Pregnancy 2011 - January



  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    FYI: Old Navy's having a huge sale & a lot of their maternity stuff is on sale. Tons of shirts for $5-6, lots of pants for $10-15.

    I just bought 2 pairs of maternity pants, 3 maternity shirts, and 2 things for baby for $53.70 (including tax & shipping). I had already placed an ON order on Sunday for 2 pairs of mat pants and 4 mat shirts & 1 thing for baby for $58 so for just about $100 I think I may be all set (plus I got 3 extras for little one!). I already have tons of loose fitting flowy skirts for 3rd trimester in the summer if the pants don't fit the whole time.
    Kind of hard for me to spend that much right after the holidays but I'm so glad I don't even have to think about how I'm going to afford to clothe myself anymore. I was seriously worried after seeing prices even in places like Target! I'm so cheap.

    I give in already -- I can hardly wait to wear comfy stretchy maternity pants starting in a week or 2 (whenever my clothes arrive). :laugh:

    thank you! I will be ordering!~
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    so, i don't know if this will be too much info, but I have been coming on here daily to read and post, and even tho I don't know you all really well, I am getting to know you all and I still feel the need to share my sad news with you.

    i'm not doing too well. i've been spotting for about 3-4 weeks. I didn't want to mention anything, b/c i read other posts that said brown was ok and i wasn't soaking thru any pads. well, monday night it started having pink in the brown and more of it. still not enough to soak but I knew enough to know I should watch and be careful. I was just siting folding laundry yesterday. and felt a pop and sharp pain low in my belly and then a little gush. went to bathroom and it was bright red. and lots of clots. (tmi) sorry

    took a shower and rushed to hospital, passing lots of big clots. I kept looking for the baby but didn't see it in the clots. Contractions started shortly after the "pop", and continued every min and got really bad. in Emerg i had an u/s. they kept asking, "are you sure you're pg? I said "yes. i even got to hear the heart beat @ 9 weeks." they asked where i had the U/S done, i guess to confirm that I really was pg. finally they found my report that confirmed i had been pg and confirmed to me that the baby wasn't there anymore. I miscarried. the contractions hurt so bad. I had to remind myself that God only gives us challenges He knows we can handle. I just kept telling myself, I can do it. I'll be ok. (feeble smile)

    got home last night around 10pm and have been sleeping pretty much ever since. lots of pain, but i'm not bleeding as much anymore. waiting to hear from OB for app't this week. i need to be seen in 2-3 days.
    was given 4 percacet but they're done now. hoping plain old advil / tylenol will manage my pain. it hurts to sit up / stand. so I won't be back as often as I was, until i'm feeling better.

    fortunately my parents kept my children for a sleepover last night. and my husband has taken 2 personal days to stay home with me. he only gets 6 paid days off / year. but I'm so very glad he was with me every single minute yesterday. he works 4pm-2am tomorrow, so i'm thinking i can manage 3 hrs with the kids, by myself, until they go to bed.

    we told the kids this morning, when they got back home. I thought Emma understood, but I don't think it's sunk in. this afternoon, she asked to add some more baby names to our list. :(

    Thanks in advance for your support. you are a wonderful bunch of ladies, and I hope I didn't hijack the thread.
    (hugs) :ohwell:
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I'm so so so sorry to read that. You are a brave strong woman. There is no pain like losing the hope of a child. I will pray for you and your family. I know it is a sad time.
  • Carina73, I am so sorry. (((hugs)))
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    so, i don't know if this will be too much info, but I have been coming on here daily to read and post, and even tho I don't know you all really well, I am getting to know you all and I still feel the need to share my sad news with you.

    i'm not doing too well. i've been spotting for about 3-4 weeks. I didn't want to mention anything, b/c i read other posts that said brown was ok and i wasn't soaking thru any pads. well, monday night it started having pink in the brown and more of it. still not enough to soak but I knew enough to know I should watch and be careful. I was just siting folding laundry yesterday. and felt a pop and sharp pain low in my belly and then a little gush. went to bathroom and it was bright red. and lots of clots. (tmi) sorry

    took a shower and rushed to hospital, passing lots of big clots. I kept looking for the baby but didn't see it in the clots. Contractions started shortly after the "pop", and continued every min and got really bad. in Emerg i had an u/s. they kept asking, "are you sure you're pg? I said "yes. i even got to hear the heart beat @ 9 weeks." they asked where i had the U/S done, i guess to confirm that I really was pg. finally they found my report that confirmed i had been pg and confirmed to me that the baby wasn't there anymore. I miscarried. the contractions hurt so bad. I had to remind myself that God only gives us challenges He knows we can handle. I just kept telling myself, I can do it. I'll be ok. (feeble smile)

    got home last night around 10pm and have been sleeping pretty much ever since. lots of pain, but i'm not bleeding as much anymore. waiting to hear from OB for app't this week. i need to be seen in 2-3 days.
    was given 4 percacet but they're done now. hoping plain old advil / tylenol will manage my pain. it hurts to sit up / stand. so I won't be back as often as I was, until i'm feeling better.

