Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Sunday Share: Tracy in Bismarck, ND. 41 years old. Married for 18 years. Two kids - Jacob, 12 and Emma, 7. Work in Life Insurance out of my home (quality improvement, not selling :tongue: ). Been overweight my entire adult life. Had a pretty sucessful start to this in January 2013 and been losing the same 5-10 pounds for almost a full year now). Started with a personal trainer and really enjoying seeing how much I can really do. Now to get the eating under control. Love this thread and do much better when I check it often.

    Monday check in: I suck at the weekends. I really have to get some structure down as that is always helpful for me. This running from place to place isn't doing me any good. I forgot how busy Palm Sunday was in my church from last year. Next weekend is Easter so it'll be another struggle, but I'm working with my siblings to find out what will be the menu items so I can have a plan.

    @Nettie...congrats on a quickened pace. I'm still as slow as a herd of turtles but at least I'm moving.
    @shadow...I've heard the 'losing toenails" thing before and it freaks me out. Sorry about your pain...I have no suggestions.
    @Susan...sorry I missed you this weekend...hope you have a wonderful vacation!!!
    @Robin...Michael and Jacob are headed to Captain America in the next week. They are very excited for it.
    @Karen...glad you had a good time (and pretty active) conference.
    @Kelley...I've only done the land cruise (started in Fairbanks...boarded the ship just outside Anchorage...debarked in Vancouver)...what will the back to back entail? Thanks for the advise (my ice pack is a close friend when I'm home - ha). Whoop whoop -- 450#!!!!
    @Laurie...WOW. you impress me over and over with your activity? This might sound like a dumb question, but is biking the last event of a tri?
    @Kris...HAHAHa! Chips and Onion Dip...Love the cat bed, not only great for the kitty, but everytime you look at it, you will think of your Dad.
    @L2T...I suffered from planta fascitis as well. Luckily, after I got better at excercising regular and new shoes with great support, it doesn't bother me at all anymore.

    AFM: I spent this weekend just going and going. Saturday started with choir practice, then I set up for the Easter event we were having (kid's carnaval at church). Took Emma to the event. Took my Mom and Jacob to Jacob's festival. It was a lot of fun and he did such a good job. His quartet even got a "wow" from the judge and was told to keep playing together because he'd like to hear them again. Saturday night was "our family" celebration of my birthday. Red Lobster with too many calories. Then Emma bought me a new car charger for my van. We have a broken door on it and someone went in and took my charger and my GPS :angry: . Jacob wanted to buy me the Dragon program -- the one that you can speak and it will type for you. I told him to save his money and his comment was that I seem to type all the time. :love: I convinced him that I can still type and that I don't need it -- he broke down at that point and asked for suggestions. Michael and I then cuddled on the couch and watched some DVR shows that we've wanted to see. Stayed up way too late!!

    Sunday started with us singing the Cantata for both the 8:00 and 10:00 services. After that I took a nap. Then Emma and I went Easter dress shopping (she even chose a dress I had picked out and admitted that I had okay style :bigsmile: ). Then it was off to the rest of the mall for accessories, new shoes, compression shorts for Jacob, sweat pants for Jacob etc. Picked Jacob up in enough time to get him to church. Then Emma and I did grocery shopping. Michael came home from at 9:00 and we watched our last show while I finished some more carnations for my Easter Cake. I just need to do roses tonight and then all my "pre-prepared" items will be done.

