Anyone interested in a "Those Last Pesky 20 Pounds" Group?

Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
I have plateaued since January, and I really want to lose these last 20 pounds. I need some major support. I've already lost 90 pounds, but I just can't get this last weight off. Who's with me?


  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    I am! I have been stagnant forever!
  • Jessibear2854
    Jessibear2854 Posts: 82 Member
    Yes, I am! Let's do it!
  • I'm in! I've got 15 to lose!
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    I'm in!!!!!
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    Awesome! I've never started (or been a part of) a group like this. Do you want to just post your starting weight and weekly weights? Weigh-ins on Mondays to keep those weekends accountable? How about putting what we're doing for exercise? Anything else?

    12/20/10 Starting weight:
    12/20/10 Current weight:
    Goal weight:

    Other Info...
    Date you started losing weight:
    Weight Lost to Date:
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    12/20/10 Starting weight: 157.4
    12/20/10 Current weight: 157.4
    Goal weight: 135

    Other Info...
    Age: 29 (will be 30 next month)
    Occupation: HS English teacher
    Family: married to my husband since 6/2002; have three kids (see signature)
    Location: Indiana
    Date you started losing weight: late 2005 after my mom's heart attack death (before my last two kids)
    Weight Lost to Date: 90 pounds

    I have taken a few days off of exercise mainly due to not feeling well and family illness. I plan to do a "golf course" walking workout on my treadmill later tonight. I will go at least 30 minutes, but I am hoping for more like 45 minutes at no lower than 3.5 MPH.

    I am starting a ChaLean Extreme (which I've already done) and Turbo Fire (which I just got) hybrid on 1/3/11. :smile: That had better blast away this stupid plateau! Oh, I am doing the Turbo Fire 5 day Inferno plan right after Christmas as well.
  • Diannerv
    Diannerv Posts: 195
    ME ME!!! I'm in!!!

    12/20/10 Starting weight: 137
    12/20/10 Current weight: 137
    Goal weight: 125ish

    Other Info...
    Age: 11 days till I'm 40!!!
    Occupation: Stay at home mom
    Family: married for 13 years and we have one son who is 10.
    Location: Nevada
    Date you started losing weight: June 2010, I ripped my achilles tendon during a marathon and was put in an aircast for 3 months. I was so freaked out that I would gain weight I swam everyday and practically lived off chicken salads. I lost 30 lbs iin 3 months and have been trying to get this last 20 off since Sept. 12 lbs to go!
  • AriesGrl
    AriesGrl Posts: 174 Member
    Me too=)

    12/20/10 Starting weight 181
    12/20/10 Current weight 181
    Goal weight 160

    Age: 29
    Occupation : Stay at home mom
    Family : Married for 6 years with 2 boys age 4 &13
    Location: Los Angeles Ca
    Started losing weight: March 2009
    Weight loss to date: 125

    I have been stagnent for over 6 months and just cant get this last bit off....
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Hey all! I'd love to join this group! I've been trying to lose the last 10-20lbs for the past 3 years! It is about time to get in gear and make it happen!

    12/20/10 Starting weight: 155
    12/20/10 Current weight: 155
    Goal weight: 135-140lb

    Other Info...
    Age: 30 (Just had a bday 4 days ago!)
    Occupation: RN, BSN Homemaker (working on trying to have a kiddo)
    Family: Married to my husband since July 08
    Location: Missouri
    Date you started losing weight: began my weight loss journey in 2005. My highest weight was 200+ (I stopped weighing myself at 199 and I know I gained more) and my lowest weight has been 138.
    Weight Lost to Date: lost and gained on the diet yo yo rollercoaster too many pounds to count

    After having had some infertility issues the past couple of months and gaining 10lbs since August after vacation and then fertility drugs I'm ready to get back on the wagon and get as close to my goal as possible prior to getting pregnant. I absolutely LOVE working out and usually do an hour a day of either cardio (treadmill dance, kickbox) or toning with Tracy Anderson. With the holidays and with just getting back from being with my husband (he is an instructor pilot in the army and has been down in Alabama in a course. I went down on Thanksgiving and just got back the day before yesterday after having lived in a hotel room for 3 weeks) it has been hard to get back into my routine.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all!
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    I'm in! I keep losing and gaining the same 2lbs and can't get past it. I have 14lbs to lose to hit my goal of 130.

    12/20/10 Starting weight: 144.4
    12/20/10 Current weight: 144.4
    Goal weight: 130 (125 would be ideal but I'll be happy to make it to 130)

    Other Info...
    Age: 37
    Occupation: unemployed (lost my job last yr)
    Family: single (have 2 yr old daughter)
    Location: IL
    Date you started losing weight: Nov 2009
    Weight Lost to Date: 54 lbs
    I am starting a ChaLean Extreme (which I've already done) and Turbo Fire (which I just got) hybrid on 1/3/11. :smile: That had better blast away this stupid plateau! Oh, I am doing the Turbo Fire 5 day Inferno plan right after Christmas as well.

    I have been doing TF for the last 19 weeks. I've had good results and want to do the TF/CLX hybrid. I did CLX before as well and I really liked it. For me, didn't lose much weight w/it but definitely got stronger. I was waiting til I lost a few more lbs before I started to build up more muscle. At this point, I think I'll just do it and see what happens. I finish up TF schedule at end of the month so I will totally start the hybrid with you if you want a "workout buddy"!
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    Count me in!

