How to Track Weight Watchers Points on MFP!!



  • kellie1677
    kellie1677 Posts: 5 is down :(
  • kellie1677
    kellie1677 Posts: 5
    Does anyone have the script saved they can email me?
  • releasingitforgood
    releasingitforgood Posts: 11 Member
    I've also been finding down the last few days I've been trying to get this script. Is there another way to get this script?

    Thanks in advance for any help!
  • releasingitforgood
    releasingitforgood Posts: 11 Member
    So according to has been down (as of this writing) 3 days and 3 hours. I've desperately wanted to add this script and see how my calories work out with WW PointsPlus system. I lost almost 100 lbs on WW and due to the way they have you count APs (ActivityPoints), sat at a plateau for 9 months. Got really frustrated, lost my motivation and wound up putting back on about 40 lbs (which I've since taken back off). I wanted to get back to WW and be able to compare PointsPlus and calories (other than the AP issues, I think it's a great plan but plan on counting activity with calories only).

    But I'm off-track... I read through every post on this thread, installed the TamperMonkey extension for Chrome and kept searching for another possible way to find this script. I eventually found it here - I was able to open the TamperMonkey extension, select to add a new script and copy the script displayed on the page I just listed and save it with the required edits suggested on that page and within this thread (to enable PointsPlus - the fruit still shows up with points listed even though I set it for PointsPlus, but I'm ok with that).

    Oh, and someone had asked about a good alternative for a WW app for the android. Back when my droid phones couldn't handle WW's huge application, I used to use WW Diary (made by canofsleep). It's a great little app.

    I'm no tech by any means, but hope this might help someone else.
  • galenagirl2
    galenagirl2 Posts: 2 Member

    Thanks for tracking this down! I have also been trying to add the script but not having much luck in getting it to work with chrome and tampermonkey. What changes did you make to the script? This is the first time I've tried to install a script so not too familiar with them. Any help would be appreciated!
  • releasingitforgood
    releasingitforgood Posts: 11 Member
    With Chrome, go to the top right and click on the two little arrows next to the three horizontal lines, select TamperMonkey, then go to dashboard. You can create a new script there, where you'll copy/paste the script from - make sure you make the additions that fixed the script. Next, search for "var pointsPlus" to easily find the first line and make sure the lines show this (the first enables you to use WW's PointsPlus system and the precision is so it doesn't give you fractions of points):

    var pointsPlus=true;
    var precisonWW=true;

    Once that's saved, make sure to go to the food - settings in MFP to only show Calories, Carbs, Fat, Fiber and Protein (and they need to show in that order). Once you have that done, it should work for you if you copied the initial script and added what had been missing when the person posted all the code. I think it was just missing a beginning parenthesis in the beginning and an end parenthesis at the end, scrolling down a bit on the page shows what exactly was missing.

    Hope that helps! :)
  • Kel1677
    Kel1677 Posts: 76 Member
    If you go to the site works
  • galenagirl2
    galenagirl2 Posts: 2 Member
    THANK YOU...Lisa & Kel1677!! Between the info from the 2 of you I was finally able to get it to work. Too much frustration but it looks well worth it!!
  • Kel1677
    Kel1677 Posts: 76 Member
    Gonna try and install it in a few
  • lomille
    lomille Posts: 39 Member
  • Kel1677
    Kel1677 Posts: 76 Member
    I got it to work yay! I just cancelled my Weight watchers subscription. I have all the written handbooks if I ever need a reference. So why pay for it? This is so much better and I'm addicted lol. With the money I will be saving I'm gonna buy myself a Fitbit this week :).
  • Kel1677
    Kel1677 Posts: 76 Member
    And I am getting a food scale. Any suggestion?
  • blkvlt78
    blkvlt78 Posts: 1
    I have tried to use the link and with no prevail. I am also using an android phone. Don't know what I'm doing wrong. Would love to try this change to MFP since I have recently quit WW due to cost, but had a 24 lb loss in less than a year. Please help if you can. Thanks Allisha
  • suefis
    suefis Posts: 1 Member
    Thank you so much for the simple step by step!! I successfully did this and love it!!!
  • dmlopez96
    dmlopez96 Posts: 1
    Does this still work? I tried both links and neither will work. I've decided to go back to counting points because after 70+ days of daily logging on MFP I'm not loosing weight, in fact have gained 3 pounds this month. I LOVE MFP!!! It's unbelievably user friendly. I've tried so many others including the WW app and MFP is by far the best. I don't understand why we pay what we do for WW and their app seriously lacks! I began using pts plus diary yesterday (free WW points app), but it's terribly slow and time consuming to use. I would love to count my WW points on MFP....this would make me so happy :) Thank you!
  • E_imnotfat
    E_imnotfat Posts: 1 Member
    It still works: you can get the script here:
  • sandals121
    sandals121 Posts: 6 Member
  • It still works: you can get the script here:

    Thanks! Once I used this one it worked, perfect :)
  • Here is what I did...

    * Make sure your diary is set up like this - Carbs then Fat then Fibre then Protein then None
    (edited from Settings - Diary Settings) This will allow it to calculate the Points.

    1st - You need to use the Mozilla Firefox browser. If you don't have it, download it for free.
    (I've heard there is something that will make this work on Chrome browser as well, but this is the one I did)

    2nd - Use this link to add the grease monkey add on to mozilla firefox...

    3rd - Then go to this link and hit install...

    And now here is my diary :)
  • Nilouve
    Nilouve Posts: 1 Member
    I just get "Web application could not be started" when I copy and paste the script address. What am I doing wrong?