What sort of water do you drink?



  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,630 Member
    A discussion elsewhere just made me curious what MFPer's drink?

    Most of us are trying to drink water every day - do you drink plain tap water or buy bottled water or drink rainwater?

    Now I realize posters are from all different parts of the world and tap water quality varies.

    In most parts of Australia (other than isolated outback areas on bore water) the tap water is very safe to drink and we are encouraged to do so.

    I rarely drink it myself though - I nearly always drink rain water.
    I occasionally buy bottled water - if I am out somewhere and forgot to bring some from home or am on holidays - and then I keep the bottles and re-fill from home with rain water. Each bottle is re-used many many times

    I just drink tap water
  • MrsRatfire
    MrsRatfire Posts: 102
    An Aussie! I visited Australia, I fell in love with this beautiful country as well as the people there. I would move there in a minute but it is too late for old birds like me. We own a business here, house, etc. Too tied in and it is how we make our living.

    I dream of Australia- I want to go back. I would like to go back for an extended stay- I was there 3.5 weeks and it was the happiest of my life. I was in Sydney, then outback (Ayers), Port Clinton, Cairns. I would not go back to the outback, although the stars were breathtaking and I loved that. But i would move to any of the other places in a heart beat. My favorite hotel was the Silky Oaks, it was a tree house type thing in the rain forest on a mountain. Yet only 20 minutes down to Port Clinton and the ocean. I got to hug a baby kuala bear and I did not want to give it back. The lady was going, "OK, your turn is over."……"Umm….you need to give the bear back." She had to reach out her arms and wrinkle her brow at me to get compliance. I have a beautiful picture on on in my stairwell of a bear I bought there. I see it everyday along with another piece of fabric art I bought in Ayers from a visiting artist named Carol Sharkey. We stay in touch a bit by e-mail.

    So enough of my envy of your location. I have an RO system in my kitchen as well as a filtering system to just the faucet in the upstairs bath for night issues. The RO system does produce better water than the upstairs one. I also bought a model with a small tank that keeps 5 gallons of purified water in it so volume and speed of delivery is not the issue. As well as security that I always have water stored. But, RO systems are very expensive!

    I have found that making a pitcher of purified water, squeeze clean lemons into it and toss in to be very helpful. I also just make it by the glass as well. In the summer when I have fresh mint, I put that in too. Cucumber slices are nice as well. A cinnamon stick is great too. My favorite is by far the lemon, which I put in all the mixes I may do. The mint is lovely too, but I have to wait until I have my own grown. Cucumbers are refreshing too. Make sure you clean the outside of the lemon before cutting it. They are handled a lot before you get them. That is why I do not use them in restaurants for a beverage.

    There is abundant information on the internet about the value of lemon in water. It is very good for you. I was surprised at how many ways- and it does help with appetite for some crazy reason.

    Australia is very clean, our rainwater in the USA would not be nearly as pure. I am sure it is a good choice unless you are in an industrial area. Try a few changes for your enjoyment and health, as noted above. Enjoy Australia….you have my unconditional envy!

    A discussion elsewhere just made me curious what MFPer's drink?

    Most of us are trying to drink water every day - do you drink plain tap water or buy bottled water or drink rainwater?

    Now I realize posters are from all different parts of the world and tap water quality varies.

    In most parts of Australia (other than isolated outback areas on bore water) the tap water is very safe to drink and we are encouraged to do so.

    I rarely drink it myself though - I nearly always drink rain water.
    I occasionally buy bottled water - if I am out somewhere and forgot to bring some from home or am on holidays - and then I keep the bottles and re-fill from home with rain water. Each bottle is re-used many many times
  • LosingExtraKristy
    LosingExtraKristy Posts: 164 Member
    My tap water is yummy. But when I need water and I'm out and about, I prefer Ice Mountain. :smile:
  • Skinny_minny_mo
    Skinny_minny_mo Posts: 1,272 Member
    tap water

    and water from the water cooler at work.

    bottled water has very high environmental costs and in most cases is no better than tap water.
  • BigVeggieDream
    BigVeggieDream Posts: 1,101 Member
    I drink tap water with ice cubes in it.
  • BigVeggieDream
    BigVeggieDream Posts: 1,101 Member
    bottled water has very high environmental costs and in most cases is no better than tap water.

    Absolutely. I second that!
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    double expresso
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    Tap water. I bought a few BPA free bottles and wash/refill them daily.
  • MystikPixie
    MystikPixie Posts: 342 Member
    Can't drink straight tap water, I don't care what anyone says, I can taste the crap in it. If I can't filter it with my Brita, then I drink Smart Water or Fuji water.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    When I lived in New York, I drank tap water. It tasted good.

    Now I live in Florida and EW EW EW!!! So I drink bottled or filtered.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    The tap water at home has a slight off taste and sometimes odor (especially after it rains) so I mix in flavored stuff - not much, just enough to make it tasty. At work, the tap water is a bit metallic but we have ice and water filtration machines on each floor that are basically like a giant version of the ice cube and water dispensors in refrigerators. The water out of there tastes pretty damn good. And in our gym, part of our membership pays for a Poland Spring water bubbler so on workout days I get at least one water bottle full from there.

    If I buy bottled water it's usually Dasani or a SoBe 0 Lifewater Blood Orange Mango - soooo good.
  • remlaw06
    remlaw06 Posts: 20
    We have a GE water filtration system hooked up in the kitchen. It has three filters and get out everything - we live in PA where the water is polluted with fracking chemicals and Britas just don't get everything out. So far, it is amazing! It tastes like Aquafina and is pretty much the best thing I have ever purchased!
  • BadKittie05
    BadKittie05 Posts: 157 Member
    The wet kind.

    Same. Hate me some dry water.

    Eeeww! Dry water :sick:
  • thatismesammyg
    thatismesammyg Posts: 71 Member
    I can only drink reverse osmosis water. Ever since we bought a RO filtration system, all other water tastes like garbage. I like it room temperature too. I only like cold water when I'm hot from being outside. I must have room temperature water the rest of the time.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    Mostly tap water, some filtered and occasionally bottled if that's all I can get my hands on.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
  • tatanisky
    tatanisky Posts: 33 Member
    Sparkling and lemon-flavored.
  • aka_Kamalevantis
    I drink filtered tap water; we have 2litre Brita filter jug on the side in the kitchen (I don't like my water to be too chilled) & I always pour my water from that when I'm at home, I also have a Brita Fill & Go sports bottle that I use during exercise or when I'm at work. If I buy a drink when I'm out, it's usually bottled water and I always have sparkling water when we eat out, as I'm the driver so can't drink alcohol.

    I don't like flavoured water, it's too sweet..... I'm in the UK, so although tap water is safe to drink, it tastes horrible and has a chlorine smell, hence the reason why I always filter it.

  • surfinbird_1981
    surfinbird_1981 Posts: 946 Member
    England here, I drink tap water but filter it first.
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    good old tap water (UK) but i often fizz it up in a soda stream and add juice or angostura bitters for flavour