rudest thing anyone has ever said about your weight?



  • countscalories
    countscalories Posts: 418 Member
    I feel so bad reading your post, but I do have a great weight-loss tip for you: DUMP YOUR HUSBAND'S SORRY *kitten*, AND YOU'LL LOSE AROUND 200 LBS QUICK! His actions are not just cruel and mean, they are abusive. Be careful how he treats you and any kids you have. Keep your eyes open, whether you want to or not. You don't deserve this crap. ( I'm speaking from experience.)
  • dvkashnkr
    3)round thing
    4)double chins
    5)"you've become FAT!!!"
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    my husband would see me changing and look at my fat post-partum stomach like i was some kind of freak show. but when i came to mfp for weight loss recommended by my doctor all he had was snide remarks. then he would start buying all these desserts and other junk foods, for me, "because i know they're your favorite. ^_^ " as if to be sweet, even though i specifically asked him not to. then tonight he belittled my efforts in front of his entire family.

    i think it's easier to shrug off someone's words, and move on with your goals, than it is their actions.

    He sounds like a keeper.
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    3)round thing
    4)double chins
    5)"you've become FAT!!!"

    "round thing". That is an oddly simple insult.
  • karenrich77
    karenrich77 Posts: 292 Member
    I always remember a doctor who I had never seen before went

    'Just forget it, you're way to fat to even bother losing weight, you won't do it without surgery. Let's face it, you're already fat, miserable and going to be a very lonely woman, that I can gurantee'

    Well doc, this first 10kg is for you..... and the last 10kg will be for you too :P

    Good lord, I'd find something weighing 65kg to smack them round the head with it when you've finished.

    Ugh. What a tosser.

    I may just do that :P along with my after pictures :)
  • FlamencoGal
    FlamencoGal Posts: 126 Member
    I was picking up lunch in the little deli in our building and the lady behind the counter asked me when was I due???? I was mortified with co-workers standing in line with me.
  • Autk79
    Autk79 Posts: 285 Member
    I walked in on my 12 yr old son talking about me and his stepmom when he was 4 and he told his friend I have two moms, one really skinny and one not skinny... :blushing: :blushing:
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    I've had a coworker ask me how my workout and diet have been going I told him "pretty good, lost 20lbs since last year" his reply "really? doesn't really show"
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    Sister inlaw or not, tell her off learn to defend yourself and dont depend on anyone to stand up for you. Stop being her door mat.
  • tomaspetro
    tomaspetro Posts: 1,508 Member
    As rude as people have been, nobody can be ruder than the guy who looks at my image in the mirror. I've probably heard all the insults, including the pregnant ones, at some point in my life. Burning shame-seething anger and the defense I eventually settled on? Joke along with them, put another nail in the coffin. The cruelty outweighs us (no pun intended) 100 to 1 but many of us have had no skills good enough to turn it into a positive. I would bet that there isn't a one of us who hasn't seen somebody really fat and thought exactly that " my God, they are fat and unattractive." We all know that being obese is not a state of healthiness but the visual always comes first and blurters, blurt and a-holes comment and parents worry and life goes on with or without us.

    At some point, I stopped retreating from life and decided to claim what was left for myself. Perhaps I read too much into your question OP, but I think it brought out a lot of great commentary and caused us, or at least me, to reflect on how we got here.:flowerforyou:
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I would bet that there isn't a one of us who hasn't seen somebody really fat and thought exactly that " my God, they are fat and unattractive." We all know that being obese is not a state of healthiness but the visual always comes first and blurters, blurt and a-holes comment and parents worry and life goes on with or without us.

    It's one thing to think it, and quite another to rudely say it to someone's face.

    When you're overweight you internally insult yourself enough without having to take rude remarks from strangers too.
  • tomaspetro
    tomaspetro Posts: 1,508 Member
    I would bet that there isn't a one of us who hasn't seen somebody really fat and thought exactly that " my God, they are fat and unattractive." We all know that being obese is not a state of healthiness but the visual always comes first and blurters, blurt and a-holes comment and parents worry and life goes on with or without us.

