Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    @skinny, I enjoyed reading your story
    @Laura, congrats on the loss
    @Tom, cute eggs!

    I did surprisingly well last week on my exercise break. I think my body really appreciated the rest, not sure how I managed to lose 5lbs but surely it's water weight or something. Today is now day 2 of my deficit break and I'm eating at 2800 calories which is not difficult with 2 Easter dinners this weekend. I was not surprised to see a 3 lb jump on the scale this morning. I am wondering how I will fit the extra calories in the rest of the week. I bought some potatoes and whole wheat pasta to eat before my workouts as I expect to be able to have more endurance with the extra fuel. I'm curious to see how the week goes.

    As I said I had 2 Easter dinners this weekend, yesterday at my BF's mom's and today at my parents. I did not eat as much as in previous years, still ate to just over full but not to stuffed as is my previous norm. I am proud of that, it's a huge change for me. And there is no guilt for going 435 cals over the 2800 today. I see my scale trends and I'm not going to gain just because of one day. I also took measurements again yesterday and I'm down another combined 3" from my hips/waist. So I'm on track.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Easter is my favorite day of the year - not only for the religious significance, not for the candy - thats not it. I live the resurgence of life coming out of the ground that happens this time of year and I choose to celebrate that on Easter each year. I let the joy I've been feeling for weeks build up until I'm bubbling with it. My family doesn't get together unfortunately on this day. So, I did go grocery shopping - it took a long time as I was out of everything and I was hurting a lot, but I got it done, and had fun doing it. Every one who I made eye contact with I gave a big smile to and greeted them with a cheery "Happy Easter" and always got a smile and greeting back.
    Also did two loads of laundry and changed the bed. So didn't get to the pool today - too many other things just wore me out!

    Tom - great pictures - looks like you really enjoy Easter as well.

    Skinny - hope you save your comments as a document somewhere because thats worth repeating once in a while.

    Laurie - thanks for being willing to run the May Challenge (if you learn the program of course! :wink: )
  • PieceofC
    PieceofC Posts: 3
    This sounds like the perfect group for me!! Everyone seems super nice and really motivated. I am getting up to go to bootcamp in the morning. I will post after :)
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    I hope everyone had a nice Easter weekend, I spent Saturday with my parents and then yesterday after church was spent getting everything done that I typically do on Saturday – plus a session with my trainer. In the afternoon I watched the movie The Bible from beginning to end, again, so I was glued to the TV in between loads of laundry.

    @Hansea~What an awesome run you had on Saturday, isn’t that a great feeling?! :wink: God works in mysterious ways and it sounds like he gave you the perfect day for your run. Those cupcakes sounds dangerous!

    @Laura~I’m sorry your doctor’s appointment was canceled last week. Even though your leg is feeling better, I think it’s a great idea to keep your appointment today - I hope you get some answers. In the meantime, please continue to take it easy. Great loss this week!

    @Robin~I’m sorry your feeling so poorly sans Advil, hang in there – just one week until surgery, I hope it brings you much relief. Sounds like you had a really active Easter even though you didn’t get your pool workout in. Easter has always had great meaning for me, it’s a time of reflection.

    @Tracy~Beautiful, you are becoming quite the cake decorator!

    @Laurie~Sounds like I would be really disappointed in the movie Noah. Great activity over the weekend!

    @Tom~Those deviled eggs are SO cute!

    @Tanya~Are you doing a calorie or carb cycling program?

    @Karen~I couldn’t have said it better, great advice! It was a great reminder for those of that have been around awhile too.

    AFM~It was a good weekend. Spent Saturday with my parents – my mom helped me make my final decision on paint for my bedroom and both bathrooms, I’m still on the hunt for the perfect color for a spare bedroom. Now to get some samples and see how they look on the walls. I hope to start painting in May or June. We went out to dinner while they were here, at Texas Roadhouse, it’s always easy for me to make good choices there – I think my parents had a good laugh when the waitress asked me if I wanted my usual cosmo, my mom just looked at me and said “come here often?” :laugh: It was a fun day. Yesterday was “Super Set Sunday” with my trainer – heavy weights combined with no rest in between sets made for an exhausting workout, muscles were definitely overloaded. Surprisingly I’m not sore today (not yet anyway).

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Trainer DONE!
    Monday~Cardio/agility training outside
    Tuesday~Cardio (hopefully, may have to work late due to software training)
    Wednesday~Cardio or Trainer
    Thursday~Cardio or Trainer
    Friday~Rest Day
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Happy (belated) Easter, all!

    Robin - Easter is also my favorite holiday. The entire theme (religious and through nature) of rebirth just appeals to me.

    It's been a really busy weekend. Thursday was our (church) Passover Seder (for the last supper), Good Friday we had a communion church service, Saturday I spent cooking/cleaning.

