ACE weight loss



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I have to disagree with you saying that people who comment on these posts are only here to push product and make money. Yes, I am a distributor and have been for barely TWO months yet I have been a member here for about a year and a half. Not all of us are here for that. I came across the post and posted on it but I'm also here for support with my weightloss journey.

    While i understand and it's ok for you to disagree, you aren't the one constantly modding these threads on a daily basis for those trying to sell something. That doesn't include all the reported private messages. So you might not try to sell to people, that doesn't go for the hundreds of threads, post and PM's that are doing that. Heck, i have been solicited several times. You would at least think they wouldn't solicit a mod. It's a whole new level of stupidity.
  • Mego3303
    Mego3303 Posts: 2
    I am not suppressing my calories excessively..I eat healthy, nutritious meals. that is just waht my caloric intake ends up being since I am a coach and working 13 hr days sometimes, there's not a lot of time to eat. Even so, I haven't lost any weight since I was in college. I have been the same weight for the last 10 years or so. Diet, exercise or not I do not lose weight.
  • debbiewillersveik
    debbiewillersveik Posts: 105 Member
    I'm not posting to argue or debate... I'm just going to say that since discovering ACE I've lost 30 lbs, AND quit smoking without gaining any back over 3 months.... I still have 30 lbs to go but I'm looking forward to the journey. Steaming veggies....grilling lean protein... Drinking water daily 80 oz or so..... Exercising & joining a gym.... If taking it is wrong, then so be it... I'm the happiest & healthiest I've been in 30 YEARS!!!! Lol love & light everyone... To each their very own :)
  • nicole060308
    nicole060308 Posts: 13 Member
    finally!!! fellow ACERS! i love ACE!!! i started the end of april in 2013...i am at 129lbs lost. i truley believe that with these, eating less and moving more, and eating habit changes it has helped me get to where i want to be. my dr's nurse takes them.
  • stanner33
    stanner33 Posts: 3 Member
    I write this post for EVERYONE who has ever taken a pill or two or three to lose weight because what worked for some didn't works for you!! Not her to debate or argue.....but....

    I must disagree with some of your comments. I have been and had my share of roller coaster diets and pills but was ALWAYS successful until several years when I was diagnosed with a thyroid disease, which I now have Hypothyroidism. I decided to try and get healthy for a life long change. I couldn't lose weight, which I had tried several things that worked before such as WW, detox, lean meat, cut the carbs, no starches, no sugar and much more. I went to the gym everyday, had a personal trainer, saw a nutrients and nothing for months and months. They even gave me the diet where you ate oatmeal and an egg in the morning and incorporated different things throughout the day, it didn't work. Well...... In July of 2013 weighing 224 pounds, I was killing myself and not getting any results. So, a friend told me about a supplement/a pill and I started doing Advocare. I started to lose weight even though I had to stop taking it because of the caffeine. It worked for me!!! Now I still workout everyday, run, rotate from cardio to aerobics to circuit training back to cardio and still eat healthy but I have not lost any weight since October 2013. Slow metabolism does play a part in your weight loss as well as other factors even if you do have lean muscle mass. I thank God that I lost it because now I am maintaining it, though I am not at my goal weight.

    With that being said, I do appreciate your certification credentials in the area of training but when there is not an MD that comes after a name that stands for Medical Doctor and received the necessary credentials from a licensing board that specializes in Endocrinology or anything that has to deal with a persons metabolic or thyroid system; then, don't make such statements that are not accurate because there are several medical conditions that contribute one from not losing weight such as leaky gut syndrome.
  • stanner33
    stanner33 Posts: 3 Member
    KUDDOS to you and very proud of you!!!:happy: :love: continue to striving for better
  • stanner33
    stanner33 Posts: 3 Member
    Awesome and you are rocking it!! Keep up the great work because its working and looks great on you!!!
  • Ace is a for real MAGIC PILL
  • I just started taking ACE for about 1 week. I am down 4 pounds. It does make me a little jittery at times. I take it mid-morning cause I have more snacking issues. I drink plenty of water and eat sensible. It does however help my cravings. It does state you can take another capsule 1 -1 1/2 hours after the first if you don't feel anything. I have not needed to do that. I am not a distributor!!!
  • I might be the only person to have a negative experience with this supplement, but I tried it today and I will NEVER take it again. It made me feel like I was going to have a heart attack, I threw up, almost passed out, and am only now starting to feel human again 10 hours later!! Whatever is really inside of those pills (the packet said it B3, B6, and B12, but this has not actually been evaluated by the FDA).... whatever is in those pills is definitely not good for you!!!!
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