

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member



    :flowerforyou: what a sweet and optimistic picture.....sending hugs to you both (and Ritter who must be scared and lonely at home)
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,373 Member
    Did an hour of Rodney Yee's Yoga Burn DVD. Man, that guy has one good lookin' body!!!! Tomorrow I'm planning to do a bit more of that "10 Minute Solution Pilates" DVD, hold my plank, and then take the extremepump class

    Vacuumed yesterday. Today I made baked BBQ pork chops for us to have later this week, some szachuwan shrimp for us, a key lime cake and low fat oatmeal raisin cookies. Vince then decided to get the downstairs bedroom put together. He always waits until the last minute. We got the water in our basement last July, he's JUST NOW getting to it because he thinks that Ronnie and Beat will sleep down there. I don't think so since she has trouble with her arthritis, she's not going to want to walk up and down the stairs. He wants to leave the bedroom door open for the cats, See, in the past for some reason Lexi has always peed on the bed, there and in the back bedrooms. To me, make the bed up, close the door. Vince says "why make the bed up if they're not going to sleep down here"? Well, what if they do decide to? I know that if it were me and if my host/hostess didn't have a bed made up, I would tell them that I didn't want to sleep there since I didn't want to make more work for them. So now I get to make that bed up right before they come. Just one more thing to remember to do. grrrrrr

    Gail - your "planter" sounds so cute. Can't wait to see a pic

    Heather - thanks for telling me about the sugar paste. I'll have to check it out. Maybe I'll try making a slide, see how it comes out, and then right before the party make another slide.

    DeeDee - your place sounds like it's going to look lovely when it's all done. When we were hitting hard spots outside yesterday, I kept saying over and over "it'll look nice when it's done".

    heidihurl - I'm so sorry that you don't have a support system at home, but you sure have a good one here. I just keep saying that "I'm as old as I feel". I just don't talk about the days when I feel 69

    katla - what a great idea using a barbie slide. I never thought of that!

    Go Kim - win that pot!!!!

    Usually I go to church on Sat. night but I didn't go last night, instead went this morning. They were having Confirmation plus it was a bi-lingual mass. Honestly I don't get a thing out of a bilingual mass. There are 4 readings, and I can only understand 2 of them. I only understand half of what's said. To me, it's just a big waste of my time.

    Robin - so glad to hear that Bodi is getting better, even if it's just a bit, at least it's a bit in the right direction.

    Meg - If I'm tearing up just reading about what Alena said at church, I can hardly imagine what the church was like. I like your attitude (your grave is 1% milk)...made me smile

    Robin - thanks for posting that pic of Bodi. So grateful to hear that the prognosis is positive. Lexi, Loki, Bonnie and Clyde send love to Ritter. When one of them isn't feeling quite "up to par" for whatever reason (maybe a booster shot, a procedure like teeth cleaning, etc.), the other ones seem to know it and just leave that cat alone. But they sure do miss the cat when he/she isn't at home like it "should" be.

    Michele in NC
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello ladies!
    Sylvia:flowerforyou: thanks for the jokes  I think you are a very strong and beautiful woman too. Lost weight, are a potter and the way you take care of your son and grandchildren…… in spite of your challenges
    Joyce:smile: hope you soon find the place, just right for all of you, including Charlie
    Nenac:flowerforyou: awesome lady!

    Kim :bigsmile: I do hope u win that big pot, for selfish reasons though, so we can all meet over coffee….You’ve set me dreaming, I like your concept of beauty, a genuine smile
    Katla:smile: hope your neck is feeling better
    Meg :flowerforyou: so she made you proud today! That’s interesting, your grandmother came to India, and you so admire her. What u said about her is so true about many girls in our country even today, even though the legal age for marriage is 18

    Michelle :flowerforyou: That’s a wonderful approach to beauty. I’m reminded of Coco Chanel who said There aren’t any women who are not beautiful, just some who are lazy….. or something to that effect.
    Deedee :flowerforyou: my Sunscreen queen!!!!!!
    Yanniejannie !!!! 62, but thats just a number and you are the person who does and gives so much :heart:
    Margaret !!!!!
    Robin so happy to see Bodie and you smiling! Best wishes from Cleo (my pet dog) and me to both of you
    Bonnie hope you and MIL are fine

    Heather :flowerforyou: such an inviting cake! Am I glad I wasn’t there, would have definitely had more than required. Thanks for sharing your journey to good health, so much to take away!