    My pastor was kind enough to invite all of us strays to his house for Easter dinner. It was a pleasant evening.

    I made the Easter Bread: 13972957553_67cd5e9ea3.jpg1234669_10202403055131806_1814128495597438277_n

    and the Csörögefánk: 13949800361_0699288ac9.jpg10151851_10202404322403487_514423999244965070_n

    Have a wonderful week!!!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Good Morning!

    I hope everyone who celebrates had a lovely Easter yesterday.

    Tanya - I ended up having a lazy vacation as well. My exercise consisted of cleaning rather than all the things I had planned. I also didn't find a lot of time to get on here like I normally do to post. I have to go back to work today and quite honestly I do not want to. It would be nice to have a few more days off.

    Robin - I love the idea of tracking the miles for May.

    RobinB - LOL to the Jetsons reference! Congrats on your "Just" moment.
    This week I plan on getting in a lot of walking and even get in some runs. Hopefully my numbers will be back up there on Fitbit.

    Hansea - I agree that my body needed the rest. I also was fighting off something. Every night I had terrible sinus headaches and went to bed early. I still feel it lingering but I feel much better now. I am thinking it may be the start of allergies. :ohwell:

    Tracy - Beautiful job on the cake! You have a lovely talent.

    Rain - Good luck with your Dr appointment today. I hope it goes well.

    Tom - Amy's deviled Easter eggs are adorable!
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    Happy Easter to those that celebrate! I hope everyone enjoyed their day! Such beautiful pictures of some awesome culinary creations from Tracey, Tom (well, Amy), and MyM0wM0w!

    As usual, I am a day late and a dollar short, but here is my Sunday Share: My name is Robin and I am a 48 year old single mother of two adult children. My son plays college football and will graduate next December with a degree in Human Performance and Sports Sciences (my very own Personal Trainer, if I can get him home long enough to hit the weights with me in the gym!). My daughter will be starting her junior year in the fall and is working on a degree in Education.
    I have been down this road before; unfortunately I made a U-turn after breaking my tibia plateau and gained back the 70 pounds I once lost plus an additional 10!! I know I can do it, but it’s different this time around. I am 8-9 years older with some physical limitations (result of the broken tibia plateau) and it’s not happening at the same pace the way it did the last time but I persevere!
    My cardio workout of choice has been training for my first 5k, both on the treadmill and on the pavement. I am excited and have made great progress. I can manage a slow jog for about 30 seconds or so which is pretty huge for me. That little bit of jogging feels good, I like it! My mind wants to keep going but my legs/knees say, “Easy tiger!” I am the turtle in my fitness journey; slow and steady wins the race. My first 5k (The Color Run) is in a few short weeks and I will be walking it while jogging through the “Color Stations”. Next year’s 5k I plan to jog the whole way and not walk!

    I will try to stop back later for personals!

    Until then, wishing everyone peace, love and weight loss!! :flowerforyou: :heart: :bigsmile:
    Don’t sweat the small stuff, just SWEAT!! :drinker:
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    My Sunday Share a day late:

    I'm Aimee. I'm a librarian. I teach craft classes. I'm from Ohio. I have a dog named Josie and a boyfriend named Aaron. I've lost 95 pounds so far, and am working on losing about 160 total.

    Still at a plateau. :( FML. Trying to get rid of the extra sodium and sugar in my diet and detox this week. Keyword *try*
    Found a few jobs I want to apply for. One is for about $20k more than I currently make.

    Aaron and I went for a 6 mile hike through Hinkley Reservation on Saturday. It was pretty awesome. Gonna try for 8-10 miles this coming weekend. We're really happy we found something like that to do with each other. Still haven't dropped the L bomb to him, but I feel like the time is coming soon.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Happy Monday and hope everyone who celebrates it had a nice Easter. It was a cold and rainy (poured all day) on Saturday, so DH and I binged watched "House of Cards". We almost finished the first season and loved it. Sunday was cool, but at least sunny and after Easter brunch, we spent some time doing yard work. Wow, just realized how boring my day to day life is.

    Hope everyone has a great day!!

    April Renaissance - Fighting Complacency:

    At or under Calorie goal: 19/30

    Exercise Goals:

    Saturday - 5 miles walking NOT DONE
    Sunday - 3 miles walking DONE
    Monday- Rest Day DONE
    Tuesday - Pilates
    Wednesday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
    Thursday - Pilates
    Friday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Hope you all had a great Easter. We had 14 out of the 15 family members here, beautiful whether, lots of fun games, a great Easter Egg hunt and a beautiful church service. And the FOOD!! (my mom's amazing ice cream caramel rolls!!!) and then I got a visit from TOM. UGHH!! I've had a few pieces of candy, but tonight it gets separated between my hubby, son and daughter.