    April Goals:
    30 Day Plank – 60 seconds
    Remember why I want to do this!!!
    Drinking my water – 8/30
    Calorie intake – 8/30

    Last week’s activity goals:
    Monday – Cake Decorating class DONE
    Tuesday – Gym with Trainer DONE
    Wednesday – Water Aerobics DONE
    Thursday – Cooking and Serving at The Banquet (I’ll be on my feet from 1-7:30 --- I think that’ll be enough) DONE
    Friday – Gym with sister DONE
    Saturday – Cantata practice, Jacob is at a music festival and then I’m helping with an Easter event at church…no time for a formal workout DONE
    Sunday – gym with sister NOT DONE

    This weeks' goals:
    Monday - Gym and Cake Decorating Class
    Tuesday - Walking
    Wednesday - Gym with Trainer
    Thursday - Walking
    Friday - Gym with Sister
    Saturday - Rest (Easter with Family) - relaxing walk
    Sunday - Rest (Easter)

    Today's "other" Goals:
    **Drink that water
    **Meet my calorie intake goal
    **Deep clean my kitchen
    **Get five roses done out of gum paste

    You all have a wonderful day!!
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    RobinsEgg - LOL Pea Warning, will I got to get my butt in gear and make the trellis, ground is ready and peas are ready..
    logged small lost this week but think it was because of the huge lunch I had sunday, may have been to salty. maybe will recheck later this week or I bet I will weigh again next week.

    3 under cal 4/7 days
    1 Walk 30 min 4/7 days
    2 Drink 8cups 4/7 days


    Weak total:
    Last week = 32
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    Thanks for the confirmations that meal planning works! I'm going to try a bit harder to actually plan out what I need to eat for the day/week.

    Aaron and I had an amazing time this weekend. **hush hush secret** I am falling in love with him, but I'm not ready to tell him that!
    We hiked for about 2 hours on Saturday and had a picnic lunch. :) We ate really well all weekend, which we both felt better for! We're planning another roughly 8-9ish mile hike for this next weekend. :) I'm really glad he and I found something we both really enjoy doing.

    I'm finally down to about 210 from the 217 last week. Still not the 209 I had, but I'm getting there.

    The clothes I ordered from WetSeal came in, they're so TINY! The jeans are size 11....Aaron laughed at me telling me it's the small things. I said now I can pack twice as many clothes when we go on vacation this fall. I'm in a size 14/16 now, but I'll get to size 11, it's happening. He also laughed at me on our hike when I told him it's amazing how I can hike for hours, and my legs don't chafe because they don't really rub anymore. weirdness.

    @littleshadow-OMG your poor toenails!

    @ann- I love your picture. :) I love Doctor Who!

    @Robin- No worries. My knees can take it. :) I'm not putting any more stress on them than I was when I was over 300lbs. I really hope you feel better soon. :(

    @rainandwood- Focus on your studies! As long as you're making progress, we're still here silently cheering you!

    @lauriek- woah! 26+ miles is VERY impressive!

    @mowmow- I LOVE the apothecary look! :)

    @kah- I'm so amazed by your weights. That's nuts!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Rainwood - Great job on exercising but I would caution you that TINGLING is NOT a good sign !!!!! It signals some nerve involvement and you sure don't want that! I would stop exercising at that point. Do you have insurance? Could you see someone and get some PT for that? Just want to make sure your OK.
    And your not to feel bad about whining - we all have to deal with our problems and this is a good outlet. You sure have a lot of decision/ choices ahead of you for the summer. Good luck - I hope the best choice presents itself to you! :flowerforyou:

    Laurie - great ride and run afterwards. Glad you proved to yourself you have the energy for the tri. I know you can do it. I know you can get down to188 this year as well. :drinker:

    Kaye - sorry your back is hurting. Odd when you don't know why isn't it? I hope you get a good nites rest. Also I hope you have a nice loss on the scale next time you weigh ! That would be a great surprise.

    AnnEliot - funny cooking story!