    Barbie love your dancing stories.
    Renny please explain the picture.....
    The weekend was hectic. Our friend's daughter is visiting so we took her for some sight seeing to "Elephanta caves" and saturday seemed to just fly by. There wasnt any exercise apart from climbing up and down the caves we went to visit and little walking around. Lots of food including some yummy crispy chicken, which was spicy too( loaded with cals)
    But I had very little water as I dont like to use public washrooms. Sunday I felt tired from the previous day and gave myself a rest from exercise. Just pottering about the house, cleaning etc
    This morning the scales show a gain of 2 kg :sad: :brokenheart: :cry:
    Have finished with half an hours of circuit training and then some yoga stretches. In the evening I have some weight training and will include some cardio.
    The insight into Beauty has been a great conversation. Thanks everyone
    Best wishes to all
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone; hope everyone has a good day.

    Robin, glad to see the picture and the big smiles. I don't know whether he's expected to make a full recovery, but you might look into doggie "wheelchairs", even if he will regain use of his back end eventually. There are very good ones on the market. On YouTube you can find videos of dogs running, playing with balls etc., all using those things. They don't have to miss out on anything. Keep us posted.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,311 Member
    Robin - I adore the picture! Sending good wishes.:flowerforyou:

    Breezy here today. We are promised showers, but I'm not holding my breath. The garden could do with some water. We will plant our zucchini seeds today. I only want two plants so I will plant four and weed out the stragglers. I always plant yellow ones as I prefer the flavour and they are more difficult to buy. Also French beans. The bed for them has a big ants nest so we will have to buy an ant bait device. Our first broad beans on Saturday were fabulous and today I will be having radishes and mixed salad leaves with our granary bagels. You might have guessed I love my veg plot! The gooseberries are nearly ripe so I have netted them. Can't wait!

    Got to pop out in the car to buy a red pepper for dinner and some more lemons. I seem to get through masses of lemons.

    Love to all. Heather in Hampshire UK
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Robin:smile: What a beautiful pic of you and Bodi:flowerforyou: !!!

    Meg:smile: How very sweet of DD:love: !!!

    Joyce:smile: I think the beach is wonderful no matter what time of year! You`re right about kids, they will be in the water regardless of the temps! Hope you find the perfect place!

    On the issue of aging....I think all women are beautiful, regardless of age or weight. Someone said (Kim, I think???) confidence and a smile, I agree!!! I taught a class on self confidence once, it was amazing, these young women thought unless they had the perfect body, the perfect makeup on, the perfect outfit, they were not good enough...the saying that Barbie uses..."Act the way you want to feel" is right on. If you believe you`re beautiful, that beauty will shine through! I don`t worry about what other people think of me, I only worry about what I think of myself. I can`t control other people thoughts, but I can control mine. I am not opposed to plastic surgery, I may actually have my eyes done one of these days, whatever makes you feel good about yourself works for me. My mother was the most beautiful woman to me, she had grace, confidence and a big beautiful smile to everyone she met, she was always a lady:love: !

    Time to get myself up and run to the track, even though I have a cold :sick: and don`t feel like going:sad: !
    Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,766 Member
    morning ladies
    I havent done alot of exercising lately...the DH and I went down to the shore yesterday and walked and hen sat and watched the boats and birds for awhile.. it was just lovely..
    Zina took the day off today so I am assisting all day.. her 40 yr old sister is due with her first baby next month ,so they had the baby shower yesterday...
    going to hop in the shower and then get my lunch together...
    hopefully when I get out of work at 5 I will be able to go for a racewalk....
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Good Morning All, I have looked back and tried to skim over the pages since I was last here.
    On the subject of aging, I too have struggled with it. As a single mother raising two kids I didn't really have time to think of myself or my future. My kids have been out of the house for seven years now and they have been hard years. I've come to some conclussions, I had to get to know myself, to change the things I didn't like and to embrace the good thing. Own them so to speak. I personally feel I'm a work in progress and hopefully always will be. I want to lose more weight because I want to live life to the fullest, I look forward to aging but want to do it as healthy and as mobile as possible. To me beauty comes from within. Don't get me wrong, I want to look good but I think looking healthy and fit makes me look my best.

