

  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    :flowerforyou: Just look at you Renny! What a difference - I am proud of you, missy! I bet you feel like a million bucks!!!!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,382 Member
    lollyhill - welcome. One of the best tips I can pass along to you is to come here often. You'll get lots of support and some very good ideas. Lots of motivation, too. Tell us more about yourself.

    Linda - so good to see you back!

    Cynthia - yup, Recovery rings a bell with me. Look in your grocery store for the baby food meats. There are just plain meats, they come in small jars. They might be in something like "Stage 1", but they do make it

    Renny - wonderful NSV

    Beth - when we were getting the pool, I had every intention of working out in the pool, I even got a floation belt and "bells" (weights). You know what? I've never once used them in the pool. To me, I go to the Y for the deep water class since my pool only goes to 6' and theirs goes to 10'. I honestly find just listening to the waterfall while floating in the pool to be so very very relaxing. I didn't think this would happen, but that's the way it turned out. Wonder if the Y will buy back those weights? I know that *Prevention* magazine had a weight training routine in the pool, they might have had an aerobic one, too. Google them. Hey, in winter you can use your pool and play hockey on it....lol

    hmmm...last time we check the pool water was 72. Wonder if that's too cold to go in? Probably. But, heat up the spa, yup we can do that. Oh, I just can't wait to go in Update: heated up the spa, but to me it actually got too warm. The remote said that it got to about 92 degrees. I would have been happy with it in the high 80's. Oh well, it was still nice to sit in it.

    Alison - you are such and thoughtful and giving person! You never cease to amaze me

    I'm sorry if I miss anyone. My eyes are REALLY burning, probably the pollen

    Kim - I believe what you're referring to as a "regular" water pool is a pool with chlorine. With a salt water pool, you don't have all the chemicals (chlorine, etc). You still have to add muriatic acid, but that's about the worst of the chemicals. The salt water is gentler on your skin. Some people have a reaction to high levels of chlorine. In essence, a salt water pool is easier to maintain. I think we got a "chlorine" smell one time in the last year and that was because we had the spa jets on, so the chlorine was in the air. But it wasn't a real strong smell, as a matter of fact, I didn't detect it, Vince did.

    lollyhill - I agaree with Kim, log each and every bite regardless of how much over you are. Pretty soon you'll see what it is that's causing you to go over and you'll be changing your habits.

    Renny - thanks for sharing. Boy, what a change, and for the better!

    Just made some more of the chocolate bran muffins to have in the freezer.

    Was going to work on some craft, but I think I'll take a shower first and hopefully, that'll help this "watering eyes". I put the Wet & Forget down today, hope it wasn't too hot. That stuff is amazing!!! I don't remember who recommended it to me, but I thank you each and every day. Then put down more weed killer in places I totally forgot to get last time (like behind the one retaining wall in front of the fence)

    Off to shower-land!!!!

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :cry: We went to a meeting this morning. I am usually good at staying away from the treats but today the meeting was especially boring and I treated myself to a modest serving of trail mix and three slices of homemade egg bread that MFP told me had a zillion calories…then we had hot dogs and sauerkraut for supper so it was an unusually high calorie and high sodium day not nearly offset by dog walking, garden puttering, and exercise bike riding. The good part was that I enjoyed the treats and didn’t waste any energy kicking myself for detouring off the healthy path. Tomorrow we’ll do an Isagenix cleanse day that will put me right back on track.

    :bigsmile: Renny, your before and after pictures are inspiring.

    :bigsmile: Lin, I am very happy to see you posting again…..I have missed you.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, I found “Magnum P.I.” by using the search feature on my cable company DVR……It’s on a channel called Encore.

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, I got my shirt from a company called Zazzle….I found them online…..they have lots of shirt choices with lots of great sayings including "eat, sleep, shop".

    :flowerforyou: Cynthia, a few years ago I had to give insulin shots to my old cat, Haifa. I didn’t think I’d be able to do it and I surprised myself and was successful. It was very scary for me at first.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Hi all - Still in and out with family and such the last week or so, but always coming back to my Vitamin F friends!!

    About meeting husbands - I first met DH because he lived next door to someone I was dating and I knew one of his roommates (we were at college, though not living in dorms). We were pretty good friends, but no romantic interest. My then-boyfriend graduated and went off to explore America, and I stayed at the university to take summer classes. That August a bunch of us went to a music festival together - yep, it was Woodstock. That weekend, we realized we were meant for each other :love: and have been inseparable since. We were married a little less than five months later. Nearly 45 years and still going strong!! :heart: Like all couples, we have had ups and downs, more ups than downs, though. I often credit our successful relationship to two things - we were friends before romance could make us put on those rosy glasses, and we have always had our own interests (for instance, Stan likes to bicycle and I much prefer lifting weights), as well as ones we share.

