Sugar Detox



  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
  • wtw0n
    wtw0n Posts: 1,083 Member
    Eat real fruit, skip the fruit juice and your body will still detox off the fake stuff and the cravings will stop.You also gotta cut out white grain/bread and pasta. The stuff turns to sugar as soon as you eat it and your body reacts the same. Eat WHOLE grains. It took about 4 days for me and the weight loss process has been so much easier now that the cravings are gone. Good Luck!

    Biochemistry, where art thou?
  • RavenhairedWoman
    RavenhairedWoman Posts: 661 Member
    I'm not sure that I buy in to ANY "detox" but I do strive to limit how much processed sugar I eat. Particularly in the form of baked goods and candy. I think I would go crazy if I couldn't have fruit.
  • FlabFighter86
    FlabFighter86 Posts: 233 Member
    I think what the OP means is maybe refined/added sugar. The kind that's addictive and found in fruit juices, chocolate, ice cream, cookies, cake... I've been on a sugar detox a few times (I ate fruit to curb any cravings and avoid sugar crashes). Takes 2 weeks before you don't crave it anymore, but it is totally worth it.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I think what the OP means is maybe refined/added sugar. The kind that's addictive and found in fruit juices, chocolate, ice cream, cookies, cake... I've been on a sugar detox a few times (I ate fruit to curb any cravings and avoid sugar crashes). Takes 2 weeks before you don't crave it anymore, but it is totally worth it.

    for the love of everything that is holy…NO

    you can eat ALL the sugar and be in a calorie deficit and lose weight …

    sugar is not evil ….

    look up twinkie diet if you do not believe me…
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    I guess I don't see the point in not eating any sugar just to go back and eat it again, doesn't that defeat the purpose? Like do you think because you are going on this sugar detox, that it is going to remove some unwanted/unseen sugar that's your body is holding onto in some magical spot? Why not just stop eating the types of food you don't want to eat, and stick with that? You are putting yourself through something that makes you feel like crap for pretty much no reason at all.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    I think what the OP means is maybe refined/added sugar. The kind that's addictive and found in fruit juices, chocolate, ice cream, cookies, cake... I've been on a sugar detox a few times (I ate fruit to curb any cravings and avoid sugar crashes). Takes 2 weeks before you don't crave it anymore, but it is totally worth it.
    But sugar is sugar......

    Are they using sugar as an excuse for eating terribly? Yes.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    I think what the OP means is maybe refined/added sugar. The kind that's addictive and found in fruit juices, chocolate, ice cream, cookies, cake... I've been on a sugar detox a few times (I ate fruit to curb any cravings and avoid sugar crashes). Takes 2 weeks before you don't crave it anymore, but it is totally worth it.

    for the love of everything that is holy…NO

    you can eat ALL the sugar and be in a calorie deficit and lose weight …

    sugar is not evil ….

    look up twinkie diet if you do not believe me…
    I read this as "light up a twinkie"
    Damn, now I want a fire roasted twinkie.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I would never quit sugar waxing.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I guess I don't see the point in not eating any sugar just to go back and eat it again, doesn't that defeat the purpose? Like do you think because you are going on this sugar detox, that it is going to remove some unwanted/unseen sugar that's your body is holding onto in some magical spot? Why not just stop eating the types of food you don't want to eat, and stick with that? You are putting yourself through something that makes you feel like crap for pretty much no reason at all.

    you…I like you make sense...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I think what the OP means is maybe refined/added sugar. The kind that's addictive and found in fruit juices, chocolate, ice cream, cookies, cake... I've been on a sugar detox a few times (I ate fruit to curb any cravings and avoid sugar crashes). Takes 2 weeks before you don't crave it anymore, but it is totally worth it.

    for the love of everything that is holy…NO

    you can eat ALL the sugar and be in a calorie deficit and lose weight …

    sugar is not evil ….

    look up twinkie diet if you do not believe me…
    I read this as "light up a twinkie"
    Damn, now I want a fire roasted twinkie.

    in for twinkie lighting...
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Anyone else start with trying to detox your body from sugar? I am starting day three of detox and I am suffering headaches, shaking hands, crankiness and generally want to curl up in a corner and make the world go away.

    I did first two days strict, not even fruit or juices but I woke up this morning and couldn't handle it so I drank 8oz of fresh orange juice. I am feeling a little better now, but I was hoping I wouldn't have to do that.

    I guess I am just rambling, but I would love to find others in this situation.

    Your body literally runs on sugar, and if you consume no sugar your body will simply manufacture sugar from the other things (protein, fats, starches) you consume.

    So it's literally impossible to detox from sugar. The concept makes no sense.
  • Mav3rick54
    Mav3rick54 Posts: 180 Member
    Eat real fruit, skip the fruit juice and your body will still detox off the fake stuff and the cravings will stop.You also gotta cut out white grain/bread and pasta. The stuff turns to sugar as soon as you eat it and your body reacts the same. Eat WHOLE grains. It took about 4 days for me and the weight loss process has been so much easier now that the cravings are gone. Good Luck!

    Couple of curiosity questions?
    What does the body need to "detox" from and why?
    Sugar comes from plants (sugarcain, sugar beets or in some cases the date palm), so when you refer to the "fake stuff" what are you referring to?
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    I am going to go out on a limb and blame Krinkles the clown.......people now fear sugar:

  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Eat real fruit, skip the fruit juice and your body will still detox off the fake stuff and the cravings will stop.You also gotta cut out white grain/bread and pasta. The stuff turns to sugar as soon as you eat it and your body reacts the same. Eat WHOLE grains. It took about 4 days for me and the weight loss process has been so much easier now that the cravings are gone. Good Luck!