    @Kris...what is that second food? It looks really good.
    @Tom...the eggs were super cute

    I have to tell you a funny story about my cake. My brother had just gotten done eating a piece of cake and he said "I was going to tell you you did a great job on the cake, but then I realized they were plastic flowers." I told him they weren't -- they were made of gum paste and dry super hard. His response "Dang! You did do a good job!" :smooched:

    Well, I only got to 75 seconds on the planks today (it probably would have helped if I got it in on Saturday or Sunday).

    I'm doing good on calories today and my water is half gone. My goal is to go to bed by 10:00 tonight. Still a bit behind on sleep.

    Fitness for the week:
    Monday - nothing (got class and I have to get my cake frosted before I go)
    Tuesday - Gym with Trainer
    Wednesday - Start up C25K again...hopefully outside (I heard it's better that way - I get so dang bored on the treadmill or gym track)
    Thursday - Gym with Sister
    Friday - C25K
    Saturday - Gym with Sister
    Sunday - Rest

    Not too busy of a week other than my activities. Jacob has a couple of track meets this week, so I'm going to try to be really good about walking while at the events. He also has a Jazz concert. I'm excited to go. The high school invited his jazz band to perform at their concert. Apparently, this doesn't happen but our director says it's just an exceptional group of kids that they are amazing. It's hard for me to tell because I grew up in rural ND that we didn't even have a band and you only heard small bands at towns during half time of basketball games. I sure hope he keeps up with it -- he's enrolled at International Music Camp up at the International Peace Gardens this summer. A group from his Jazz band are all going so hopefully...

    Have a great day (no more holidays/birthdays until the end of May!!!). Unfortunatley, I haven't learned yet how to not get sidetracked by them.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Kris...what is that second food? It looks really good

    The Csörögefánk is a Hungarian deep fried cookie. Then just before serving you dust it with powdered sugar (it's not very sweet at all on its own). It's served on special occasions like holidays and weddings. This was my first time of making them myself and now I completely understand why my mother ONLY made them on Easter. It was almost 4 hours of work for that tray. They are wonderful though.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    I really should be getting ready to go back to work tomorrow (aka laundry, lunch, snacks, getting to bed at a reasonable time) but here I am. Today is my last day of vacation. I'm a federal employee, so since Easter falls on a Sunday, we get today off in lieu. I am NOT looking forward to going back to work, although I am very eager to get back to physio. I had a good rest, but I really need to move more, and I'm concentrating on getting over my goal of 10,000 steps every day this week, even if that means a walk up and down the road at 9pm. It shouldn't be too hard because I get a lot of steps with my job, but I may push myself to a higher goal than 10k. Depends how much energy I have.

    Day 2 of my calorie break and I'm just not hungry enough to eat 2800 cals so I've decided I will eat somewhere between my cut (2185) and averaged TDEE for the week (2800). I was excited about eating more, but its kind of lost its appeal now. Special occasions like Easter dinner was easy to eat that much, but when I'm home and cooking for myself and there are no desserts, it's actually a bit harder to get that many calories... except if I ate an entire bag of chips, which I have no desire to do any more anyway.

    @kah... I am not calorie or carb cycling. I'm taking a week break from eating at a dificit, and trying to eat different carbs before my workouts. Since I have more calorie room for carbs like pasta and potatoes I will eat those this week for a change. Still going to stay within my macro for it, but it's just a switch from quinoa and beans which are my usual carbs. I'm sort of treating this as a treat week.
  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member
    sounds like some good Easter celebrating this weekend... :) I've been down and out since yesterday morning with a migraine... logged just enough to not blow my streak, but I haven't really been tracking. Back on track tomorrow, hoping I can manage to stay upright long enough to get to work!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @heidi--sorry about your migraine--I know how debilitating those can be. :flowerforyou:

    @tanya--some really calorie dense foods like nuts, avocado, peanut butter, bananas, and cheese might help you come closer to your calorie goal without resorting to the junk calories in chips and such. Also, I don't how much red meat you eat, but I always have to watch the rest of the day when I know we are having steak for dinner. I can see how it would be really hard to meet 2800 calories every day--like you said, it's easy once in awhile for a special occasion.

    @kris--I'm half Macedonian, and we have those same "cookies" though I don't know what we call them. My Baba used to make them for Easter--seeing your picture brought back fond memories. :smile:

    @tracy--I'm sure that even if the special occasions derail you a bit, you still probably do better than you used to. :flowerforyou: I also haven't learned how to avoid going over on holidays. After 3 years of this, I've come to the firm decision that I just need to enjoy the day and make up for it with exercise better eating the rest of the week.

