rudest thing anyone has ever said about your weight?



  • D_T_H
    D_T_H Posts: 39 Member
  • thatgirlkellib
    thatgirlkellib Posts: 150 Member
    I was told "Well, at least you have a pretty face....."
  • Grumpsandwich
    Grumpsandwich Posts: 368 Member
    I had to have an emergency hysterectomy about 13 years ago. The day after the OP my obgyn came in to check me. Looked me dead in the eyes and said I owed her a massage for having to hold up my FAT for 2 hours while doing the surgery. The nurse stood beside her was floored! Jaw just dropped.

    After i recovered i found a new Dr.
  • jfauci
    jfauci Posts: 531 Member
    How far along are you? :sad: :sad: :sad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  • i really dont think there is much i have not been called :brokenheart:
  • HermioneDanger118
    HermioneDanger118 Posts: 345 Member
    A girl I considered a very close friend made a scene in front of a large group of our friends that no one should hug me because I'd break in half and went on to loudly comment that she didn't understand why I always had dates because who would want to date "a twig." I later came to realize it was a product of her own insecurity, but at the time it was incredibly hurtful.

    If I had a dollar for every time I've been called "skinny b!tch" by a total stranger I could take us all out for milkshakes :noway:

    Try to let the comments roll off your shoulders OP, people can be nasty but it's up to us to rise above that.

    See, I am glad you commented because everyone thinks that heavier people are only harassed about their weight. It's not true obviously. We live in a society where people think if you are fat it's because you over eat and are a slob. Or If you're skinny its because you are bulimic and take pills. I had a few lady friends who were naturally thin and people started vicious rumors about how they threw everything up to be thin. Jealously makes people do some rude things :(

    I know Its best to let it go. Deep down I wish I could have corrected here there and then but i know the only way i can stick it to her if to lose my weight and own it proudly.

    Glad to lend a different perspective :flowerforyou: I learned pretty quickly that people will try to tear you down for just about anything, and the best thing to do is hold your head proudly knowing you're happy with yourself. Personally I hold very little significance in my appearance, I think building yourself up through accomplishments such as education, internships, jobs, leadership positions, volunteer experiences, the relationships you build with others, etc gives you a much stronger foundation for self esteem. Once you've got that, ain't nobody got time for other folks slinging rude comments at them! Keep on keepin' on, OP!

    I wish I had that. I do in theory, but not always in practice. 3 years ago I graduated with 2 Master's degrees - it was 2 advanced degrees in 3 years and I EARNED them, I didn't just coast by like some of my classmates - and I remember thinking it would have been more impressive if I wasn't overweight. I was able to sort of step outside myself and reflect on how idiotic that was - 2 Master's degrees! Yay me! What was I even talking about?! - but the body image insecurity was still there.
  • fairyface87
    fairyface87 Posts: 52 Member
    I used to work in an old people's home, an elderly gentleman once asked me 'when are you going to drop?' I was only 23 and completely mortified! :(
  • ksketcher
    ksketcher Posts: 9 Member
    The rudest thing that hurt me the worse was "you must eat like a pig. You'll die a horrible death because its difficult to treat someone of your size." This was a horrible coming from a Dr. and it cut me deep. It drove me into even a worse situation of despair where I was feeling totally helpless and useless. The things people say can be worse than rude.
  • wamydia
    wamydia Posts: 259 Member
    I have been heavy my entire life, so when I was in the sixth grade I was probably almost double the weight I should have been. I joined the school safety patrol and one school night I stayed over at a friend's house who lived near the school. The next morning I walked to school early for my safety patrol duties and didn't think anything of it until later in the day. One of the other kids on safety patrol with me told me that the adult in charge of us kids for the safety patrol group had seen me walking to school that morning and, in front of all of the other kids, she laughed and said "I can't believe she's actually walking to school!"
  • kbbwills
    kbbwills Posts: 1
    Is it possible that he meant "you don't look like you work out" meaning you always look professional, or "formal" or something else -- not the "jogger type"? and nothing to do with your health? I think a lot of poor communications are misunderstandings. I get a lot of kidding when people see me in jeans - because I never wear "yard clothes", I don't own sweatpants, etc. Regardless, the answer to all of these posts is of course to ignore what other people say and love yourself as you are, where you are, and make decisions from there. There will always be people who don't like you. period. It's a trap to think that you need other people's approval.
  • fairyface87
    fairyface87 Posts: 52 Member
    The rudest thing that hurt me the worse was "you must eat like a pig. You'll die a horrible death because its difficult to treat someone of your size." This was a horrible coming from a Dr. and it cut me deep. It drove me into even a worse situation of despair where I was feeling totally helpless and useless. The things people say can be worse than rude.

