

  • ElizabethAnneLatimer
    ElizabethAnneLatimer Posts: 8 Member
    Hiya All,

    I'm really encouraged...and discouraged all at the same time. I started my fitness program 12/28 - and I have really changed how I eat/cook. I go to the gym 3x week, work with weights for 30 minutes, and cardio 30 minutes. So I"m at the four month mark, and have lost just about 35 pounds. This past month was only 4. But I"ve lost a total of 63 inches. I just don't get why the scale isn't really moving.

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Well, for the cat people: I just did my first solo gig with getting fluids into the cat. He's not as scared at home as he is at the vet, so the needle slipped out 3x. :noway: So I had to stick him four times total, poor guy. Figured out that I need to hold the needle there to be sure (at the vet he just sat there while the stuff went in :smile: ). Anyway, I got it in. Rinse and repeat tomorrow.

    Michele, I have to do it from an IV bag, so I only have the needles, no syringes. But thanks for the tip; it's nice to have people thinking with me at a time like this. :flowerforyou:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Sue in TX :smile: Hope you get to see your brother:flowerforyou: !

    Jane Martin :smile: Happy birthday:flowerforyou: ! Hope you feel better:flowerforyou: !

    Sylvia :smile: Hope you have a great time at the pottery show! I feel cold most of the time, except when a hot flash decides to hit me:grumble: !

    Kim in N Cal :smile: I laughed about you taking a selfie!!! I took a picture of my eyes once and sent it to my oldest granddaughter, told her I was watching her:laugh: ! Congrats on getting rid of 2 more pounds:bigsmile: …woo hoo!!!!

    Patty :smile: Hope you had a fun time shopping with your DD and granddaughters!

    Alison :smile: Hope you had a nice day at work!

    Beth :smile: How is the weather in NY? Has spring finally made an appearance?

    Gloria :smile: Hope you feel better:flowerforyou: ! Springtime colds are no fun:noway: !

    Tere :smile: Hope your weekend will be wonderful:flowerforyou: !!!

    Margaret :smile: Sharing coffee:drinker: and water:drinker: !!! Art in Bloom sounds just awesome:love: !!!

    Katla :smile: Hope your day got better:flowerforyou: !!!

    Vicki :smile: Hope your fund raiser ride is full of fun and not wind!!! What a fabulous way to start the day!

    Lucy :smile: How nice to see you again! Have you had your ears checked when you get vertigo? That happens to me from time to time, usually in the spring and fall, mine is allergies. They gave me a prescription for Nasonex to use and it helps unclog the ears. It`s a steroid nasal spray, I hate to use but it really does help. Nasacort is a steroid spray too and it has just gone over the counter, but check with your Dr. first!!

    Carol :smile: I wouldn`t be happy about the meal either! I can`t believe others don’t bring food that your son can eat, except a bag of pork rinds…grrrr:angry: !

    Cindy in OK :smile: How exciting your floors are getting ready to be installed!!! I`ve been moving things upstairs, we`re getting ready to get the carpet out from up there, I`ve ordered the new carpet but they won`t install it until the painting is finished! I can`t believe all the things I`ve collected over the years:embarassed: …

    Yanniejannie :smile: Have fun!!!!

    Rita :smile: Hope your back feels better soon:flowerforyou: !

    Meg :smile: Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!

    Tigress:smile: Ick….chicken not done:sick: !!! Congrats on the NSV:bigsmile: !!!!

    Barbie :smile: I love this picture!!!! You look so sassy:smokin: !!!! Love the saying on you shirt! My friend bought me a coffee mug for Christmas that says “Eat, Sleep and Shop”, it`s my youngest granddaughters favorite mug to drink out of!

    Joyce :smile: Sounds like a delightful time with your niece!!!

    Michele :smile: It`s supposed to be in the low 80`s on Sunday:love: , good day to get in the pool, although I bet the water is still cold!

    Renny :smile: Hope DD is feeling better everyday:flowerforyou: ! How awful to be pregnant and sick at the same time, along with the stress of a toddler, they are wonderful but demand a lot of attention!

    Cynthia :smile: Hope Charlie is feeling better:flowerforyou: !!!! I used to have to feed my dogs baby food when they were sick, vet told me to feed them chicken and rice. I also used to boil chicken breast unseasoned and rice unseasoned for them too. They are our babies:love: !!!

