To Cleanse or NOT to Cleanse - that is the question.



  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member

  • AME902
    AME902 Posts: 10
    I don't exactly know what kind of "cleanse" you are talking about, but I have cleansed my body often at least once a month for the past year and a half and these have helped me immensely. I do not use any store bought products to do it. I simply take one day every month and drink extra water and do a completely all natural food day. I use my blender and do green smoothies, eat a lot of salad with light dressing ( lightly seasoned olive or coconut oil and lemon juice or vinegar), low salt homemade broths, cooked and raw vegetables, fruit and juices.

    Even just doing it for a day "resets" your system and yes even though you are not a playstation as someone else said, your body does from time to time need to reset, especially if you are on a weight loss plateau or if you have just indulged in some holiday, special occasion or deviation from your healthy eating habits. I never use the word "diet" because if you are dieting you are setting yourself up for failure. A better thing to do and a better way to look at it is by changing your bad unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits with good and healthy ones. More exercise, more fresh air, more healthier foods (organic is a plus but totally not necessary) getting rid of processed foods, sugars...look if there is a commercial for it, don't eat it. If it doesn't grown in the ground or used to be an animal then don't eat it. It's pretty straight forward. Anything coming out of a processing plant don't put it in your mouth.

    You would be surprised how just these little tiny changes can make a huge difference in your weight and the way you feel.

    Yes, do cleanse, but no do not buy any products like you see on tv or the internet. It's a waste of money and you can accomplish the same thing, if not a better way, by taking a day out of every month and just eating all natural.

    Check with your doctor before you do. I highly doubt any doctor is going to discourage you from eating natural unless you are on medication, diabetic or have some other health problems that won't jive with an "all natural day".

    Guess I should add that I just finished losing 40 lbs. and am in the homestretch now. Because I have been working at changing my eating habits and unhealthy lifestyle for a year and a half now, and have done tons of research, I can only hope that my experience helps someone else.

    Seems to me 40 days detox that you guys are talking about is extreme. Try starting out with baby steps one day or even just one "all natural" meal. Getting into better health is a work in progress. This is not a race.
  • adrianhelen
    adrianhelen Posts: 31 Member
    Anything you could be taking into your body. There is all kinds of junk we take in everyday. Whether it is in the food we eat or in the air we breathe. The point of a cleanse is to aid in digestion where waste can move through and out of your system quicker. The longer it sits in your system, the more toxins are likely to go back into your body. As far as toxins go, there are toxins in everything. Especially bad for you processed foods and drinks.
  • brosis85
    brosis85 Posts: 114 Member
    I did a cleanse that was supported by a nutritionist (it was a candida cleanse) and honestly it was AMAZING - it was really hard, but it worked wonders. However, now that I am not on the cleanse I wish I had never done it. This cleanse works to clear your body of yeast, toxins from wheat and sugars ... and before I started I hated chocolate and stuff, now I cant seem to control the cravings. It was an absolute mistake.

    Everyones body works differently, but a lot of cleanses are gimmicky. If you are going to do anything, do a juice cleanse or something that you make yourself so that you know what is involved with it! And be careful 'resetting' might leave you with symptoms after that you do not like.
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    Anything you could be taking into your body. There is all kinds of junk we take in everyday. Whether it is in the food we eat or in the air we breathe. The point of a cleanse is to aid in digestion where waste can move through and out of your system quicker. The longer it sits in your system, the more toxins are likely to go back into your body. As far as toxins go, there are toxins in everything. Especially bad for you processed foods and drinks.

    What toxins?? can you name just one??
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Anything you could be taking into your body. There is all kinds of junk we take in everyday. Whether it is in the food we eat or in the air we breathe. The point of a cleanse is to aid in digestion where waste can move through and out of your system quicker. The longer it sits in your system, the more toxins are likely to go back into your body. As far as toxins go, there are toxins in everything. Especially bad for you processed foods and drinks.

    You should google the function of your kidneys and your liver.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Anything you could be taking into your body. There is all kinds of junk we take in everyday. Whether it is in the food we eat or in the air we breathe. The point of a cleanse is to aid in digestion where waste can move through and out of your system quicker. The longer it sits in your system, the more toxins are likely to go back into your body. As far as toxins go, there are toxins in everything. Especially bad for you processed foods and drinks.

    I read on the MFP forums yesterday that just "cutting your food" releases toxins from within the food. I think we're probably all screwed.

  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Anything you could be taking into your body. There is all kinds of junk we take in everyday. Whether it is in the food we eat or in the air we breathe. The point of a cleanse is to aid in digestion where waste can move through and out of your system quicker. The longer it sits in your system, the more toxins are likely to go back into your body. As far as toxins go, there are toxins in everything. Especially bad for you processed foods and drinks.

    What toxins?? can you name just one??

    Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, Zinc, Copper, Nickel, Mercury - shall I continue.