    MowMow - I'm always so excited when you re-surface - it becoming so RARE these days. Clad you saw Dr. McHotty Pants and got an Rx for massages. I hope they do you tons of good. Sounds like it should I do so love the idea of converting such a treasured possesion as your dads suitcase into the adorabale cat bed! And you did and equally cool job in the bath with the glass jars! Man, I wish you were my neighbor!!! I have some little disasters going on in my home that I could use a helpful hand with :laugh:

    Skinny - in your personals you mentioned starting spring cleaning and your DH getting involved and talking aabout possibly selling in the future. That's so exciting. I've owned 5 homes total and enjoyed the house hunting experience each time even tho there was a lot of stress. I loved getting the house ready for sale because it almost becomes like new once you have it cleaned out and prepped for sale. THen moving into something larger is so nice. One thing I did learn, not to pack things thinking you'll decide LATER after the move if you're going to throw it away. Get rid of it before the move, you'll be so much happier. I made that mistake moving into this condo and now I'm throwing away stuff I moved with that I really find ridiculous to have moved with.

    Kah - 450 on the leg press - WOW :bigsmile: thats IMPRESSIVE!!! "Your Max is My Warm UP" Made me Laugh :laugh: so good so good!

    JessG - welcome - looking forward to your postings.

    tih - your kids sound adorable - so loving. I wish I could hear you sing the Cantata.

    Ushkii - glad you enjoyed my joke. You're under the Pea Warning all week!

    AFM - Good fun weekend just running errands all around town with my Pal, sunny and 85 on Sat, then rainy and very cold Sunday and snow Sun nite. The snow on the ground was beautiful this am around 7 but now is all melted . I go see the PT for eval today. Sad to say last night, although my right leg has been doing well for me and pain has been controlled with advill, I was just standing at my tall dining table doing mail, and the leg cramped and darn it, I fell to the floor! I was taken by surprise! I immediately thought, from the pain in my right groin that my hip had gone out or broken, but then the power of positive thinking kicked in, and I started telling myself it was just a cramp and I was going to be OK, that I was going to be able to stand up and that nothing seriously was wrong. I gave myself a minute to absorb that, then I tried to get up, and voila! I did. It was painful and still is today. So glad I have an appt. Also waiting for calls from various docs and dentists for follow up on various tests and that dental device that was ordered 2 weeks ago.
    Not getting much done exercise wise other than the PT. Food intake has been fairly good as not much in the house to tempt me!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Aimee~Sounds like you had a fab weekend!

    @Robin~Yikes, so sorry about your fall – sounds like you kind of stunned yourself when it happened. I’m glad to hear that it was nothing serious and that you’re doing okay, glad you’ll be able to see the PT and they can evaluate it.

    @Tracy~My last AK cruise was very similar to yours, we did a land cruise tour also. This time we decided we wanted more time in each port to see and do all we could, best way was a back-to-back – which is essentially a round-trip cruise through Vancouver. It cruises north to Whittier (we’ll stay on board) and then cruise back south to Vancouver – ports of Skagway, Juneau and Ketchikan are on both itineraries but the scenic cruising at the glaciers will be different. Both ways will include Glacier Bay but we’ll see College Fjord on the northbound itinerary and Hubbard Glacier on the sourthbound itinerary. In all, we’ll be on the ship for 14-days.
  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member
    about losing toenails... I have found it's pretty painless. When we walked the full 26.2 miles in 2011, I lost all but my big toenails during training - twice! :p They take a couple of months to grow back in and look a little funny for awhile. It's caused by the friction of the toes against the shoes... the new sneakers I have must be better, as I am only losing my second toenails instead of all of them. ;)

    I also wanted to share a couple of pictures... I've been feeling discouraged about my weight loss, as it took almost 6 months to get on the right track with losing consistently. I started the first of july last year, lost 19 lbs, caught pneumonia and did a long round of oral steroids and struggled with my health for a couple of months, and started the new year almost back to where I had started. Because it's taken so long, I don't feel like there's much of a difference in my appearance. So glad I decided to check out my photos to see if I had any from last July... lo and behold, I found a couple taken right before I started counting calories... compared to my current pics, from the bahamas last month:

    July 2013...

    March 2014...