    Biochemistry, where art thou?
  • tattoo06
    tattoo06 Posts: 19 Member
    I recently went on a 30 day sugar fast but didn't have any of the withdrawal symptoms that you speak of. I originally saw a fast a couple did on the morning news so I figured I would give it a try. My problem is that I used to eat a lot of sweets and drink a lot of teas. I can't speak for anyone else and everyone's body is different but in the first two weeks I was down 7.5lbs and after the 30 days I was down a total of 22lbs. It was hard for the first week but after that it became easy. My body honestly feels so much better. I get sugar in other foods that I eat but the sweets and other obvious choices were doing me in. I continued it for another 30 days with having my cheat days once a week and Im at a total of 39lbs of weight loss. I was at 47 until I started putting too much sugar back into my diet. Im not a nutritionist but I know this kick started my weight loss for sure. In some of my cravings it was also a mind thing. I got the sugar free cookies from murrays, sugar free syrup, and my favorite is the sugar free jello chocolate pudding. Some of them have the "sugar water" additive but I just know they work for my cravings. Good luck in whatever you do. Just an fyi, but I continued my at least 2 miles a day of cardio. If I would have cut out fast food who knows how much I would have lost.
  • jacques57
    jacques57 Posts: 2,129 Member
    The DETOX from sugar comes from a Dr. Mark Hyman, one of many wellness talking heads on PBS fund-raising shows. He made the claim that sugar is more addictive than cocaine. He outlined a "detox" from sugar that takes 10 days "to get the hormones back into regular behaviors." I have long thought I was addicted to sugars. This idea of sugar addiction came out of a book called "Sugar blues" and also from my Overeaters Anonymous meeting testimonies.

    SO I am trying the Dr. Hyman 10-day detox. Mostly a smoothy of seeds/blueberries/cranberries/coconut butter/unsweetened almond milk/lemon juice for breakfast, and chicken, turkey, tofu, and veggies for dinner and lunch. I dropped 5 lbs in a week (255 to 250), and noticed the sugar cravings reduced but were not gone. Posters can ridicule a lack of scientific evidence for a sugar addiction (sugar is sugar is sugar) but I know a monkey on my back when I feel one.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    I recently went on a 30 day sugar fast but didn't have any of the withdrawal symptoms that you speak of. I originally saw a fast a couple did on the morning news so I figured I would give it a try. My problem is that I used to eat a lot of sweets and drink a lot of teas. I can't speak for anyone else and everyone's body is different but in the first two weeks I was down 7.5lbs and after the 30 days I was down a total of 22lbs. It was hard for the first week but after that it became easy. My body honestly feels so much better. I get sugar in other foods that I eat but the sweets and other obvious choices were doing me in. I continued it for another 30 days with having my cheat days once a week and Im at a total of 39lbs of weight loss. I was at 47 until I started putting too much sugar back into my diet. Im not a nutritionist but I know this kick started my weight loss for sure. In some of my cravings it was also a mind thing. I got the sugar free cookies from murrays, sugar free syrup, and my favorite is the sugar free jello chocolate pudding. Some of them have the "sugar water" additive but I just know they work for my cravings. Good luck in whatever you do. Just an fyi, but I continued my at least 2 miles a day of cardio. If I would have cut out fast food who knows how much I would have lost.
    It wasn't cutting sugar in general that made you lose 22lbs, it was being in a calorie deficit from all the treats and tea you stopped ingesting. :grumble:
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    The DETOX from sugar comes from a Dr. Mark Hyman, one of many wellness talking heads on PBS fund-raising shows. He made the claim that sugar is more addictive than cocaine. He outlined a "detox" from sugar that takes 10 days "to get the hormones back into regular behaviors." I have long thought I was addicted to sugars. This idea of sugar addiction came out of a book called "Sugar blues" and also from my Overeaters Anonymous meeting testimonies.

    SO I am trying the Dr. Hyman 10-day detox. Mostly a smoothy of seeds/blueberries/cranberries/coconut butter/unsweetened almond milk/lemon juice for breakfast, and chicken, turkey, tofu, and veggies for dinner and lunch. I dropped 5 lbs in a week (255 to 250), and noticed the sugar cravings reduced but were not gone. Posters can ridicule a lack of scientific evidence for a sugar addiction (sugar is sugar is sugar) but I know a monkey on my back when I feel one.
    Read what I just said above.
  • JessG11
    JessG11 Posts: 345 Member
    I'm trying to completely cut out refined sugars for a while so that I can eventually add "treats" back in from time to time and learn some self control. But I'm eating four servings of fruit a day and it has really helped me (as of now: banana, orange, strawberries). Would I love to tear into a bag of reese peanut butter cups??? Of course, but I've had years of eating peanut butter cups. The oranges I've been eating lately have really been satisfying my sweet much as an orange can.

    I know there are some people on MFP that are against cutting out something, but for myself, I have no self control and truly believe in sugar addiction. I love sweets. And I can't eat just one cookie here and there. I want to eat it all. I will skip meals to eat sweets. I would also feel the need to eat sweets daily.

    My doctor said it best: you can eat snickers bars only and lose weight if you stay in your calorie range, but you'll feel like crap. Just a few days of no refined sugars (except in a few teaspoons of peanut butter) has made a difference in how I feel for sure. I just feel better, less crappy. So I have the motivation to keep going. Good luck to you!

    **Let me edit and add: when I say refined sugars I mean desserts, sweets, white sugar in my coffee, cokes, ice creams, etc. A bag of chips can sit in my pantry untouched but a bag of m&ms will be gone in a heartbeat. If I eat one sweet thing, I'll immediately want another.