    F***ing hell! :( I hope you reported them!!
  • xLoveLexi
    xLoveLexi Posts: 29 Member
    It's sad to think that the people who are the rudest to me in regards to my weight are always my family members. Older people who you never see except on special occasions. The most recent insult was something along the lines of "Oh no! I'm behind Alexis I hope there is food left after she's done!" (we were at a memorial service and there was a small buffet). Wow, really? I know you think it's funny, but it really isn't. And they all wonder why I don't like them... baffling
  • cchew686
    cchew686 Posts: 108
    I had to have an emergency hysterectomy about 13 years ago. The day after the OP my obgyn came in to check me. Looked me dead in the eyes and said I owed her a massage for having to hold up my FAT for 2 hours while doing the surgery. The nurse stood beside her was floored! Jaw just dropped.

    After i recovered i found a new Dr.

    OMG. What a douchenozzle.
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    When I was a freshman in HS the boys in my gym class called me "211."

    I never knew why until one day it hit me like a ton of bricks -- that was my weight from the fitness testing. The (male) jack@ss we had for a gym teacher had posted all the girls' results in the boys' locker room.

    When I was pregnant with my son and I was approaching 211# I had such incredible anxiety and I was dead set against gaining anymore weight. It took a while, and I wasn't even sure where the feelings were coming from at first, but my loving husband and amazing Dr. helped me through it. It speaks volumes that something said when I was 14 affected me so deeply that I was willing to risk my unborn child to avoid those feelings at age 34......

    (Not to worry, all is well. Healthy, happy baby and Mama!)
  • krisjackson31105
    krisjackson31105 Posts: 160 Member
    People think if they are rude to you then it would motivate you but most of the of the time it does more harm than good.
  • CleverClone
    CleverClone Posts: 45 Member
    I've been overweight since I was a kid so I've had my share of the “fatty/fat and ugly/fat cow” etc. comments over the years, but one of the more memorable ones occurred a few years back when I was working in a hospital. While working we had to wear these plastic aprons; now these things don't do any favours to anyone, but if you happen to suffer from backfat (which I do, along with every other type of fat...) they are the devil's invention.
    So I am working one day when suddenly one of the nurses says, loudly and in front of several people “You look like Batgirl with those wings” (this, of course, being a reference to said backfat). She then proceeded to snap the apron string that was tied behind my back for extra emphasis.

    I guess it was at least creative... :huh:
  • Well I suppose in high school, when I wasn't even fat just curvy (I've had d-cups since at least 14) I got some pretty negative comments from other girls but never boys. In fact, guys usually thought I looked great.

    I think that is just part of high school life, girls can be extremely catty and really unsupportive of other girls, especially in groups. (Just keeping it real)

    Anyway, if someone called me fat today I could care less because I am. Lol! That's why I'm trying to lose weight.

    But if someone called me fat and I wasn't I would be annoyed because that is the kind of crap that causes eating disorders.

    It's not good to be overly obsessed with being skinny, and the people that think you need to be a skeleton or have a "thigh gap" are on crack in my humble opinion.

    Now, those people who are just naturally skinny and have a thigh gap or whatever, more power to you. I don't really care if someone is overweight or skinny because it doesn't really affect me at all. So in other words, people that shout about it or make nasty comments about fat or skinny people are just trying to take out whatever's wrong with them on the inside on someone else's outside that doesn't concern them. This is usually what insecure, or shallow minded people do. As a people I would hope we could be a little more intelligent than that but that's how it is.

    That's my analysis, and I'm out.
  • SpicesOfLife
    SpicesOfLife Posts: 290 Member
    there was this guy, a perfect stranger really that i kept seeing when i walked my dog and one day he comes up to me and says "oh youve lost some weight" so i said "no not really, ive always been a size 8, occasionally 10" and he says "nono you were like a 14 a while ago, but dont worry, it looked good on you, i liked your butt". so patronising! thanks a lot.. -_-

    while i realise a size 14 isnt huge it is still insulting when someone claims you are/were larger than you really are/were.

    i was SO annoyed with him and he would not believe me! Oo wasnt even any of his business.

    edit: converted to US sizes wrong before
  • arcana7609
    arcana7609 Posts: 212 Member
    When I was a kid I used to go get my grandma's groceries for her and pick up her newspaper. The store would have everyone's paper laid out with their name on them. I brought her groceries in and had forgotten her newspaper. She called the grocery store where my mom worked and told her "That fat and forgetful Diann forgot my newspaper!" I still laugh about it to this day.

    In 8th grade a boy told me he didn't vote for me as cheerleader because no one wants to see a fat cheerleader. I said "no one must want to see a fat basketball player either since you sit your *kitten* on the bench all the time" :laugh: I won a place on the team. 218lbs of tumbling fun. :tongue:
  • LauleaAliyah
    LauleaAliyah Posts: 35 Member
    "you would be pretty if you lost all your weight"