    I was shocked at the difference, and encouraged. It's a long old haul, this 100 lbs, so it's nice when you finally start to see your hard work paying off. Can't wait to see what the next 66 lbs brings.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Little shadow- You look wonderful. You can really see a difference in your pictures.

    MOW-mow- I love the cat bed. How did you fix the lid so it doesn't snap shut unexpectedly?

    aimee- Great job with the hike and the picnic lunch.

    tlh- Biking is the middle event in the triathlon. The order of events is Swim, bike then run. That is great about your trainer working out for you. They are a great resource in holding you accountable and pushing you to try new things and to find a limit.

    Today was good day did some running drills and strength training with my trainer. This week I will try going to a swim team practice for an evening workout. The only reason why I am trying it is due to spring break and not having to go to work the next morning. I am also interested in finding out if I can handle a more intense swimming workout. I will meet my trainer there and she will introduce me to her coach. So I am nervous but hopefully it will be a great experience. Worse case, I will just give up and swim on my own.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    Enjoyed a very lazy day indoors due to rain. Caught up on sleep, and my muscles are no longer sore. Since noticing a significant improvement in my cardio endurance I am really getting the itch to try running. I am going to attempt to start next week but am worried that my physio workouts will interfere. I get quite sore 2 days after each workout, I don't know if I should do runs on the same day as physio or days in between. Maybe I should just run twice a week? Time them out to rest on days after lower body workout? I suspect I will be sore for a while if I start this... But I want to get adequate recovery.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    MOW-mow- I love the cat bed. How did you fix the lid so it doesn't snap shut unexpectedly?

    It's got hinges, but there's no tension so it wouldn't 'snap' shut. It's set far enough from the wall to rest the bag against the wall falling closed (and close enough to the wall to keep it from flopping back all the way).

    You could still close the lid and use it for seating if need be (and the person was not too heavy)

    This evening MowMOw is sleeping IN it and Book is sleeping UNDER it. It's become a bunk bed, I guess.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Just a quick check in. It's been a long...Monday. Between more snow that appears to be sticking around for a day or two, and a crabby patient unloading on me about stuff that has nothing to do with's been a long, crabby day. Luckily, my sister called and we just finished a long conversation about adorable animals and children. Sigh. Much better! :)

    Was a bad weekend for eating, but I did manage to get in some time at the hotel fitness center. Ran on the treadmill and lifted weights. Also did the elliptical. Oh! And I even wall-sat and planked. Had a nice, kid-free couple of days with my husband. Did some shopping, went to a nice dinner, and saw Muppets 2. (cute, but meh)

    Mowmow- Very nice cat bed! I have a college friend who did one of those with a blue suitcase for his cat. He's very into antiques and it's so his style. I love the cats inside the suitcase lid, too. Cute!

    Littleshadow- Great pics! It's always great to have some photographic evidence that change IS happening. And, I've lost a toenail before, too. It was after our second 10K husband and I each lost one! You're right, it doesn't hurt. Just looks funky. I think mine was because of ill-fitting shoes.

    Tanya- I think running twice a week is a good way to start, especially if you're doing it in addition to other things.

    Rain- Try not to push yourself past your physical breaking point with that knee! Sometimes backing off on speed or mileage can let little twinges heal, and you won't lose everything you've gained.

    Tomorrow, I'm working second shift at the clinic, so I'm hoping to get some laundry done and other housework. Woo. hoo. Stuck at 30 seconds on my planks, but up to 60 seconds on the wall sits!

    April Renaissance:

    1. Under calories: 8/30
    2. Wall sit: 8/30, 60 sec.
    3. Forearm Plank: 8/30, 30 sec.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Kris-love your projects.
    Robin- sorry about your fall.
    Littleshadow-your pictures look good. Doesn't it feel good to see progress?

