Find your Weight Loss Twins



  • adriadawn19
    adriadawn19 Posts: 174 Member
    SW 210
    CW 187
    GW 150 and then re-evaluate to see where I want to go from there.

    I am a junior/senior in college going for my accounting degree. Will hopefully graduate in may 2015
  • jessilyn76
    jessilyn76 Posts: 532 Member
    SW 214.8
    CW 195.6
    GW 163

    38 years young!
  • Jade xo

    19 years old
    5'7 ft tall
    Hourglass shape
    current weight - 11 stone 1 pound
    goal weight - 9 stone

    I don't want to be unbelievably skinny, because that isn't the right look for me, but i have an hourglass figure, and i want to enhance that, i just want a smaller waist and skinnier arms more than anything else

    need somebody to do this with as all my friends are all already 'skinny' -.-
  • Ry04
    Ry04 Posts: 21 Member
    28 years old
    5' 7"

    SW: 303
    Current Weight: 277.4
    UGW: 160 ish

    I have been doing 5K training, and when I can run under a 12 minute mile I will move onto 10K.
  • pattysued
    pattysued Posts: 6 Member
    The older you get, the harder it is to lose weight...darn. I am 64, and my boyfriend is 51. I really need to lose weight so I can keep up with him!! It really helps to have someone to talk to.
  • pattysued
    pattysued Posts: 6 Member
    The older you get, the harder it is to lose weight...darn.
  • R_Woodruff
    R_Woodruff Posts: 74 Member
    Hello Everyone!!

    Age: 24
    Height: 5'6

    SW: 248
    CW: 213
    GW: 150

    I exercise and count calories!! =)

    I think I found my "almost twin"! lol


    I'm definitely adding you! haha
  • Jen2Big
    Jen2Big Posts: 1
    Age: 32
    Height: 5'6
    SW: 242
    CW: 223
    GW: 148
    Occupation: Part time insurance sales & full time mom
    Exercise: Walking my neighborhood and using my good ole gazelle (will move up to weight training in two weeks).
    Diet/Lifestyle: Eating fewer calories (1200/1400) and walking daily (30 min).

    I just started this lifestyle change (2 days ago). The difference in my starting weight and my current weight just happened all of a sudden (two months time). No clue why. Now that I see the numbers dropping, I really want to put forth the effort and get to where I need to be!
  • JoshD8705
    JoshD8705 Posts: 390 Member
    SW: 275
    CW: 271
    GW: 185
  • sjbtiger
    sjbtiger Posts: 105 Member
    32 yo mom of two


    SW: 147
    CW: 136
    GW: 130

    Work full time at a desk job so I definitely have to keep up with my workouts! I started lifting a little over a month ago and am focusing on body comp changes. Would love to be friends and offer support/encouragement to any weight loss twins.
  • Jaxxy_Fae
    Jaxxy_Fae Posts: 28
    27, 5'10
    SW: 320
    CW: 313
    GW: 140-170

    Occupation - Freelance writer/novelist

    I am trying to get into yoga every day. I used to do that, but fell out of it. I also want to go to the gym at least 3 days a week and get myself to eat more veggies.
  • 21
    SW: 215
    GW: 168


    goal is just for this summer after that I will bulk up
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    Just turned 32 on April 2nd--I'm old. Lolz. 5'4" -- I'm also short. :P

    CW: 325-30
    GW: 195

    I lost 80 pounds last year, gained it all back.
    I'm a serious emotional eater. & bread/pasta is simply too delicious. :)
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    New 1st full day on here.

    Fat all over shape I guess

    SW and CW 461.06
    year GW 356lbs
    3rd year GW 149.06 lbs

    Looking for big buds looking to be smaller buds.

    Meeeee :)
  • Betty_Rubble
    Betty_Rubble Posts: 117 Member
    37, 5'5"
    SW: 162
    CW: 151

    Currently size: 8-10
    Goal size: 6

    Full time office desk jockey for work 5 days a week.

    I love working out and am almost finished with Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred (4 more workouts!) and will be moving on to Ripped in 30 afterwards. I workout 5 days a week doing JM, and also do resistance/strength training 3 days a week.

    I log and weigh every single thing I eat and drink! I try to get 1450-1550 calories a day.

    I have bad habits of going strong for 3-4 weeks then slacking off and losing progress for another few weeks, then starting all over again.

    I have a sneaky feeling my body's happy place is my current weight - I can drop like crazy till I get here, then wow, it gets tough to get anything to come off. (See bad habit)

    Love to be friends and be supportive to anyone!
  • KESaylor
    KESaylor Posts: 6 Member
    I am a 48 y.o. female. I am 5'3" tall, pear-shaped (I think...) and weigh 168 pounds. My long-term goal is to lose 35 - 40 pounds over the next 8 months through proper nourishment and fitness (at home... no gym). I need a "twin" for encouragement and would like to be of encouragement to other members.
  • ellepribro
    ellepribro Posts: 226 Member
    CW: 177
    GW: 140 (for now)

    I would love to find more friends with similarities!
  • beckyjane78
    beckyjane78 Posts: 7 Member
    35, 5'3"
    SW: 168
    CW: 166

    working mom of two precious little ones; both delivered by c-section, and ensuing PPD has made losing weight difficult

    I have a real twin, but she is in the fitness industry and is SUPER fit...I'd like to look like her again!
  • chlujo4567
    chlujo4567 Posts: 3 Member
    37, 5'6 1/2
    SW: 184
    CW: 180
    GW: 160

    Working mom of two , just need to get motivated then it will be down hill and a routine
  • hellakellasee
    hellakellasee Posts: 318 Member
    22 5'4

    SW: 178
    CW: 167
    GW: 125

    Im going to be a college graduate in May and I'm looking to develop a new lifestyle for this new chapter in my life. Looking to make a life time change.