Your food is no cleaner than mine



  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    When anyone tells me about their clean eating or Paleo diet or Primal etc etc... I just wonder what fad they're going to try next.


    This reminds of the South Park episode that had the "cooling mist". :laugh:
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    The following comment does not apply to all "clean" eaters...but some of them...

    I hate shopping in the same store with some of them...they are obnoxious! rude! judgmental!

    I avoid Whole Foods...not only the prices but the shoppers.

    Trader Joes can be almost as bad but the prices are reasonable.

    I shop now at my neighborhood Sprouts (though I have been in some of them where it is almost as bad). For some reason this one is rude...obnoxious...judgmental people.

    A couple of months ago I stopped in a Whole Foods to pick up this bread that I wanted to was packed with some of the rudest people that I have ever seen...each one of them with the attitude that they were the most important shopper in the store.

    Okay...that is my rant and rave...I don't care how someone chooses to eat as long as they keep their attitudes to themselves. last rant...

    They turn their noses up at processed food...all the while they are eating their processed Greek yogurt...(don't get me wrong...I eat Greek the caramel macchiato that Dannons puts out...just finished one).
    You're in Austin; this doesn't surprise me in the least. Instead of "keep Austin weird" the shirts should say "keep Austin pretentious and full of *kitten*"...

    I never have understood the need to label foods or diets. Can't we just eat the foods we enjoy whether they are mostly whole foods or not? Even the people who scream to defend ice cream and fast food still eat a majority of whole foods, everyone just assumes they eat "junk" constantly because they defend eating it on the forums.

    The best part, the people who eat "clean" 80% of the time have a food diary that looks remarkably like an IIFYM food diary...

    I laugh every time that I see "Keep Austin Weird". I lived in Seattle before relocating here...before that DC. Austin doesn't hold a candle to the weirdness of either on of those cities...each in their own way!

    Pretentiousness can be found in all groups of people...everywhere you go. I found DC however a little bit pretentious for me and my style. I loved Seattle though...I found that most people just didn't really care.

    I don't like labels either...I have no need for one...not even sure what mine would be if I wanted one.

    Before I started posting here I frequented a site that covered all ranges of was a religious thread and it was as I say not what I do...yeah right! I was a bit surprised when I started using the forums on MFP to find that different ways of eating can be just as surly and vicious as different belief systems.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I'm with you. The snarkiest, most aggressive posts I've seen on these boards are from the people who mock newbies who are trying to eat cleaner.

    Maybe I also haven't been paying attention, but most of the posts of that type I've seen have been motivated, in my opinion, by the hope that newbies trying to eat cleaner will know that (depending on their goals) they don't have to give up everything they love to eat in order to get where they want to go. I know I wouldn't be down 40 pounds today if I hadn't increased my fruits, veggies, and lean meats, but I also know I wouldn't be here at all if I'd thought I had to completely give up my peanut butter M&Ms.

    I hear you, and maybe the commenters I'm referring to are coming from a place of caring about these folks, but the tone of the posts would indicate otherwise. I posted something a while back that was meant to be humorous about hiding my favorite cookies from myself (since my kids love them so I buy them), and immediately I had to defend my decision not to eat the cookies, as if I was some kind of fascist cookie-hater.

    Why do you hate cookies?
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    I also read this article, and I liked it, however I'm not sure that when people say they're eating "clean," they mean they're eating the-opposite-of-dirty. I think it just sounds nice when you say it since it kind of rhymes and it easier than saying "I'm eating non-processed, organic, natural foods" because that's a mouthful. I've never thought that someone saying they eat clean means they think that I eat dirty.
  • Rose6300
    Rose6300 Posts: 232 Member
    I'm with you. The snarkiest, most aggressive posts I've seen on these boards are from the people who mock newbies who are trying to eat cleaner.

    Maybe I also haven't been paying attention, but most of the posts of that type I've seen have been motivated, in my opinion, by the hope that newbies trying to eat cleaner will know that (depending on their goals) they don't have to give up everything they love to eat in order to get where they want to go. I know I wouldn't be down 40 pounds today if I hadn't increased my fruits, veggies, and lean meats, but I also know I wouldn't be here at all if I'd thought I had to completely give up my peanut butter M&Ms.

    I hear you, and maybe the commenters I'm referring to are coming from a place of caring about these folks, but the tone of the posts would indicate otherwise. I posted something a while back that was meant to be humorous about hiding my favorite cookies from myself (since my kids love them so I buy them), and immediately I had to defend my decision not to eat the cookies, as if I was some kind of fascist cookie-hater.

    Why do you hate cookies?

    I see what you did there. :drinker:
  • IsabellaGiano
    IsabellaGiano Posts: 158 Member
    I think that sometimes any of us may be a little too touchy.
    Sometimes, other people don't mean anything bad about us, and still we feel insulted.

    This is a thing that's completely uncorrelated with dieting and food. It's just a thing that I noticed a lot... people that get offended by remarks (not mine) that I find completely harmless.

    Also, I notice that if I fear for whatever reason to be judged, I usually end feeling that someone judged me... while if I'm completely confident in what I'm doing... that won't happen.
  • GetteJ
    GetteJ Posts: 27 Member
    Where's the "like" button...?
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    But I would ask from an health and nutritional point is a clean eating diet inferior to other diets? and if so why?

    No it's fine. And no one is saying clean eating is bad. Just the amount of clean eaters telling people who choose to eat some candy or ice cream are doing it wrong is what is annoying. Especially when a lot of new comers get these responses of eliminating some food groups. Restrictions on a diet can help some people, but shouldn't be the first thing recommended, especially with the threat of sugar being evil.
    In reality even those clean eaters adhere to a similar diet as the non clean eaters (80-20). This is why there's friction between these two groups a lot of the time.
    The biggest issue I tend to have with the 'clean eating' threads is one touched on in the OP: Ask 10 clean eaters what it means to eat clean, and you can reasonably expect 4 or more different answers. From my perspective, that makes the concept less than helpful for folks trying to get their diet and exercise under control.

    It would frustrate me just as much if vegetarians started including random amounts of specific animal proteins in their diets while still calling themselves 'vegetarian.' "I'm a vegetarian, but I eat real pork bacon, because I think that's okay and ethically different than other meat." Yeah, no.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I came here to make a change, try new things - I believe any attempt at something different and in any way healthy should be rewarded with positivity, this is a scary, lonely journey for many of us.

    I basically agree with this. What I see that I don't agree with are people who make a 180 from eating nothing but fast food, heat and go meals, delivery, sweets, etc. to "clean eating," as if that were some kind of special diet, and who then sneer at other foods--ooh, ick, Doritos. While I think there's some psychological benefit that is achieved in some cases--you are teaching yourself to crave foods more for their health benefits and maybe opening your mind to more subtle pleasures from food by downplaying some of the more over the top ones--I also think it's not healthy in the long term to demonize foods, because then you get people saying stuff like "oh, I'm being naughty and having a piece of pie!" That's weird--it reminds me of my mom telling my sister and I not to tell our dad that she'd had a snack while we were our shopping--and it really bothers me whenever I hear women say stuff like that (which is all the time).
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    So I wonder, is there a label that won't get everyone worked up? If I choose to eat mostly whole foods, and try to minimize the amount of processed foods I eat, is there a term I can use to describe my diet without pissing everyone off? And what if I don't do it 100% of the time, but just try to adhere to it as a lifestyle choice? Can I still use this label (yet to be coined) to describe my preferred way of eating? Why don't the oracles on this thread come up with one, and then we can all go on our merry way.

    "I choose to eat mostly whole foods, and try to minimize the amount of processed foods I eat"

    You did perfect right there. Why need a label?
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    So I wonder, is there a label that won't get everyone worked up? If I choose to eat mostly whole foods, and try to minimize the amount of processed foods I eat, is there a term I can use to describe my diet without pissing everyone off? And what if I don't do it 100% of the time, but just try to adhere to it as a lifestyle choice? Can I still use this label (yet to be coined) to describe my preferred way of eating? Why don't the oracles on this thread come up with one, and then we can all go on our merry way.

    I'm not entirely unsympathetic to your point here. I think IIFYM is as close as you can find because, frankly we are eating much "cleaner" than the SAD, though the clean eating enthusiasts' fear of cancer tends take it extremes. Well, that and I love the Windex gifs so there's that . . .
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    The following comment does not apply to all "clean" eaters...but some of them...

    I hate shopping in the same store with some of them...they are obnoxious! rude! judgmental!

    I avoid Whole Foods...not only the prices but the shoppers.

    Trader Joes can be almost as bad but the prices are reasonable.

    I shop now at my neighborhood Sprouts (though I have been in some of them where it is almost as bad). For some reason this one is rude...obnoxious...judgmental people.

    A couple of months ago I stopped in a Whole Foods to pick up this bread that I wanted to was packed with some of the rudest people that I have ever seen...each one of them with the attitude that they were the most important shopper in the store.

    Okay...that is my rant and rave...I don't care how someone chooses to eat as long as they keep their attitudes to themselves. last rant...

    They turn their noses up at processed food...all the while they are eating their processed Greek yogurt...(don't get me wrong...I eat Greek the caramel macchiato that Dannons puts out...just finished one).