    My day has certainly been a mixed bag. Good news first. Today was the 3 year check up for DH's kidney cancer surgery. He has a clean bill of health. We also got to see Baby Jane and her brothers. She has a bad cold and wasn't feeling very good. DH did get her to coo and smile at him just as we were getting ready to leave. The boys were excited to see us. We'll see them again on Sam's birthday in May.
    When we were getting ready to leave about noon, I couldn't find my purse. I finally found it on the floor in the bathroom wrapped in a towel. Anya had a busy morning. :wink:
    Food and exercise were a loss today. I don't even know how to log it. I ate a good breakfast, but skipped lunch because I spent all morning munching on the candy popcorn I made yesterday. I had told myself I could just eat enough to satisfy my craving and then give the rest to Cathy's boys. Well, that didn't happen. :blushing: I walked to school this morning with Keith, but didn't get home early enough to walk this evening. The only exercise I got was a lot of grocery shopping at Costco and Winco. Then I had to put it all away. I don't know how to log that. We ate dinner at my favorite buffet. I feel okay about my choices there. Well, tomorrow is another day. I bought a lot of fresh fruit for snacking.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • rainandwood93
    rainandwood93 Posts: 121 Member
    @Little Shadow: Blown away by the pictures! You look fantastic.
    @Laurie: Good luck with the new workout!

    Thanks for the replies about my knee. I have a sort of silly phobia about going to student health, but since the tingling is sort of unusual I'll call tomorrow to make an appointment. I had a really alarming phone call after accepting a job offer. I pressed the organization to give me the original terms of the job (housing paid by the internship), and was told that would be fine, but I was given a call immediately after I sent my acceptance email in which my future supervisor asked me point blank about the "health issues" I was working on that required me to have control over my diet, and after which she seemed to threaten to withdraw the position, as she suggested I was "too ill" to take advantage of the internship. I just emailed her to make sure we both have a record of my acceptance along with her agreement to pay for my housing, however I feel so unbelievably uncomfortable with my summer plans now, and I'm a little tired of being harassed about my choice to deal with my health.

    No exercise today, as I spent a lot of the afternoon upset and Zumba was cancelled. Perhaps it's for the best because of my knee, and the fact that I can't remember the last day I had a proper day off.

    I've been on a plateau for so long that I'm concerned my dietitian will think I'm lying about my food diary when I show it to her tomorrow. Plus I'm likely retaining water due to TOM, so it might not be pretty.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    It's a rainy, story day in NC today. And they're calling for frost tonight so I'll be hauling all the old sheets outside to cover my tender plants. Very unusual for this time of year! Not much to report today. Just staying the course and staying at or under my calorie goal.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    April Renaissance - Fighting Complacency:

    At or under Calorie goal: 12/30

    Exercise Goals:

    Saturday - 5 miles walking DONE
    Sunday - 3 miles walking DONE
    Monday- Rest Day DONE
    Tuesday - Pilates
    Wednesday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
    Thursday - Pilates
    Friday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
  • ann27eliot
    ann27eliot Posts: 8 Member
    Tuesday goal-Post an exercise check list on the fridge. My nutritionist pointed out that I need visual affirmation. We discovered this after I was saying how motivated I got by the record I set tracking on MFP for so many days in a row.Even the estimated weight loss in 5 weeks I find keeps me going. So a chart with something colorful showing exercise each day is my plan.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Laura~What a strange conversation with the supervisor for the intern position, surely they understand a person wanting to live a healthier lifestyle. :indifferent: I think Zumba being canceled was a Godsend, given your current knee issues I think it’s important that you give yourself several days of rest (not only that but Zumba is terrible for knees) – also if you can form an ice pack (they may even give you one at student health), I highly recommend icing it several times a day for 20-minutes. Surely your dietician understands the stress you are under with your classes and knows that cortisol levels greatly influence weight loss. Hang in there.

    @Hansea~Sounds like you had a great weekend with your hubs, sans kids – very important!