    MFP Starting weight: 190
    12/20/10 Current weight: 154
    Goal weight: 130-140 (not sure yet?)

    Other Info...
    Age: 42
    Occupation: Newspaper Circulation Manager
    Family: Married 22 years (Dec 17), 1 boy age 17, 1 boy age 13
    Location: Iowa
    Date you started losing weight: April 7, 2010
    Weight Lost to Date: 36 Pounds
  • Fit2_T
    Fit2_T Posts: 317 Member
    I'm in!

    12/20/10 Starting weight: 158.4
    12/20/10 Current weight: 158.4
    Goal weight: 140ish

    Other Info...
    Age: 47 - Female
    Occupation: Part time School Dist. Secretary
    Family: married; have three kids
    Location: Iowa
    Date you started losing weight: June 2010 – SW 214
    Weight Lost to Date: 56 pounds

    I have been walking for exercise, but have not been keeping up with it in the last month. I need a push to keep exercising regularly.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    I'm in! I keep losing and gaining the same 2lbs and can't get past it. I have 14lbs to lose to hit my goal of 130.

    12/20/10 Starting weight: 144.4
    12/20/10 Current weight: 144.4
    Goal weight: 130 (125 would be ideal but I'll be happy to make it to 130)

    Other Info...
    Age: 37
    Occupation: unemployed (lost my job last yr)
    Family: single (have 2 yr old daughter)
    Location: IL
    Date you started losing weight: Nov 2009
    Weight Lost to Date: 54 lbs
    I am starting a ChaLean Extreme (which I've already done) and Turbo Fire (which I just got) hybrid on 1/3/11. :smile: That had better blast away this stupid plateau! Oh, I am doing the Turbo Fire 5 day Inferno plan right after Christmas as well.

    I have been doing TF for the last 19 weeks. I've had good results and want to do the TF/CLX hybrid. I did CLX before as well and I really liked it. For me, didn't lose much weight w/it but definitely got stronger. I was waiting til I lost a few more lbs before I started to build up more muscle. At this point, I think I'll just do it and see what happens. I finish up TF schedule at end of the month so I will totally start the hybrid with you if you want a "workout buddy"!
    Awesome! I'd love a buddy! I also didn't have too many results with CLX, but I did get stronger. I have some nice "guns", if I do say so myself. LOL What kind of results are you getting with TF? Any pounds/inches lost? I need to make sure my eating is better and actually log my calories more regularly.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    I am glad to see so many of us on here! :smile:
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    I've had pretty good results with TF. I've lost about 17 lbs in the almost 20 weeks I've been doing it. I LOVE the intense cardio. Oh, I'm thinking I may actually start the hybrid on the 7th (Friday), since I prefer my rest day to be on Sunday. Thoughts? Not sure if you prefer a different day to for rest. The mid-week rest kinda throws me off. LOL
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    I've had pretty good results with TF. I've lost about 17 lbs in the almost 20 weeks I've been doing it. I LOVE the intense cardio. Oh, I'm thinking I may actually start the hybrid on the 7th (Friday), since I prefer my rest day to be on Sunday. Thoughts? Not sure if you prefer a different day to for rest. The mid-week rest kinda throws me off. LOL
    I haven't thought that far in advance. I kind of like Saturday or Sunday to be rest days as well because of household duties, but usually by Wednesday, I am ready for a break. I'll think about it.
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    12/20/10 Starting weight: 154
    12/21/10 Current weight: 155 (Actually weighed myself today, darn TOM)
    Goal weight: in the 130s? 120s would be really nice, but not sure if it's doable for me

    Other Info...
    Age: 42
    Occupation: Newspaper Circulation Manager
    Family: Married 22 years (Dec 17), 1 boy age 17, 1 boy age 13
    Location: Iowa
    Date you started losing weight: April 7, 2010
    Weight Lost to Date: 36 Pounds
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,304 Member
    12/20/10 Starting weight: 169
    12/20/10 Current weight: 169
    Goal weight: 150 (to start with....going to reevaluate after I reach that)

    Other Info...
    Age: 35
    Occupation: Billing coordinator, going back to school for accounting.
    Family: Me and my cat. :tongue:
    Location: Ohio
    Date you started losing weight: Been a couple of years now. Joined MFP in Spring 2008
    Weight Lost to Date: Lost 30ish before MFP, 29 since MFP

    I've been a lazy butt the last 4 months, maintaining and randomly exercising. Starting 30 day shred over in January in the mornings and working on mixing Yoga and some long walks in with it after work (if I don't have class), as soon as it's light enough after work to do it.
  • I'm in, I want to lose 25, just lost 5 pounds....yeah.....
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    Welcome, everyone!

    kityngirl--I completely hear you on being lax and not exercising consistently. That has been me the last year. I'm so ready to get this weight off. I will do it in 2011!!!

    Well, I actually ate pretty well yesterday and got in some exercise (although it was cut short by a puking child). Magically, the scale went down some. :smile: I hope to continue that trend. Oh, I am planning on making cookies and goodies probably tomorrow, and I will taste a few. I guess that means I'll need to get in a kick butt workout!
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