1200 cals is just fine. 1100 is just fine too. If....



  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,095 Member
    I am 5 ft even. I went to a doctor and a nutritionist. I currently net a MAX of 4-500 calories a day. Im never hungry. truly. I didn't even have to get used to it because I realized in my head that I would eat when bored, happy, sad or whatever. people of mfp are freakin out over my numbers and that's fine. they are not doctors. You eat whats healthy and working for you. as long as your doc is ok with it go for it girl!

    Are you saying you are 5 ft tall and you net around 400 to 500 calories per day?? and this is amount your health professionals have recommended??

    Either I have misunderstood your post or you have misunderstood something - anyway if you are on this really low amount for some extreme medical reason, thats one thing - but it is not relevant to others on MFP who are trying to find their correct allowance from internet calculations.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    OP fair enough it worked for you in your opinion but it's dangerous to then say it's ok for eveyone and screw the general medical consensus. Just because you think it worked for you doesn't mean another method wouldn't have been better (how long have you maintained for? Did you maintain your LBM? Bone density, nutrition, etc?) nor does it mean that it is going to be ok for others. Your personal experience does not a universal truth make. And for most people, eating at that level is just not healthy.

  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Good for you! I think all these people constantly shoving 12, 13 and 1400 calories down our throats want us to stay fat

    Yes that is my goal.

    1. Lose 46 lbs eating 1420 net
    2. Go into the forums to convince others to do the same in hopes that it won't work for them like it did for me :huh:
    3. ????
    4. Profit?
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    I am 5 ft even. I went to a doctor and a nutritionist. I currently net a MAX of 4-500 calories a day. Im never hungry. truly. I didn't even have to get used to it because I realized in my head that I would eat when bored, happy, sad or whatever. people of mfp are freakin out over my numbers and that's fine. they are not doctors. You eat whats healthy and working for you. as long as your doc is ok with it go for it girl!

    I am not telling you what to eat, it's none of my business. I just want to put things into perspective. Women in Hitler's concentration camps were fed 400-450 calories a day ( admittedly almost soup and dry bread only ) and the men were given 100 calories more.
    Right now children in refugee camps in Africa ( I am thinking of Mali, because I developed their food plan ) or other parts of the world where people are starving and who have been under nourished for quite a while get 550 calories of high nutrition paste ( because many of them can suck paste, but do not have the strength to chew and actively swallow ) to begin with and their diet is increased to 800 calories within a week or a bit more ( increasing about 50 calories a day ). This is for children up to four years. older children get, if they can handle it, 100 calories a day more for each additional year of age after four. This is only a " rescue " program for small children who are truly starving to death, once in maintenance and given the political circumstances ( meaning the availability of food ) they are given more calories to survive. " Striving " and being healthy is not even an option under such circumstances . All it is is keeping people from dying from hunger. I don't understand why anyone would do something like that voluntarily....

    PS: I am under 5 feet, eat 1200 calories a day ( and make sure my macros are as close as possible ) and have lost 50 pounds in exactly a year......and I am not special at all.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    you can lead a horse but you cant make them drink. how many threads people seen saying 1200 is not good and they still doing it.lol waste a time people going do them regardless smh im done.

    There are many people who lurk on the treads and don't post... there have been people come out and say thank you to those who do challenge posts like the original. It is not a waste of time.

    I am a lurker and read the forums frequently. I am always thankful when people give good, solid advice. And definitely not a waste of time.


    I started out the first 5 months of my weight loss doing 1200 calories. I was hangry all the time, plus my hair was falling out. Started reading more on the forums about TDEE and BMR, started upping my calories and then started gaining weight, read more on the forums about food scale and weighing everything instead of measuring and then I started losing weight again. On average I was eating between 1600-1800 calories and losing about a pound a week.

    Sooooo here is to all the "mean people". :drinker:

    If it wasn't for you all I would probably never be where I am at now. :flowerforyou:
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    you can lead a horse but you cant make them drink. how many threads people seen saying 1200 is not good and they still doing it.lol waste a time people going do them regardless smh im done.

