your worse or humiliating experience when fat?



  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    "she can actually fit nicely in the back seat"

    my ex bf to me about his new gf and his new car....I cried for at least a week he had never ever said anything mean to me before like that soo yeah

    about 8 months later he saw me and ended up msging me to tell me that he was sorry for saying that and that I am honestly one of the most gorgeous women he has ever known

    *z snap*

    I had other humiliating things happen like being laughed at by sales people in clothing stores , being moo'd at while in food courts and yeah
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    Just this past weekend actually. My husband who is my best friend and has loved me no matter what size I am told me that I was no longer attractive to him. That he was sick of my weight, and that our daughter was embarrased by me and has to defend me when people ask her if her mom is "the fat mom"

    Suffice to say, any past insults by strangers and "well meaning friends" became moot. planet is he from to ever think that is an appropriate thing to say to your wife. my husband would have a serious talking to if he ever said that to me.
  • Neeters1969
    Neeters1969 Posts: 53 Member
    Just this past weekend actually. My husband who is my best friend and has loved me no matter what size I am told me that I was no longer attractive to him. That he was sick of my weight, and that our daughter was embarrased by me and has to defend me when people ask her if her mom is "the fat mom"

    Suffice to say, any past insults by strangers and "well meaning friends" became moot. planet is he from to ever think that is an appropriate thing to say to your wife. my husband would have a serious talking to if he ever said that to me.

    Actually, I've barely spoken to him since....

    However, on the other hand, at least he had the balls to be honest.....

    He knows he hurt me deeply. I don't know maybe I needed to hear it......:brokenheart:

    What's actually worse is what it's doing to my 10 year old daughter. What kind of an example am I setting for her??
  • Jenny8511
    Jenny8511 Posts: 141 Member
    Over Christmas break my husband, kids, and I went to visit family. I went shopping in stores with family that market to smaller women, and I could tell people were looking at me. My in laws made comments "nicely" about how I should lose weight. Then on a date with my husband he had a long conversation with me about how I carry my weight well, but I would be so much more attractive if I would lose weight.
  • afortunatedragon
    afortunatedragon Posts: 329 Member
    Just this past weekend actually. My husband who is my best friend and has loved me no matter what size I am told me that I was no longer attractive to him. That he was sick of my weight, and that our daughter was embarrased by me and has to defend me when people ask her if her mom is "the fat mom"

    Suffice to say, any past insults by strangers and "well meaning friends" became moot.


    I never had any terrible experience like some of you.
    I got "the looks", yes, that's why I never joined a Gym or went swimming for a very long time.
    My turning point somehow several month before I really started with weight loss was a trip to Northern Ireland.
    We were walking around places, the weather was beautiful and we enjoyed ourselves.
    However, when we came to the Carrick-a-ride rope bridge, we were so exhausted, we decided not to even go close.
    Hubby and I didn't say it, but I know we both were just to exhausted for another 500m walk and somehow had the feeling the bridge wouldn't carry us.
    I was so embarrassed of us and specially myself, that I had it let come that far.
    It took some month to sink in but now I am here and a good friend supports me were she can.
    Hubby is not so far mind wise, but is getting there eventually, but supports me and let me do what I need to. :flowerforyou:
  • kaaaaylee
    kaaaaylee Posts: 398
    I'm going to go with either asking if I'm pregnant or some stranger shouting that I'm a fatass on Halloween when I wasn't near or facing them.
  • annar298
    annar298 Posts: 66 Member
    My worst comment "You're pregnant are you having a girl or a boy"?

    I have this happen to me many times. Especially at the grocery store with the Checkout lady would be so embarrassed that I would just be like nothing happened but inside I was screaming with misery!
  • IrshRnr56
    IrshRnr56 Posts: 47 Member
    That is so mean!! There are some jerky people out there.
  • Tifftiff321
    Tifftiff321 Posts: 61
    Was at summer camp eating and these guys were laughing and I looked up they were pointing at me and mocking how I was eating (trying to say I was eating fast) to this day I feel VERY uncomfortable eating around men. It's ok though cause I look better then them now lol
  • briggitte59
    briggitte59 Posts: 52 Member
    When my high school crush never asked me out because I wasn't thin like other girls even though he liked me.
  • kewpiecyster
    kewpiecyster Posts: 154 Member
    My parents actually paid my younger brother to snap a polaroid picture of me while I was eating. They then kept it on the fridge to try and deter me from opening it and eating. My younger brother once stole my dad's candy bar, and my parents automatically accused me....and didn't let up. I was actually spanked for lying about it. My brother fessed-up the next day - and I got no apology.

    Yeah, I still haven't got over it.
  • jal92475
    jal92475 Posts: 53 Member
    My 2 year old pointed to my top roll of fat and said "What are those boobies mommy?" Out of the mouths of babes. (Don't ask where my 2 year old came up with boobies but she points hers out and asks about them sometimes.)
  • People would tell me that my face has changed by being bloated. Since being married, people assumed that the wife is feeding me really good. Since losing weight, somehow people have started to take their shots on how I use to look. My face, shirt, etc... It's kinda of messed up that these people were thinking how bad I look before, but I bless to have my health back on track.
  • Becca680
    Becca680 Posts: 29 Member
    There was one time when I was out eating dinner. And the waitress came up to ask if we wanted dessert. I said yes, why not, it was for a special occasion. My dad (who's overweight himself, but is now trying to lose weight, bless him) laughed and said I didn't need anymore food. Right in front of everyone. that sure hurt.
    Also was when my friends (male and female) talk about their weight and how fat they are, when I'm just sitting in the corner wanting the world to swallow me up as I'm (or was now) the heaviest out of all of them. Even now, when i return from Uni after losing 10 pounds (overall of nearly 2 1/2 stone), my male friends didn't notice until I told them I'd lost weight. Which hurt.
  • Fattackler2013
    Fattackler2013 Posts: 142 Member
    I can't really remember that many specific things, however I do remember ripping my trousers fairly often when was at school and recently I hated going clothes shopping because I could barely find any interview clothes that would fit me. I had to pay more for them because they were in a bigger size. I hated the way that I looked when I looked in the mirror on that day.

    I do remember one incident where my Gramp's (my Mum's dad) first words to me when he saw me were 'you've put on weight' (thanks a lot Gramp). I've also been referred to as big by relatives and one person (a stranger) said 'I'm sure that you can eat a lot'
  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    A few things come to mind.

    My earliest at age 7 or 8..we moved into an old house that had a bathroom that was much smaller than the rest, very narrow - we called it the 'skinny bathroom' a friend of my brothers' exclaimed "you can't use that one, because you're fat!"

    About a year before I got serious about being healthy, I was at a client's office and bent over, split my skirt. Humiliating.

    I was going to be in my best friends wedding and we were having someone make the bridesmaid's dresses. My poor friend had to tell me that mine would be more expensive because I was heavier than everyone else...

    And the look..yes I know it well.
  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    And the final straw, about 12 years ago, I was nearly growing out of plus size store clothes. My ex bought me a pair of size 26 jeans. I couldn't believe they fit.. She told me that was the biggest they carried.

    We then both went on to dropping a full sized person between us. She dropped nearly 100 pounds and I lost 80.. And now we're both struggling with 20 pounds back on.

    These are good reminders of times I do not want to return to.
  • hubn8147
    hubn8147 Posts: 110 Member
    I have two moments that I'll never forget. I went to a really small school (10 kids in a class, we all graduated together) Kids are so mean...

    1) I was only in Kindergarten or 1st grade, and one day while walking in the hall a kid a few years older than me asked me if I was pregnant and everyone laughed. That was the first time I had realized I was a little chubby and have been self concious ever since.

    2) In Jr. High one of the boys in my class called me a beached whale.

    Now, I weigh 135 pounds with 10 more pounds to go. I wish my old classmates could see me now!
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    Based on the experiences of many posters here, what is it with these rolling gangs of morons who feel it necessary to shout insults and obscenities out their car windows as they are driving by people? These people are so cowardly - they can holler horrible comments while tearing off in their car. To these morons - yeah, you are such a big brave man for doing this. Some people are so hateful.
  • swetha1234
    swetha1234 Posts: 35
    In first grade. We had a Jeans Day for our school and I remember trying on endless pairs of jeans only having them be too tight or too long. I went home from the store empty handed and the looks and questions from my friends ("why are you not wearing jeans?") were mortifying. It was the first time I realized I was not the same size as everyone else.

    In second grade I had a girl from summer camp come up and tell me that a group of older boys were laughing at me and saying I looked like I was pregnant.

    When I was ten I was trying on clothes in the dressing room when my mom and grandma commented about how fat I had gotten thinking I couldn't hear through the door.

    When I worked for months trying to lose weight for my family reunion only to have a relative say "Wow you really gained some weight!" as soon as she saw me.

    The boys in middle school being dared to ask the "fat, ugly girl" out just so their friends could laugh at them when they got rejected.

    People in school gym class refusing to pass me the ball even if I was near the goal, assuming that fat went along with un-athletic.
  • sugarlemonpie
    sugarlemonpie Posts: 311 Member
    I was in an aisle at Walmart with my friend late at night. She and I were both overweight. I had just started a jogging class at college and started to lose some weight and bought a new jacket. An older guy walked by and said "Look at the two piggies." then left. I was standing there horrified then ran after him all "What did you say?!' but he was already leaving.

    Pissed me off so badly! Really bothered me and I cried later that night. Never wore that jacket again and gave it away. Didn't lose motivation, though!
  • MaroneLotz
    MaroneLotz Posts: 43 Member
    After reading all these horrific stories, I strongly feel that the rights of all overweight/obese people should be protected under law - the same as those of gay/lesbian persons. We are being discriminated against and bullied on a daily basis! If it isn't people basically assaulting us verbally, employers discriminate against us (we don't get the job/incentives/salary increase).

    With all these assaults, it's no wonder so many of us kept being overweight! It's actually surprising we are not seriously depressed and on the verge of suicide.
  • ritan7471
    ritan7471 Posts: 99 Member
    Just this past weekend actually. My husband who is my best friend and has loved me no matter what size I am told me that I was no longer attractive to him. That he was sick of my weight, and that our daughter was embarrased by me and has to defend me when people ask her if her mom is "the fat mom"

    Suffice to say, any past insults by strangers and "well meaning friends" became moot.

    That's awful. I don't know what to say except :heart:
    Of course you're beautiful! :flowerforyou:
  • Russandol
    Russandol Posts: 71 Member
    I'll throw my story in (and break my silence, hehe). When I was 15, a few male classmates decided it'd be absolutely hilarious to make up a topical insult and call me "Belgian Blue" since mad cow disease was making headlines at the time. I'd been called variations on "fat cow" before (all through grades 1-6), but that was a whole new level of awful. I wasn't terribly fat (74 kg at 168 cm tall back then) at the time, but I was tall for my age and rather sturdily built, so being compared to a giant bull really stung.

    These days, I'm at peace with my wide shoulders (they balance my hips so I'm an hourglass rather than a pear) and proud of being tall (I'm 173 cm these days), but that insult still echoes in my ears. I'm painfully aware of being ~15 kg overweight and my self-esteem is close to non-existent. My sister and my mother are tiny and lean, and that really doesn't help. I feel like one of the Amazons from Futurama next to them. (Well, except for the mohawks. And the tendency to inflict death by snu snu. ;) )

    The endless potential for cruelty that people have is something I'll never understand.
  • Lynnaann
    Lynnaann Posts: 1
    When I was in fifth grade, my teacher stood me up in front of the class and told everyone that i was not fat, I was pleasingly plump. The sad thing is that she thought she was doing me a favor.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE???? (Yes, I meant to scream that). Why do people think its necessary to spout every horrible thought that pops into their small brains? I am just sick reading these posts. The worst is when it comes from family members--those people who are supposed to be the most supportive.

    I come from a tall family (all of the guys on my side as well as my son are well over 6' tall and the women are all over 5'8") and I am tall as well. Growing up I was always the tallest in my grade--even taller than the boys. I was also a little bit overweight. Not a lot but enough that people noticed. All through grade school I was called Grape Ape (for those younger ones on here Grape Ape was a cartoon character--a huge purple ape that wasn't very smart). They would walk past me and under their breath say, "Grape Ape, Grape Ape, Grape Ape".

    My mom is overweight and I never grew up in a household that knew much about nutrition nor did my parents like to exercise so I knew nothing about losing weight. Until my freshman year of high school when I realized if I didn't eat, the weight just dropped off. I would make breakfast then when my mom was in the shower I would put it down the garbage disposal. I stopped eating lunch with my friends and hid in the library then throw my lunch away. Of course the pounds just melted off and I was SKINNY. Thus started my yo-yo dieting that followed me the rest of my life.

    I like to think that my classmates remember how they treated me and secretly feel bad.
  • blakedebo
    blakedebo Posts: 130 Member
    Last year right after I turned 30, my (very blunt) grandmother told me I was lucky I had a "fuller face" because it would not show wrinkles. Gee, thanks Grandma!
  • FredSetToGetFit
    FredSetToGetFit Posts: 286 Member
    I got asked by that yo-yo:bigsmile: dieting niece that everyone usually have, if I wanted to borrow her bikini top once, while we were swimming at their house, and I am a guy.... Worst of it is, she is no Greek goddess either. I guess that there are some people that just get off on putting others down. Anyway, I chose to use it, and now she looks far worse than I do.
  • mlanders22
    mlanders22 Posts: 140 Member
    I recently managed to fit into size 12 jeans (after starting off in a 22/24). I was in a store dressing room and on the phone with my mom and told her how excited I was to be in a size 12. When I was leaving the room, a girl sitting in the waiting area looked at me and said "Oh my gosh, I would just kill myself if I was ever fat enough for a size 12." Lovely.
  • OhioTallGuy
    OhioTallGuy Posts: 82
    I was shocked in reading all of these, I cant even imagine someone saying things like this to another person especially a woman.

    That being said as man who is has heavy most of his life it seems as though people have no qualms saying things to a large man or patting him on his stomach. I am not one to complain or anything and most of my life have just laughed it off. But being called "big guy" is not really a compliment.

    OK I am now stepping down off of my soap box now, thank you OP for a spot to vent.