    Jill in western MA
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Just got home from the pottery show. It was really slow, business-wise. We were about half of the previous year. Not sure why. Sometimes though, nice weather kills us, because people really want to be outside doing other things, and today was beautiful! Darn. Still, I had a blast sitting around with my friends visiting. We did a lot of laughing and a little crying too. One more day and I can get back to real life.


    Here is the joke of the day:


    A nursery school driver was delivering a van full of kids home one day when a fire truck zoomed past. Sitting in the front seat of the truck was a Dalmatian dog. The children started discussing the dog’s duties.

    ‘They use him to keep crowds back,’ said Tommy.

    ‘No,’ said Billy, ‘he’s just for good luck.’

    Peter brought the argument to a close. ‘They use the dogs, he said firmly, to find the fire hydrants….'


  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,878 Member
    Hello to all: I got a lot of walking and 30 minutes of strength training done today. Watched the Kentucky Derby. It was interesting as the trainer of the winning horse was an exercise boy for Swaps, the 1955 Kentucky Derby winner and I went to high school with a boy whose father had Swaps at stud on his thoroughbred farm just outside of the town where we lived. I used to love driving by there in the spring to see the mares and foals in the pastures.

    I went out to see my horse and she is limping. She has a scrape on her right front leg probably from another horse kicking her or stepping on her. There is no swelling and the skin is not broken, probably just a bruise. Hope it clears up quickly.

    Cynthia - Good thoughts for your kitty. It is hard when our pets get old.

    Lin - Glad to see you back.

    Barbie - Like the shirt.

    Forgot who it was that had to provide food for youth group but I would just provide food that your son could eat. Maybe others would get the message.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Renny, Love the pictures! I don't even know if I have any before pictures...probably burned them all as they were taken.

    My dad traveled home to Milwaukee from Tucson on Monday, had his 90th birthday on Thursday, and went into the hospital with pneumonia on Friday. My sister said he had a bad day today with spiking fevers. Needing prayers for him.

    I spent the day at our grade school track meet. It's a lot of fun...I was a timer and was on my feet all day. I'm not feeling it now, but I might tomorrow. It's also a 2 hour drive from here so I was glad to be standing most of the day really.

    My son, dil and new baby are in town for the weekend. We get to see them tomorrow and cuddle with the little guy and the 6 year old too. Can't wait!

    Have a wonderful rest of the weekend!

    Eileen near San Diego
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi gals. It was beautiful here today and we went for a 3 mile walk around a lake near our home at a state recreational area. Then we had pizza for dinner! I had three pieces and still feel STARVED after an hour after eating! Not fair! I got the thin crust because of the carbs and that’s the difference.

    Wednesday I had a bad hypoglycemic reaction at clinical and after I ate the headache turned into a full blown migraine. I barely could get home. I shouldn’t have been driving at all, but no other way to get there! So Thursday I felt like a wet dishrag but got through the last day of clinical til October.

    Tigress: good for you making those good food choices.

    Joyce sounds like you made some good choices eating out too

    Michele: have you heard from Brian at all lately?

    Renny: glad dd is feeling better! Whata busy gal!

    Cynthia: Rex and Riley (and even Benny Beagle) send good wishes to Charlie. I’ve done the cat fluid thing for more cats than I care to remember. We even have a house sitter who does it! Try deli meat..turkey or chicken. I’ve never had a sick cat refuse it. It’s all Benny would eat when he had pancreatitis

    Heather: good for you to keep to your exercise plan

    Liz: wow that’s a lot of inches!!!

    DeeDee: sounds like you are doing a lot of remodeling!

    Cindy: a wedding! How did I miss that? How fun

    Margaret: glad your eye is ok!

    Katla: finding a new person to do your hair is hard! I’ve had the same person since 1976!

    Jane; hope you are feeling better soon!

    Namacheri and Lollyhill: welcome to our group

    Linda: so nice to see you back again! You have been missed and I’m so glad you are feeling better! Any word on the

    Beth: I agree about the muffin tops. People today don’t seem to care how their clothes fit. The hospitals around here have actually had to start adding a line about pants being properly hemmed to the dress code!

    Alison: what a great idea!

    Kim: your coffee story made me smile because I remember once going to eat for dinner and asking for caffeine free pop. Well apparently they did NOT give me decaf because I was up all night cleaning and I NEVER clean!!!

