Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Vicki- Congrats on reaching the 100lbs lost. That is a great accomplishment.

    Karen that is a great time on the race especially with a strained quad muscle. Letting it rest and heal is a good thing.

    jt- It is very cool that your son went to the gym with you today and was able to experience what you do there. It should give him a new appreciation for how hard you are working.

    Susan- When it comes to Cyrus he may need some major reinforcement that you are not leaving. I am sure that the trip was emotionally draining for him as well and the emotions that are attached to the area. He may also be getting nervous about starting school again and that could be raising his anxiety level.

    NSV for this week was running 2.25 miles.

    Update- I think I mentioned that my trainer was competing in the USA National Triathlon-Olympic Distance today. She did a fantastic job. She finished 44 out of 88 people in her age group and completed the course in under 3 hours. Her quad started to cramp up on her during the run, which slowed her down a little but it did not stop her. I am just excited for her and that accomplishment.

    Workout Schedule
    Sunday- Bike 21 miles DONE
    Monday- Trainer 5K prep/running drills DONE plus weight training upper body
    Tuesday- Swim no instead Change ran 1 mile in 12.12, rowed for 2000m and biked for 10 minutes (4 Miles) Done
    Wednesday- Swim DONE
    Thursday- strength training -rest DONE
    Friday- run 2 miles and climb (?) DONE
    Saturday- Swim, half mile DONE

    Workout plan 8/11 to 8/17
    Sunday- Bike
    Monday- running drills or mile run
    Tuesday-Trainer- 5K drill or mile run
    Wednesday- Swim
    Thursday- Trainer
    Friday- Rest Day
    Saturday- 2 Mile race
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--wow, that's awesome that your trainer did so well! How inspiring! Is tomorrow your first ride on your new bike? Can't wait to hear how it goes! I'm glad the climbing dilemma worked itself out for you, and I'm really excited for you about your race next Saturday!!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen- Tomorrow is the first ride with new bike and I will post pictures tomorrow. Thanks about being excited about the race. I will be a nervous wreck all week.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
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    Click on that phrase and it will take you to the first post on our new page One.

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Are there goals for August? This looks like a great thread

    Welcome CPeg - glad you decided to join us. Here's the August Challenges:

    The AUGUST Challenges:
    1. Try to lose 4 lbs
    2. Try to incorporate an exercise routine 3 times a week.
    3. Share an NSV (non-scale victory) once a week on the thread.
  • lustergirl
    lustergirl Posts: 123 Member
    Are there goals for August? This looks like a great thread

    Welcome CPeg - glad you decided to join us. Here's the August Challenges:

    The AUGUST Challenges:
    1. Try to lose 4 lbs
    2. Try to incorporate an exercise routine 3 times a week.
    3. Share an NSV (non-scale victory) once a week on the thread.

    Hi Robin:

    Lets see;
    1. Lost 5 pounds this week
    2.Wearing a size smaller in pants (NSV)
    3. Working out 5 days at the gym

    I am good to go!!

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everybody!

    vickimieth-Minus 100!

    Hope all of you have been eating better than me this week. I need to eat better again which I’ll start Monday. I still have 70lbs. I would like to lose.

    Any star gazers out there might like to take a look at this tonight:
    Scheduled for Aug 11, 2013 Watch the Great Perseid Meteor Shower live on Slooh - Sunday night starting at 4 PM PDT / 7 PM EDT / 23 UTC. We will pull a live feed from our all-sky camera located on the top of Mt. Teide in the Canary Islands - over 8,000 feet up where skies are nice and dark. Feed will run most of the night.

    Quote of the day:- “Every human being is the author of his own health or disease.” ~Buddha

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Angelika - I'm so glad your Total Gym is working out and you love it. Yes, I've seen your calorie expenditures so I know you're using it. Living rooms are just that - living rooms and if exercise ain't living I don't know what is!

    Kah - those beef medallions sounds like a good reward for your exercise in the gym - and nice job obeying your trainer (how unusual, :wink: )

    KellyLyn - excellent time on your mile! Congratulations and thanks for sharing!

    jt - I'll bet you really surprised your son in the gym! Its great he got to see what his mom does for a work out! Show him how tough you are! Cool beans! I know you are still recovering from your loss - here's a virtual HUG!

