foods that are not "worth" the calories?



  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I know people are going to yell and throw things but... peanut butter. I love love LOVE it, used to eat a 16 oz jar a week by myself. But 200 cals for 2 TB, and I use double that for a sandwich, so a regular PB&J is 700 or so calories. I was like, my god, no wonder I'm fat. I had one every day for like 2 years in college. XD

    I agree. Peanut butter is OK. I don't LOVE it, but I'll eat it when I go backpacking because it's shelf-stable, packable, and high-calorie. But, it's just not worth eating any other time. If I have a few hundred extra calories to eat, I'm not wasting them on peanut butter.
  • jasonmh630
    jasonmh630 Posts: 2,850 Member
    You guys are gonna hate me now but...bacon. Never understood the love for it. It's not gross but not worth the hype, either. And especially not worth the calories.


    Your right, now I hate you, J/K But Bacon is Amazing.

    This... "You either like bacon, or you're wrong." lol
  • Fitnursejo
    Had so much fun reading these posts!! I don't really have any truly off limit foods! But if it's high in calories, it has to be healthy or taste amazing!! And sometimes I'll admit my standards for "tastes amazing" are a bit low! Lol! I said sometimes!

    For me, beer is no longer worth the calories! I'll hold it up in pics but I tap out at 2-3 sips. Also I've almost entirely given up wine! I said almost! I usually need 2 glasses, so I just think about the wonderful dessert I want and...skip it! I use to be a wino!
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    For me, Ben and Jerry's in the pint. Not that I don't like it but I find it REALLY hard to do "moderation" on that. I try to go out and get a scoop when I want it...saves me eating a whole pint. :tongue:
  • Fitnursejo
    Dounuts. 260 for a glazed and I can eat 2 and feel like I ate air. Not worth it. About anything else I can justify and squeeze into my calorie counts. Oh, except dairy queen. Saving that for a treat when I reach some goals.

    Oooh...I miss donuts!!! Especially warm fresh Krispycreme donuts!!
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    I also don't think hummus is worth it. It's good but not THAT good

    I think pb is worth it in the right way. If I need a "quick fix" like an addict I will have .5 tbsp (easy to weigh out on the food scale in g) with half a graham cracker. If I want PB though i do it the right way and it's a treat to have a loaded PB&J sandwich. Mmmmm THAT's worth it. Not worth it to have 2 tbsp of pb on bread though. just not.

    Starbucks drinks usually aren't worth it. My favorite seasonal drink, Salted Caramel Mocha has like 450 calories. Once a year, please and that will be lunch apparently.

    I hate to say it but olive oil. I do still use it and know it's great for me so I won't discontinue it btu I get a little pissed at it for being so good for you and so high in fat/calories. thanks stupid oil...
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I don't know if this really falls into the same category as your topic here but for me, there are many foods that I don't like enough to eat anymore. I am more of the "eat whatever you like within your calories & macros" school of thought, I don't do gluten-free or Paleo or low carb or anything like that. I eat pasta, cookies, ice cream, chocolate, etc...

    But these foods just aren't that tasty or satisfying to me personally, nor is the nutritional value enough to prompt me to eat them, and I've mostly cut them out:

    bagel chips
    potato chips & corn chips (I still love tortilla chips though!)
    lunch meat
    packaged cookies, like Girl Scout cookies
    snack cakes
    most crackers
    most bread - for example, breadsticks or rolls in a restaurant that come before the meal. I still eat homemade bread or an occasional sandwich with a "Sandwich Skinny" or 100% wheat.
  • asciident
    asciident Posts: 166 Member
    Most dinner rolls/garlic bread/texas toast. I love bread and I'll still eat them occasionally, but it's usually followed by regret when I realize how many calories they are.
  • Urban_Princess
    Urban_Princess Posts: 219 Member
    alcohol..any alcoholic drink..Baileys, Tequila shots, belinnis, etc...not worth it
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    Most dinner rolls/garlic bread/texas toast. I love bread and I'll still eat them occasionally, but it's usually followed by regret when I realize how many calories they are.