    Heather :smile: I knew your dinner would be a hit:bigsmile: !!! So sorry to hear about the student! Happy birthday to DGS:flowerforyou: !!!!

    A/c was repaired yesterday around lunch, they actually had not replaced some wire, so no charge to me:bigsmile: !!!! I interviewed tile people yesterday….3…I finally choose a women. I loved her ideas on the design! Hired the painter too, still interviewing the patio people, although the landscaper is really doing that, but I do meet them, 2 so far and one more to go on Monday! I had an appointment yesterday with my dermatologist, she frozen three different places yesterday, one on my arm, one on my hand and one on my side:frown: …so I will say again…please ladies wear sunscreen when you`re outside!!!! I wish I had taken my own advice years ago!

    Have a wonderful Saturday ladies!!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in gorgeous NC:glasses:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone!

    Beautiful day outside although a bit cool. I don't know what the temp will get to today but so nice to see the sun shining. The weather forecast for next week is supposed to be good so our goal is to get the garden going.

    DD and I were supposed to address her wedding invitations today but when I talked to her she is still in bed with a horrible cold. Her request "Chicken soup" please. So that is on the stove and I'll make a run to her house but will not go in as I don't want to catch whatever she has. I'll probably go over next week and do a house cleaning for her and probably line up her brother to do her yard work. Looking forward to her wedding so she will have a man on hand. (He's in KY so not much help at this point).

    Looking forward to a quiet day with DH.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    Good Morning,

    Deedee your selfie story gave me a chuckle. :laugh: :drinker:

    Kim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 pounds down.

    Cynthia hope your cat is on the mend.

    Liz 35 pounds in four months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!63 inches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Heather sorry about your student.:flowerforyou:

    Tere sorry about the car. Frustrating! DH tire went flat this morning before going off to the store.:grumble:

    Katiebug congrats on the hard work with students! Lucky to have you.

    Vicki hope CMA meeting went well.

    Lucy I noticed you said lower sodium not lately. I have a friend who when she eats foods too high in salt she gets vertigo. She learned she needs to stay around 1000-1500mg a day. Hope you feel better.

    Yanniejannie I hear Joshua Bell is wonderful. Enjoy!

    Rita hope back feels better soon.:flowerforyou:

    When DH tire went flat I let him borrow my car. I had a winter coat back in the trunk because we were still in the high thirties this week. Unfortunately in pulling it out, I accidentally hit my eye with the draw string that has metal on it. Since I had that torn retina I am very sensitive about my eyes, so I am afraid I wasn’t the nicest when it happened. My eye is fine. The lesson to me is to slow down. I don’t think it would have happened if I had. I am trying to remember the saying. SiBerian North RailRoad I got from the book Search Inside Yourself. S is for stop B is for breathe, N is for notice R is for reflect and R is for react. In other words chill. In this case I went right to react.

    Went to see Monument Men last night. I wanted to see it especially after going to the Art Museum. I guess our museum has some of the five million pieces they recovered. I still haven’t had the chance to seek them out at the museum. It was way too crowded during Art in Bloom. Plus I went to see the floral arrangement on that trip. I will seek them out another time.

    Today I will log my food, so I wake up to a healthier tomorrow.

    2014 word: contentment
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lucy: It is good to see you again. Don’t be a stranger!:flowerforyou:

    Heather: I can’t particularly remember wanting to be grown up. I can remember wanting to have more freedom and autonomy. My mother always told me that a friend of hers said I was an “Old Soul” when I was a toddler. Mom believed it, so I did, too. Now that I am chronologically older, I want a youthful spirit. It sounds like your dinner party went well. Congratulations! Sorry you’ll be confronted with spending time with your Ex and his new family. I’m so happy that you’ve found your DH. You seem perfect for one another.:heart::flowerforyou:

    Kim: I can’t imagine wanting skintight clothes, but I see people in our community who stuff themselves into things that reveal every bulge and dimple. :noway: :tongue: Our community has a high proportion of people who are morbidly obese, including school kids. This is a high poverty area, and the two seem to go hand I hand.:cry:

    nccarolb: I’m so sorry that the food situation at church falls at such a busy time for you. Use the opportunity to provide ONLY foods your son can enjoy. Perhaps you can teach other parents about healthy foods by providing a good example. Enjoy your conversation with your “Rock Star.” Anybody we might know?:flowerforyou:

    Rita: I hope you’re feeling better.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: I’m sending good thoughts your way.:flowerforyou:

    Tigress in GA: Good for you! We serve seafood dip with veggies rather than chips these days on the rare occasions we have them. Celery, carrots, and bell peppers make great “scoops.”:bigsmile:

    Barbie: I love your picture! Add me to the list of people who have to layer up now that I’ve lost weight. On the positive side, I suspect our air conditioner will run less often this summer unless it is very hot outside. Magnum PI used to be one of my favorite shows. I wonder what channel is showing it. With all of our satellite delivered channels I haven’t a clue where to look.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Congratulations on a lovely meal with your niece.:flowerforyou:

    Kim in N CA: Good luck modifying your pants. :flowerforyou:

    Michele: Sending good thoughts your way. I devoted myself to providing a Mother’s Day celebration for my mom, but I expect to be here with DH this Mothers Day and wonder if I’ll hear from my kids. Distance makes things so much harder. Facetime is fun, but not the same as being together. How I envy women whose kids live nearby.:flowerforyou:

    Cynthia: Good luck with your dog. Where do you live that doesn’t sell baby food in jars? When I made my own baby food I put the meat into a blender with a little fluid or used a food mill. Then it was likely milk for the baby’s health. It was years later that we got a food processor. We recently bought a new food mill because DH wanted to make spaetzel, so I know they’re still around.:flowerforyou:

    Liz: The scale moves on its own timetable. If you’ve been losing inches it is likely you’ve been gaining muscle, which is more dense and heavy than fat but takes up less space. This is a victory. :bigsmile: Congratulations!:drinker: :flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: I hear you on the sunscreen issue. We need to protect our skin. It sounds like you’re having a wonderful time redecorating. Congratulations!:flowerforyou:

    Cindy: Enjoy your day with DH.:flowerforyou:

    Later this morning I go in to get my haircut corrected. I plan to wash it and dry it before I go in so that she will cut it dry. If this doesn’t work I’ll have to look for someone else. I’m sorry that my barber moved away, but he was doing it for his daughter’s well-being and I have to respect that.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least two glasses of water daily.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hope everyone has a good sat.Got sick with the diarrhea and cramps last night,no B/day party for me.
    Sorry Violet
  • namacheri
    namacheri Posts: 12
    Hi, I'm new here. I'll be 58 on May 21st and quit smoking 6 months ago after 42 years :) . I'm trying to lose the extra weight so I can keep up with the grand-kids. My May goals are to lose 8-10 more Lbs and continue getting my 10,000 steps a day. Oh yeah, and continue to walk for 1/2 hour every day @ 2.3 mph.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    The weather is BEAUTIFUL so I did only the 45 minute portion of Gilad's 45/45 split DVD. Tomorrow I'll do the aerobics portion.

    Renny - glad your daughter is feeling better

    Cynthia - ask your vet about the food. I remember when Vince and Jessica were force feeding Sassy, there was a food that was soft that came in a can. I remember they would put that in the syringe. It was so long ago that I don't remember what the name of it was, but I do remember that the can had a white label with printing, the food was the consistency of baby food so they could put it into the syringe and force it down his throat. I'm pretty sure I got that food at the vet's office. You might even be able to get it at PetSmart, I don't think it was a prescription. About the fluids, I remember we would hang the IV bag on a towel hook since it was higher than the cat on the floor. Yea, now that I think about it, it was just the needle that attached to the IV bag and then you put it under his skin.

    Liz - you shouldn't be so dscouraged. That works out to about 2 pounds a week. Don't worry about the scale as long as that tape measure is moving!

    DeeDee - that is so cute that you took a pic of your eyes and sent it to your gd. You know something, even IF the pool water is cold, I'll just rationalize that I'm burning more calories keeping my body warm. How's that for rationalization? Unfortunately, we're invited to a friend's place that day (Sun) at 2. She said she's just going to have snacks and desserts. Not like I need any desserts. I told her that I was bringing these shrimp bites with me. For some reason she tends to cook very heavy. And she's not a light person to begin with. She has problems with her knees and they won't operate until she loses something like 30 pounds. Why she doesn't try harder is beyond me. For a while there she was doing pretty good, but not lately. I'm afraid that what she's going to be serving will be high fat, high calorie and very little if any grains or fiber. Yea no charge for your a/c

    katla - here in the South there are a lot of overweight people, too. I always cringe when I see thenm wearing clothes that are VERY revealing. I guess the worst thing is when they don't even bother to try to cover up the flab but let it hang out over the pants. I just feel so bad for these people, but then I look around and what are restaurants pushing? Deep fried foods and bread and desserts. Wish I could even facetime with Bryan.

    jane - hope you're better today

    namacheri - welcome and congrats on stopping smoking. You've done a great thing for yourself and your grandkids.