    fortunately my parents kept my children for a sleepover last night. and my husband has taken 2 personal days to stay home with me. he only gets 6 paid days off / year. but I'm so very glad he was with me every single minute yesterday. he works 4pm-2am tomorrow, so i'm thinking i can manage 3 hrs with the kids, by myself, until they go to bed.

    we told the kids this morning, when they got back home. I thought Emma understood, but I don't think it's sunk in. this afternoon, she asked to add some more baby names to our list. :(

    Thanks in advance for your support. you are a wonderful bunch of ladies, and I hope I didn't hijack the thread.
    (hugs) :ohwell:

    I am so sorry for your loss. I understand how you're feeling even though it feels like nobody understands the pain. We lost our pregnancy on St. Pattys day, I had waited two weeks after the baby passed to expel on its own but it didn't and I had to have surgery. This was the second time it had happened to us and it was just as painful as the first. If you need someone to talk to I am here. I know none of us ladies really know eachother but to me it feels like a nice pregnancy group with friends. Again so sorry for your loss :flowerforyou: hugs
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    Carina- I am so sorry for your loss. I am glad that you were able to tell us and we will all be here to support you however we can.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Carina - I can't imagine how hard this must be for you and your family, and I am truly sorry for your loss. Please know that we are all here if you need any support at all. I'll be thinking of and praying for you and your family.
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member

    I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you know we are here for you.


    Thanks for the heads up on Old Navy. I ordered a few shirts. :)
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Carina- I am so sorry for your loss. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member

    My heart broke for you when I read your post! I can't imagine how that feels, but you are right, God will not put any more on us than we can handle, even though sometimes it feels unbearable. I'm glad your husband was able to be home with you. I'll be praying for you!:heart:
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Carina- I'm so very sorry. Know that we are all here for you!

    Littlespy- I def. just got on the old navy website and put 5 shirts in my "shopping bag." Will wait til I get home from work to confirm my choices and order.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Carina ~ I am so sorry about your loss. I will keep you in my prayers.
  • so, i don't know if this will be too much info, but I have been coming on here daily to read and post, and even tho I don't know you all really well, I am getting to know you all and I still feel the need to share my sad news with you.

    i'm not doing too well. i've been spotting for about 3-4 weeks. I didn't want to mention anything, b/c i read other posts that said brown was ok and i wasn't soaking thru any pads. well, monday night it started having pink in the brown and more of it. still not enough to soak but I knew enough to know I should watch and be careful. I was just siting folding laundry yesterday. and felt a pop and sharp pain low in my belly and then a little gush. went to bathroom and it was bright red. and lots of clots. (tmi) sorry

    took a shower and rushed to hospital, passing lots of big clots. I kept looking for the baby but didn't see it in the clots. Contractions started shortly after the "pop", and continued every min and got really bad. in Emerg i had an u/s. they kept asking, "are you sure you're pg? I said "yes. i even got to hear the heart beat @ 9 weeks." they asked where i had the U/S done, i guess to confirm that I really was pg. finally they found my report that confirmed i had been pg and confirmed to me that the baby wasn't there anymore. I miscarried. the contractions hurt so bad. I had to remind myself that God only gives us challenges He knows we can handle. I just kept telling myself, I can do it. I'll be ok. (feeble smile)

    got home last night around 10pm and have been sleeping pretty much ever since. lots of pain, but i'm not bleeding as much anymore. waiting to hear from OB for app't this week. i need to be seen in 2-3 days.
    was given 4 percacet but they're done now. hoping plain old advil / tylenol will manage my pain. it hurts to sit up / stand. so I won't be back as often as I was, until i'm feeling better.

    fortunately my parents kept my children for a sleepover last night. and my husband has taken 2 personal days to stay home with me. he only gets 6 paid days off / year. but I'm so very glad he was with me every single minute yesterday. he works 4pm-2am tomorrow, so i'm thinking i can manage 3 hrs with the kids, by myself, until they go to bed.