    @L2T~Weather here has been crazy too, freeze/frost warning here through 10am. I wish the weather would make up its mind – running the heat and a/c in the same day is just crazy! :explode:

    @Heidi~I definitely see a difference in your pics, you’re doing great!

    @Tanya~I love lazy, rainy days! :wink: As for running, it’s important to start out slow and get adequate recovery as you stated. I highly recommend following a c25k program to get you started, it will have you running 2-3 days a week in short segments. If you have a day at physio where you’re just doing legs, I don’t recommend doing it that day – too much load for your hamstrings and quads, which leaves you susceptible to injury. Also, make sure you have some really good running shoes – if you have access to a store that specializes in running shoes I highly recommend being fitted, your feet/knees will thank you! :happy:

    AFM~I found a great section of a park near my house with awesome trails, so ran yesterday for the first time since before vacation. I bundled up as it was windy and chilly, but it felt great! :bigsmile: I did some running drills and after each segment I stopped and did 20 squats, so my legs got a really good workout – also got in some kettle bell sumo squats and push-ups. My hamstrings are a little sore this morning – I suspect it’s a combination of heavy weights on Sunday and the squats yesterday. I’m sad this morning because the 5k I run every May has been canceled this year :sad: – it’s an event for women, I hope they are able to hold their event in the Fall. I may need to find another 5k event in May or June to run – I plan to do the 10k in September if its being held and then if all goes according to plan (and I can stay injury free) a half in December.

    April Renaissance:

    Planks 14/30
    Under Calories 11/30

    Tentative Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Trainer DONE!
    Monday~Cardio/resistance outside DONE! (running drills)
    Tuesday~Cardio (hopefully)
    Friday~Rest Day
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 894 Member
    Monday check-in:

    Well, I've been kind of sick for the last week, but starting to feel better and will see the doc next week again. Woke up to a 'winter wonderland' this morning. It looks sooo pretty outside as the snow is falling in large flakes and everything is white. The 'ice' had finally melted and we had a couple of really warm days here. It's kind of cold out now, but it shouldn't last long...a few days..
    All I can think about is losing weight and yet, I'm not doing it. I feel like I have to get a handle on my health first, yet I also feel that my poor health is due to the weight...I try every day with the best intentions, but I feel like I've lost the ability to know what is right anymore.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Argh…started this two times and had it go down! :grumble: Now I’m typing it on a Word document and going to copy and paste. What a waste of time!

    @Robin…wow! That would throw anyone for a loop to just fall out of the blue. Glad you weren’t hurt worse and could get up.

    @Kelley…Yes, I can see how that back to back would be wonderful. I enjoyed my Bahama cruise, but did miss the beautiful scenery you always have on an Alaskan cruise (but enjoyed the temps in the Bahamas better – haha).

    @Shadow…you can really see the difference – great job! :flowerforyou: Hmmm? I’ve lost 30 pounds and don’t see it in my pictures at all…grrrrr.

    @ Kaye…Yay to a clean bill of health for DH!!!

    @Rain…that is illegal for her to bring that up. I’m mad for you! :angry:

    AFM…Had a very modified workout last night. I didn’t get it done until after my class and I could tell the difference on my left heel. I don’t feel it was very effective, but I got one in. This morning when I did my plank, I must have been tired. At 24 seconds, I felt like I had been doing it a lifetime. At that point, I didn’t think I’d make it, but I kept repeating “you did 60 yesterday, no problem to get there at least.” Then when I got to 60, it was like, “well, you can do 5 more seconds!!” VERY SHAKY but I made it. :glasses:

    Last night a lunar eclipse and today another rarity in my household: No plans!! Saxophone lessons have been cancelled and while Jacob is now going to see the Globe Trotters with a friend, Emma and I do not have to leave the house. It’s going to be close to 50 today so I plan on taking a walk, but other than that I’m going to have my windows open and keep going with the cleaning. Our kitchen is very tiny (makes sense since the apartment is tiny) and the top of my cupboards are extra storage for cake decorating, pans, crock pot etc. I will set Emma up on the counter and hopefully get it all cleaned off and organized again. After that I move onto the bathroom.

