Advocare 24 day Challenge



  • slprz
    slprz Posts: 9
    I will be maintaining my calories. I eat on avg about 1800 - 2000 calories a day. More on lifting days and a little less on cardio and rest days. Lots of protein, lots of veggies, healthy fats, a little fruit. What I said was the only thing I'll be eating that's Advocare is the meal replacement shake. The rest is a fiber drink and supplements.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I will be maintaining my calories. I eat on avg about 1800 - 2000 calories a day. More on lifting days and a little less on cardio and rest days. Lots of protein, lots of veggies, healthy fats, a little fruit. What I said was the only thing I'll be eating that's Advocare is the meal replacement shake. The rest is a fiber drink and supplements.

    That is where I am confused. If you are eating 1800-2000 calories, and still plan on continuing to eat 1800-2000 calories, how do you think it will change results in terms of fat loss?
  • slprz
    slprz Posts: 9
    I've played around with my calories for about 12 weeks now. I wasn't losing weight on 1600 calories a day while working out. As a matter of fact I gained. I upped my calories per my trainer's suggestion and actually lost some of the pounds I put on but I'm staying steady at the weight I'm at. More importantly my measurements haven't changed. I think for the most part it's as simple as calories in and calories out but I do think that sometimes it's not as simple as that and I think perhaps I've somehow fallen into that category. I thought I'd give it a try. If it works then awesome. If it doesn't then it's back to the drawing board. I'm frustrated at this point so I've turned to this option. I've never done anything like this before and I may never again but if it's worked for others I don't know why it couldn't possibly work for me. Again, we'll see.
  • Excited to start my 24 day challenge on Monday! (Only Monday because I have to take national boards Saturday and Sunday..). I previously did the herbal cleanse (about 2 years ago). I was having major digestive issues and the herbal cleanse definitely cleaned me out and actually made me feel great. I also lost ten pounds on it so I didn't mind the confidence boost! So now I'm desperate for something to jump start my weight loss and exercise routine. I'm one of those people who needs it to be a challenge. I need someone to give me "strict" guidelines to follow and that's why I was more than willing to spend the money for this product. I am excited to get started and share my results.. Because my results are bound to be great :wink:
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    Excited to start my 24 day challenge on Monday! (Only Monday because I have to take national boards Saturday and Sunday..). I previously did the herbal cleanse (about 2 years ago). I was having major digestive issues and the herbal cleanse definitely cleaned me out and actually made me feel great. I also lost ten pounds on it so I didn't mind the confidence boost! So now I'm desperate for something to jump start my weight loss and exercise routine. I'm one of those people who needs it to be a challenge. I need someone to give me "strict" guidelines to follow and that's why I was more than willing to spend the money for this product. I am excited to get started and share my results.. Because my results are bound to be great :wink:

    Good luck! Feel free to add me for support! I did my first challenge in January, my profile picture shows my results. :smile:
  • 08f1f9ff21.jpg
    Excited to start my 24 day challenge on Monday! (Only Monday because I have to take national boards Saturday and Sunday..). I previously did the herbal cleanse (about 2 years ago). I was having major digestive issues and the herbal cleanse definitely cleaned me out and actually made me feel great. I also lost ten pounds on it so I didn't mind the confidence boost! So now I'm desperate for something to jump start my weight loss and exercise routine. I'm one of those people who needs it to be a challenge. I need someone to give me "strict" guidelines to follow and that's why I was more than willing to spend the money for this product. I am excited to get started and share my results.. Because my results are bound to be great :wink:
  • I recently found out that Advocare tests on animals. That is disgusting! In this day and age there is not a SINGLE company out there that should use animals any more. I was thinking about doing this challenge until I learned this. GROSS.
  • adampaugh17
    adampaugh17 Posts: 1 Member
    Did the 24 day challenge, followed everything exactly but some how had one fiber pack left. Did loose an inch, didn't loose a lb, in fact put 2 lbs on. Was taking upwards of 21 pills a day, between the "max packs" catalyst, and fish oil ones, this doesn't include my cholesterol meds, and daily vitamin.

    Spark was good I would recommend it if your a energy drink person its a great switch healthier.

    Shakes were delicious with one problem 23% of my cholesterol for the day is in there. For someone on cholesterol meds this is completely counter productive.

    Here is the part the really upsets me, I work out 7 days a week, 3 personal training workouts a week for lifting, those 3 days I'm at the gym 2x to get my cardio in. I do not eat poorly never have. I have several friends swear by the Advocare stuff, the only think I can think of is these people must eat like CRAP to loose all this weight in 24 days. You can't eat and drink all that stuff they want you to. Plus who can drink fiber mix plus prework out plus a little fruit between 5a-515a prior to going to the gym.

    Conclusion: It works if you'v never worked out, eat like crap and your using it to kick start a work out program. My friends who love the stuff tell me that I fall in the very small group that it doesn't work for. I work out harder than 90% of the people at the gym, and I can't loose weight, so I don't blame advocare... but I won't support the claims either.

    csuc02grad, it sounds to me like you might have gained muscle while losing fat during your challenge. How else can you lose inches but not lose any weight? For people who do workout (especially weight lifting), sometimes it's hard to really tell how many pounds of fat you have lost since if you lose a pound of fat and gain a pound of muscle, the scale will show no weight loss. I'm going to stick to doing strictly cardio during my 24 day challenge so I can see how much I actually lose.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    csuc02grad, it sounds to me like you might have gained muscle while losing fat during your challenge. How else can you lose inches but not lose any weight? For people who do workout (especially weight lifting), sometimes it's hard to really tell how many pounds of fat you have lost since if you lose a pound of fat and gain a pound of muscle, the scale will show no weight loss. I'm going to stick to doing strictly cardio during my 24 day challenge so I can see how much I actually lose.

    gaining muscle on a starvation diet?

