Friends over 40?



  • helen195
    helen195 Posts: 90 Member

    I am 43, married working mum of two.

    I log everyday.

    Add me if you wish!

  • harley1968
    harley1968 Posts: 218 Member
    Hi Angee my name is Wendy and I am 45 (not sure how that happened as I was only 21 yesterday :laugh: ). My mum always told me that it is so much harder to lose weight when you get past 40, and she is so right.

    FR sent :smile:

    Open to all friends, as I need as much help and motivation as I can get :smile:
  • crispsandwich
    crispsandwich Posts: 177 Member
    I'm 48, soon to be 49 argh, and post and log every day ! feel free to add me anyone x
  • PlayBall5
    PlayBall5 Posts: 125
    I am 46 and would love to have some more friends. Anyone feel free to add me. I am on here every day and most of the time hourly both receiving and trying to give support to my friends. I love what MFP has to offer and the more friends the merrier. Add me anyone!
  • RebeccaP1972
    RebeccaP1972 Posts: 101 Member
    Hey y'all I'm 42 and looking for friends my age. Feel free to add me.
  • hummingbrdhrt
    hummingbrdhrt Posts: 67 Member
    I'm 47 and working very hard to become healthy. It's great to see so many of us in the same age group who can commiserate and offer support.
  • dmariet116
    dmariet116 Posts: 530 Member
    Hi everyone! I turned 51 this year ( boooo!) and I am struggling like crazy!!! I have 45 lbs to lose and would love to have more friends who are going through the same middle age spread issues, lol!
  • fuzilojak
    fuzilojak Posts: 269 Member
    Hello! I'm 43 and always looking for more friends. I'll send you a request. :)
  • veggiedaydream
    veggiedaydream Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I'm in my 40's and could do with a few friends :( lol. So feel free to add me.
  • JulieFinn
    JulieFinn Posts: 52 Member
    Well, I do qualify for "over 40", but I'm beyond the 40's.... 56. I'd love to be your friend, if I'm not tooo old!! :flowerforyou:
    GMFDOM Posts: 19 Member
    I am new to this - tried but failed but this time I really want to keep with it. I'm 44 and could do with the support.
  • NH_Norma
    NH_Norma Posts: 332 Member
    I'm 47, making it work but it is taking more focus than I've ever had to put forth. Having friends helps immensely!! Anyone is welcome to add me! My diary is open to friends.
  • dwoola01
    dwoola01 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone...I'm 40 and Fabulous! I want to be even more fabulous so I'm committed to being healthier and using myfitnesspal app to track my success. Gaining friends along the way is a bonus.:love:
  • greentray
    greentray Posts: 35 Member
    Hi I'm 44 and finding it harder to lose weight than ever before, feel free to add me as a friend :-)
  • quiltingducky
    quiltingducky Posts: 103 Member
    Hello! I am 48 (soon to be 49) and I would love more friends to give and receive support from. This is my second serious go-around and I am a week in and so far (fingers crossed), it's working again for me. It was so much easier when I was younger!!! If I only had the foresight to know it would be harder now with age. My ultimate goal is to be fabulous by the time I hit 50 in 15 months. Would love to receive friend requests, so please feel free to add me :)
  • SwashBlogger
    SwashBlogger Posts: 395 Member
    OP Angie. First, I came here looking for the grown ups, so your post kept me from having to post this myself! As far as ageism goes, the "kids" here dish out plenty of it to what they consider "old" folks. I hope for their sake, a youth serum is invented in the next 10 years because they seem to think 40 is a disease.
    I am sending a friend request to everyone who answers this thread. Feel free to contact me, post, and all!
    I liked 40 better than 30, and intend to like 50 even more. I'd be satisfied with losing 10 lbs, but should lose 20. I'm a realist though, and can't believe how hard i have to fight for every ounce! On the upside, if i am naughty, it doesn't pack on instantly either as long as i get back on track soonish. I'm a Massage Therapist and not at all judgemental about struggles with weight and aging. Just the fact that you are here learining a healthier way is good enough for me!

    I'm rooting for all of us on team "old"
  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    I'm Matthew... just hit 43 this month (May) and have been working out again these last 8 weeks to regain some of poise I had in my mid-twenties/thirties. I've been a gym-rat since I was 17, punctuated by a few years here and there of complete and utter apathy toward my fitness/diet. Four years ago when I last quit I did not own a smartphone.

    How awesome is it to have smartphones and fitness apps now? I've always tracked my workouts (by a paper journal and pen) and now technology makes tracking macronutrients and exercise so much easier. It's a good time to be alive.

    Friend me!
  • THEmrsmurphy
    THEmrsmurphy Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I am 50!! is that too old for friends over 40?

    I am back again using my fitpal app but this time I decided I need fitpal friends!

    I made it half way thru my weight loss... started feeling comfortable and deprived and started eating again... 5 pounds crept up.... soon it will all be back if I do not stop now!

    I am starting today and decided to look on the page here for friends that would help me and motivate me! I will do the same for you! I really would love fitpal friends that we can motivate and support each other!

    Please add me as a friend if you think we can help each other! I want to be healthy and look great which will help every aspect of my life. Let's face it... overweight people get judged, picked last or not at all, overlooked... I do not want to be fat anymore!
  • Mar22ie
    Mar22ie Posts: 39 Member
    43 here! Just sent my request!!!
  • itodd4019
    itodd4019 Posts: 340 Member
    I'm 46

    for my 40th year of life I did Ironman. Then took 5 years off from endurance and did heavy games = got big

    I liked being smaller and faster better than big and strong, so I am losing weight and distance training.

    My plans are to do a 100 miler Ultra before I turn 50.

    If I line up with what you are trying to do, let's connect.