    Renny: how lovely you look under your tree and look at how much thinner you are! Thank you for sharing

    Barbie: you are just sassy in that new picture! Love it!

    Jill: what a sweet story! Woodstock!

    Sylvia: cute joke!

    Sue: sending good wishes to the four legged baby! I don’t know if I told you guys but when we went to our friends’ for Easter, one of their horses came up to me and put her head on my shoulder and laid her cheek against mine and just made that little snorting/puffing noise that horses do. So sweet!

    Eileen: enjoy the visit! Those little ones grow so fast!

    Well I’m about to keel over! One thing for sure, no way could I have walked 3 miles last year! Take care, Meg from beautiful Omaha
  • Kayzoola
    Kayzoola Posts: 60
    Today was a rest day for me. Tomorrow, DH and I will take our long walk to the coffee shop.

    Cynthia, I had a dog with kidney failure that I gave fluids to -- twice-a-day. I remember I had to hold the needle while I sat with him and watched the drip, drip, drip. We had some good conversations just sitting there together. Well, it was only me talking, but he was a good listener, and we covered some important topics. I would put the bag in a basin of warm water for about 15 minutes before I administered it. He was a skinny whippet, and would get cold and shivery if the fluids were cold.

    I got a lot of helpful advice from a k9 kidney yahoo group regarding diet, supplements and tips on giving fluids for my dog. There is probably one for cats too if you are interested. I met a fellow at the vet's office that gave his cat daily fluids for ten years, and the cat was still alive and doing just fine.

    Kayzoola (PNW USA)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Everybody is so busy today!!!! Proud of you. I must be going to get taller because lately I have been starving! hard to ward it off.

    We had a dog named Buddy for a long time. He was the family dog when the girls were growing up so he will always be well remembered. One time he managed to get out of the house when my husband opened the door to go to work. He ran down the street and got hit pretty bad by a car. My husband got him, wrapped him up and immediately took him to the vet. Was a little surprised he remembered where the vet was. He had a pretty complicated fracture of his back leg and this vet didn't have the knowledge to fix it and referred hubbie to a collegue of his in the next town, way out in the boonies. So he took him there and surgery was done. Our youngest, Michelle, was the only one who could do anything with Buddy. We could try but she did it effortlessly because he allowed it. So when we got him home and Buddie immediately pulled the stitches out she was the one who had to wash and redress the wound twice a day until it healed. She could get that dog to do anything gross for her. He had a real bad gouge in his foreleg from trying to jump over a big stump and not making it. Well the vet told her how to take care of it, warned her that it may not turn out well but she wasn't going to accept that. I wish she wound have gone to vet school but when she was in high school she really let her grades slide and she just didn't have the knowledge base at all to go to med school. I now she could go to vet assistant school but she makes good money at the boring job she is at now and would have to quit that to go to school. She refuses to take financial support from us to do it. She knows she could move back home but she would come with 3 very large dogs in two and she knows how I feel about that. She had an 8 foot boa one time that had an upper respiratory infection and the doctor taught her how to give him his shots. I don't think she will ever meet up to the potential that she could have been but she is happy in caring for the dogs she has, babysitting other dogs and being an advocate for animal care.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,329 Member
    Renny - fantastic! You look great!

    Well, beautiful women, I am off to London soon for DGS'S 3rd birthday party. I've wrapped the presents. We will do our exercises and then I've got to shower and make myself BEAUTIFUL for my ex!:laugh: :laugh: :tongue:

    Love to you all, Heather in sunny Hampshire UK
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Lovely pictures, Renny. :flowerforyou:

    I have tunnel vision at the moment; only dwelling on Charlie the cat. He is just not eating, no matter what I put in front of him (from mackerel to sardines to chicken broth to Spam to hairball treats, which he used to love). He seems interested, licks at it, then turns away. The force feeding is stressful, and in any case it's not enough food to keep him going for any length of time.
    I'll keep up with the fluids and talk to the vet Tuesday, as planned. It's not looking good unless she has something up her sleeve medication-wise to increase his appetite.

    Very gloomy Cynthia
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,329 Member
    Big hugs Cynthia. :heart: :heart: :heart:
    I made a decision as an adult not to have pets as I had so much grief as a child seeing my beloved pets suffer in different ways and die. Some of that was due to my parents' neglect, but other times just horrible things happened. I prefer not yo put myself through that now that I have the choice. So sorry your beloved Charlie is struggling. I loved my Oscar so much and it was so painful watching him suffering with kidney disease. I don't even have house plants as I find it too difficult getting attached to them. I had to chop up a monstera I had that had grown too big and that I used every year as my Christmas tree. I felt like a murderer.:cry:

    Well, I'm ready for the off. Agonised over what to wear! I will try to post a photo. I'm not wearing my lymphodema arm so I hope my arm doesn't swell up. I feel very nervous!:ohwell: :embarassed: (my ex will be at the party with his 20 years younger wife and two children aged 11 and 9 )
    Love to all.
    Heather, soon to be in London, UK
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Eileen:smile: Beautiful pic of your newest grandson:love: enjoy your time with family today! Prayers for your dad being sent:flowerforyou: !