    Cindy,I hope the shower went well, I’m sure it did.

    Robin, Prayers for your family, thoughts with you and Bodi.

    Heather, The cake looks lovely.

    JB, Glad to hear of Mariah’s surgery success, prayers still with you and yours.

    DEE DEE, The dust will be gone soon enough and then you will be so happy!

    My DGD's birthday party turned out great. They rented a bouncy house for the kids and that was a big hit. My sweet little DGD was adorable when they came for it, she sat there in her Daddy's arms with tears rolling down her cheeks saying "Bye bouncey house"
    Tonight we are all meeting for dinner to celebrate DGS's birthday. He turned 15 yesterday. He didn't want any kind of party and only wants cash for his birthday, the older they get the less fun it is to celebrate. I'm glad I still have little ones too.

    I better get to work, I am moving desks here at work today and don't really know what itme they will be here to move me so better get cracken.
    Take care all,
    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 401 Member
    Good morning Lovely Ladies,

    I really enjoyed reading your comments on aging. I love the responses and different perspectives we all have plus the common thread that beauty begins "inside". You are all amazing ladies!

    Robin, I love the gorgeous picture of you and Bodi! I'm praying for his recovery. :heart:

    DeeDee, hope you feel better. I'm sure the dust isn't helping your cold.:grumble:

    Michele, I use that DVD too! Rodney Yee DVD's are my favorite! Easy on the eyes too.:love:

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day.:heart:


    Cindy in OK
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone:

    Uploaded current picture. DH took it yesterday at Panera. My hair is longer and he wants me to keep it that way.

    DD & I are going to my nephew's wife's salon on Wed to work on bridal styles for DD hair and I'll probably get her to even my hair up a little.

    I'm supposed to weigh today & I usually do it first thing so I may wait until tomorrow.

    We found out yesterday that my husband's aunt who was my boss and responsible for introducing us isn't doing well. Hospice is coming today. We will go & see her tomorrow. She has been pretty reclusive the past few years due to her health problems so we were pretty sad to hear this.

    Off to do the other half of my exercise.

    Have a great week

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,079 Member
  • heidihurl
    heidihurl Posts: 138 Member
    Morning ALL!!!

    Love it...
    DeeDee in NC you said it so perfectly: On the issue of aging....I think all women are beautiful, regardless of age or weight. Someone said (Kim, I think???) confidence and a smile, I agree!!! I taught a class on self confidence once, it was amazing, these young women thought unless they had the perfect body, the perfect makeup on, the perfect outfit, they were not good enough...the saying that Barbie uses..."Act the way you want to feel" is right on. If you believe you`re beautiful, that beauty will shine through! I don`t worry about what other people think of me, I only worry about what I think of myself. I can`t control other people thoughts, but I can control mine.

    I would also like to add something about the aging thing.... I think a sense of humor is VERY important... Don't you all agree?? A good laugh will make us feel younger for sure.

    Another great day in New England.. allergies are acting up, green pollen EVERYWHERE... crazy times.. The weekend was excellent exercise and diet wise... Ended up mowing by hand for a good 2/5 hours... Nothing like it! Ha.