  • sheri81428
    sheri81428 Posts: 5 Member
    I am on day 10 of the cleanse, getting ready to start the MAX Phase tomorrow. I have lost 5 lbs on the cleanse portion. The cleanse was very gentle on my but did it's job. There is no reason that people should be gaining weight 'after' the challenge if they learned anything from it and that's portion control and eating from the different food groups. Of course you're going to gain the weight back if you go back to eating how you were and that's what some people call going back to eating 'normal'.

    In my opinion, it's not hard to follow at all. I found myself hungry only two of the days. One was because I had a different schedule that day and things were off. The other was last night and I'm not sure why but I had a couple ounces of lean protein and veggies and all was good. You absolutely do not have to starve on this challenge and you do not have to count calories. It's mainly portion control. Best of luch if you decide to try it. I love it! Oh, and I love the mango & strawberry Spark!k
  • I was thinking of doing the advocare 24 day challenge I have read a lot of reviews so far some good some bad so I'm still debating does anybody know of a supplement or anything that burns belly fat?
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I was thinking of doing the advocare 24 day challenge I have read a lot of reviews so far some good some bad so I'm still debating does anybody know of a supplement or anything that burns belly fat?
    there are no supplements, or exercises, or anything short of liposuction that can target fat loss from a specific area.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I was thinking of doing the advocare 24 day challenge I have read a lot of reviews so far some good some bad so I'm still debating does anybody know of a supplement or anything that burns belly fat?

    The only thing that burns belly fat is a calorie deficit. No pill or supplement will help that.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I was thinking of doing the advocare 24 day challenge I have read a lot of reviews so far some good some bad so I'm still debating does anybody know of a supplement or anything that burns belly fat?

    No, there are no short cuts, no magic pills or drinks.
  • ivery28
    ivery28 Posts: 15 Member
    This is not a "starvation" diet! There are lots of things you can eat its just about not adding anything that has been processed. Organic "clean" out of the ground or an animal stuff. Im on day 5 of the cleanse and have lost 6 pounds. Im only doing the 10 day and I know that I will probably gain some back but Im going to try my hardest to stick with the "clean" eating. I personally am doing this to change my bodies cravings for things like sweets and salts. We will just have to wait and see. I agree with people that there are other alternatives out there BUT sometimes people just need something like this that has rules and guidelines. Just going to the store and buying vitamins or fiber drinks wont help me to stick with it.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    This is not a "starvation" diet! There are lots of things you can eat its just about not adding anything that has been processed. Organic "clean" out of the ground or an animal stuff. Im on day 5 of the cleanse and have lost 6 pounds. Im only doing the 10 day and I know that I will probably gain some back but Im going to try my hardest to stick with the "clean" eating. I personally am doing this to change my bodies cravings for things like sweets and salts. We will just have to wait and see. I agree with people that there are other alternatives out there BUT sometimes people just need something like this that has rules and guidelines. Just going to the store and buying vitamins or fiber drinks wont help me to stick with it.
    May I ask how many calories do you eat?
  • dknola
    dknola Posts: 1
    Im on day one of the 24 day challenge... Although it's the first day, I definitely noticed a difference in my mood and energy level. The Spark drink was the craziest experience. I drank one as soon as i woke up and immediately felt wide awake and couldnt wait to do some form of exercise. So I popped in the first video to follow the Insanity workout and did more and better than i have ever done in previous attempts (I've had the workout videos for 2 years and have tried to keep with it multiple times and have never gotten past day 5.) The diet seemed to be the most dreadful to me because I normally eat one meal a day with one snack a day. That one meal was the size of 3-4 meals and full of unhealthy aspects. I'm in New Orleans and we like food with all kinds of flavor including thick cajun roux's and sauces packed with salt, cream, butter, butter and more butter topped with Tony's, cheeses, and tabasco. Oh yeah, and bread... Throughout today I felt like I was actually eating more when in reality it was less in amount value. Felt great and also put in perspective how unhealthy my normal eating habits have been. I still craved some seasoning on the veggies and chicken but i got through it better than I thought I would and I dont feel deprived at all.:smile:
  • I love Advocare. I have lost and kept off 50# for a year now. I always take spark but I did a cleanse and 2 challenges during that time. The products work. It is about changing your lifestyle. If you are going to go back to the way that you were going to eat then you will end up right back where you were before you started your challenge. I have energy, feel better then I have in years and have lost weight and kept it off. Follow what the guide tells you and continue to do it. You can see great results too!
    For those saying it is a starvation diet you are wrong. I was eating more with this diet then I was on others. Right now I eat about 1900 calories a day and I am keeping my weight off. It is about eating smaller portions but more times during the day to kick start your metabolism. The system works.
    Best of luck to you!
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Omg, I miss Spark. I need to order some. Say what you want about Advocare, Spark is the best energy drink ever. I am currently taking B Supplements that come from a different company in pill form and they don't do chit. One Spark and I am feeling good. Ugh, sorry, I digress. Miss Spark. Need to order.
  • cieralea7
    cieralea7 Posts: 15 Member
    To do the cleanse you do not have to drink is not actually part of the Clense itself but merely a supplement to! After the 10 day clense I felt absolutely amazing which really helped to jump start my healthy habits again! I personally love the spark though :) and am also sensitive to caffeine! I don't feel that it gives me headaches or makes me jittery at all! Contatc a local Advocare distributor and ask for a free sample packet to try it for yourself though!