Prefilling MFP?



  • megan_elizabeth8
    megan_elizabeth8 Posts: 216 Member
    I don't so much anymore because I always eat similar foods so can roughly estimate how many calories are in a meal - I just log whenever in the day I have time. However when I was still starting out I found it very useful to log in advance so I didn't eat anything I regretted later when I saw it's nutritional info. For a long time I would plan and then log for a week in advance, and make minor changes if necessary. I know some people find pre-logging harder - whatever works for you and your lifestyle, I guess :smile:
  • lamps1303
    lamps1303 Posts: 432 Member
    I always pre-log. During the week I have more or less the same the breakfast, lunch and snacks to it's pretty easy to pre-log. I always plan my evening meal ahead (at least the day before) so I can plan for any additional/unpredicted snacks. I especially pre-log when I know I'm out for a meal. I will always look at the menu beforehand to plan what I'm going to eat. I then log it to prevent me changing my mind when I get to the restaurant. Usually I will find 2 or 3 options that meet my calories/macros so I can make a decision when I get to the restaurant. Really works for me.
  • minischnauz4
    minischnauz4 Posts: 29 Member
    I pre-log almost all of my food and just edit if something changes. I find helps me "plan" my meals better and for me the key to success is definitely planning.

    Agreed. I like seeing if I have any room to throw in a treat or if I'm at my limit and choose not to go over. I also like to keep track of my macros to make sure my calories are going where they should.
  • scottywor
    scottywor Posts: 140 Member
    All the time.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I have done it if I am putting meals together that I don't have a general idea of calorie counts. But mostly I eat from a known menu of meals so I only log what I eat, when I eat it.