    Cynthia:smile: Hope the vet has a miracle for Charlie! It's so hard when they get old:sad: !!!! Sending you a hug!!!

    Meg:smile: So good to see your post!!! Remember to take care of yourself:flowerforyou: !!!!

    Renny:smile: You look awesome:bigsmile: !!!! Eating right and exercising has paid off!!!

    Heather:smile: I'm sure you will dazzle the ex and the young wife:tongue: !!! Have fun!

    Barbie:smile: I'll have to check out that website, thanks!!!

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: , pleases come in often and chat away!!!

    I'm going to go boss the boys this morning:bigsmile: , and not think about how horrible my house is looking at the moment:frown: . I have everything for the kitchen picked out, now I wait for things to get done.....

    Have a wonderful Sunday ladies! Drink your water :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!!

    DeeDee in beautiful sunny NC:glasses:
  • milagros00
    milagros00 Posts: 80 Member
    Not so good starting out. Ate so much I GAINED 2 pounds. Trying to stuff down my grief I guess. All so new to me. Hard loosing my son. Love you forever my most precious baby boy.
    Milagros :cry:
    Raleigh, NC
  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    I'm busy trying to catch up. I've been a little off track the last couple of weeks, and except for my big bike ride haven't really been working out. It messes with me when I get off track and often takes me a while to get myself back on track. So I declared yesterday my get back on track day. Was very careful about my food and got a good hike in with the pups.

    We headed out hiking on my favorite trail. Since the puppy is still young (3 months on Monday) and is still getting accustomed to being on lead I decided to do the riverside of the trail and not the ridge line. Ends up being and out and back that way, we still got in about 3 miles of ups and downs, just not the huge climbs that include the ridge line. Stella, my dachshund, did well with helping with the hiking training. Lectra, boxer mix puppy, fought the lead a little, but once she got into the excitement of hiking she did well. She was leery of the foot bridges and the creeks that we had to ford, but otherwise really got into it. As she gets older and stronger I think I'm going to have a real hiker in her.

    Wildflowers are blooming, several patches of my favorite, the Crested Dwarf Iris. I also, had a big find the Showy Orchid … not one you see generally. I'll try and post some pictures here.

    Lectra and Stella:






    The big find of the day the Showy Orchid:


    Sorry they seem to be cut in half, but you can get the idea of how beautiful they are. Generally when I reduce the size in photo bucket, which I did, they show up smaller … not the case this time.
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Good Morning to all on this beautiful Sunday. The sun is shinning all looks good and promising.

    I have no word yet on angio plasti but cardiologist said could be 3 months even a year. They are so far behind.
    But hey I'm thankful that they got me feeling this good. Hardly anymore coughing. And yea I can breath.

    Cycling Bonnie
    Beautiful touch of spring.

    Well off to shower then maybe a little walk don't want to push to hard even if I'm feeling I can do more.
    Forgot to ask the doctor if I could do more. Or should I save my ticker for after there done with me.
    But one thing for sure. I don't have to eat until the seams are splitting. I know I need to lose weight so why wait.

    see you all lighter.
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Have once again been too busy to post, but have stopped by daily to keep up with all of you.

    Meg- Lots of hugs to you! You are always so busy and do such important work.

    Michelle- You are also so busy all of the time! I hope you get to enjoy your pool a lot this summer. I love reading about all of the different forms of exercise you do. Gives me great ideas.

    Lin C- So glad to hear from you. I have always found your posts very inspiring. Happy to hear you are feeling better.

    Dr. Katie- It must have felt great to see your students succeed! I have high hopes for mine as they face the state exams in June. Most are working so hard.

    DeeDee- So glad you get to boss the boys! Sounds like fun.

    Need to go do housework, laundry, lesson plans and grading. A full day! I "played" all day yesterday- mother/daughter tea with mom and sister followed by a long walk with my sister. Was gone all day.

    Have a great day all!