    Michele in NC
  • lollyhill2014
    Hi am 53 years old feeling like older .have a Hugh mountain to climb with my weigh ,,, any good tips to keep me on track . Just read some of the posting sounds like you all enjoying
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 450 Member
    Good morning Lovelies!

    In a hurry again today. The high school class party is this evening. Must work out, make pizza bread and get ready. I plan to eat something before leaving so I won't be tempted by goodies.

    Welcome new ladies!

    Lollyhil2014' I am 55. My best advice is you have to want this. Decide every morning to be good to yourself and give YOU the gift of good health. Healthy food and exercise become a habit over time. Once you conquer your thinking, your body will follow. Smile and enjoy the journey! Keep coming back to this thread, this is a great group of ladies!:flowerforyou:

    Hug and prayers for a wonderful day,

    Cindy in OK:heart:
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hi all remember me. I was here like 6 months ago.

    Well I'm back because looks like I might live. For those of you that are new. I have issues with heart problems. Well they started me on beta blockers a week ago and I'm starting to feel great. Feel like doing more. And I even started watching how I eat only 3 days into it. But hey got to start somewhere.

    Wii gave me a smile every day so far. Going to try and keep him smiling.

    Only read the last page. And right now i'm not going to answer to all Just to time consuming.

    I see a lot of regulars and I also see a lot of newbies.
    Wishing all a great weekend.
    If your hear we all have the same problems. Some have reached goal. Others have lost a lot of weight. And then those of you like me starting over for the 1,999 time.

    Good luck to all.
    See you lighter
    Linda in wet Northern Ontario.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi, yes, I've got the Recovery force feeding food (Hill's), but he doesn't really want it (I've given him some anyway). He didn't even want cooked and ground lamb's heart (yuck). I got him to eat a couple of pill pockets (without the pills, haha), and twice he's eaten a teaspoon of tuna mousse cat food with a teaspoon of warm water in it. I hope this is the beginning of improvement, but it's too soon to tell.
    I can get baby food in jars, but never just meat; it's all "meals".

    Cynthia, worried this weekend :flowerforyou:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Lucy...so good to see you posting.

    Lin...very happy to see you are still in the land of the living!!! I hope things continue to look up for you.

    NSV-I am happy to report that I actually wore a summer dress on Thursday. It fit!. So nice to be able to do that back zipper up. Sure looked and felt good. Scale hasn't budged in a while though.

    With spring here I am looking forward to more outside activities.

    Wishing everyone a great Saturday.

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Hello ladies! Taking a break and getting caught up on your posts.

    Michele … are you able to do any of your workouts in your own pool? I don’t have access to a facility’s pool with classes, but we do have our own pool. (Crazy concept in Buffalo, NY … but hey, we make the most of any good weather we actually get!) I’ve not been in our pool for years … too embarrassed… but that’s going to change this year! Would like to see if there’s some kind of aerobic routine I could do on my own.

    DeeDee … it’s been very dreary, but the cold temperatures are finally moving out. We are way behind the rest of the country with blossoms and such! But my trees are starting to bud!

    A comment on skin tight clothing. I don’t understand it! I remember when I was a young girl agonizing over clothes that might show a bulge. So now I never wear clothes that are too tight. Today, people seem to embrace their muffin tops! Friends often comment on how “thin” I’m looking … and I still have a ways to go … which they never believe. I think the reason is because I wear clothes that fit.

    Liz … hang in there. Your body has undergone an amazing transformation in a relatively short period of time. The body goes into shock and slows down for a while, but persistence will win … the pounds will release! I’ll go weeks without anything and then … bam … several pounds. This is definitely not a linear process!

    Jane … so sorry you’re ill. My whole family came down with the stomach bug … hit each of us different. We’re finally back to feeling well. Hope you are soon too!

    Cynthia … hoping your “worried” status soon changes!

