Worst Thing You Found Out about on Facebook



  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    I found out my eldest son impregnated that woman he married and that she lost the baby. Several months later, I found out he (we're going on the assumption it was him, at this point) did it again. She is due in July sometime. He still hasn't told me. *shrug*

    Best part? This is the FIRST grandchild out of three sons. Not sure this was how I envisioned it...but then I also envisioned him marrying an actual HUMAN BEING. :huh:

    Maybe ^ this is why you found out through FB rather than him calling you or coming over to tell you in person. It's clear that you are not in support of the relationship and he probably didn't want to upset you.

    Thought the same thing. "That woman he married"... don't you mean "daughter-in-law"? Delightful.
    I was thinking the same thing, but then I thought, "We don't know the back story."

    She certainly doesn't sound like a pleasant MIL, but then I've seen new wives treat really wonderful in-laws like dirt and not allow their husbands any contact and the husbands go along with it. My fiance's ex-wife is like that. I've been with him nine years, so I know it is not the in-laws who are the problem.
    Still waiting for a response on this...
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    Wow. With my immediate family, no one posts about things like that until we know the entire family knows about it first.

    This, I try to be respectful and give news some time to spread via traditional means through the family before posting about it on facebook.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

    I have lots of cousins that I love dearly who live far away, and some friends on the other side of the planet. Facebook is my way of keeping in touch with them. Piss on the drama. *shrugs*

    Facebook is the way I connected with two cousins who I haven't seen since we were small children.
  • Cudleigh
    Cudleigh Posts: 188 Member
    Sometimes I wonder if people forget that Facebook is a public thing.

    I've found out that:
    My roommate's boyfriend was cheating on her with two other girls.
    Someone had sex in my bed when I was away.
    My ex got some chick pregnant while we were dating.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I found out my husband was cheating with ex wife. Facebook sucks.

    Without Facebook, you could be blissfully unaware that your husband was cheating.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I found out my husband was cheating with ex wife. Facebook sucks.

    Without Facebook, you could be blissfully unaware that your husband was cheating.


    On that note, a woman I'm friends with was chatting with a man on FB, and her husband forbid her to use FB anymore for fear that she would cheat. So, yeah, FB makes you aware of things, so cheating is because of FB, so FB is the debbil. And for some couples, casual conversation is cheating. Totally.
  • Mello_Rello
    Mello_Rello Posts: 421 Member
    So I get on Facebook this morning to look something up for a friend. I learned that my mom is having a heart cath done today. I have 2 sisters and one posted it to facebook. Not a single person told me.

    A couple years ago, I learned my aunt had a massive stroke via Facebook.

    I live an hour from my family and check in with them about every other day. So my question is this. What's the worst thing you found out about on Facebook?

    Woooowwww...REALLY? I'm sorry, and I don't mean to offend you, but that's pretty lame of your family to for one, feel it necessary to post personal family business online, and two, leave you out of the loop and NOT CALL you to let you know what's going on with your mom, and three, assume that everyone checks FB regularly so eventually you would find out...which you did, but it's just inappropriate to me.

    I hate HATE social media now. It has become the downfall of communication these days. Instead of picking up the phone to converse with friends/family, we post pics and whatnots online for all the see. We think we're building relationships, when really we're killing them. Quality time together or conversing is the only way to truly build a relationship. And the crap we feel is necessary to post..."I'm on the crapper", "Just had sex, WINNING", "Feeling like killing myself today", noooooo, not appropriate. Wish we could go back to the old days when making a phone call wasn't so old fashioned.
  • erikasmith2013
    Worst Thing.... I had lost touch maybe a month or so with one of my bff and one night she came to mind so I called her. No answer... I check her FB page and I started to see all these RIP messages and it got me up on the bed, so I keep looking and find out that she had taken Her life bc of her relationship. I was devastated. I will NEVER forget how it all felt like an out of body experience. I think about her every week as I drive by her old apartment. Although I wasn't able to attend her funeral, I did get in touch with her sisters and they invited me to her 1 year memorial... Saddest thing ever! She was so WELL put together I still struggle with it.

  • Diesel_Girl
    The ending of Season 4 of the Walking Dead. I have missed all of the last half of the season due to no cable and have done my best to avoid anyone that might give it away. I guess I missed one...