    However the liver does an admirable job of processing all of the above and more.
  • MissMissle
    MissMissle Posts: 293 Member
    Oh dear, here I go again with my Devil's advocate and "poop talk" - Im going to end up being known as the poop talker...but whatever it's true life for me!

    So I did a ten day Cleanse through a company - and yeah, I paid $$ for it - it was about $30. I have some major gastro issues that I won't delve into too far.... seen a few Doctor's and a specialist, tried a few things, have NOT let them do some crazy things they want to! Part of the cleanse was a drink for 4 of the days that was much like metamucil - which, i used to take every day, but it didn't help, so i stopped - plus - it's NASTY. This stuff actually worked, and basically, my bowels have never felt better than they did for those 10 days - I had energy, I felt less bloated and I lost 6 pounds in the 10 days which seems super wonky and unhealthy...but...i have a feeling it wasn't all "fat" was "toxins",....ehem, if you know what I mean...

    So...I guess my point is... if you are like me and have certain "issues" - a cleanse might be a good idea - the one I did I still ate normally on - fruit for breakfast, lean protein and veggies for lunch, same for dinner...I just didn't have any fats or oils, drank the yukky drink, and ate the cleanising pills. I would do it again in a heartbeat if I needed too - it beats taking the doctor recomenbded chemical miralax at a double does every day.
  • ms_madeira
    ms_madeira Posts: 1 Member
    Well it shouldn't be a question, in fact I think any post with 'cleanse' in the title should be automatically banned.

    I was thinking maybe stickying a "cleanse" thread so people would stop posting about it, but I think your option is better.

    Surely it's important to allow this to be a question people can ask on here? (Although I think a sticky thread is a better idea to save the repetition) Not everyone has the benefit of some of the knowledge others have about nutrition, how the body works, effective weight-loss strategies etc. If they can ask on here and get some sound advice isn't that better than not knowing where to ask and heading off to start some pointless fad eating plan because they've based their choice based on a sales-pitch rather than balanced information?
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    Anything you could be taking into your body. There is all kinds of junk we take in everyday. Whether it is in the food we eat or in the air we breathe. The point of a cleanse is to aid in digestion where waste can move through and out of your system quicker. The longer it sits in your system, the more toxins are likely to go back into your body. As far as toxins go, there are toxins in everything. Especially bad for you processed foods and drinks.

    What toxins?? can you name just one??

    Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, Zinc, Copper, Nickel, Mercury - shall I continue.

    However the liver does an admirable job of processing all of the above and more.

    So naturally occuring elements that we can safely ingest in certain amounts, that our body can process?

    Not sure why this is such a terrifying notion to people, and they resort to "cleanses"!
  • AME902
    AME902 Posts: 10
    Toxins, there are tons of toxins in everything we eat and drink today. Let's talk about sugar, which is highly addictive and poison to the human body. How about flourides and heavy metals in our water. GMO a/k/a chemically altered. Since Monsanto (the King of GMO) owns the patent on every single seed in this country and farmers cannot grow anything without using Monsanto seeds, every single veggie or fruit you put into your mouth be it in solid form or juice has been tampered with starting at the seed. Yes even the organic stuff has been GMO'd at seed level. Any animal that has eaten any grain that starts with a seed has now ingested toxins. How about pesticides? Even though you are eating organic, have you noticed the chemtrails up in the sky these days? Heaven only knows what they are spraying. No matter, that still falls to the earth and enters our soil and our water supplies. I can see no good coming from chemtrails otherwise why would the government be denying they are spraying stuff? Let's move on to processed foods. You want toxins, take a walk through a food processing plant. Chemicals are used all the time to wash the food and in the preparation process...guess what? Chemicals. Take meats. Do you know what the meat industry uses to "wash" their meats? Ammonia. And that's when they bother to do that. When your cows are on a beef farm lined up side by side row after row standing up to their knees in their own waste, do you think they take the time to clean the cows before they kill them and cut them up into steaks? Do you think they wash the machinery that butchers them? Same for chickens and fish. Well you get the idea. So yeah, there are toxins in everything you put into your mouth. Don't get me started on health and beauty products or cleaning products and toxins. That's a whole 'nuther chapter.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Toxins, there are tons of toxins in everything we eat and drink today. Let's talk about sugar, which is highly addictive and poison to the human body. How about flourides and heavy metals in our water. GMO a/k/a chemically altered. Since Monsanto (the King of GMO) owns the patent on every single seed in this country and farmers cannot grow anything without using Monsanto seeds, every single veggie or fruit you put into your mouth be it in solid form or juice has been tampered with starting at the seed. Yes even the organic stuff has been GMO'd at seed level. Any animal that has eaten any grain that starts with a seed has now ingested toxins. How about pesticides? Even though you are eating organic, have you noticed the chemtrails up in the sky these days? Heaven only knows what they are spraying. No matter, that still falls to the earth and enters our soil and our water supplies. I can see no good coming from chemtrails otherwise why would the government be denying they are spraying stuff? Let's move on to processed foods. You want toxins, take a walk through a food processing plant. Chemicals are used all the time to wash the food and in the preparation process...guess what? Chemicals. Take meats. Do you know what the meat industry uses to "wash" their meats? Ammonia. And that's when they bother to do that. When your cows are on a beef farm lined up side by side row after row standing up to their knees in their own waste, do you think they take the time to clean the cows before they kill them and cut them up into steaks? Do you think they wash the machinery that butchers them? Same for chickens and fish. Well you get the idea. So yeah, there are toxins in everything you put into your mouth. Don't get me started on health and beauty products or cleaning products and toxins. That's a whole 'nutter' chapter.

