2011 - NEW ME CLUB

Hi, I am Linda

I am looking for anyone who is tired of being "sick and tired" :brokenheart: of gaining weight and eating unhealthy junk foods. I don't care which diet plan you follow, :drinker: because the only goal we are looking for is weight loss.

I want us to share with each other the ups/downs of our diet mistakes, recipes, tell each other about new products on the market that you tried and liked or disliked. But the rule here is to NEVER QUIT ON YOURSELF. Because we will do this TOGETHER.

Looking for some warriors who are ready to take this head on and once and for all lose the weight once and for all. I don't care if you have 130, 120, 110, all the way down to 50 lbs. Just report once a week (Saturday), to keep the group of how well you are doing. Starting anytime this week :yawn: up until Christmas Eve of 2011,

If You are ready... LOG on a let's get this party started.


Linda :flowerforyou:

Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods


  • blueymo
    blueymo Posts: 91 Member
    My name is Linda as well and I am interested in this! I have been working at a local camp as their horse program director and I'm tired of being the most out-of-shape director there! I would like to lose 50 pounds before summer camp restarts this summer (means by May 22nd). I know it seems tough, but I have tried and LOVED the HCG diet. We have a local homeopathic, health doctor in the area that has lots of info and I tried it once. I lost 25 lbs in about 5 weeks. I am getting ready to restart. My favorite part of the diet was the "jumpstart" it did for me. It got me thinking that weight loss was possible for me (I have NEVER been a slender person), and it stopped me in my unhealthy tracks. For instance, I used to drink at least 1 can of Dr. Pepper every day (usually 2-3 cans). Since giving them up for the diet, I've not even really been tempted to go back and my last one was in October 2010. Not overly long ago, but it was quitting cold turkey and it was an amazing change for me! So, Yeah! I want to take on this challenge and be challenged! So, please kick me if I don't log in! Feel free to message me and remind me cause I'm bad about starting things that I don't continue. I need the discipline, so feel free to help! Thanks for starting this post!
    Sorry I'm such a talkative, wordy person :blushing: !
  • mroberts2702
    mroberts2702 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm in the same boat.. I don't care how I do it.. just as long as I can stay motivated and lose weight!
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    I'm in! Everyone add me as a friend and tell me you're from this thread. We can all encourage one another!
  • orting514
    Ya count me in, sometimes i need to vent, and can use all the help i can!
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,443 Member
    I am working on me every day. I dont have much weight to loose but I do have me to work on and will need support to continue maintaining my goal weight also. Mind Body and Spirit
  • thitch1
    I would love to be a part of this club. Thanks for the post
  • Lindac67241
    Wow! This is what I am talking about. We are all in the same boat and together we can get through this. So looking forward to everyone posting their new numbers on Saturday. And everyone can get the complete run-down on SUNDAY!

    Our first change is that .... WE MUST DRINK MORE WATER. When you feel hungry drink some water, wait 10 minutes and if you are still feel hungry... it is because you are.

    Our 2nd thing is that .... WE MAKE WISE FOOD CHOICES, weigh and measure our foods i.e., 3 ounces of protein, 1/2 cup veggies, take accountailityfor everything you put in your mouth and when you feel satiated, save the remainder for later.

    Our 3rd change is that every morning you must eat BREAKFAST, and get moving (walking, jogging, housework, etc). 30 minutes of physcal activities (15 in the AM/ 15 in the PM).

    Get on your mark, get ready .....set .... GOoooooooo!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    hey there!! count me in as well!!! i had lost almost 70lbs on my own and just recently had gained back about 25lbs!! i have been on this site since October 2010 and have lost 20lbs so far!! love it!!!! i would like to lose my remaining almost 50lbs by my 30th b-day...May 8th and could def use some support since it is sucha a huge goal!!
  • Lindac67241
    Looking for jacj46:flowerforyou:

    Please log on to site, we would love to chat with you -
  • Lindac67241
    If anyone is on any type of special diet , i.e. Atkins, Protein Power, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Low Carb, Fat Free, Low Fat, Less Calories, etc., and want to share it, please feel free.

    I am on the Atkins Diet

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    just less calories here!!! find its easier to maintain a "normal" lifestyle change! and of course exercise :)
  • jacj46
    jacj46 Posts: 46
    Hi everyone ... I started this trip Oct 6th ... 64 and have had a quad by-pass, right hip replacement and both knees replaced (got my left hip to go) ... trying to get 100 lbs off by the end of Oct 2011 (65th BD) ... been out of work for over a year & being around the house by myself (most of the day) is not easy ... but things could be worse ... 'one day at a time' ... trying to do a little walking for my heart and knees ... a slow go.

    Ya'll be good and I'll see you in the 'slow lane'.
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    Oh I am in.... my main goal is to do the whole 2011 what I did only for a couple of months. I guess its a sort of Clean eating died - I eat a lot of unprocessed and uncooked food. This is not my goal, its just a tool. I am a student and I dont have time to prepare stuff, so its not cooked, and I want to eat healthy, so its mainly vegetables, yogurt, tuna and stuff like that. It worked for me so well and now I want to continue.
    I eat breakfast so the hardest part for me actually will be drinking water. I will try my best.
  • Lindac67241
    Hi Jack:

    You are doing great! 30 lbs is nothing to sneeze at.

    Just try to stay focused and keep your eye on the vision. What type of diet are you doing? Are you doing this weightloss thing through a nutritionist? Well just know, you have all of our support here. Take it one day at a time and set one goal for yourself a day to accomplish and let us know about it.

    Be good and GOD Bless!
  • Lindac67241

    Black swan, take it one day at a time. Make that your goal each day, to drink more water. Love to hear from you by the end of the week to see how you did.
  • Lindac67241

    Wow! 70 lbs is FANTASTIC!!! You can show us a few things here. Glad to have you aboard.
  • Lindac67241
    Just checking on my folks


    Did everyone get enough SNOW??? Too Much for me. Stay focused and set a goal for yourself today, that you will succeed in towards losing this weight.
  • Lindac67241
    Just checking on my folks


    Did everyone get enough SNOW??? Too Much for me. Stay focused and set a goal for yourself today, that you will succeed in towards losing this weight.

    Everything will be ok in the end. If its not ok, then it is not yet the end!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    thanks Linda! glad to be here!
  • Lindac67241
    How is everyone Today? Hope everyone is still hanging in and are coming up with the good numbers on Saturday.


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods