Weird s**t you do...



  • nahsonfreepie
    I pee in the shower.
    I can only sleep facing the door in any room I am sleeping in.
    When I cook, I pretend I am hosting a cooking show.
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    My personal favorite is I color code my clothes with the hangers I put them on.

    Ah yes, I CANNOT TOLERATE hangers of different colors. They must all be black.

    My hangers are all black as well. My clothes are color coordinated though, and also within that color arranged from short to long sleeve. Shirts that fall into two different color categories drive me crazy.
  • LosinItAll2012
    LosinItAll2012 Posts: 238 Member
    I check to make sure all the doors are locked in the house, that the shotgun is within reach, and the .45 is in the holster beside my bed.(also easily reached) cant sleep without all of that being done first. any strange noise gets spotlight/laser lighted.

    My gosh!!! where do you live??? :noway:
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    At night before bed i check all parts of the ceiling for spiders or other bugs and get rid of any i find. I put horseradish sauce on just about everything i eat. I go shopping at 3am at stores if they're open just to avoid having to deal with people.
  • AtticWindow
    AtticWindow Posts: 295 Member
    The number 7 is inevitably forest green. "Echo" is aqua. Six can **** right off. I've had a weird fixation with the number 28 my whole life. When I was kid, whenever the numbers matched up on a digital clock (e.g. 3:33), I would make a wish by trying to repeat the wish that number of times (3^3 times, 4^3 times, etc; I was really good with exponents for a while) before the clock changed. I also had those "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark" books, and I was convinced that if I left them face-up anywhere, the drawings inside would come to life.

    Otherwise, I don't think I do anything too weird....or at least, everything I do seems so normal to me that I don't realize other people might think it's weird.
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    I spent way too much of my time and energy pretending to be normal...I'm not going to ruin that now!!!
  • GallifreyanGirl396
    GallifreyanGirl396 Posts: 76 Member
    I get really wrapped up about things being bad luck,but I suppose I have other things too.

    -I hate to do things in 7's.
    -If I have been having a run of bad luck, I look for a correlation. I won't wear or touch an article of clothing or jewelry, watch a certain movie or show, park in a certain parking spot,talk to particular people,or use certain perfume. It sucks whenever I buy something and this happens.
    -I wore a necklace for 7 years because I felt a little freaked out if I had to take it off. It eventually became bad luck too.
    -I have to wash or wipe off my hands if I touch an article of clothing that I have deemed unlucky. Same thing if I touch an animal. I feel like my hands are covered in whatever I've touched.
    -I have to put words, signs,and license plates in alphabetical order.
    - I count the lights by color. If they're not in multiples of 3, it's a little aggravating. I scan the room to find another light that color to make it work.
    -I am obsessive about clean ears and teeth.
    -Apparently, I do a lot of other weird or spastic things. My friends giggle at me a lot because I'm "weird" or a "dork". I never know what they're laughing about, which apparently makes it even funnier.

    So, no, you're not the only one. Plenty of us do strange things I'm sure.

    Edited because I was feeling a little too weird in comparison to everyone. haha
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    I pee in the shower.
    I can only sleep facing the door in any room I am sleeping in.
    When I cook, I pretend I am hosting a cooking show.

    As Louis CK once said, there are two types of people.....people who admit to urinating in the shower and dirty f**king liars!
  • puppyface
    puppyface Posts: 12 Member
    I have to put everything back in it's place and wipe my desk down at work everyday before I leave. Every morning when I come in I have to rewipe everything down and check to make sure nothing was touched. If it was then I just don't feel comfortable.

    Every closet & cupboard door has to be shut everywhere in the house.

    I used to freak out about the monster that lives under the bed until I saw the movie Monsters Inc which is proof that monsters come out of the closet to scare us to power their world :blushing:

    If I feel like someone is staring at me at a light I will make a big show of pulling out my dentures and the goo that comes with it then smile a toothless smile at the person staring. :bigsmile:
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    I eat tuna from the can and drink the water..

    That's not weird, that's just gross.

    Hey, go fly a kite.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I arrange all my clothes in my closet. Short sleeve shirts, then mid sleeve shirts, then long sleeve shirts, skirts, etc.

    I secretly imagine that the person in the next car is going to hear my music, think it's awesome and suddenly start to follow me.

    If I'm a passenger in the car, I look in everyone's front window to imagine the way they live.

    I try to constantly be aware of who's around me at all times.

    No matter where I am, I always have a weapon of choice picked out for just in case I need it. It could be keys, it could be an ink pen, it could be my never know.
  • nahsonfreepie
    I pee in the shower.
    I can only sleep facing the door in any room I am sleeping in.
    When I cook, I pretend I am hosting a cooking show.

    As Louis CK once said, there are two types of people.....people who admit to urinating in the shower and dirty f**king liars!

    Haha! :drinker:
  • DevSanchez
    DevSanchez Posts: 314 Member
    If someone throws a cigarette out the window of the car in front of me, I will at all costs avoid running over it in fear of my car blowing up! Haha
  • maanders
    maanders Posts: 39 Member
    When I am behind a vehicle on the freeway or at a stop light I reduce numbers in license plates to their smallest possible outcome by a mixture of adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplying them

    LOL...I thought I was the only person in the world who did this!! I'm always telling my husband what the numbers come out to and he thinks I'm crazy!
  • SCV34
    SCV34 Posts: 2,048 Member
    If someone throws a cigarette out the window of the car in front of my, I will at all costs avoid running over it in fear of my car blowing up! Haha

    LOL!! I do this too :laugh:
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    when sleeping, I always leave one leg in the blankets and one out as my thermostat device.

    I have a three tri fold vanity mirror in the bathroom and if its not flat I am NOT the one to move it. I'm sure the mirror will show me someone standing behind me.
    I never look in the mirror in the dark. ever.
    I eat things in order of how sweet they are. salty and savory first and I always end on a sweet.
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    OH! I also eat most of my food a "certain" way. I have a way to eat sandwiches, cheeseburgers, tacos, french fries, hm, quite a bit of other foods as well.

    When I eat a burger (or a sandwich), I eat all the way around it first, then eat the middle to end my meal eating the "best" part of the burger. I don't want to end at the edge because it doesn't have the right ratio of meat to bun and fixings usually. Gotta end on a high note. lol
  • DevSanchez
    DevSanchez Posts: 314 Member
    I always always always make sure that the toilet seat is down before flushing in order to avoid particles to get on the toothbrushes LMAO!
  • 1HappyRedhead
    1HappyRedhead Posts: 413 Member
    Thanks you guys! I don't feel so weird now! :bigsmile:
  • NLWears
    NLWears Posts: 27 Member
    Sounds like OCD...

    I do have one weird quirk. I won't go to sleep unless my bathroom door and closet door are both closed.

    Me too. And also, if someone grabs my finger and hold it too tight I feel like I can't breathe. My teenage sons find that hilarious. lol