Find your Weight Loss Twins



  • seashell709
    seashell709 Posts: 123 Member
    29yr 5'6" medium build
    CW 191
    GW 160
    work full time as a medical assistant in pediatrics. Don't attend a gym. Just counting calories and use a fit bit to track my walking as my exercise.
  • Hey i'm 21

    Just graduated as a nurse.
    5'4 medium build.
    SW 160
    CW 132
    GW 120 (or whenever i feel happy with my body)

    Been struggling to lose these last 10lbs for a while but am now super determined.
  • AprilWren
    AprilWren Posts: 1 Member

    I'm 36.
    Height is 5'6'
    CW 155
    GW 135

    I'm a working mom of 2. I used the my fitness pal app about 2 years ago and lost almost 20 lbs. I was so happy at my goal weight, which lasted about a year. I broke my toe, my kids schedule changed and I fell out of my fitness routine. I've gained almost all the weight back! UGH!!! I'm determined to get back down to 140-135 (ideally) but I would love some support to help keep me accountable.
  • MissBounceUK
    MissBounceUK Posts: 75 Member

    I'm 34
    Height is 5'6
    Starting Weight - 214lbs
    Current Weight - 149lbs
    Goal Weight - 132lbs

    Current working through Jillian Michaels Body Revolution and TurboFire workout schedules. Also throw in some Les Mills Pump, Les Mills Combat, Chalean Extreme, Zumba or Kettlebell whenever I get a chance. LOVE working out. :-)
  • BostonLena81
    BostonLena81 Posts: 9 Member
    32yr 5'0
    CW 172
    GW 120-130

    i always have a hard time staying motivated. I will be starting t-25 this week. I have a treadmill and elliptical at home, but i like being outdoors. Lucky for me i live and work near the arboretum.
  • Yilsip
    Yilsip Posts: 50
    Twin, where are you?! lol

    I am 38
    Starting weight- 166
    Current weight- 143
    Goal weight- 130

    I am a working Mom to 2 beautiful, strong willed, hilarious, sweet girls ages 4 and 5. I am married and struggling with the bluey blues, so exercising from home to try and feel good about myself. Would love a twinsie that can relate and offer constructive criticism and lots of support, and work out ideas. Best of luck everyone :-)
  • guardianwill
    guardianwill Posts: 54 Member
    Hi All!

    I am 52, Male, 5'6"

    SW: 296
    CW: 170
    GW: 145

    Nice to meet you all!
  • 40 year old School Counselor (Sit on my butt all day)
    SW: 175.5 (I can't believe it!!!! )
    GW: 135
  • Hey!

    I'm 32f, 5'8".
    SW: 186
    CW: 181
    GW: 150
    UGW: 135

    I have insanity and have been wanting to start. I also plan to run my 1st 5k in June. A coworker recommended C25K. Want to buddy up?

    Married w/2 kids, work full time. Looking for creative ways to fit in fitness.
  • Hey there!

    I am 23.
    CW: 211
    GW: 135

    I'm a full time student and I also work at home!
  • >20yrs old
    >Current weight: ~220
    >Goal weight: 180
    >Push/Pull Split: Lots of deadlifts, squats, benchpress, other stuff, 4 days a week. Cardio mixed in on my off days. At least 20 minutes of running/rowing.
    >Let us lift and be merry together.
  • 21
    SW: 215
    GW: 168


    goal is just for this summer after that I will bulk up
    Oh damn son, what's your current workout schedule looking like?
  • TattedInStilettos
    TattedInStilettos Posts: 331 Member
    Sw: 270
    Cw: 220
    Gw: 190-200

    Walk 25 miles a week
    Cardio is belly dancing, jazzercise
    Strength training 150-200 squats, sit up
  • liftingandlipstick
    liftingandlipstick Posts: 1,857 Member
    Medium frame/hourglass
    SW: 320
    CW: 295
    UGW: 140-160 (we'll see when we get there)

    I take classes through my local rec center 5 days a week (Zumba, yoga, Drum Fit, Body Sculpt and a Cardio Mix Up class), plus I'm doing C25K to train for the Color Run in September. I also have a stationary bike at home, which I use infrequently. Love to have some twinsie friends to cheer on :)
  • Female
    48 years old
    5' 8"
    SW 302
    Goal190 ( for now )

    Must watch carbs everyday and salt or I retain many many pounds of fluid.
  • sdelloso1
    sdelloso1 Posts: 2 Member
    33 yrs old, 152.5 lbs
    goal: 135 lbs
    Cals: a day 1200
    Workout: Inddor/Outdoor bike minimum 3 times a week
    Start Date this round: April 1st.
  • Hi All!

    I'm 27F, 5'6".
    SW: 210
    CW: 188
    GW: 140

    Counting calories and going to the gym 5x a week! Want to be MFP friends?

    Married, 2 littles, work part-time, volunteer. Looking for creative ways to change my family's diet.
  • jess_brock
    jess_brock Posts: 7 Member
    Haven't seen any matches just yet, but here we go.

    22 years old
    SW: 192
    CW: 183
    GW: 140 (unless I don't like my results when I get there and then I may try for 130)
    Workout: I do floor exercises 5-6 times a week prior to either walking outside or getting on the elliptical. Outside walks usually last an hour or less and when I work out on the elliptical, I do less than 30 minutes. I hold a lot of weight in my mid-section so I am trying to cut out lots of sodium and soft drinks, etc.
  • 27 Years old
    SW: 192
    CW: 187
    GW: 139 (high school graduation weight)
    Workout: Starting slowly as I quit smoking. Currently just walking, Doing the 30 day squat challenge, and random exercises I find on pinterest. Could really use help there.

    Married, no children, 1 dog. Have completely changed my diet. I estimate before I really looked in the mirror I was consuming 3000-3500 calories a day. I have gained approximately 40 pounds in the two years since getting married. My husband says he doesn't mind, but I DO!!!
  • 04ward
    04ward Posts: 196 Member

    56 5’8 ½ (I used to be 5'9'')
    SW: 199
    GW: 130 (although in my dreams 119)

    I have the oddest body shape ever, sort of square

    Lives in Southern England, vegetarian addicted to crisps, cake, chocolate & cheese, suffers from underactive thyroid & 50% mobility in my upper arms

    Close to Twins! AGE 56, 5'6", SW: 193 GW: 165 to start with then down from there.