    There are many people who lurk on the treads and don't post... there have been people come out and say thank you to those who do challenge posts like the original. It is not a waste of time.

    Agreed, I lost 82 lbs after my first baby doing 1200 calories because that's what MFP told me to do. I was hungry all the time, so I upped it to 1400/day and thought eating exercise calories was counterintuitive.

    It wasn't until I got pregnant a second time that I started reading (as opposed to defending my 1200 calories on) the forums a lot more and learned the error of my ways, plus it explained why I gained a crap-ton of weight with my second pregnancy, even more than my binge-eating first. Even though I ate way better the second time around, my body was used to 1200-1400 and 5x/week hard workouts. Sedentary lifestyle due to pelvic rest and injury + eating at properly calculated maintenance --> ridiculous weight gain.

    All of that is to say that some of us members of the 1200-calorie church do see the light eventually.

    Edited for typo
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Food is yummy, that's all I have to say beyond eat whatever you want as long as weigh/measure it~

    Weighing ice-cream is a sad process though. So, so tiny.

    Indeed it is. I get all the sadness out of the way at one time, though. I portion many jars of it in the fridge. Previously, we'd just eat out of the tub and "just a little" turned into a pint.... I have a problem. lol

    That is brilliant! Must go buy little jars...
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Good for you! I think all these people constantly shoving 12, 13 and 1400 calories down our throats want us to stay fat

    Yes that is my goal.

    1. Lose 46 lbs eating 1420 net
    2. Go into the forums to convince others to do the same in hopes that it won't work for them like it did for me :huh:
    3. ????
    4. Profit?

    No profit; we just want MFP to fail so that it goes away because it's super expensive and un-helpful!
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,070 Member
    You are short. And there are a lot of short gals on MFP, if you hadn't noticed us!

    The most accurate calorie calculator, http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/ puts a person of my height 5 foot, 1.5 inches, my age, 37 years, and my weight, told me that if I am sedentary and want to lose at a 20% reduction, I should be eating 1104 cals a day. I did that for 7 months and lost 30 lbs and am in better shape now than I was when I was 17.

    YES, 1104 cals a day! I did not die, no I was not tired, no I did not go into starvation mode, and after a few months getting used to it, no I was not hungry! I have more energy and muscle definition now than I have ever had in my life (as with any calorie goal, I made sure I was eating plenty of protein and veggies, not just chocolate and potato chips!)

    Telling EVERYONE that 1200 is too low becauuse 1200 or below is the EVIL UNSPEAKABLE NUMBER on MFP, you are going to get a lot of short fat people on MFP who give up because they are eating what their taller fellow MFP'ers are eating.

    When someone new writes a post about "is 1200 o.k." don't just jump in and say "you'll die." Say "what are your stats?" Please. Can we stop the misinformation? Why is it so notoriously hard for short people to lose weight? Because they are following diet plans and calorie goals designed for average sized people - i.e. taller/bigger than us shorties. It need not be hard with the right information.

    1200 is a 100% completely arbitrary number. Get the facts and go to the free website for an accurate calorie calculation: http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/

    Hungry? That is what exercise is for. If you exercise for an hour a day, you can add a few hundred extra calories and have an extra meal! Also, the weight loss part of your new lifestyle doesn't last forever: when you get to maintenance and/or increase your activity level, you can eat more. Weight loss doesn't last forever... unless YOU ARE SHORT AND EATING OVER 1200 CALORIES!
    Well said. I'm short and started with a 1200 cal deficit. I've since increased my calories a bit, but at 1200 and at 1520 I make sure I hit all my goals, ie: calicum, fiber, vit. a,c, potassium, protein, and stay under my carb goal. It is totally doable and you can have the most healthy diet without starving if you eat right. Granted you would starve if you at junk at 1200 cal...but if you eat like your supposed to, 1200 for shorties is what everyone says to do. Unlike what others have said, you do not need to be under a Dr.s care to be on a 1200 cal diet. If it's under, then yes, a Dr should follow along with your plan.