    Deb in rainy CNY

    Have a great day!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Jane: Sorry you had to miss Violet’s birthday party. You’ll just have to plan a special “Violet party” of your own when you’re able.:flowerforyou:

    Namacheri: 8-10 pounds in one month is quite a lot. I averaged about half that while losing. I’m finding that maintaining is a serious challenge.:tongue::flowerforyou:

    Michele: You've really helped me put things into a better perspective. Facetime is better than nothing. I need to appreciate the contact and quit grousing that it isn’t more. :flowerforyou:

    Lollyhill: Move more, log every bite and swallow, and stop by here for moral support as often as you need it. Welcome!:flowerforyou:

    Linda in wet Northern Ontario: WELCOME BACK!!!!! I’m so happy to hear the beta blockers are helping you to feel better.:flowerforyou:

    Renny: Congrats on wearing a summer dress! Your pictures are inspiring. You are transformed!:flowerforyou:

    Alison: Congratulations on a productive day.:flowerforyou:

    Kim in N Cal: Good luck with landscaping your front yard. I’ve been reading about the drought situation in CA and hope you’re able to handle things okay. I saw a TV show about landscaping in AZ that had a lot of useful ideas for water conservation and plant choices. It may have been a “This Old House” episode. I'm not sure.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: Thanks for the Encore tip. I’m pretty sure we have that on our list. I’ll enjoy seeing “Young Tom.” :bigsmile: I loved the humor in that series.:flowerforyou:

    Cynthia: DD has a dog that is diabetic. She is now giving him insulin shots daily. They’ve also taken up the "on demand" feeding bowls and give the dogs measured portions once a day so her fat old dog has slimmed down amazingly well. His being alive at all is a miracle. He’d gone blind by the time they realized what was wrong with him and that won’t be curable, but he isn’t suffering. He seems to think he is invisible and tries to sneak food in plain sight of everyone in the house, which provides laughs. Your cat may do fine once you get things adjusted. I hope so.:flowerforyou:

    Jill in W MA: Your story about meeting and marrying your DH is great. :love: Woodstock must have been an amazing experience. We were too far away and too poor to consider going.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I’m sorry business was slow at the pottery show, but thrilled you had a good time with your friends. Love the fire truck dog story.:flowerforyou:

    Sue in SD: I hope your horse heals quickly and you are able to ride.:flowerforyou:

    Eileen: Your dad is in my prayers. Congratulations on having time with your grand kids.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: I’m sorry you had a migraine. You are so lucky to have the same hairdresser for so many years.:drinker: Loved the story of your friend’s horse giving you a cheek hug. Sweet indeed.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: You are so beautiful that your ex is likely to have more than a twinge or two of remorse. :devil: They say the best revenge is a life well lived, and you are doing very well.:flowerforyou:

    Milagros: Sending sincere sympathy your way. When my cousin was killed in a car wreck many years ago we were all devastated. One of the aunties found a book that helped me get through the worst of it. It was written by a Rabbi who lost his young son to progeria, a condition that causes rapid aging. I believe the title is When Bad things Happen to Good People.:brokenheart: :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Cycling Bonnie: Lovely pictures.:flowerforyou:

    The haircut correction helped but I still miss the barber. I need to let my hair grow for a month or two and then decide whether to go back to this lady or find someone else. :ohwell: Yesterday we bought a second fuchsia basket that is now hanging by our kitchen window. I have a long north exposure, and the fuchsias do well there, plus the hummingbirds love them. I had several tropical fuchsias that wintered over a couple of years but were killed in last December’s extreme cold so I had to start over this spring. I may still need to replace a hardy fuchsia or two that are planted in the ground and stay outside year round. Two are fine and sprouting, and two aren’t showing signs of growth yet. I’m not sure whether they made it or not. :noway:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least two glasses of water daily.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Brief post today gals. Cynthia sending you a big hug and one for Charlie. Linda glad the breathing is better.

    I'm turning in my "mom card". The 17 year old came home totally wasted last night and is still puking. We're still making her do her weekend chores (picking up dog poo can't help the stomach much!) but I am so disappointed I am almost sick. Some random guy gave her a ride home (she was supposed to spend the night) so it's just thank God she got home safely. Even sadder still, the friend is the girl who practically lives her and has thrown DD under the bus blaming her for everything. In the end it doesn't matter who did what, it's a series of bad choices all around on everyone's part. But with one kid knocked up and becoming nearly demented every day thinking of "giving the child away" and the other one, well I guess I shouldn't be a mother. I am just distraught over this. Worse, DD thinks the friends of her friend will physically harm her in school. So I guess we'll be going to the school tomorrow to talk to administration.

    Take care all, Meg from Omaha where the wind is ridiculously high today.