    It's one thing to think it, and quite another to rudely say it to someone's face.

    When you're overweight you internally insult yourself enough without having to take rude remarks from strangers too.

    I'm not sure of your point. Of course it's unbelievably callous of people to insult you, but chances are someone will and you have to learn how to deal with it emotionally.
  • pennyks88
    pennyks88 Posts: 167 Member
    Up until I was about 21, I was underweight, about 95 pounds. I was always called a twig and was told by people they were afraid to hug me because I might break in half. I used to be really self-conscious about being so skinny. I now am 135 pounds and though I've never had anyone tell me I'm fat, I have sat and listened to my mother-in-law and sister-in-law talking about how fat they felt at 120 pounds. My MIL has an eating disorder and only has one meal a day, while my SIL is just naturally thin. I feel so crappy about myself when they start talking about weight. They are truly obsessed with it and it makes things so awkward for me.
  • One_Last_Time
    Lots of things.
    "you'd be so pretty if you lost weight."
    Says to friend "don't ever let me get that fat" referring to me.
    Eating breakfast friend says "stop eating like a pig!" random guy at the table "yeah you ****ing pig"
  • dwm2112
    dwm2112 Posts: 77 Member
    An ex-girlfriend: "You're fat!"

    It was a blessing in disguise. I dumped her and started working out and eating healthily. Found a much nicer, prettier girlfriend in night classes at college. :smile:
  • GrinderX
    GrinderX Posts: 25 Member
    When i was in 7th grade someone I had a crush on told me i should wear a bra because I had breasts.

    Definitely as a guy, having breasts has always been the most humiliating and embarrassing part of being fat.
  • detarrevo
    detarrevo Posts: 45
    The biggest critic of my weight has always been my dad. And of course one of his most common jokes was the "pregnancy" one.
    He always gets on my mom about her weight too. The ironic part is he isn't the most fit person in the world either. While I'm here drinking my water, he is over there on his 6th can of Pepsi for the day. When I'm eating a salad his hand is in the cookie jar.

    For the longest time I felt like crap because of him but at the same time didn't have the motivation to really do anything about me weight. But just recently friends encouraged me to really try on here and I have.

    My dad is VERY annoyed at my constant calorie counting but guess what, I lost 8 pounds, and he is now upset for gaining 8 pounds! Karma!...and bad eating lol. Since he can't fit in his pants anymore he has shut up about me and my mom.
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    Some stranger yelled "oh look its ugly betty" at me from across a street loudly.

    More like "Awesome Betty!"
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    I always remember a doctor who I had never seen before went

    'Just forget it, you're way to fat to even bother losing weight, you won't do it without surgery. Let's face it, you're already fat, miserable and going to be a very lonely woman, that I can gurantee'

    Well doc, this first 10kg is for you..... and the last 10kg will be for you too :P

    Good lord, I'd find something weighing 65kg to smack them round the head with it when you've finished.

    Ugh. What a tosser.

    I may just do that :P along with my after pictures :)

    Oh my goodness! Please, please, please send this "doctor" your after pictures. Please!
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    OP-you obviously have no clue how beautiful you are, but I bet the sister in law does...and secretly hates you for it, and tries to make herself look better by pointing out the one thing she thinks is wrong with you. Good Christian girl that one is! Definitely a keeper.

    I have found the stories therapeutic to read. I don't really have anything new to add. I teach high school and most of the time the students' "filters" are broken. I don't get angry any more. I don't get angry when my own kids say anything, and my husband thinks I'm beautiful. BUT our demons chase us...years of being told I'd be prettier if I were thin or getting turned down when I asked a guy out because of my weight really didn't help my self-esteem. Finally at almost 40 I am addressing this. It's a long hard road.

    My advice to young girls: beauty comes in ALL shapes, sizes and colors. Embrace your differences because those differences are what make you an individual. Self-confidence is WAY sexy at ANY weight!