    I know I missed some of you, but I need to get lunch together for tomorrow, so I will catch you on the next round. :flowerforyou:

    Monday Check-in:
    I thought I had a meeting after work and when I went to the place we usually meet, no one was there. I checked my calendar and realized that I misread an email, and it's not until 2 weeks from today. It was a pleasant surprise since I was itching to get a few more essays graded. I couldn't get to them during my open periods or lunch b/c I had to get more journals graded, so I went to starbucks after walking gunner and got in a quick hour's worth.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 18/50 satirical cartoon analyses
    2. 18/70 AP essays
    3. 50/70 AP journals

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner + gym
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--run outside w/gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    Wall sit = 55 sec
    Forearm plank = 60 sec
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good evening everyone. It looks like everyone had an enjoyable Easter. We had a family brunch at eleven and then when we got home I took the dogs for a long walk and relaxed for the rest of the day. I did go over on my food even with the walk but between the extra I banked the day before and then today I more then made up for it. Today was super busy with bill paying, errands, grocery shopping, babysitting, and still fitting in the dogs walk. All in all a nice successful day.

    Mow those dishes looked delicious. Happy you had somewhere fun to go for the holiday.
    Robin I cant believe everything you got done yesterday. Once you get feeling better you are going to be a dynamo:happy:
    Heidi I hope you are starting to feel better. Migraines are the worst.
    Tracy I totally understand getting derailed still for special occasions. I just remind myself they arent every day and move on.
    Tom I loved the pics of the eggs. They are super cute and really creative.

    Well have a great nights sleep everyone and I will cya tomorrow.:flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good evening, It's been a busy day. I walked Keith to and from school, took Anya for an extra walk, worked on flower beds for an hour, and walked with Cathy and Nicole after dinner. I achieved my goal of walking 4+ miles for at least 4 days during the last week. I plan to continue that goal.
    Today I had an appointment with my knee surgeon today. He said he can't use cortisone shots because I've had total knee replacement. Apparently that increases the chance of infection. He's giving me an oral anti-inflammatory and hoping that it won't cause stomach issues before it gets rid of the inflammation. We agree that if we can get rid of the inflammation it will probably not come back.
    I'm glad everyone had a good weekend. Now we can just get right back into the program.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Just a quick fly-by today, I have software training in a bit – oy! :yawn:

    @Kris~The dishes you made for Easter dinner looked great! Yum…

    @Heidi~I hate migraines, that is all. I hope you are better today.

    @Tanya~It would be really hard for me to eat 2,800 calories a day too – heck, most days I don’t hit the 2,000 I’m supposed to eat! Like Karen suggested you could eat more calorie dense foods to help get you there. I hope the change this week works for you.

    AFM~Got a 3-mile run in with my trainer last night along with some agility training and a little resistance work afterwards – we had the threat of showers the entire time, so it was humid. Man those runs are going to suck come July! :laugh: No new goals for me, just to keep trucking along. I’m reading Bob Harper’s Skinny Rules so trying to apply them, it will be easier when I’ve finished the book though. Have run into one obstacle so far – he says to have one meatless day, not sure how to do that since I can’t have soy. Otherwise his rules seem doable, probably because I do most of them already.

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Trainer DONE!
    Monday~Cardio/Agility DONE!
    Wednesday~Cardio or Trainer
    Thursday~Cardio or Trainer
    Friday~Rest Day

    Have a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    WOW!! Such impressive numbers this group is posting!!

    I would love to join your group - but I have a very long way to go both with weight loss and exercise. Weight loss: I still have a very high number as to pounds to lose
    Exercise: I am striving to add steps. I am at 5000 steps a day now, but that number will con't to rise!!

    I am in awe of what all of you have done!

    Reba in Kansas
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Just a quick update on my April goals. Have a great day!

    April Renaissance - Fighting Complacency:

    At or under Calorie goal: 20/30

    Exercise Goals:

    Saturday - 5 miles walking NOT DONE
    Sunday - 3 miles walking DONE
    Monday- Rest Day DONE
    Tuesday - Pilates DONE
    Wednesday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
    Thursday - Pilates
    Friday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. Today is going to be a long day:ohwell: Something in the yard set Zeus off at 4:30 this morning. After checking it all out I went back to bed and then couldn't sleep and just lay there until the alarm went off at 5:30. At least I dont have a whole planned for the day. Got the kids off to school and took advantage of a break in the rain to walk the dogs when I got home. My only real goals for the day are to clean my master bed and bath an clean out and defrost the freezers in the garage. Nothing to terribly strenous:smile:

    Kah sounds like a good night with the trainer. Sometimes I think I should look into working with a trainer but I really dont like people telling me what to do so not sure how well that would work.
    Kaye I hope the anti inflammatory helps with the knee. You are doing so great with your walking you dont need anything derailing that:happy:

    Well I am going to go make a smoothie and play on the computer for awhile and then I might get started on those chores. Have a great day everyone:flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :drinker: