Is your stomach shaped like a "B"?



  • stillnot2late
    stillnot2late Posts: 385 Member
    I have to wear looser trousers becuase of this dratted B shape. If I pull a pair of trousers up to my waist and manage to fasten the button, the zip will not close over the lower part of the B, there is too much flesh to get inside a regular pair of trousers so I have to wear roomy trousers with an elasticated waist or plenty of material at the front which ends up looking stupid on me, all my tops have to cover my stomach, preferrably tunic style, I am hoping that if i lose enough weight it will get significantly better.

    I feel your pain....I know your pain...I live your pain!
  • stillnot2late
    stillnot2late Posts: 385 Member
    Yea, thus the over-sized longer tops. The cute tops are short, to the waist. The body fat I could deal with when I finish losing, but I got the real bad bottom B before I even gained weight when I had surgery in 1993. Six weeks after surgery I learned I could have had it tucked while I was still under. Some freaking doctor.

    Aw, man! That's the lipo I'd get... that bottom b!

    When I went for lipo, I was told it would not help, what I need is a tuck. So I cam home, didn't have tuck money! I wish I could go back in time and strangle that doc for not even saying anything to me before I had my surgery. I was skinny and exeercised every day back then so I wasnt worried about anything, but he could have told me.
  • lysslebrown
    I have never been over weight or worn pants too tight. I've always been very active in my life. I've had personal trainers and nothing seems to work I've always had a b shaped stomach almost all of my life I have no idea how to get rid of it or how I got it.
  • nic632
    nic632 Posts: 295 Member
    I don't really know what you'd call mine. From the side it can (sometimes!) look flatter than other days, but as someone else said I can also have a bit of a 2 pack at the top, but no definition to be seen anywhere else, which then makes me look a bit like a B. Unfortunately the view from the front and back is a b and whatever height the waistband on my undies, jeans etc is - it still hangs over the top and I have to resort to loose fitting tops to hide it. :sad:
  • stephiegreeneyes
    I'm a "B" feels so good to let it out! I look at pictures from when I was younger (and thinner) and it's always been there. I've always had a hard time finding the proper pants or jeans. They will fit perfect when I'm standing up but the minute I sit down, ugh! I've been know to sit down and pull my jeans up over the upper part of the "B" it's an extremely sexy look let me tell you! I've never been able to find a skirt that fit the "B". I do notice that I've always had soft squishy fat.........the kind you can pinch.
  • nic632
    nic632 Posts: 295 Member
    My cat loves that squishy part of me. He first kneads it like a big ball of dough, then curls up on it, purring away and goes to sleep - which he has just done! :smile:
  • thesophierose
    thesophierose Posts: 754 Member
    Mine is similar my problem is more the bottom pooch though its very frustrating!! I wish I had just a regular belly haha

    This... haha. Stupid stubborn lower belly fat!
  • Slippyslope
    Slippyslope Posts: 47 Member
    I was told by my doctor that my pregnancy was the reason for that happening. He said the fiberous tissue was broken from the stretching. He also said nothing would fix it short of surgery.

    My belly wasn't like that before I got pregnant but, has been like that ever since......25 years!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    This won't solve the problem, but proper posture will help. When you sit or stand slouched over, your stomach fat rests on itself.

    I agree with this. I still have a B shape for sure but I am ok with it because it's gotten much smaller, especially the bottom part.
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    I'm a "B" feels so good to let it out! I look at pictures from when I was younger (and thinner) and it's always been there. I've always had a hard time finding the proper pants or jeans. They will fit perfect when I'm standing up but the minute I sit down, ugh! I've been know to sit down and pull my jeans up over the upper part of the "B" it's an extremely sexy look let me tell you! I've never been able to find a skirt that fit the "B". I do notice that I've always had soft squishy fat.........the kind you can pinch.

    Oh my god, you're like my twin. I sort of just roll with my B-shaped belly. I don't remember if I had it before pregnancy (probably) but I figure I can only change so much about myself. If it leaves with the body fat, great. If it doesn't, then I guess I'll just have to own it. :D

    (I don't love the damn thing though, lol.)
  • mbrou28
    mbrou28 Posts: 132 Member
    Mine is too, and I hate hate hate it. Always have. The worst part is the lower abs, because one side has more fat than the other, so until I get really close to my goal weight, they'll continue to be there, looking ugly and awkward. :grumble:

    Mine is a lopsided "B" TOOO!!! It's just horrible!
  • ifgodwasawoman
    I am 121 and 5'2 I've also has this for as long as I can possibly remember, I hate being the only girl in 12th grade who can't wear a bikini in public without absolutely hating how she looks.. I'm desperate to find a way to lose this weight, I do about 30 minutes of cardio a day, and crunches plus strength workouts, nothing has helped. my sister who is the same height as me has an O stomach, she's pretty much perfect, and constantly calling me fat because how "disgusting" my body looks, if you know a diet, or any specific exercise that had helped I'd love to know.
  • Plooty222
    Plooty222 Posts: 76 Member
    bump!!! I have the B belly even when I'm around 130 (at 5'2" - small frame) which has made me put my goal weight down to 115 in hopes that goes away. Grr!
  • Plooty222
    Plooty222 Posts: 76 Member
    bump!! it's so good to know there are other "B"'s out there!! lmao I posted twice :-) i am very adament about B-bellies!
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    LOL :D

    I should take pics right now, y'all. Everything on me looks reasonably tight and nice and defined, and then my lower tummy pooch is still a little round island of its own ;) You can see my obliques beside it! It's kind of silly. But I'm giving it about 5 more lbs to do enough of a disappearing act, and then I'm calling it a day!
  • Beckles403
    Resurrecting this thread again! I'm still dying to find pictures of before and after successful B to flatter belly pics. Desperate, actually. I'm busting my rear end to lose this weight and tone up. I, just one in my life, would like to wear a bikini and not look horrific. :(
  • moondazed
    moondazed Posts: 73 Member
    oh my gosh my stomach is like that too! :( It gets better with weight loss, but sadly my stomach is one of the hardest places to lose fat.

    I find myself being drawn to high waisted pants to hide this! haha
  • snappyapples
    I'm in the B-belly club!!! I'm so happy this thread has been brought back to life, I was JUST stressing about this earlier!
  • LarDoucheLar
    LarDoucheLar Posts: 171 Member
    Prior to having my son i had b stomach it was flat but did slightly bump out at the bottom and i was by no means chubby let alone fat (107lbs 5ft 6) but since having my son it's definetly gone to a B shape but i completed Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and did see the two parts of the B slightly reduce. I think they will gradually go and it's as a previous poster said the top will go first then slowly the bottom.

    So for now i'm going to continue on my path of Insanity and hope for the belly i've never had although now i'd give anything for the belly i had before my son. :)
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    I usually don't post to zombie threads, but I had this even when I was really thin (5'7", 120 pounds) and I have it after a bulk, but not nearly as bad now at all because I 1) strength train and work my core; and 2) stretch my iliacus and psoas muscles regularly.

    Google stretches for the iliacus and psoas, and do this frequently. Obviously, you need to couple these stretches with a calorie deficit and regular strength training, but it will improve posture and improve the alignment of the hips and lower abdomen to make it appear flatter.

    Strength training made my abdominals more pronounced and my upper abs didn't look so caved in. It also improved my lower abs and pulled everything up tight. Stretching the iliopsoas also allows the abdominals to contract better during exercise.