Sugar Detox



  • IsabellaGiano
    IsabellaGiano Posts: 158 Member
    I don't understand... it seems SO clear to me...

    Our body use sugars as fuel. It transform all other nutrients, proteins, fats, in sugar, to have the energy to LIVE.

    Ok, cut off refined sugar, every sweets, if you like. But... fruits? And where do you think to find the vitamins you need? Will you buy the sintetic ones?

    We need sugars... fruits is vital also for vitamins... when people try to cut off ALL sugars feels bad... I mean, headhaches? Hands shaking? Do you think that's NORMAL? That our body is not meant to eat grains, potatoes, fruits? I mean, what do you think our ancestors ate? Do you think that when an ape see a mango, its body tells "no no is poison"?

  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    Oh no you need fruit! Its natural and good sugar it wont hurt, your body needs the vitamins and minerals fruit has!

    Sugar is just sugar... :huh:

    Not even close .. Sugar is a group name for loads of different compounds.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I don't understand... it seems SO clear to me...

    Our body use sugars as fuel. It transform all other nutrients, proteins, fats, in sugar, to have the energy to LIVE.

    Ok, cut off refined sugar, every sweets, if you like. But... fruits? And where do you think to find the vitamins you need? Will you buy the sintetic ones?

    We need sugars... fruits is vital also for vitamins... when people try to cut off ALL sugars feels bad... I mean, headhaches? Hands shaking? Do you think that's NORMAL? That our body is not meant to eat grains, potatoes, fruits? I mean, what do you think our ancestors ate? Do you think that when an ape see a mango, its body tells "no no is poison"?


    because they are evil….
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Oh no you need fruit! Its natural and good sugar it wont hurt, your body needs the vitamins and minerals fruit has!

    Sugar is just sugar... :huh:

    Not even close .. Sugar is a group name for loads of different compounds.

    please elaborate...
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    Anyone else start with trying to detox your body from sugar? I am starting day three of detox and I am suffering headaches, shaking hands, crankiness and generally want to curl up in a corner and make the world go away.

    I did first two days strict, not even fruit or juices but I woke up this morning and couldn't handle it so I drank 8oz of fresh orange juice. I am feeling a little better now, but I was hoping I wouldn't have to do that.

    I guess I am just rambling, but I would love to find others in this situation.

    You messed up by drinking the OJ.

    Cutting all sugars including fruit from your diet for a little while re-sets your body's sugar/insulin. You are just going through withdrawal symptoms. Just like a junkie going off drugs or an alcoholic going off alcohol.

    Here are a couple of sites I referenced to detox:

    Just like not everyone becomes addicted to alcohol, not everyone is addicted to sugar. I have a bad sugar addiction that snowballs out of control anytime I eat it. So I have detoxed from sugar and it has to be cut from my diet. After the detox and your body has re-set the sugar levels, you can have fruit. You'd be surprised at how many "foods" have sugar in them. The best foods to keep away from sugar is un-processed. If it comes in a box, can or bottle; it probably has sugar added (read the labels).

    Start from day one and stick it out.
  • ImaWaterBender
    ImaWaterBender Posts: 516 Member
    I think it's important to moderate. I mean, I cut out sweet tea and soda, but I still eat fruit and I make my own juice for a glass a day. Carbohydrates are the only food your brain eats.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Anyone else start with trying to detox your body from sugar? I am starting day three of detox and I am suffering headaches, shaking hands, crankiness and generally want to curl up in a corner and make the world go away.

    I did first two days strict, not even fruit or juices but I woke up this morning and couldn't handle it so I drank 8oz of fresh orange juice. I am feeling a little better now, but I was hoping I wouldn't have to do that.

    I guess I am just rambling, but I would love to find others in this situation.

    You messed up by drinking the OJ.

    Cutting all sugars including fruit from your diet for a little while re-sets your body's sugar/insulin. You are just going through withdrawal symptoms. Just like a junkie going off drugs or an alcoholic going off alcohol.

    Here are a couple of sites I referenced to detox:

    Just like not everyone becomes addicted to alcohol, not everyone is addicted to sugar. I have a bad sugar addiction that snowballs out of control anytime I eat it. So I have detoxed from sugar and it has to be cut from my diet. After the detox and your body has re-set the sugar levels, you can have fruit. You'd be surprised at how many "foods" have sugar in them. The best foods to keep away from sugar is un-processed. If it comes in a box, can or bottle; it probably has sugar added (read the labels).

    Start from day one and stick it out.


  • vbolivar
    vbolivar Posts: 1
    Hi Tazeher;

    I too am doing a sugar detox. I'm 3 weeks in and getting better. I still have headaches but not nearly as bad as in the beginning. Don't beat yourself up over the orange juice; however the next time you have a craving go for low sugar fruit, e.g. apples, tomatoes or strawberries. Keep up the good work.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Hi Tazeher;

    I too am doing a sugar detox. I'm 3 weeks in and getting better. I still have headaches but not nearly as bad as in the beginning. Don't beat yourself up over the orange juice; however the next time you have a craving go for low sugar fruit, e.g. apples, tomatoes or strawberries. Keep up the good work.

    yea, makes perfect time you are craving sugar just well have some sugar to "detox" from sugar… the the sugar detox people even know how ludicrous this sounds?

