moderation.
    They REALLY hate my rant about being active and working out.

  • softncudly
    softncudly Posts: 722 Member
    When someone offers me food, and I say no thanks. They ask "Why, is it because of your diet?" Umm, no. It's because I do not desire to have it.
  • desimia1
    desimia1 Posts: 60
    The biggest one I get is "Are you trying to loose Weight?" Really? :huh:
  • KatieLouWho19
    KatieLouWho19 Posts: 776 Member
    It really bugs me when I am at work or with friends and I get comments like "You're wasting away!" and "You don't need to lose anymore weight, you look good". I know they are trying to be supportive, but it really irritates me. I am only half way to my goal, I am still considered obese, and telling me to stop is the opposite of being helpful.


    Anyone else get stupid comments from people trying to "help"?

    I have gotten the EXACT same "You are wasting away!" comments... it doesn't bother me - I am just like shoooooot wait until I am done. lmfao!! :D Congrats on your weight loss being noticeable!! :D I love it!!
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