    we told the kids this morning, when they got back home. I thought Emma understood, but I don't think it's sunk in. this afternoon, she asked to add some more baby names to our list. :(

    Thanks in advance for your support. you are a wonderful bunch of ladies, and I hope I didn't hijack the thread.
    (hugs) :ohwell:

    I am so very sorry.
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member

    I'm am so very sorry for you loss. You are in my prayers.
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers. reading your words helps me heal. :smile:

    Thank you for those who shared your loss too. It is comforting to know, that i'm not the only one. *hugs*

    You all are wonderful. *hugs* thanks :heart:
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    What seemed like the longest week EVER is finally over!

    We went this morning for our ultrasound and....... 1 little's a boy! :bigsmile: So, no twins afterall. Not sure where the second heartbeat came from, but the US tech assured us, there is only one in there.

    I was thinking ahead of time that I would be skeptical if they told us the sex today, but when I saw his "little guy" on the monitor, there was no denying it!

    She calculated me to be 16 weeks 4 days, so about 3 days farther than I thought I was. She said he measured at 8 inches long. The books and things I've read say he should be about 5 inches, so that surprised me a little.

    Getting to see him was the best birthday present I could have asked for!! :heart: to do the not so fun birthday stuff, like renewing our license plates :grumble:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Lynn -- Congrats on your single baby boy!!!
    I don't know if I would be excited or utterly terrified to have twins. I guess both. :laugh:

    I went for my 2nd OB appointment today (yep, 2 in 1 week because I delayed my first one so long). I met one of the 4 docs I'll be seeing throughout my pregnancy (that way, they ensure one of them will be available for delivery -- I love the idea). She was super nice & did a pap because I hadn't had one in 2 years (I'm not good at being a patient). She couldn't find the heartbeat with a doppler yet so I got another quick little ultrasound (abdominal) today. :bigsmile: Wiggly baby. :love:

    The picture we got today is super grainy & blurry (baby was in no way cooperating on having a picture taken) but I think I see a "nub" and using the "nub theory" I'm going to guess we're having a girl. It's really just speculation for entertainment, though, and I won't be surprised either way. I really wanted a boy when we were TTC and super early in pregnancy but the last few weeks, I've been getting really really excited about the thought of having a girl so now I don't know what I want. :laugh:

    I've been eating healthier and exercising this week and I was actually down 2 whole pounds from my appointment on Monday. :drinker: Mainly water weight I'm sure!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    What seemed like the longest week EVER is finally over!

    We went this morning for our ultrasound and....... 1 little's a boy! :bigsmile: So, no twins afterall. Not sure where the second heartbeat came from, but the US tech assured us, there is only one in there.

    I was thinking ahead of time that I would be skeptical if they told us the sex today, but when I saw his "little guy" on the monitor, there was no denying it!

    She calculated me to be 16 weeks 4 days, so about 3 days farther than I thought I was. She said he measured at 8 inches long. The books and things I've read say he should be about 5 inches, so that surprised me a little.

    Getting to see him was the best birthday present I could have asked for!! :heart: to do the not so fun birthday stuff, like renewing our license plates :grumble:

    Congrats on your lil man, it is definately visible when there are boy parts :laugh: I am not surprised that he is bigger than everything says because you may just have big babies. None of mine have ever been in the "normal" area. I have big babies, get big quick, and have a larger tummy then most people I know
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Yay Lynn,

    Congrats on your little guy! That is so fun to find out! Happy birthday also! I can't wait till Jan. 17 when I have my next apt. :happy: I should find out if I am having a girl or boy then.
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Lynn, Congrats on the little boy. I know so many people who are expecting boy's right now (including me)

    I need your guy's thoughts. This might be TMI but I want to make sure I am not going crazy.

    I feel like I have to go to the bathroom constently. This has been going on since Christmas. When I go, I cant go much, but I still feel like I have to go as soon as I am done. I have had UTI's before and usually they hurt, but this isn't painful at all. It is just super annoying because I feel like I am going to wet my pants 24/7. I am running to the bathroom every 20 minutes, and cant even go!!

    I have a dr. appt next Wednesday. Should I hold off until then, or should I call them now? I hate being a worrier, but this is getting really annoying. Or, is it just part of pregnancy and I need to deal with it???

    Thanks for your thoughts!!!
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