    Time to get off my duff! Way, way behind on cleaning … and believe me, after the week we had, it needs a thorough airing out and scrub down!
    Beth in Western New York
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,822 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    I am sitting out on my deck enjoying the beautiful weather.. finally!!!! its not gonna stay but I will take what I can get..
    Got up early and started cleaning. DH always likes the house spic and span..
    so I swept and washed the floors,did 2 loads of laundry, dusted, washed a few windows ,went to the dump,hung my hummingbird feeder.
    and I went through the photo's last night for my DFIL and found frames I had here from our wedding,that we didnt have hung up, I figure he would enjoy his pictures in those frames more right now that we would.. so packed a couple of bags ,bought some 3M command strips and went down to the convelecent home.. went and got him so he could supervise...
    He was just thrilled.... put 3 large ones on the wall in front of his bed, and I know he sleeps on his side, so the smaller ones I put on that wall around the calander... plus snuck him a cookie whie I was there.. he adores the blanket we got him, it is one of those sherpa fleece ones ..
    So I think with the pictures and a blanket and good care things are going well down there for him....
    DH will be home around 9 pm tonight, so I also while the weather was nice mowed the lawn....
    almost to 10,000 steps, will get there before the end of the day though...

    who knows I might even take a little snooze out here:bigsmile:
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Alison, you are so thoughtful, creative and sweet. :flowerforyou:
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,660 Member
    Michele – Lawn is a tricky thing, to get the seed in, watering done and not have the birds eat the seed. So the salt water pool is so interesting.. I’ll have to google it; what makes it better than a regular water pool? :smile:

    Renny – glad DD is doing better! :smile:

    Cynthia – I don’t know if you have one but my food processor cuts stuff up really small – it might work on the meat for the dog, now for Charlie.

    Heather - I wish we had bank holidays!!!

    Liz – so I did a bit of math, and figure you have been on track for about 4 months (16 weeks) and divided the 35 by 16 and that works out to a bit over 2 lbs a week – overall - I get that right now is slower than you want – but overall you are doing AWESOME! And the inches is amazing! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    DeeDee – love your posts!

    Margaret - I learn so much from everyone – I googled Monument Men; as I did not know what it was…. What an interesting sounding movie… was it good?

    Namacheri – welcome, what a huge accomplishment to be smoke free for 6 months.

    Lollyhil2014 – welcome, my advice is set reasonable measurable goals and log every single day even if is crazy high. :bigsmile: I have learned more from my crazy days – sometimes just learning the answer to “was it worth it?” and beginning to have the crazy high days only when the answer is yes. :blushing:

    Linda in Ontario – welcome back, I am so glad to hear they found a drug that is helping – sending good thoughts your way.

    Cynthia - you took the words to Alison right off my keyboard! Alison you are so nice!

    Spent the begining of the day at our water wise workshop - for those not in CA we usually get about 15-20 inches of rain annually, all of it between late October and late April/may but this year we have gotten just over 6 inches. So they are implementing a 25% reduction in water use and the rates are going up 79% minimum to encourage it, and if you use over what they have decided is "normal" it will be 195% higher in cost. So it is time to get serious - there will be certain days we are allowed to water the yards, no car washing, a boat load of rules... I do a lot of the things they suggest already, just to save money:wink: but more to come, and one of the "good" things is to replace irrigated lawn with plants that are drought tolerant, and if you do that they will pay you.:smile: I had been considering redoing my front yard anyway as it gets full summer sun and is very hard to keep looking nice, so I am going to apply to see if I can get the $$ to help do the work. They had a few folks come in with plant suggestions and some were not my style; but a few were real winners! so I am going to do my research!

    I did something really stupid; I have a very low caffeine diet- long story on why - but have a minimum amount of chocolate as my only caffeine; I really needed a coffee this am, and had a cup of what they had - did not put any creamer in it as they only had full fat cream, (I usually use non-fat milk) it was a very tasty cup of coffee - realized after an hour or two that it was not decafe I am wired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be running in circles the rest of the day - hope I can get some sleep tonight - sometimes this effect lasts 24 hours.... Stupid Stupid Stupid.

    Kim in N. Cal
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    I am going to try to post 2 pictures. It was tough to find pictures of me when I was heaviest, because as many can identify with, I hated getting my picture taken.

    Well, I am using photobucket, but it's not working. I know how to do it, and don't understand why it has to be so hard in MFP. Okay, next time.


    oh wait. Here is the new me in progress under the blossoming apple tree:

    and this is one that I typically don't wish to share

    Now to figure out how to make it smaller.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Thanks for sharing- Renny,what a difference.