Plus size-Super size weightloss support



  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    ...I have found if i want something sweet i add it in my calories Wal-mart has an Ice cream sandwich that is only 100 caloriers and it is as big as a regular one AND it tastes like the original. I can also get a JR. size frosty from Wendy's and it is only 150. You just have to add it in your calories. As far as binge eating when i want to do that i pop some popcorn and i even get the butter lovers and i mean the full flavor stuff and I eat the entire bag (popped) Guess what it is only 110 calories for the whole bag yes we can have that. it really helps or just fill your house with stuff you can eat not the sweet stuff. Eat pickels they are so few in calories. I have eaten 5 pickels at once just to get rid of the snack monster...

    I think I love you. :heart: I'm a huge popcorn lover and pickles...can't get enough of them these days ('course not at the same time, 'cuz that would be really yucky (unless I was pregnant again...which I am SO not!) :laugh: ) I like to ramble sometimes.
  • butterjoy
    butterjoy Posts: 303 Member
  • monica5237
    monica5237 Posts: 450

    Please before you consider this please do alot of research on it and make sure it is right for you. I have seen alot of people succeed on this and I have seen some that get very ill from having it done.
    I was going to do it and then I went to a seminar and it was cancelled and something else came up and I never went through with it. I started seeing a dr and he put me on phentermine and I have had so much success on it. I have lost alot and I was also 100 pounds over weight. I am now only 45 pounds over weight, it has been a journey but I am happier now and I am going to keep going. it is all about changing your way of thinking and yes i know it is easier said than done, but it can be done if i can do it anyone can. I have been overweight since i was very young put it this way my mother gave me a gift certifacate to jenny craig on my 14th birthday in front of all my friends. I was only a size 14 then and i went up every year from there. I topped out at a size 24 now i am back down to a 16 and I have not been a 16 since i was 16. i was a size 24 for most of my adult life. I was comfortable there. But I looked at picctures and seen myself and I had to do something. I look better now and feel great, I still have a long way to go but I know I can do it!!!
    I know you can too
  • sclosson
    sclosson Posts: 120
    Hey Joy,

    I recently started my weight loss journey, AGAIN!! I started with a trip to the doctor. I was flabbergasted when she commented that she would rather have me eat better than have surgery. It never occurred to me to have gastric bypass or lap-band. I know sometimes it is the only real answer, but think long and hard about all the possible issues. We are here to supoprt you regardless of how you are losing, we all need to learn better ways to eat and care for our bodies.
  • monica5237
    monica5237 Posts: 450
    ...I have found if i want something sweet i add it in my calories Wal-mart has an Ice cream sandwich that is only 100 caloriers and it is as big as a regular one AND it tastes like the original. I can also get a JR. size frosty from Wendy's and it is only 150. You just have to add it in your calories. As far as binge eating when i want to do that i pop some popcorn and i even get the butter lovers and i mean the full flavor stuff and I eat the entire bag (popped) Guess what it is only 110 calories for the whole bag yes we can have that. it really helps or just fill your house with stuff you can eat not the sweet stuff. Eat pickels they are so few in calories. I have eaten 5 pickels at once just to get rid of the snack monster...

    I think I love you. :heart: I'm a huge popcorn lover and pickles...can't get enough of them these days ('course not at the same time, 'cuz that would be really yucky (unless I was pregnant again...which I am SO not!) :laugh: ) I like to ramble sometimes.

    Eat all you want it is okay to eat them. Just read the back of the bag and remember that you are eating it popped
    My boss just looked up if you get a chocolate craving eat a square of the semisweet bakers chocolate it is only 60 calories and it is bitter but it kills the chocolate craving:love: I am a chocolate lover
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    hey everyone just checking in. It sounds like a lot of need some extra suport this week, come on together we can do this.
    I have been doing pretty good minus the 3 pieces of pizza last night, It was a pre planned off night as we meet with some friends but I felt so sick afterwards. So not worth it. Thats usally what I do is ask myself before I eat something i know I am going to regret later "is this really worth it". I am the one who has to live wiht my choices later 9.9 out of 10 times the answer is its not worth it, its not woth the weight or the sick feeling, but there are those times that I just don't care. If I deside to eat something I knew not too I am the one who has to live with the outcome. Anyways. I hope everyone is doing great or is making the changes they need to feel great. Love ya
  • annex1
    annex1 Posts: 31
    ...I have found if i want something sweet i add it in my calories Wal-mart has an Ice cream sandwich that is only 100 caloriers and it is as big as a regular one AND it tastes like the original. I can also get a JR. size frosty from Wendy's and it is only 150. You just have to add it in your calories. As far as binge eating when i want to do that i pop some popcorn and i even get the butter lovers and i mean the full flavor stuff and I eat the entire bag (popped) Guess what it is only 110 calories for the whole bag yes we can have that. it really helps or just fill your house with stuff you can eat not the sweet stuff. Eat pickels they are so few in calories. I have eaten 5 pickels at once just to get rid of the snack monster...

    I think I love you. :heart: I'm a huge popcorn lover and pickles...can't get enough of them these days ('course not at the same time, 'cuz that would be really yucky (unless I was pregnant again...which I am SO not!) :laugh: ) I like to ramble sometimes.