    I had this exactly 30 minutes ago. I made myself a huge salad with tuna and light feta for lunch. But I felt something was missing and then my brain went like: "Oh, you still have these tortillas in the cabinet. You could make yourself a wrap." Did that, ate and logged my food. 200 damn calories for one plain tortilla? I am really mad at myself right now for not checking beforehand. These calories were invested super bad... Grrrrrrr.... I could have had the salad and a nice something afterwards instead of this not even so special tortilla!
  • SilverRose89
    SilverRose89 Posts: 447 Member
    Tortilla wraps. I just can't justify like 200 cals for one.
  • malena126
    malena126 Posts: 18 Member
    i agree. KFC does not taste good enough to waste the calories on! I remember it being sooo good before, now its just a disappointment.
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Tortilla wraps. I just can't justify like 200 cals for one.

    ^^Ths. Seriously, why the obscene amount of calories? Good Lord. So, I just don't eat them.

    Everything else is definitely worth it on days I have enough calories. I will not sacrifice the things I love, but I also have to make the hard choices. If I want mayonnaise or peanut butter (which I admit are both totally vices for me!) I make sure I will be running at least 5K that day to cover the added calories or I wait til another day.
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    I add one Tsp of olive oil to my side salad most days,along with rice vinegar & seasonings. Only 50 cals.

    Seldom bake anymore,seldom have pasta,because given a choice,prefer having a baked,potato.

    Don't use calories on any type drink.Water is my 1st choice,with hot/ iced tea a close 2 nd. No sweetner for tea. No chocolate milk.Use real sugar..2tsp... in a homemade smoothie.Never buy butter,mayo or salad dressings.Have a couple lower cal breads,hate wraps/flat breads.
    Have to avoid candy,but buy chips I divide.
  • rosehips60
    rosehips60 Posts: 1,030 Member
    Brocolli. It's like a mini tree.
    I don't want to eat trees.
    Disgusting stuf!

    Oh and in the uk the supermarkets do low cal Caeser dressing which comes in at 60 calories/100g or so - nice enough and often don't bother logging it at that low - maybe 45 calories on my salad.

    Broccoli haters unite! I used to have to fake it when my kids were little, but now I can just say no! BTW they all love the stuff. Should I consider having them tested to see if they are really mine? ;)
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,266 Member
    Foods I don't like.

    Foods that have gone bad.

    "Diet" foods.

    Foods that will make me sick.

    Those are the only foods that are not worth the calories. I don't demonize foods. I also don't eat a silly low number of calories to lose weight. I would rather still have lasagna or pot roast or cake and lose a bit slower then to never have these foods again. Because to me, this is a life long change... not a short term change to just lose some weight. If I am not willing to give up a food for the rest of my life, then I don't give it up now.
  • rosehips60
    rosehips60 Posts: 1,030 Member
    Tortillas, yeah. It's not only the calories though, have you checked out the sodium in those babies?
  • Kotuliak
    Kotuliak Posts: 259 Member
    Bagels. More calories in a bagel than in a donut.
  • HeatherDM310
    HeatherDM310 Posts: 1 Member
    You are SOOO right! I LOVE LOVE LOVE peanut butter, but even the healthy "organic" natural peanut butter will set you back 200 for 2 lousy tablespoons! If it's going to set me back that much anyway, I may as well go for the regular! :)
  • gmoneycole
    gmoneycole Posts: 813 Member
    I know people are going to yell and throw things but... peanut butter. I love love LOVE it, used to eat a 16 oz jar a week by myself. But 200 cals for 2 TB, and I use double that for a sandwich, so a regular PB&J is 700 or so calories. I was like, my god, no wonder I'm fat. I had one every day for like 2 years in college. XD

    No yelling! :) ...moderation