Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!



  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    OP, wishing you luck and hoping your arthritis pain subsides as the weight comes off. I fully expect it to hurt less as you lose.

    Persevere, strengthen your muscle so your joints aren't doing all the heavy lifting, eat in moderation, even taboo foods, and have patience. Do it slowly this time, and maybe with exercise, you will have fewer issues with depression.

    As for the saying about things tasting better than skinny. I love all food, I just love a little less of it now.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Thanks, I didn't know where it originated. I am seeing that it has hit some people in a sore spot.

    Don't worry about it, there are lots of people in MFP with tons of sore spots. No matter what you post, you are surely going to hit some or all of them.

    Good luck in your journey and use what ever motto takes you there.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!

    As you can see, this particular motto is not popular among many members, especially those that lift.

    But I know what you mean. Being thinner means freedom to do so much more. Move more, wear more (or less), live more, do more. It improves health. And nothing should ever taste as good as healthy feels.

    Don't let all the semantic arguments over the work skinny derail you. If you want to use the word skinny, use it. Most of these people are just arguing with previous posts more than yours anyway.
  • Lisacare
    Lisacare Posts: 40 Member
    It's a saying people relax! Try giving support instead of all this negativism!!! My grandmother used to say if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all!!!

    are you saying that pizza, beer, and other delicious things are inherently "mean"...? Oddly, I haven't seen a single negative reply in this thread.

    like.. at all.

    Never said mean, said negative. Also never said the food was in any way mean, smarty pants.... the comments are not positive. This person obviously was looking for some support on thier weight loss journey and this entire thread turned into a sacrasitc thread about the saying. It happens all the time on these threads. I just don't know what happened to support each other.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    This went well.
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    Good thing this isn't an all-or-nothing proposition! :smile:
  • SCV34
    SCV34 Posts: 2,048 Member
    Clearly, you've never microwaved a donut.

    Or a chocolate chip cookie is melt in your mouth goodness when timed just right!
  • LoveInnocent
    LoveInnocent Posts: 44 Member
    Despite what people are saying I do agree. My grandma worked for weight watchers way back in the day and lost over 100 pounds with them they never endorsed being unhealthy. That phrase is a way of empowerment and having control of your body and a healthier outlook. Its meant as a ex: 'you see that pizza and instead of eating the whole pizza you think that to yourself over and over and get it in your head to only eat a slice or maybe eventually not want it all'. Altogether, good for you, you are doing it to be healthier and I am sure that the arthritis will get better when you lose weight. My mom has severe arthritis as well and every time she loses weight it gets a little easier for her.

    Friend me if you want and we can support eachother ^^.
  • challenger9509
    challenger9509 Posts: 286 Member
    Let me be the first to welcome you without any jabs! Welcome, welcome, welcome! I, too, have been in this rodeo before. I lost 85 pounds, depression hit, gained 85! Fun stuff! Welcome to a supportive place to vent and read other peoples' stories. They help you feel not so alone. Welcome to rediscovering your true, healthier self. Welcome to the rest of your life! This journey isn't easy but it is easier when you use this site. Congratulations to you! I support your goals!

    Well said..I welcome you too OP! :)
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I know that skinny feels bony and sharp and painful. I had a skinny dude once (albeit very fit) and let me tell you his sharp pelvic bones ground onto me and they hurt.

    Anywho, skinny is not a nice word. I like fit personally. Fit, full and fine!

    As a fellow 5'9' chick, I have to say that 140 is not a good look for us. I like myself at 170 and 180 and the rest of america thinks that's fat.

    Oh well.
  • law110
    law110 Posts: 43
    Exactly! I think it's also true that feeling of getting on the scale and seeing a loss tops every calorie eaten above your goal!!!
  • lkilton
    lkilton Posts: 105 Member
    Good luck on your "journey". Hopefully you will have great success!!
  • JodieSmith15
    JodieSmith15 Posts: 40 Member
    damn you, Kate Moss!
  • gwencakes
    gwencakes Posts: 15 Member
    I am 46, 5'9" and healthy except the major arthritis and tendon issues in my feet that keep me from so many exercises it isn't funny. I just want to get to 167 lbs and that is not unreasonable. The doctor would like me to be at 140. We will see how I feel about it when I reach my current goal.

    Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!

    Yeah 140 for a 5'9" sounds really low. I'm 5'7" My lowest weight was 153. I did not look good!
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    It's a saying people relax! Try giving support instead of all this negativism!!! My grandmother used to say if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all!!!

    are you saying that pizza, beer, and other delicious things are inherently "mean"...? Oddly, I haven't seen a single negative reply in this thread.

    like.. at all.

    Never said mean, said negative. Also never said the food was in any way mean, smarty pants.... the comments are not positive. This person obviously was looking for some support on thier weight loss journey and this entire thread turned into a sacrasitc thread about the saying. It happens all the time on these threads. I just don't know what happened to support each other.

    I never signed anything stating I'd support people who say things I fundamentally disagree with. Lot's of things taste better than skinny feels. No matter how you cut it that's the simple truth.

    Thankfully tasty food and weight loss aren't mutually exclusive.
  • xRay85Rayx
    xRay85Rayx Posts: 369
    This went well.

    LOL... this thread made me hungry if anything.

    OP: Get fit first; worry about skinny later, but good luck with your journey!
  • LoveInnocent
    LoveInnocent Posts: 44 Member
    Exactly! I think it's also true that feeling of getting on the scale and seeing a loss tops every calorie eaten above your goal!!!

    I completely agree! I feel proud of myself for avoiding that pint of ice cream or that huge plate of chinese food when I look at the scale and see its gone down.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Thanks, I didn't know where it originated. I am seeing that it has hit some people in a sore spot.

    Hey, I'm glad you can take all of this well. I think I can understand where you're coming from (as far as wanting to remind yourself to think about food before you eat it, and make sure it's worth it and will help you reach your goals). But, as you see, this is kind of a touchy statement for a lot of people :flowerforyou: I have to give you kudos for accepting that and not getting hurt by people's reactions and quitting. I think you're going to do great here.

    Good luck on your journey. Remember to enjoy things in moderation, but of course it's better to think more about food than to mindlessly eat, and to make sure it all fits into your calorie plan. Can't wait to see your Success story!
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Exactly! I think it's also true that feeling of getting on the scale and seeing a loss tops every calorie eaten above your goal!!!

    Not really. Not to me anyway.
  • nancy10272004
    nancy10272004 Posts: 277 Member
    Clearly, you've never microwaved a donut.

    Welp, I know what I'm having for dessert tonight.