    April Goals:
    30 Day Plank – 65 seconds
    Remember why I want to do this!!!
    Drinking my water – 9/30
    Calorie intake – 9/30

    This weeks' goals:
    Monday - Gym and Cake Decorating Class KINDA DONE (MODIFIED) AND DONE
    Tuesday - Walking
    Wednesday - Gym with Trainer
    Thursday - Walking
    Friday - Gym with Sister
    Saturday - Rest (Easter with Family) - relaxing walk
    Sunday - Rest (Easter)

    Today's "other" Goals:
    **Drink that water
    **Meet my calorie intake goal
    **Deep clean my kitchen (I have one cupboard, the top of my cabinets and the floor left)
    **Get five roses done out of gum paste (after class last night, I just didn’t want to pull it all out again)
    **Go to bed by 10:00.

    You all have a wonderful Tuesday!!!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Good Morning!

    I ended up working in the gardens for at least 5 hours yesterday. I was cleaning out my flower beds and digging up a lot of grass that grew into them last year. It was a big job. I was exhausted by the time I decided to finish up for the day so I didn't do any strength training like I had originally planned. Today is a rainy day so not much gardening going on today. John is finishing up the floors today so I cannot do much around the house today. So I guess it will be a sit and watch tv type of day until John is finished then I can finally finish cleaning for the last time! The floors so far are coming out beautifully. I was shopping online last night for an area rug for the dining room to put down so we don't scratch the floors with the table and chairs. I found at least 10 rugs that I really like. Now I have to narrow it down to 1 and measure to see what size to get. I bought my foyer rug and 2 hall runners online from BJs last year and fell in love with them when they arrive. They were even more beautiful than the picture on line. I am hoping the same will happen with the dining room rug.

    I started hardening off my plants yesterday. Like I mentioned earlier it is rainy today combined with gusts of wind. So my plants will be staying inside until tomorrow. They are still too tender to endure that type of weather.

    Laurie - Thanks. I will definitely check out the website. Great job on the bike ride and running afterwards. I am so impressed with you! Keep up the good work.

    Ann - I had problems at first if my husband was cooking dinner. I have trained him very well and now he measures everything first for me so I can create the recipe on here. It took a long time to get him to do that for me but I think after seeing how hard I have been working he realizes how much it means to me. Though I realize I cannot control everything. I try not to sweat it too much if we have dinner elsewhere though.

    MOwMOw - I love the suitcase cat bed. That is absolutely adorable. I also really like what you did with the vases. I need a new container to hold my cotton balls and q-tips. You just gave me an idea. Thanks.

    Skinny - Thanks for the info on the HRM.

    Lives - As much as I complain about my Fitbit, I actually love it. I wear it all the time and often forget I have it on until it starts vibrating to alert me that I met my daily goal. There are days that I don't reach my steps and I am ok with that. It does drive me nuts when I sync and get a message that I am 1000 steps away from meeting my daily goal. I admit to purposely getting up and walking around the house a few times when I see that. :blushing: Yesterday it gave me 2 active minutes for all my gardening :noway: however when I synced it showed up on MFP as 422 extra calories. I am slowly learning not to obsess over those active minutes too much. :wink:

    Kah - Wow to the leg press. Look at you go!!!! Sorry to hear your 5K was cancelled.

    Tanya - Thanks for the info!

    Jess - Welcome to the group!

    Tracy - Sounds like you had a really nice weekend!

    Ushkii - The sodium gets me too from time to time. Good thing about that though is as soon as you drink enough water that bloat quickly disappears!

    Aimee - I love that things are going really well for you with Aaron. Congrats on being 10 lbs away from the ones. Also congrats for the smaller size. Super exciting!

