From Obese to a size 4- 61 lbs down with PCOS!



  • kunalloser
    kunalloser Posts: 38 Member
    From the time I was young, I have always been overweight, noticeably from I would say the age of 8. I remember being noticeably bigger than all of the other girls that I played sports with, having to buy XL uniforms, when I was just as active as any of my other friends. Sure, I did not eat a super "clean" diet as a child, but definitely no different than any other. I developed low self-esteem early on and just for the life of me could not figure out why I was different than everyone else. Fast forward to junior high and high school, nothing seemed to work. I would lose the same 10-15 lbs every time but I could never make it past that first threshold. FINALLY, in high school I was diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) which is a condition that throws all of your hormones out of whack making it so I would never have a period and insulin resistance. My doctors have told me that having PCOS makes it essentially 3 times harder to lose the weight than an average person.

    Being overweight from a very young age caused me to start to develop certain beliefs about my life and my journey has been far from easy. All I ever wanted to was to feel "normal" and not disgusted every time I looked in the mirror. Having started and quit a million times over because I didn't know how to get past that certain hurdle caused me to question, "could I really do this?" Was being "skinny" even in the cards for me? And I really started to believe that it wasn't.

    I'm not 100% certain what it was about this time around, but in less than a year and a half I have gone from being obese to the smallest I've ever been, and a size I never thought I could possibly fit into. In this past year and a half, I have battled PCOS, several stress fractures in my foot, chronic knee problems, etc. but the question I would start to ask myself when I felt like quitting was "do you really want to give up on yourself now?" When I couldn't run for 5 months because of my foot I found alternative ways to get my exercise in (swimming, bike, weights).

    The moral of my story is ALWAYS, no matter what life throws at you, do NOT give up. Reflect and think about the progress that you have already made and I guarantee you, you will not want to start over. It may take longer, but it always important that you get back up one more time than you have fallen. Small changes in everyday life add up to BIG changes in the long run.

    I leave you with this: "Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway." -Earl Nightingale".

    Okay, now for the pictures!!!!

    SW: 193 (tight 16/18)
    CW: 132
    GW: 130 (size xs/s in shirts, 4/6 in pants)









    WOW!! thats inspiring. Congrats on winning over PCOS
  • hydeiagarcia4112
    hydeiagarcia4112 Posts: 3 Member
    Wow amazing! Congrats.
  • BRA_S
    BRA_S Posts: 111 Member
    Wow. That is so awesome. Congrats!
  • Kassidi21
    Kassidi21 Posts: 267 Member
    Wow!! that's really inspiring for me!! I'm just getting started and your starting and goal weights are the same as mine!!!
  • DreaNY777
    DreaNY777 Posts: 3 Member
    Awesome. I was at 194 and almost two months later I am now 186. The weight is not falling off as fast as I would like but I refuse to give up. :)
  • rencawdor24
    rencawdor24 Posts: 157 Member
    Oh wow amazing!
    Can I just say, you have a very beautiful face. And you also looked beautiful even at the higher weight. But now you are beautiful and healthy. Well done!
  • Fattackler2013
    Fattackler2013 Posts: 142 Member
    That's fantastic. You're an inspiration to many I'm sure. You overcame everything to succeed so for that I say good for you! I'm sure that you're very proud of yourself and rightly so. You look fantastic. :D
  • Shadylady1972
    You're so beautiful! I like you, have always battled weight since I can remember - even in elementary school. However, I did not have the health issues you had, other than in 2009 I had breast cancer...yes...I am a survivor. Through encouragement from my daughter, I have just signed up for this particular journey. To lose 75 pounds would be a dream come true. You inspire me! You go girl! xoxoxo
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Awesome story!!! Congrats!!!
  • carlyd333
    carlyd333 Posts: 26 Member
    Just wanted to say a very huge congratulations! I also have PCOS and know how hard it is to shed the lbs! I'm currently 21lbs down in 82 days from MFP. I really think it makes a huge difference logging what your eating and drinking everyday. Hopefully I will have the same success as you. Thanks for sharing xxx
  • rachaelgoslan
    Wow, you are very inspiring...I don't have as much weight to drop but just shows how hard work and dedication pays in the end :)
  • nnelson33
    nnelson33 Posts: 101
    Thank you all!!:heart:
  • tnd1103
    tnd1103 Posts: 7 Member
    Very inspiring. My daughter is going thru this now. I can't wait to show her your story
  • marialynn2014
    marialynn2014 Posts: 89 Member
    You look fantastic! So pretty in the bridesmaid dress!
  • toomanycats1975
    I have PCOS, so I KNOW how hard it is to lose w/ it. Good for you!!!! Way to go!!!!
  • SisterChelsey
    SisterChelsey Posts: 7 Member
    WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happy:
  • OldNavy022
    OldNavy022 Posts: 11 Member
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    You look awesome! Great job!
  • BikiniDreamer7
    This is SOOOOO inspiring! I have PCOS too, and I feel like its extra hard. How did you overcome that?
  • Minnesnowtagurl
    Minnesnowtagurl Posts: 406 Member
    This is trully amazing! Thank you for sharing your story!
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