    Skinny - well done on letting yourself lounge all day - you got the true meaning of summer vacation in for a day! WOOT! And you are letting that quad heal!

    Laurie - your running is improving exponentially ! WOW! Its great to read about your trainer's successes. She sounds like a dynamo - so glad you got to know her and be inspired by her.

    Lustergirl - wow - you lost 5 lbs this week? WONDERFUL!! You're doing great! HOLLER!!! :drinker:

    Tom - thanks for the great stargazer website - I'm definitely going to be checking that out. I always try to see the meteors but its so hard to get far out of the city and time it right. I've never seen good meteor showers yet.
    Say, I hope you really commit to eating right and LOGGING YOUR FOOD this week. I know you can do it. You've pretty much taken this summer off and its time to get serious. We're all here for you!

    Yesterday turned out to be a nice day. The Body by Vi party was interesting but I didn't like the product, so I didn't buy anything. It was great seeing my old boss and we're planning to have lunch next Friday.

    I went with my ex-bf and his new gf to a Wine and Balloon Festival at 5 and it wasn't bad at all. I was nervous beforehand, but we had a lot of laughs and drank 3 bottles of wine between us. When I first met her, we laughed because we were dressed almost identical - pink tank tops and navy capris. She's much tinier than me, 5-1 to my 5-8. We took chairs and had to walk a great distance from where we parked the car to where the balloon viewing was to take place. We got our chairs set up and then walked all over the concourse sampling wines and looking at the merchant wares, and of course, getting to know each other. Then we bought our first bottle of wine and sat for the balloon launch, which was gorgeous. We sat again for the balloon glow 2 hours later at dusk which again was just magical. We did eat gyros, and ran into people we all knew. I had time to chat with her alone and she confessed her utter fear of me, as if I would dislike her and tell Him not to date Her. Absolute nonsense, I said. I ended up thinking she was a very likeable lady, and I'd be friends with her if I met her on my own. So much of my own fears were allayed, too. My ex-bf and I got along very well, he was courteous and attentive to me as well as her, and I could tell from the way she talked, that he has described me as his best friend. That was good enough for me. She's aware we've travelled to Jamaica and Hawaii together as companions and she was comfortable with that. So I think the worst is behind me.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    The bike picture is now posted and I loved my ride today. We went 23 miles in 1 hour and 49 minutes. It was a pleasant trip and my fingers are not tingling and I had energy left over after the ride. The bike is a Giant Escape 1. It is a smooth ride and almost a rode bike. I am still in the process of getting the handle bars and grips just right. We are bringing them in closer to the middle so they are shoulder width apart instead of wider. Now, if I can stop my tailbone from hurting life on a bike would be great.:laugh:

    Tom- Thanks for posting the link to the showers tonight. The weather in Maryland would make for lousy viewing very overcast.

    Robin- Glad the day went well for you and that you had a great time. The balloon show sounds wonderful.

    I have been engaged in this process for the past three years and about 2 years on MFP. For me life began when I turned 40, since that is when I decided to do something about my weight. In the past year, I have started participating in more athletic activities and realized that I can achieve so much more. Old life- was based on school and education (life of a teacher- taking work home or going to classes). Now at 43, I am biking, rock climbing, running, swimming and ready to try so many new adventures. When I started all activities were difficult now things are easier and much more enjoyable.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--I LOVE your bke!! :heart: Glad you enjoyed riding it today--23 miles is so impressive. The farthest I've ridden on the stationary is about 10 miles and of course, that takes a lot less effort b/c I don't have to use my core to keep balanced. Don't be nervous about the race--you've got this!! :flowerforyou:

    @robin--I'm so happy the meeting was a success and that you and he will remain friends. I'm not a wine person, but that event sounds wonderful! Oh, and thanks for re-posting the goals--I knew I was missing one.

    @tom--thanks for the links--it will be overcast here tonight so that's probably the only way I'll get to see it. I tried to go outside last night to view, but the darn skeeters attacked me, so back inside I went. :grumble:

    @lisa--congrats on your loss this week--you are really killing those goals!! :drinker:

    Sunday Share:
    For the new folks, I'm Karen and I live and teach just outside of Chicago. I joined this site in March 2011 when my weight had reached almost 250 lbs. I was uncomfortable with how I looked and although I was still fairly active, I would sweat like crazy just taking a short walk with my dog in mild weather. Now I'm a runner and love doing all sorts of 5Ks and obstacle mud runs--I've also gotten several friends involved in those activities which is good for all of us.

