How to calculate calorie goals according to NROLFW



  • FrankieB127
    FrankieB127 Posts: 31 Member
  • muamontreal
    muamontreal Posts: 109 Member

    Just bought the book !
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    I bought the book last year and barely got started before I got sick with the bad flu and then never got restarted. I think now is a good time to do this. Going to go in and figure out my calorie range. Anyone wanting friends to support - feel free to friend request me! I have about 25 - maybe 30 lbs to lose. But am more interested in toning up and just looking nice and fit.
  • Thank You. This is an eye opener!
  • MichMunchkin
    MichMunchkin Posts: 94 Member

    i highly recomend you and anyone trying to lose weight. find out your bmr and eat 500 cals less as a bar minimum. if you want to lose fat faster it a little less each day. You will not starve!

    i highly recomend reading up on Eat stop Eat by brad Pilon

    Your BMR is the amount of energy required by your body at rest. *Complete* rest, at that. If you were in a coma, not moving at all, that is the amount of sustenance you would be given simply to keep your body going.

    So basically, in a nutshell, you are seriously suggesting that people eat 500 calories LESS than what their bodies require at the bare minimum? Are you even being serious right now? Please tell me you aren't, because that is beyond ridiculous. My BMR is 1470. So if I was crazy enough to take your suggestion seriously, I'd be eating -- at most -- 970 calories a day.

    No thanks. I'd rather eat more, lose slower, and....y' able to go through the day not feeling like I'm half dead.
  • MichMunchkin
    MichMunchkin Posts: 94 Member
    there are 2 ways to weight loss... 1. Eat below Bmr... you will lose fat.... 2. Eat at your bmr Exactly and exercise to get below your bmr.

    please watch this

    Thank goodness I have done all the research and know enough about fat loss and muscle building that all my clients get guaranteed results

    Take it from me, I have lost 50 kilos im just trying to offer REAL advice and not some diet that in 4 months time you have only lost .5 kilos

    Hello. I'd like to see all this "research" you have done. Because let me tell you something -- I don't care how much "research" you've *supposedly* done....eating below your BMR may work on a short-term basis, but it leaves you in one hell of a sorry state. I listened to a nutbar like you four years ago, ate below my BMR, and lost a huge amount of weight. But hey, I also wound up in the hospital with a feeding tube because I became too weak to even WALK, let alone do anything useful. And guess what? The weight came back. Because people cannot survive on that amount of food.

    So you can claim you've "done all the research", but unless you're willing to post every single bit of it (and prove that it's legitimate) then I think it's not only irresponsible of you to be posting stuff like this -- it's dangerous. Hopefully everyone here has enough sense not to follow your "advice".
  • claudie08
    claudie08 Posts: 154 Member
    Why is 795 added to the calc for RMR? What does the 795 represent?
    I haven't read every post, so I apologize if this was already asked and answered.

  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Why is 795 added to the calc for RMR? What does the 795 represent?
    I haven't read every post, so I apologize if this was already asked and answered.


    Merely part of the formula, just put in odd place in description.

    So basically straight line function, that would by your y-intercept.

    y = mx + b
  • saved
  • LisaUlrey
    LisaUlrey Posts: 136 Member
  • icha3x
    icha3x Posts: 54 Member
  • DeliriumCanBeFun
    DeliriumCanBeFun Posts: 313 Member
  • Arydria
    Arydria Posts: 179 Member
    Another bump!
  • s50s
    s50s Posts: 138 Member
  • bobbinalong
    bobbinalong Posts: 151 Member
    good info to follow up on...
  • loragp
    loragp Posts: 19 Member
    (Bump for later, also. I would like to be able to refer back to this one in the future.)

    Thanks for the info. I have the book already but I haven't picked it up in years. I might have to blow the dust off of it and give it a go.
  • mrsfyredude
    mrsfyredude Posts: 177 Member
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Thanks for this post! I really need to get that book. I am a little over 5'7", been fluctuating between 131-133 so I appreciated you doing the math for me. ;) I recently started lifting and have been debating whether to keep trying to lose or to do a recomp; I would love to get stronger and decrease body fat a little bit but without getting overly skinny in the parts where I don't carry weight. I like the sound of these calorie goals better than the 1340/day I've been doing :) (Or the 1200 MFP suggested initially ...).
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Yeah I think this caloric measure is best for people who want to gain muscle mass while losing fat, which would make it seem like you're "maintaining" because the scale would stay around the same, but you're really getting stronger :) It makes for slow fat loss I think, which is definitely healthier in the end and better for a lifelong journey!

    This is me. I'm fine with my weight; I could lose more but don't really care about the number on the scale (it's already about the lowest it's been in 16 years!) so much as gaining muscle mass and losing about 5 lbs more of fat.
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    As with many of these other ladies, the numbers seem to be a little scary...

    Non-workout days: 1964 with the 300 subtracted
    Workout days: 2417 with the 300 subtracted

    I was on a 1600 calories and lost 7 lbs, but then I stopped losing for a month... Now I've upped to 1800 because of starting NROLFW yesterday but I'm scared of the idea of raising it more and gaining back the small amount I've lost...

    I'm so sorry I know you posted this a while ago, but lifting in general requires a lot of calories and so does your body! The calculations aren't just made up, they're in there for a reason. Just have to trust the process. Our whole lives we've been told that we need to starve ourselves to lose weight. In all honesty, it just doesn't make logical sense to knowingly eat less than you need to to lose weight. Why starve! Feel free to PM me!
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    I bought the book last year and barely got started before I got sick with the bad flu and then never got restarted. I think now is a good time to do this. Going to go in and figure out my calorie range. Anyone wanting friends to support - feel free to friend request me! I have about 25 - maybe 30 lbs to lose. But am more interested in toning up and just looking nice and fit.

    Toning isn't real, it's just having muscle with a lower level of body fat. But lifting consistently will get you there!
  • lf4179
    lf4179 Posts: 37 Member
    bump for later
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    Thanks for this post! I really need to get that book. I am a little over 5'7", been fluctuating between 131-133 so I appreciated you doing the math for me. ;) I recently started lifting and have been debating whether to keep trying to lose or to do a recomp; I would love to get stronger and decrease body fat a little bit but without getting overly skinny in the parts where I don't carry weight. I like the sound of these calorie goals better than the 1340/day I've been doing :) (Or the 1200 MFP suggested initially ...).

    Lol! Yeah we're pretty similar! And eek 1340?!?! that's so little!! Thank goodness you're eating more now!
  • time4kim2014
    time4kim2014 Posts: 85 Member
  • sixpacklady
    sixpacklady Posts: 582 Member
  • hswaner
    hswaner Posts: 2 Member
    bump...thanks for the info
  • s50s
    s50s Posts: 138 Member
  • aleece222
    aleece222 Posts: 4 Member