    Robin - Sorry to hear about your fall. Glad to hear you were able to get back up and didn't get hurt.

    Little shadow - You definitely can see the difference in the pictures! Congrats.

    Kaye - Congrats on the good news with your husband!

    Rain - Sorry about the phone call. I hope it works out for you. I don't understand why becoming healthier would be an issue and prevent you from getting the position. UGH to TOM gain. I am experiencing that now as well. I keep reminding myself that it is only temporary. But even with TOM I am still under 220 so I can't complain too much. :wink:

    Mel - Sorry to hear you are ill. Hope you feel better soon.

    April Renaissance:

    Protein Goal at least 80 grams: 10/30 days
    Exercise goal:12/25 days (Allowing 1 rest day a week)

    Exercise goal:
    Sunday: Walk with Brian (2.26 mi, 42 min), 2 hours gardening
    Monday: Gardening - 5 hours

    Sunday: Walk with Brian (2.26 mi - 42 minutes) & 2 hours of gardening.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    My goal is to try and fit in some fitness during this busy Holy Week. Yesterday was a rest day. This morning, since I don't have to go into work until 3 pm and the kids are in school all day, I was able to spend a lot of time at the gym. I ran 2.5 miles on the treadmill. The gym just got three new treadmills with "virtual activity" on them, so I tried it out for the first time. Kind of cool! It plays the scenery of different places as if you're running there. I chose a parks version which took me through some highlights of Yosemite Nat'l Park and Sequoia Nat'l Forest. It cleverly popped up with factoids wherever there was a large increase in the incline. Neat distraction!
    I then spent 30 minutes lifting, wall-sitting and planking. I'm broke through my 30 second-jam on the planks! Woo hoo! 35 seconds!

    Still cold and snow on the ground, but the sun is out. Hopefully, it melts some of this stuff!

    Nettie- Jealous of your gardening! Looking forward to some warm temps so I can clean up my yard and beds.

    Tlh- High five on your plank!! Way to give yourself a positive pep talk. We can do so much more than we think we can. :drinker:

    Mel- Sounds like you're stuck in a negative loop. All you can do is work on your health, hope it has positive effects on your weight loss, thus leading to even better health. One will feed the other in a good way.

    Kah- Great trail run and squat session! Wow!

    Ann- Visual cues are so helpful. I love making lists for everything and physically crossing stuff off. Helps reinforce good behavior, for sure!

    Well, going to go prep a slow-cooker beef stroganoff and take a shower. Then on to grocery list and laundry!! Getting stuff done today! Make it a great one, everyone!

    April Renaissance:

    1. Under calories: 8/30
    2. Wall sit: 8/30, 65 sec.
    3. Forearm Plank: 8/30, 35 sec.
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Tuesday goals: Logging/Drinking/walking same goals and adding up for the week. Last week was a good week, so it will be good for me to try to keep that up a and set a new high. Went for a 15 min walk already and had oatmeal for breakfast, so starting out great. Went to a movie last night and tried out a new place MovieGirll, it has recliners and they serve food, not healthy food, but really good. So I tried it. The popcorn threw me over. It was fun and a nice change.
    I did not log everything Sunday but took picture of my plates so maybe will go back but thinking it will be hard to extamate so maybe wil just leave it.

    aimeemarie - Great job on the hike and planning another!
    RobinsEgg - I have to focus on the Peas this week! Sorry about your cramp, hope it is better now!
    littleshowdowfeet's - Your story is inspiring, I keep coming back, I hope this time it stick it out for better results.
    ann27 - Great plan, whatever motivates you, keep it up.
    tlh0407 - I will sometimes do it in Word so I can switch back and forth.
    JNettie - Great job on the garden work! I have to get to work on mine this week.

    3 under cal 4/7 days
    2 Drink 8cups 4/7 days
    1 Walk 30 min 4/7 days

    Mon: 1 =1

    Weak total: = 1
    Last week = 32 (76.19%)