Biggest nutrition/weight loss/fitness pet peeves?



  • Health_Temple
    Lmao! I hate that too, whenever someone asks me about my "diet" I remind them that diet is just a term for what you put in your is when I want to eat it and it isn't when I'm not eating it.
  • redpandora56
    redpandora56 Posts: 289 Member
    it really bothers me when friends or family say things like 'why are you trying to lose weight, i'm way bigger than you, I'd love to be your size.'

    I'm not gauging MY happy weight on YOUR happy weight. I'm doing what is best for me, I'm doing it in a healthy way, and if you want to join me in my weight loss efforts I'd happily support you. But I'm not going to be guilted into keeping these last few lbs on because you aren't happy with your own weight.

    ...At least that's what I wish I could say, but I bite my tongue. :explode:

    Oh and I totally agree with the comments people have made about others commenting when you eat a 'bad' food or a larger portion of healthy food 'oh, no diet then?' That makes me livid.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    One of my friends actually told me right after she ordered her red robin burger with three EXTRA slices of cheese and a high calorie drink that she doesn't salt her she doesn't know how she's overweight (2nd of all she's not overweight she's obese). I'm sure the 3,500 calorie meal you just ate might have something to do with it...then when I suggested she come over and we can learn a new healthy recipe with me she suggested making enchiladas (face palm).

    I have a healthy enchilada recipe,'s actually in my meal plan for this week already pre-logged. :flowerforyou:
  • euronorris
    euronorris Posts: 211 Member
    I get very frustrated by individuals who insist on jumping from one weight loss pill or shake, to another, and another. Always losing 6 or 7lbs very quickly, but then either having serious side effects, or regaining it all (plus more), very, very quickly. And then repeat.

    No amount of trying to explain how bad these are, and suggesting basic calorie deficit and exercise will ever change their opinion. I'm always told that this is just too difficult for THEM (as though they are different to everyone else). But staying in the current unhealthy cycle they're in is easy, and the way forward and will definitely get them results!

    I've given up trying to help that individual. She's gonna have to come to the realisation by herself I guess.
  • be_patient
    be_patient Posts: 186 Member
    My goodness I'm so with you on the "I don't want to get bulky' thing...*facepalmfacepalmfacepalm* evverytime.

    Another one I despise is how society perceives it to be "anorexic" or "disordered" for anyone not overweight to want to lose weight and change their body. You don't have to be overweight to lose weight, you could be at the higher end of the BMI scale and not be confident in your current state to want to lose weight.

    And when you try to execute said attempt to lose weight (by rejecting certain foods) and people get all pushy. Ugh.
  • be_patient
    be_patient Posts: 186 Member
    it really bothers me when friends or family say things like 'why are you trying to lose weight, i'm way bigger than you, I'd love to be your size.'

    I'm not gauging MY happy weight on YOUR happy weight. I'm doing what is best for me, I'm doing it in a healthy way, and if you want to join me in my weight loss efforts I'd happily support you. But I'm not going to be guilted into keeping these last few lbs on because you aren't happy with your own weight.

    ...At least that's what I wish I could say, but I bite my tongue. :explode:

    Oh and I totally agree with the comments people have made about others commenting when you eat a 'bad' food or a larger portion of healthy food 'oh, no diet then?' That makes me livid.

  • euronorris
    euronorris Posts: 211 Member
    Oh also, so many people now seem to view a healthy weight and size as 'too skinny' or 'anorexic looking' or 'unhealthy'. People's perceptions of what is healthy has been warped by what is now 'average' size. Average and healthy are two different things. Just because over 60% of the UK population is now overweight (or obese), does not mean that being overweight magically becomes healthy.
  • aribugg
    aribugg Posts: 164 Member
    people who are trying to lose weight but dont exercise, they just change what they eat... i know thats going to have an effect, but you're going to gain it back easier if you slip up! and if you're in the game, get in the game and be as healthy as you can be!!
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    Weight loss isn't linear...
    I hat the ups and downs that make no sense when looking at your intake and exercise, life is so unfair. LoL
  • paddgirl21
    paddgirl21 Posts: 154 Member
    the pushing of pills, gimicks, wraps, etc to help weight loss. I've tried the pills and I coundn't take them because half of a pill made me shake. I only took them when I was sick and needed the extra energy to get through high school and work.

    I have a friend that is pushing her skinny wraps on facebook and it pisses me off. Nothing but counting caloires and eating right works. Getting off of your butt and working out makes a big difference too.

    I have had something similar to this happen recently. I posted a picture of me on facebook and how I lost 10 pants sizes. Immediately I have people who I am about to unfriend, saying, "Great job! If you need help, ask me how! I can help". All the meantime they are just trying to sell you their baloney product. Exercise and eating right is the ONLY thing that works LONG TERM. I'm not looking for a quick fix--I have 100 pounds to lose, and a shake, pill, or whatever is NOT going to make this weight go away. PSH. I quickly told this individual, the ONLY help I need is ME and only me. My inspiration comes within and not from a shake or a pill. That's what people need to find. They are their own miracle.
  • paddgirl21
    paddgirl21 Posts: 154 Member
    Fat acceptance. (Don't google it and look at images, I'm warning you.) These people are putting people down for caring about their bodies. It's one thing when you don't care about your weight and look, that's totally fine and acceptable. I don't judge anyone. But where the problem lies is when you start shaming people that are actually trying to be healthy and lose weight.

    I totally agree. Thank you!
  • arielfirby
    My biggest pet peeve at the moment is the fact people routinely ask me if I had weight loss surgery. I have went from 300+ pounds to 158.5 in under two years which is a huge loss & I can understand why they'd ask if I had it, but it almost seems that a lot of people anymore cannot fathom that one can lose that much weight on their own without the need of a weight loss tool.

    Wow! That is awesome! Congrats!
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    People who tell me that 1200 calories isn't enough - I've done the calculator - I'm short, I'm not that active and I'm not 21 anymore- the number I get is 1228 for 'fat loss' sedentary. If I don't do any exercise that is what I am supposed to eat. Yes I eat back when I exercise, but don't assume everyone is the same. You know what assume means......

    I'm short, 5'2 and 44 years old, almost 45. I eat between 1800-2000 calories. :bigsmile:
  • arielfirby
    1. I hate how my husband makes fun of me when I carefully portion out or weigh my food at meal times.

    2. I agree with a lot of you. Dr. Oz is a quack.

    3. Hate how my body is holding on to the maternal fat I gained during pregnancy while I am breastfeeding my 18 month old son. I lost the 50 pounds I gained during the pregnancy but I still have 40-50 pounds to lose.

    4. Ladies, we don't bulk up like men do! Weight train! It's good for you!
  • kstand0053
    kstand0053 Posts: 15 Member
    hahaha....most "advice" on yahoo articles.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    hahaha....most "advice" on yahoo articles.