    Fixed it for you :flowerforyou:
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Toxins, there are tons of toxins in everything we eat and drink today. Let's talk about sugar, which is highly addictive and poison to the human body. How about flourides and heavy metals in our water. GMO a/k/a chemically altered. Since Monsanto (the King of GMO) owns the patent on every single seed in this country and farmers cannot grow anything without using Monsanto seeds, every single veggie or fruit you put into your mouth be it in solid form or juice has been tampered with starting at the seed. Yes even the organic stuff has been GMO'd at seed level. Any animal that has eaten any grain that starts with a seed has now ingested toxins. How about pesticides? Even though you are eating organic, have you noticed the chemtrails up in the sky these days? Heaven only knows what they are spraying. No matter, that still falls to the earth and enters our soil and our water supplies. I can see no good coming from chemtrails otherwise why would the government be denying they are spraying stuff? Let's move on to processed foods. You want toxins, take a walk through a food processing plant. Chemicals are used all the time to wash the food and in the preparation process...guess what? Chemicals. Take meats. Do you know what the meat industry uses to "wash" their meats? Ammonia. And that's when they bother to do that. When your cows are on a beef farm lined up side by side row after row standing up to their knees in their own waste, do you think they take the time to clean the cows before they kill them and cut them up into steaks? Do you think they wash the machinery that butchers them? Same for chickens and fish. Well you get the idea. So yeah, there are toxins in everything you put into your mouth. Don't get me started on health and beauty products or cleaning products and toxins. That's a whole 'nuther chapter.
    I hate Monsanto as much as the next guy, but... holy crap. Chemtrails? What?! 1996 called; it wants its Art Bell conspiracy back.
  • sdonovan96
    sdonovan96 Posts: 46 Member
    Sure, go for it. If you want to torture yourself and have any and all weight you lose during the 21 days come right back when you're done. 21 days is insane. Water is the best cleanse there is. Stick to that. A 3 day cleanse I can see, just to eliminate some water weight...but 21 is crazy.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Call it a detox or a cleanse - have you done it and what do you think. Complete food addict hoping to kick some cravings to the curb with a 21 day reset program. Thoughts?

    I highly recommend that you continue to both urinate and defecate yes. I've found that going to the bathroom is much more favorable than not going to the bathroom. I'm sure there are studies to support this.
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Please make it stop!

    Unless you're right and my brain has already been poisoned by all the "toxins!"
  • spinnerdell
    spinnerdell Posts: 232 Member
    Yes, a safe and effective brain cleanse would be welcome.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Toxins, there are tons of toxins in everything we eat and drink today. Let's talk about sugar, which is highly addictive and poison to the human body. How about flourides and heavy metals in our water. GMO a/k/a chemically altered. Since Monsanto (the King of GMO) owns the patent on every single seed in this country and farmers cannot grow anything without using Monsanto seeds, every single veggie or fruit you put into your mouth be it in solid form or juice has been tampered with starting at the seed. Yes even the organic stuff has been GMO'd at seed level. Any animal that has eaten any grain that starts with a seed has now ingested toxins. How about pesticides? Even though you are eating organic, have you noticed the chemtrails up in the sky these days? Heaven only knows what they are spraying. No matter, that still falls to the earth and enters our soil and our water supplies. I can see no good coming from chemtrails otherwise why would the government be denying they are spraying stuff? Let's move on to processed foods. You want toxins, take a walk through a food processing plant. Chemicals are used all the time to wash the food and in the preparation process...guess what? Chemicals. Take meats. Do you know what the meat industry uses to "wash" their meats? Ammonia. And that's when they bother to do that. When your cows are on a beef farm lined up side by side row after row standing up to their knees in their own waste, do you think they take the time to clean the cows before they kill them and cut them up into steaks? Do you think they wash the machinery that butchers them? Same for chickens and fish. Well you get the idea. So yeah, there are toxins in everything you put into your mouth. Don't get me started on health and beauty products or cleaning products and toxins. That's a whole 'nuther chapter.

    We really need to fix the mental health system in this country