    There are some great sugar free pickles on the market, if you don't have to watch your sodium they are calorie free - and they taste better than the ones with sugar. I LOVE them and have them with dinner every night and feel like I'm getting away with something. lol Be Blessed and eat well, smart that is lol Connie
  • monica5237
    monica5237 Posts: 450
    ...I have found if i want something sweet i add it in my calories Wal-mart has an Ice cream sandwich that is only 100 caloriers and it is as big as a regular one AND it tastes like the original. I can also get a JR. size frosty from Wendy's and it is only 150. You just have to add it in your calories. As far as binge eating when i want to do that i pop some popcorn and i even get the butter lovers and i mean the full flavor stuff and I eat the entire bag (popped) Guess what it is only 110 calories for the whole bag yes we can have that. it really helps or just fill your house with stuff you can eat not the sweet stuff. Eat pickels they are so few in calories. I have eaten 5 pickels at once just to get rid of the snack monster...

    I think I love you. :heart: I'm a huge popcorn lover and pickles...can't get enough of them these days ('course not at the same time, 'cuz that would be really yucky (unless I was pregnant again...which I am SO not!) :laugh: ) I like to ramble sometimes.

    There are some great sugar free pickles on the market, if you don't have to watch your sodium they are calorie free - and they taste better than the ones with sugar. I LOVE them and have them with dinner every night and feel like I'm getting away with something. lol Be Blessed and eat well, smart that is lol Connie

    Great Thank you, Connie, I will look for them
  • sclosson
    sclosson Posts: 120
    I just needed to tell someone that a co-worker asked if I had lost weight today!! I couldn't believe it. Since I don't weigh very often I figure I've lost about 10 pounds. I never expected it to be noticeable. YEAH ME.
  • chubbymom
    chubbymom Posts: 164
    Man oh man I just love it here. This group is perfect for me. I am weighing in around 248 and want to get to 160-170. Count me in! I noticed it slowed down a little, everyone still on board???

    Today was day 1. I stayed right at my 1200 calories, and walked for 35 minutes on the treadmill at the gym. I am totally in love with Sugar Free jello @10 calories a piece!

    Look forward to getting to know you all and posting daily. :wink:
  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    I just needed to tell someone that a co-worker asked if I had lost weight today!! I couldn't believe it. Since I don't weigh very often I figure I've lost about 10 pounds. I never expected it to be noticeable. YEAH ME.

    Doesn't that feel great?! Someone last week asked me if I was losing weight. It made me feel pretty darn good. :drinker:
  • monica5237
    monica5237 Posts: 450
    Okay ai went for my weigh in yesterday. My last weigh in I was 212 and this weigh in I was 208.2 so I guess I lost another 3.8 pounds :smile: I am so happy I am losing more and more so my total since I started is 54.8 pounds I am very excited. I am motivated today I want to get more off!!!!!

    I hope everyone is doing great today!!!!!
  • monica5237
    monica5237 Posts: 450
    Man oh man I just love it here. This group is perfect for me. I am weighing in around 248 and want to get to 160-170. Count me in! I noticed it slowed down a little, everyone still on board???

    Today was day 1. I stayed right at my 1200 calories, and walked for 35 minutes on the treadmill at the gym. I am totally in love with Sugar Free jello @10 calories a piece!

    Look forward to getting to know you all and posting daily. :wink:

    We are all still here, And you know you can do it, DO NOT GIVE UP!!!! I was there plus some and I am working my way down. You can see my before and after well shall i say during pictures.

    Good luck to you and we are always here for you!!!
    Congrats on your lifestyle change:drinker:
  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    i have like 85 lbs to go!! count me in and thanx for all the support i get from here!!
  • chubbymom
    chubbymom Posts: 164
    Lost 3 lbs! :noway:

    I know it's mainly water weight..and the fact that I am not drinking 5 pepsi's a day. :embarassed:

    Feeling good, doing good. Got my gym done while Cody was at school this morning.

    Hope everyone is having a great Friday!
  • pecksun8
    pecksun8 Posts: 570
    Checking in...

    Well I have amped my workout, and I now go to the gym everyday. I do one hour of weights for the entire body three days a week, and then I do an hour of cardio every day. Lost three pounds last week. I am now reworking my eating habits and I am going to try to eat healthier not just within my calories.

    Getting excited for the new season of The Biggest Loser!

    I have 65lbs to lose to get back into the military and 75lbs to reach my goal.
  • chubbymom
    chubbymom Posts: 164
    An hour of strength training and an hour of cardio? You are my HERO!:wink:
  • chubbymom
    chubbymom Posts: 164
    How are my plus size babes doing????

    Did okay today. I ate into my exercise calories...which I am bummed about...but hey it's done and I just need to learn from it.

    Have a wonderful weekend!
  • annex1
    annex1 Posts: 31
    :frown: Just checking in for the week-end and before the hurricane hits. We live in SW Fl so say a prayer for us, I remember charlie. Anyhow I'm not doing real good, I haven't really been exercising at all and not loging my food. I think I'm within my limit but it's hard to know without keeping track. I hope all of you are doing well, I know the week-ends are hard but hang in there. Love to all and be blessed, Connie

    Quote for the day

    "The thing always happens that you believe in, and the belief in a thing makes it happen."
    ~Frank Lloyd Wright
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    Weighed in this morning...I'm down 3 pounds for the week. I'm glad I still lost after a terrible weekend food wise...yesterday I went way over my calories (almost 1000 calories over)...I had fast food twice yesterday...and I didn't choose healthy items at the fast food places I went...burgers and fries all the way...then today we went out to Hoss's for an effort to stay within my calories today, I went to Hoss's website first and checked out the calorie content for the items I was most likely to home and put in the info for everything I ate and was 500 calories over for the WHOLE DAY in ONE MEAL...worked my butt off in an hour long workout and burnt those calories I have 12 calories left and am feeling a bit hungry...hoping to find something extremely low cal yet satisfying for a snack so I won't go to sleep starving...I'm thinking non-flavored or seasoned air popped popcorn...*sigh* back on track tomorrow...don't know what got into me this weekend...
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