    This attitude exists regardless of where you shop! Rudeness is not confined to one particular store, restaurant or even on the forums. I personally don't shop Whole Foods but it is for ethical reasons besides the shoppers. Trust me, you haven't seen rudeness until you have shopped at Walmart! Seriously, there are some nosey parkers at Walmart who do think it is their right to make comments on what you are buying. That happens at every store though so either develop an "If I wanted your opinion, I would give it to you" attitude or don't shop there. If you don't care how someone chooses to eat as long as they keep their opinions to themselves, then why is it ok for you to judge them? Why are you concerning yourself with what they are buying with their money? You do realize that just because they buy something does not mean they themselves consume it. I would hazard a guess as to why your negative attitude is coming out but that is fodder for another thread :laugh:

    If you go back and reread...I didn't judge what they eat...nor what they were just assumed that I did.

    I judged their rudeness...

    As far as you assuming about my negative attitude...was it any more negative than your response to me? You can guess all you want...doesn't mean that you will be even close to right. You are welcome though to start a thread about me and hazard a guess...if you want.
  • Rose6300
    Rose6300 Posts: 232 Member
    So I wonder, is there a label that won't get everyone worked up? If I choose to eat mostly whole foods, and try to minimize the amount of processed foods I eat, is there a term I can use to describe my diet without pissing everyone off? And what if I don't do it 100% of the time, but just try to adhere to it as a lifestyle choice? Can I still use this label (yet to be coined) to describe my preferred way of eating? Why don't the oracles on this thread come up with one, and then we can all go on our merry way.

    "I choose to eat mostly whole foods, and try to minimize the amount of processed foods I eat"

    You did perfect right there. Why need a label?

    Never mind.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    I eat clean.

    I always clean my vegs before cooking it.
    I shower before eating. So I'm doing it wrong?
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    So I wonder, is there a label that won't get everyone worked up? If I choose to eat mostly whole foods, and try to minimize the amount of processed foods I eat, is there a term I can use to describe my diet without pissing everyone off? And what if I don't do it 100% of the time, but just try to adhere to it as a lifestyle choice? Can I still use this label (yet to be coined) to describe my preferred way of eating? Why don't the oracles on this thread come up with one, and then we can all go on our merry way.

    Why do you need a label? I guess that's the bit I don't understand. If someone asks me how I eat, I say I try to eat a healthy diet, lots of vegetables, or some such. Or maybe "I'm trying to get back to cooking more." Honestly, maybe it's again the environment point, but if I said "I eat clean, mostly," I think that would raise more questions than it answers, since everyone has different ideas about what it means.

    (But if I knew you and you said "I eat clean" to me I wouldn't be snide or anything, of course. I just would have no clue what you really meant. Now, I don't know what you mean by "I eat healthy" either, of course, but it's less in your face from my perspective, since it's more focused on overall diet vs. specific items.)
  • Bernadette60614
    Bernadette60614 Posts: 707 Member
    I also read this article, and I liked it, however I'm not sure that when people say they're eating "clean," they mean they're eating the-opposite-of-dirty. I think it just sounds nice when you say it since it kind of rhymes and it easier than saying "I'm eating non-processed, organic, natural foods" because that's a mouthful. I've never thought that someone saying they eat clean means they think that I eat dirty.

    Exactly. I eat minimally processed foods and I'm also a vegan. My weight is where I want it (I'd like to lose 10 lbs, but that is for athletics.)

    I don't think it is so much clean vs. whatever..but whenever I've read about one diet or fitness approach, it is always in opposition to something else. So, Atkins vs. Ornish Weight Watchers vs. NutriSystem Free weights vs. cardio.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    But I would ask from an health and nutritional point is a clean eating diet inferior to other diets? and if so why?

    No it's fine. And no one is saying clean eating is bad. Just the amount of clean eaters telling people who choose to eat some candy or ice cream are doing it wrong is what is annoying. Especially when a lot of new comers get these responses of eliminating some food groups. Restrictions on a diet can help some people, but shouldn't be the first thing recommended, especially with the threat of sugar being evil.
    In reality even those clean eaters adhere to a similar diet as the non clean eaters (80-20). This is why there's friction between these two groups a lot of the time.

    Based on the fact that a majority of members on MFP are calorie counting and eating in moderation or IIFYM, I'm not sure how the first message newbies get is anything other than the MFP official guidelines.

    I don't know if I agree agree with this. I see plenty of forums with either newcomer or those having problems losing weight where members come in and say "eat clean" or "give up [insert food group]" all the time. And then I see members coming in and saying eat the same foods you already do but eat at a reasonable deficit. Then the argument ensues and the newbie gets confused. And for those having problems losing weight without a medical condition it's often a matter of underestimating intake and overestimating calorie burn.
  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member
    Now it's just a "you're all mean" thread. No further rational discussion can take place. Abandon ship.

    I don't think this thread was designed for rational discussion!

    Well if it isn't the pot calling the kettle black!