    That is like telling a crack head that it is ok to snort some cocaine every once in a while…
  • MrsRatfire
    MrsRatfire Posts: 102
    Both of these post deserve a gold star! When I eat, I feel a sense of happiness if it tastes good to me. It is pleasure response in our brains. Not eating in the mid afternoon at work when you are stressed, over worked and need a boost is very hard. When I did it successfully, I had alternatives of good food, with me. Sugar metabolizes very quickly, which will lead to a boost and then a drop off. The drop off becomes an even more overwhelming urge to eat. If the world was not addicted to food we would not have obesity raging around the world, especially in the USA. For some of us, that first bite is like an alcoholic having just one drink. They can't, we can't. Controlling eating is harder than kicking alcohol addiction. You see, if food is our addiction, we always have to let the tiger out of the cage. An alcoholic can do complete abstinence, but we, cannot. Look at that food as a hungry tiger that wants out of the cage looking at YOU like you're' the afternoon snack! Pack healthy. Don't worry as much about the extra calories, if you have something healthy, you can eat it or pass on it. If you have no alternatives, you take a greater risk of letting that tiger out of the cage! Thank you for your frank and open post about this. It helps all of us to stay "honest" with ourselves. Cheers!
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member

    please elaborate...

    There are 3 basic groups of 'sugars' and all 'behave differently in the body - or take more work to metaboise

    Monosaccharides (simple sugars : contains : Glucose, fructose, and galactose)
    Disaccharides ( contains : sucrose , lactose, maltose etc..)
    Polysaccharides (Long chain molecules that take more efforst to break down! starches, cellulose etc)

    This link may do way better than I can
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member

    please elaborate...

    There are 3 basic groups of 'sugars' and all 'behave differently in the body - or take more work to metaboise

    Monosaccharides (simple sugars : contains : Glucose, fructose, and galactose)
    Disaccharides ( contains : sucrose , lactose, maltose etc..)
    Polysaccharides (Long chain molecules that take more efforst to break down! starches, cellulose etc)

    This link may do way better than I can

    So which one of those sugars is the evil kind? And how do you know they behave differently in the body?
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member

    The bread picture on this article is making my mouth water...
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    Anyone else start with trying to detox your body from sugar? I am starting day three of detox and I am suffering headaches, shaking hands, crankiness and generally want to curl up in a corner and make the world go away.

    I did first two days strict, not even fruit or juices but I woke up this morning and couldn't handle it so I drank 8oz of fresh orange juice. I am feeling a little better now, but I was hoping I wouldn't have to do that.

    I guess I am just rambling, but I would love to find others in this situation.

    Straight orange juice is like the worst thing you can drink if you're trying to eat less sugar. It's practically pure sugar. Next time, eat a piece of fruit, say, an apple.

    Weeeel, it depends. There are juices that are 50% added sugar, 30% water, 20% fruit.

    But an orange juice 100% fruit? What's wrong with that? If I eat OR drink my orange, it is the same.

    No, orange juice is NOT the same as eating an orange. Juicing removes the fiber from the orange. Fiber slows down the breakdown of sugar in your body, slowing the insulin release.

    You can also consume the juice of about 10 oranges before you eat one entire orange, which gives you a lot of calories and simple sugar very quickly. Have you ever seen how much juice you squeeze from just one orange? The juice of one orange is no where near the amount of a single serving of orange juice.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    please elaborate...

    There are 3 basic groups of 'sugars' and all 'behave differently in the body - or take more work to metaboise

    Monosaccharides (simple sugars : contains : Glucose, fructose, and galactose)
    Disaccharides ( contains : sucrose , lactose, maltose etc..)
    Polysaccharides (Long chain molecules that take more efforst to break down! starches, cellulose etc)

    This link may do way better than I can

    So which one of those sugars is the evil kind? And how do you know they behave differently in the body?

    my thoughts exactly …

    I happened across this study a while ago which states that your body treats all sugars whether added or not i.e fruit sugar vs table sugar the same…

    here is a snippet;

    "Sugars added to foods have no different effect on blood glucose from those of sugars alone. The natural sugars in fruit and fruit juices raise blood glucose approximately as much as does sucrose and less than do most refined starchy carbohydrate foods. The optimum amount of sugars in the diet is not known. "
  • murdledoe
    murdledoe Posts: 98 Member
    I think natural fruits are more then fine. If you aren't doing it because of being diabetic. I would eat 2-3 servings of fruit each day for many reasons. There is also natural sugar in some vegetables. Raw carrots are sweet and crunchy and you gotta love those beets.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    I think it's important to moderate. I mean, I cut out sweet tea and soda, but I still eat fruit and I make my own juice for a glass a day. Carbohydrates are the only food your brain eats.

    Actually no, your brain needs fats more than carbohydrates. Ever wonder why they call peanut butter-brain food? and they highly recommend Omega 3s for brain function. Omegas 3s come from healthy fats, not carbohydrates. Recent studies have shown that people who follow high carbohydrate diets have an increased risk of developing Alzheimers.
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member

    So which one of those sugars is the evil kind? And how do you know they behave differently in the body?

    I'm not saying any of them is evil.

    I know because of what I've read .. All 'sugars' need to be broken down in the body to the simplest for (Glucose, to use used or stored in the body ... converted to Glycogen for use by the muscles, for example).

    we can not, for example metabolise Cellulose (as some animals can) so I guess (?) it you did eat say 500 cals of Grass - those 500 cals would be pooped out (not THAT is another part of the energy equation that folks rarely seem to mention!! They say Energy IN must equal Energy Out to maintain weight .. but always seem to only mention Exercise for Energy out ... not pooping :-p