I challenge you to lose 5 Pounds This Month January 2011



  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    I am back and ready to rock this.

    Jan 1 - 180.5

    Let's take control and get what we want for the start of the new year.
    Happy 2011 everyone and here's to seeing less of each other this year!!!
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    I'm in! I used to be on the boards as Tandksmommy10, but it's a new year and I'm starting over since last year I got majorly derailed, so I'm starting with a new name too.

    I have about 60 pounds to lose, so 5 a month would get me to my goal by the end of the year!

    Starting weight: 214
  • wieghtingtoinhale
    wieghtingtoinhale Posts: 11 Member
    I am up for this challenge!
  • wieghtingtoinhale
    wieghtingtoinhale Posts: 11 Member
    way to go!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm in! I'll be happy to see that 5 lbs gone. That'll put me in a healthy weight. Not my goal, but healthy.
  • sourapple99
    sourapple99 Posts: 19 Member
    i'm in...i just joined today and im planning 5pounds a month for 3 months...perfect beginning..........
  • I'm in!
  • knickelson23
    knickelson23 Posts: 8 Member
    Day 1 (Jan. 2nd 2011) weigh in: 181 lbs...
  • Hey all you guys I want in too... :)

    Know I'm two days behind but still, I need some competition

    My start weight is 232
  • laschlueter
    laschlueter Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in!! let's do this!
  • maru09
    maru09 Posts: 7
    ok people, yes, I am up for this challenge!!!!!!! SHAUN T
    today 1 (2 jan 2011) 160lbs
    B: cofee
    L: 1 bistek , 1 slide integral bread and cligth
    D: 1 bistek with veggies
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Hey everyone today was a crazy day Its my sons 3rd birthday and my moms birthday also and altho we didn't celebrate today we did have a slice of cake. : )

    alright here it is... My SW for january (2) 2011

    SW 160.0

    well its the same as my december end weight. I have not lost anything and the 150's have been teasing the heck out of me. I didn't get a chance to exercise today because my day has been eventful to say the least.

    good luck everyon and I hope we can all hit our goals this month. : )
  • melterp
    melterp Posts: 9 Member
    At 23 years old and having two babies in less than two years definitely has taken a toll on my body! Count me in!

    Jan 3 - 163
    Jan 10
    Jan 31
  • I'm in too!
    January 3 - 148
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    Jan 3 - 154.6 (up some...boo!)
    Jan 10
    Jan 31
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    At 23 years old and having two babies in less than two years definitely has taken a toll on my body! Count me in!

    Jan 3 - 163
    Jan 10
    Jan 31

    I totally understand. I had my first in April 1998, my second October 1999 and my third February 2002. 3 babies in less than 4 years. There was not a lot of time for me to take care of me. Now they are older and there still is not a lot of time because they are getting so busy with activities. But, I take each moment because it will be so fast and then they will have moved out. You can do this!
  • smacaulay
    smacaulay Posts: 62 Member
    I am in - I only have 5 pounds more to lose so it might be a little tough - my goal is to eat 1200 - 1500 a day and exercise at least 30 minutes every day!
  • smacaulay
    smacaulay Posts: 62 Member
    I'm in but didn't put my weight -

    Jan 3 - 140
    Jan 10 -
    Jan 17 -
    Jan 24 -
    Jan 31 -
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    I just started mfp:

    Jan 3rd - 137.2 lbs
    Jan 10th
    Jan 17th
    Jan 24th
    Jan 31st
  • challege accepted, Todays weight is 179, working out with P90X
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