    After reaching a low of 181 lbs this past Feb., I quit smoking and gained a few back. I've now been hovering in the mid 180's (my ticker is officially at 185) mostly b/c I'm not being super-diligent about what I eat. Managed a 10-day vacation with no gain which was an incredible NSV for me. Having summers off is sort of a double-edged sword--I have plenty of time to exercise, grocery shop, and prepare healthy meals, but I also go out to eat and drink with friends more often. I think heading back to work will be good for me--I just need to make sure I'm planning/preparing my lunches on Sundays again. That really helps me eat healthier.

    I also want to make sure I'm continuing the exercise I've grown to love--I tend to struggle balancing workout time and grading time. I have a great motivation to slim down and tone up more--my friend (the one I went to Switzerland with) is getting married in Punta Cana next June. I don't envision being in a bikini :blushing: , but would definitely like to be at ease in my swimsuit in front of others while there.

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE (rest day)
    Sun--walk gunner (rest day)
    Mon--run outside (w/ gunner) or walk gunner + gym
    Tues--walk gunner (rest day)
    Wed--run outside (w/ gunner) or walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner (rest day)
    Fri--run outside (w/ gunner) or walk gunner + gym
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :heart:
    FOR NEWBIES ....................................PLEASE NOTE................................................................

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    :heart: :heart:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Laurie - your bike is the BOSS! I like its sleek looks. The pink trim really makes it stand out! You really covered a lot of territory yesterday - I hope you find a solution for your tailbone soon!.

    Skinny - by next June you'll be rocking an awesome swimsuit - bikini or not, you'll have such a trim and slim figure by then - I know you can get the next few pounds off by then and for sure you can keep your activiites up during the school year cuz Gunner's not gonna let you forget your walkies!

    I got my squats - 40 of 'em - done today by 2:30, as well as 48 dumb-bell curls, and then baked 72 chocolate chip cookies - and I've only eaten one - hey that's an NSV to me! (They are for my friends family - the one who's having surgery this week)
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Only 7 more posts til we roll over to a new thread..........................just sayin'
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Well I usually push to roll over the thread before it gets too late at night - six more posts to go.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    In fact, no one likes to post at the end of an old thread, do they? Everyone "lurks" and waits for the roll-over to happen - 5
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Any star gazers out there might like to take a look at this tonight:
    Scheduled for Aug 11, 2013 Watch the Great Perseid Meteor Shower live on Slooh - Sunday night starting at 4 PM PDT / 7 PM EDT / 23 UTC. We will pull a live feed from our all-sky camera located on the top of Mt. Teide in the Canary Islands - over 8,000 feet up where skies are nice and dark. Feed will run most of the night.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
    FOR NEWBIES ....................................PLEASE NOTE................................................................

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    Click on that phrase and it will take you to the first post on our new page One.
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :heart:
    FOR NEWBIES ....................................PLEASE NOTE................................................................

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    Click on that phrase and it will take you to the first post on our new page One.
    :heart: :heart:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    FOR NEWBIES ....................................PLEASE NOTE................................................................

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    Click on that phrase and it will take you to the first post on our new page One.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Newbies, Welcome to our Thread!

    GOALS and IDEAS for daily posts (Not mandatory)

    Monday - Check In (how are you doing? Had any successes or struggles this week-end?)

    Tuesday - Goals (do you have any Goals you want to update us?)

    Wednesday - Wishes (what do you wish? It can be weight related or not, can be realistic or not)

    Thursday - Truth (got anything you need to fess up to or get off your chest?)

    Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit? How are you preparing for weekend eating?

    Saturday - Success (what have you accomplished; focus on the positive of the week, NSV=non scale victories)

    Sunday - Sharing (tell us a little about yourself....update your personal life)

    The AUGUST Challenges:
    1. Try to lose 4 lbs
    2. Try to incorporate an exercise routine 3 times a week.
    3. Share an NSV (non-scale victory) once a week on the thread.