foods that are not "worth" the calories?



  • Shermansb
    Shermansb Posts: 3 Member
    Chipotle chips and salsa are 500+ calories a bag. That's as much a healthy bowl. Not worth it!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    Re: tortillas, I don't blame those of you who don't eat them if you feel it's not worth it...but I love the SMALL fajita size Mama Lupe's flour tortillas. They are somewhat high in sodium, but at 77 calories they make a very satisfying breakfast taco or small wrap for other stuff. Yum.
  • MB2MN
    MB2MN Posts: 334 Member
    Things that I don't like very much.

    Pasta- It's fine but it doesn't taste like much...would rather have meat and sauce over some type of veggie or with sweet potato.

    Hamburger Buns (the big kind)- All you taste is bread when it should be all about the meat. I usually use a lettuce wrap or if I am low on carbs I'll do a 100 cal thin bun. Just enough bread but not too much to outshine the burger.
  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    Cheez Its.... My favorite drunk food but at 160 cal/30g, just not worth it considering every shot of Crown is already 100 cals!
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    I'm finding foods that I grew up eating aren't as amazing anymore.

    I love ice cream, chocolate donnets, choco taco, etc, but the other day I had this raspberry Danish from Entenmann's. I grew up eating this for breakfast often as a kid. I ate it for the first time in years on Sunday. It was disappointing to say the least. They must've changed the recipe over the years because it crushed my memories. Maybe it was because it was a pre-packaged single serving as opposed to the traditional long Danish you would slice and serve. *sigh* oh well.
  • Keliandra
    Keliandra Posts: 170 Member
    Is there any food items you think isn't worth the calorie/fat count?

    French fries, or potatoes in general.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Lima Beans and Garlic. Wouldn't matter if they were 1 calorie per bucket, they ain't worth eating, nasty stuff!!!

    Other than that, nothing.
  • flyygirl802
    flyygirl802 Posts: 59 Member
    You guys are gonna hate me now but...bacon. Never understood the love for it. It's not gross but not worth the hype, either. And especially not worth the calories.


    This x 10
  • 52dave62
    52dave62 Posts: 28
    High fructose corn syrup or sugary sweetened drinks. Been addicted to them for 52 years, not even in moderation are the calories worth the pleasure.
  • French fries (in any size, shape or form), Onion rings...basically most deep fried.
  • mmckee10
    mmckee10 Posts: 405 Member
    *cries* Alcohol. I'm not a huge fan of the "I won't eat all day so I can drink tonight" method. Given my current status I can say it'll be at least a year or more before I get to enjoy a nice cold beer to wash down a steak. (100 calories for a light beer.. it's girl's night out that kills me.. Normally one of our birthdays.. mixed drinks/shots all around.)
  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member

    No macro nutrients or micro nutrients yet tons of calories

    (Depending on drink of choice)

    but it makes me happy
  • Broderick50
    Broderick50 Posts: 842 Member
    Sweets in general are it for me. They don't feel you up and they're loaded with calories. I have an addiction to Little Debbie snack cakes, but they're not worth it 400+ calories and they don't feel you up.
  • gabylewis22
    gabylewis22 Posts: 41 Member
    The problem with Pasta is the fact you can't just have it on it's own. You have to have something with it, (in my case, an absulute tun of cheese), so by the time I'm done the calorie content is HUGE. However I am such a fussy eater that Pasta features largely in my diet, meaning I end up having to almost starve the rest of the day to make it worth my while :( Or eat the tiniest portion in the world....
    Pasta. It doesn't really have much of a taste (at least not compared to the other yummy stuff I could eat for those calories), so while I don't dislike it I always avoid it.

    The same goes for most all fast foods, really - if I'm going to have something high-cal I prefer for it to be something sweet and decadent, like a pastry or something.
  • sjh968
    sjh968 Posts: 1
    I agree. The only foods I think are not worth it are what could be considered "empty calories", if they don't have any nutritional value. Like candy, which I love.
  • gabylewis22
    gabylewis22 Posts: 41 Member
    And WINE of course. The calorie content in a glass of rose is ridiculous. Who would chose 2 glasses of vino over an entire meal?
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    hmm probably eggs for me :p and bread :p When I'm cutting: Bread takes up all my carb allowance... When I'm bulking, bread doesn't give enough carbs :P
  • AbbyCar
    AbbyCar Posts: 198 Member
    Cheap chocolate(think Balmers or anything you would buy at the Dollar store)
    Fruity drinks
    Frozen Pizza
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    Pasta. That being said, I've never been a huge pasta fan anyway, so that's why I find it not worth it. Majorly ups my carbs for the day and I don't even like it much.

    Crackers also. Too hard to fit into my macros, because a serving size isn't "a sleeve of Ritz".

    The only things I find aren't worth the calories are things I don't enjoy. Dry cupcakes. Stuff with fake sugar in it. I hate having a craving for something and it ends up being gross. Soul crushing.
  • P3669
    P3669 Posts: 3 Member
    I love PB2 and I even put it in my cream of wheat instead of butter or sugar. :-)