Has your shoe size changed after your weight loss?



  • cajuntank
    cajuntank Posts: 924 Member
    Weird thing for me was I went from an 11.5 to needing a 12.:huh:
  • MattyFTM
    MattyFTM Posts: 68 Member
    I hope my feet don't shrink. I like my ridiculously sized clownfeet. I'm a UK size 15 (which is US 16 or EU 51)
  • PinUp2014
    PinUp2014 Posts: 79 Member
    I was a solid size 10 forever.

    Then I dropped to a 9-9.5.

    Now the 9.5's are getting to be too big. It was very sad in the beginning because I had so many great shoes....
  • hig17
    hig17 Posts: 159 Member
    I have never heard of this, but I'll take it! More MOTIVATION for me considering I am a size 11, I would LOVE to have smaller feet! Thanks for sharing this post! Here's to smaller body and feet! :drinker: :bigsmile: :smile:
  • SkinnyMel78
    SkinnyMel78 Posts: 434 Member
    Yup, down a full shoe size!!
  • brosis85
    brosis85 Posts: 114 Member
    Definitely went down between a 0.5-1 size depending on the shoe!
  • kiltedchef
    kiltedchef Posts: 6 Member
    I was in a 12 EEEE but after almost 140# I am down to 11.5 and regular width. So I guess you really CAN lose size in your feet as well. Thought I was just an oddity
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    Down a size here too!

    Related note - down a size on fitted hats as well. Didn't realize I could carry so much fat in my forehead :p
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    At 120ish pounds lost, I'm only midway through my journey and I'm still in the same size shoe (10-11 medium to wide depending on style) My feet are SLIGHTLY narrower now but not a substantial difference at all. Not really surprising since my feet have always been the thinnest part of my body. I have ginormous treetrunk legs and then comparatively weirdly skinny feet that show all my tendons and bones
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    I went down 1/2 size, to my normal size, 81/2! I was so happy about this!
  • PinUp2014
    PinUp2014 Posts: 79 Member
    Nope, exact same size. I never had wide feet though.

    I never wore a wide shoe, my feet were always ridiculously narrow.
    I really can't explain it. :huh:
  • LVCeltGirl
    LVCeltGirl Posts: 473
    I'm nowhere near my total weight loss but after 50 pounds down, I've dropped half a shoe size. So from a size 10 to a size 9.5 (US sizing). Hoping by the 100 pound down mark I'll be in a 9 again. It is true that you lose weight everywhere (at least for me).
  • galenofedgewood
    galenofedgewood Posts: 146 Member
    Nope. No real change in size at all. Still 12W (or 12EEE), 44 in Vibram Five Finger Shoes, or 10 Wide in Combat Boots.

    I have no idea why the sizes in civilian foot wear is different than my Combat Boots.
  • TallGlassOfQuirky
    TallGlassOfQuirky Posts: 282 Member
    9.5 Wide to 8-8.5. Three years after losing all the weight, they shrank even more. I am pretty much always an 8 now but can wear 7.5 in strappy or wide shoes.

    I am 5'10", so weight loss has essentially turned me into a Weeble.
  • Meganosborn1988
    Meganosborn1988 Posts: 24 Member
    Stayed the same so far!
  • martineyes26
    martineyes26 Posts: 47 Member
    I've always been a size 10 but recently noticed that 9.5 and sometimes even a 9 fit better depending on the brand. I've lost over 60 lbs to date.
  • kportwood85
    kportwood85 Posts: 151 Member
    I'm down from a 9 to an 8. Previously, if I wanted boots I had to go up to a 10 to fit my calves. Now I can even get boots in an 8!

    I'm very sad for my former awesome shoe collection. Now, I own 5 pair of tennis shoes 2 pair of ballet flats, and that's about it!
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member
    YES!!! I also am back where non-wide shoes! :)
    I was wearing 9.5W or a 10; now wearing a size 9!
    I've lost 60 pounds to date.
    Oh what a feeling!!!
  • inky16
    inky16 Posts: 113 Member
    Same here! Last time I did this (back in high school), I dropped from a 9 to an 8. It's definitely killer on my closet, but worth it all the same. Just an excuse to go shopping, I suppose :)
  • kendallvon
    kendallvon Posts: 170 Member
    I've gone from a size 11 to an 81/2-9M. Crazy, huh?