Childish deletions



  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    I have no idea how you can delete someone for 'no reason'. If I delete someone I have a reason, I don't feel the need to write people messages or explain my reasons nor do I expect people to give me reasons if they remove me.

    If I have deleted someone it's usually because I don't find them a good fit in terms of jokes or personality, they are TOO needy or expect me to baby sit them and "make" them lose weight somehow or they just don't log in enough. I think in my time here I have sent maybe 3 invites to people - all but 1 of those I have since removed just because it wasn't a good fit anymore. I don't wish anyone ill will or anything lol

    Don't take it personally, just find more friends if you have a need to be social or just go about doing what you're doing and let the friends take care of themselves. In my case I find that when I post more often I get more invites as people can get a good idea what I'm about and decide that maybe I'm interesting or funny or maybe just odd :p
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    That's where you went wrong. You don't believe what people TELL you about themselves. You pay attention to how they behave. And if someone PM'd me that they found me "fascinating," it would be the first indication of something wrong.

    Yeah no doubt.. I wouldn't be accepting that invite either! creepy..
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    I delete people all the time

    do not be offended by it ..its just the internet
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    don't know, don't care. i'm here to be a lurking creep.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I got tricked and started communicating via private email with an online personality who described itself as friendly, caring, harmless and fascinated by me. Long story short, it turned out to be a trickster with many online personalities communicating both publicly and privately within the existing group with the intention of luring out personal information about the members and then posting that information publicly on the main forum for a laugh.

    That's where you went wrong. You don't believe what people TELL you about themselves. You pay attention to how they behave. And if someone PM'd me that they found me "fascinating," it would be the first indication of something wrong.

    The fascination word was mine. The trickster was much more subtle in conveying the idea of fascination. But over the months it was very effectively implied.

    Even a smart chick like me can be played. It happened then and could maybe happen again. Like Al Pacino said "Vanity. My favorite sin." With that salacious toothy grin and the corners of his eyes crinkling. Be still my beating heart. I love you Al.

    But it's all water under the bridge. Lesson learned.
    I understand your reluctance.

    I think my experience is different because my interactions are more public for a long period of time. And once I feel I can trust someone a bit, we end up FB friends and you see a lot more of a person's life on there. I'm not saying there aren't awful people online or that you shouldn't be careful. I just think there are as many awful people online as in the real world.
  • Yep, cause I wouldn't send him n00ds, even though when he started flirting I made it clear I don't mind flirting but would not go there.
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Yup! My battle with depression and 'coming out of my shell' has caused a lot of people deleting me.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I don't know if anyone has deleted me or not, but I'm sure they had their reasons if they did. But, I've never had a large friends list and more than half of my friends haven't logged in for months, some for more than a year. If any have deleted me, I still wish them well.
  • darcltfu
    darcltfu Posts: 2
    I don't have friends on here so nope:') but I'm sure they had there reasons
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    I'm still trying to figure out how someone gets deleted for "no reason." I mean even in the most silly example I can think of, the person doing it still has a reason.

    You never play friend deletion roulette?
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Yep, most likely for my charming wit. A lot of folk just can't handle it.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    sure, it happens.
    maybe we just didnt mix well.
  • 8lackie
    8lackie Posts: 39 Member
    well fequ them
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I'm sure that I have been deleted by many just as I have deleted many...but really, after about 18 months of this, there are only a handful of people on my FL that I actually interact with regularly so I don't notice when a rando on my FL deletes me.

    I have had numerous people delete me for not interacting with them enough which is totally fine with me...I only really interact with those that I feel like I have some kind of real connection and something in common with anyway. I'm also not a "cheerleader" and even though my profile says as much, people get grumpy when I don't give 'em a slap on the *kitten* for logging into a website for how many ever consecutive days...but I really don't care about that stuff.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'm sure that I have been deleted by many just as I have deleted many...but really, after about 18 months of this, there are only a handful of people on my FL that I actually interact with regularly so I don't notice when a rando on my FL deletes me.

    I have had numerous people delete me for not interacting with them enough which is totally fine with me...I only really interact with those that I feel like I have some kind of real connection and something in common with anyway. I'm also not a "cheerleader" and even though my profile says as much, people get grumpy when I don't give 'em a slap on the *kitten* for logging into a website for how many ever consecutive days...but I really don't care about that stuff.
    But ... free excuse for slapping an *kitten*!
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    The online "Friends" concept is an interesting one. It says a lot about how our idea of friendship has devolved.

    Maybe it's a term started on Facebook? I don't know. I'm not on it.

    In actuality, unless we decide to meet in person and develop an ongoing face to face relationship, none of us are friends. No matter how friendly our online interactions are. And I'm not dismissing friendly online interactions. I like them.

    The bottom line is, if a gal finds a lump in her breast or if a guy wakes up and discovers gangrene on his balls, these online "friends" aren't coming over with chicken soup and a DVD. They won't be taking your call at 2 a.m. to walk you through the panic attacks.

    We're words on a screen.

    That's about it. And we can still have fun with it.

    But friends? Support? <eyeroll>

    While I haven't brought over chicken soup and a DVD to anyone, I HAVE actually done the 2 a.m. phone calls for people I only knew online. I've been the go-to for more than one person going through a very difficult time and been happy to do it.

    I'd say my definition of friendship has not devolved one little bit. It's actually expanded.

    assessment of slovenliness or spiffy hygiene, etc. All of which are important indicators of who one would choose to actually be friends with. Or not.

    Just sayin' :)

    Newmeadow..... I would consider us to be 'online friends,' simply because we have interacted in a couple of threads, and, well, because, You're Good Enough, You're Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like You ! Now, you may not consider me to be a friend anymore, due to the number of commas in that last sentence. So, that said. I don't send friend requests, and I accept them, rather reluctantly, because I'm a horrible cheerleader, I am uncomfortable posting the 'Rah Rah's' which are expected on people's walls. So, if you're good with our friendship the way it is, then, so am I. See ya around on the boards. :flowerforyou: And, I have never left a flower smiley for anyone on any forum, anywhere, ever, I don't think. Honestly :wink:

    Regarding hygiene..... it'd be best if we never met in person. I am a sloth. I *kitten* where I eat.


  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
    I just assume that any time someone deletes me ( daily ) it's because they have fallen madly in love with me and can no longer stand the sweet torture of seeing my pretty face in their news feed every day.
  • yellowlemoned
    yellowlemoned Posts: 335 Member
    I just assume that any time someone deletes me ( daily ) it's because they have fallen madly in love with me and can no longer stand the sweet torture of seeing my pretty face in their news feed every day.


    This is by far the best response!
  • Trueray
    Trueray Posts: 1,189 Member
    I don't care about people enough to care if they delete me or not lol.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I just assume that any time someone deletes me ( daily ) it's because they have fallen madly in love with me and can no longer stand the sweet torture of seeing my pretty face in their news feed every day.


    This is by far the best response!