    I'm 5' tall, aged 60, and have started eating 1250. The calorie level I was on for the past year (around 1650) seemed to be maintenance for me. The 1250 is working. I monitor my protein, fat, carbs, sodium, calcium, etc., to ensure I get nutrients women my age in particular need.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Good for you! I think all these people constantly shoving 12, 13 and 1400 calories down our throats want us to stay fat

    Yes that is my goal.

    1. Lose 46 lbs eating 1420 net
    2. Go into the forums to convince others to do the same in hopes that it won't work for them like it did for me :huh:
    3. ????
    4. Profit?

    No profit; we just want MFP to fail so that it goes away because it's super expensive and un-helpful!

    OOooohh right, that was it.

    That baby is freakin' adorable, btw. :flowerforyou:
  • rabbitsmall
    Good for you! I think all these people constantly shoving 12, 13 and 1400 calories down our throats want us to stay fat

    What the heck is wrong with you? I'm 5'0 too and qualified for an eating disorder eating less than 1000 calories a day. Oh yeah, I lost weight... enough to land me under 18.5 BMI, with my hair falling out and skin absolutely horrid, and completely miserable on top of that.

    That kind of thinking is the exactly what I would use to convince myself to not get professional mental help and keep on starving myself. That's so wrong, oh my goodness. I hope no one takes what you're saying to heart.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Good for you! I think all these people constantly shoving 12, 13 and 1400 calories down our throats want us to stay fat

    Yes that is my goal.

    1. Lose 46 lbs eating 1420 net
    2. Go into the forums to convince others to do the same in hopes that it won't work for them like it did for me :huh:
    3. ????
    4. Profit?

    No profit; we just want MFP to fail so that it goes away because it's super expensive and un-helpful!

    OOooohh right, that was it.

    That baby is freakin' adorable, btw. :flowerforyou:

    Aww, thanks! He's a pretty sweet guy :heart:
  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    I understand your point. Obviously there are people who do need to lose on 1200 or even 1100 calories per day. Everyone is different. However, again, I would not put a blanket statement over all short women, because metabolism is based upon age, lean body mass, and activity as well. I am a short girl and 1200-1300-even 1400 was a little on the low end for my activity level. I am 5'3.5" which I know is not super duper short. I am only 108 lbs and still losing slowly, yet steadily, on 1600-even 1700 calories.

    I think the moral of the story is that these kinds of things are individualized. Some people also have naturally faster resting metabolic rates, even when they are short and female, but that could be due to lean body mass.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Good for you! I think all these people constantly shoving 12, 13 and 1400 calories down our throats want us to stay fat

  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    you are full of it.

    Please use the quote button so we can see who you're belittling.

    Probably you...since I haven't commented in a while....:bigsmile:
  • OkamiLavande
    OkamiLavande Posts: 336 Member
    Good for you! I think all these people constantly shoving 12, 13 and 1400 calories down our throats want us to stay fat

    Either that, or they've actually been there and accomplished what you are trying to accomplish, have helped dozens of other people accomplish what you are trying to accomplish, and have actually learned a thing or two about how to be successful.

    Or what you said.

    One or the other. Who knows.

    ^ This.

    Also, would you rather...eat as much as you can and still lose weight or eat as little as you can to lose weight? The first option comes with a wide array of yummy foods and the second option comes with a side of having trouble adjusting to maintenance.

    Take your pick! Some of us, like myself, don't like eating that low of a calorie count but just do because of..food issues.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Good for you! I think all these people constantly shoving 12, 13 and 1400 calories down our throats want us to stay fat
    Yes exactly. Every time someone sends me a PM asking me for advice on what they should do I deliberately give them the wrong advice in order to sabotage them. Makes sense.

    Yah that's what we do...we've been caught now...back to the strategy board...

    we just want all the small cloths for us namely all the cute poka dot bikini's..../sarcasm

    *have to put that in there for those who might take me seriously* Like the person who posted the first quote.
  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    If 1100 or 1200 were enough for someone, would they be having to deal with trying to suppress hunger?
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Img didn't work, and I'm too lazy to mess with it right now. Carry on.
This discussion has been closed.