    Take care all.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I love your comments to Heidihurl. I’m still working on the confidence issues, but I’m so much happier than ever before. My confidence is quirky. I’m socially shy at times and not at other times. On another topic, I’ve used ant bait successfully indoors but haven’t tried it outside. Let us know how it works. The kind I buy is in little plastic igloos so our dog isn’t exposed to the poison. Your garden sounds like such a joy.:flowerforyou:

    Robin: Good news for Bodi, and I hope he continues to improve enough to have joy in life again. I’m happy that you went to see him. No more jumping!:flowerforyou:

    Gloria: I understand your worries for Aaron, but all you can do is try to live a healthy life. My mom was in her late 30’s when she had me due to separation from my dad caused by WWII followed by repeated miscarriages. She felt old compared to the other moms, but I always thought she was the prettiest one. Most of my aunts who had children close in age to me were also in her age group. My DD is in her mid-thirties and pregnant with #2. Life sometimes makes us flexible regardless of our plans and intentions, like it or not.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: What a wonderful thing for your daughter to say in church. Congratulations on a fabulous compliment!:heart:

    Michele: I’d make up the bed and close the door to keep the pets out, too. If your guests don’t use it, fine. You’ll be ready for them and they’ll feel welcome. Re: Barbie Slide, I look for the easy way to do something if I lack the confidence or skill to do it by hand.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: I share your thoughts on beauty, and will add that good health creates a special beauty all its own regardless of facial features and wrinkles. Plastic surgery is a personal decision. I think a person needs to start by being healthy and go from there.:flowerforyou:

    JB: Good news on Mariah’s surgery! I’m keeping her and your whole family in my prayers.:flowerforyou: :heart:

    Yesterday we had a rainy day here at home and went off to do some shopping. We didn’t get rained on while going from store to store, so that was lucky. I have some new tops that fit and we found a terrific new place to eat. Unfortunately, I’m up a couple of pounds today. I did go a bit high on calories, and suspect the food had quite a bit of sodium. We had Scotch Eggs for the first time, and sliders. The eggs were YUMMY! Today I’ll drink my water, stay within my calories and move more. I’ll be back where I belong in no time.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least two glasses of water daily.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good morning!!
    Have a great day!!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hubby helped me plant my tomatoes this morning after we got back from the Y. Nice of him considering that he doesn't even like tomatoes! But there is more space in the garden, so I think I will go to the garden center and see what else I can find.

    Glad to hear that Bodi is feeling a little better. I'm hoping he makes a full recovery. Dogs are so sweet and dear to us at our house.

    How is Mariah doing this morning? Of course she is even more important than any of the dogs. Give her a hug for me!

    My son and grandkids came over yesterday. They played for a while, we made pumpkin cookies, then had dinner. It was the first time I had seen Jillian since she broke her arm. Poor baby had it in a sling. The cast goes from her wrist to the middle of her upper arm. But she's getting around pretty well. She's a tough little cookie.

    Here is today's joke of the day:


    Fun Things To Do In An Elevator:

    1. Crack open your briefcase or purse, and while peering inside ask: "Got enough air in there?"

    2. Grimace painfully while smacking your forehead and muttering: "Shut up, all of you just shut UP!"

    3. Whistle the first seven notes of "It's a Small World" incessantly.

    4. Sell Girl Scout cookies.

    5. On a long ride, sway side to side at the natural frequency of the elevator.

    6. Greet everyone getting on the elevator with a warm handshake and ask them to call you Admiral

    7. When at least 8 people have boarded, moan from the back: "Oh, not now, motion sickness!"

    8. Meow occasionally.

    9. Wear a puppet on your hand and talk to other passengers "through" it.

    10. Draw a little square on the floor with chalk and announce to the other passengers that this is your "personal space."


    Have a great Monday!

  • NenaC
    NenaC Posts: 21 Member
    Good Morning......late checking in today.:ohwell: Another night of issues with sleep. :yawn: It just doesn't come.......anyone wearing the Fitbit that reports on sleep patterns. I have been thinking about getting one to help me track my exercise and sleep....or the lack of?

    Cindy I am som sorry to hear about the Aunt in your family. Hospice caregivers are hands down angels on earth. I do not know how I would have survived the journey to the end with my sweetheart. without their helping hands and they also support the family. God give you all the courage and grace to walk this path. I will be praying for all of you.

    Heidi I just love what you said about humor. It does the soul good to laugh. One of my favorite shows is Steve Harvey. There is always something that makes me laugh on his show. I also believe that we have to learn to laugh at ourselves. So much research has proven laughter does slow the aging clock. :flowerforyou:

    Short time visit...made a costume for my granddaughter and I need to get ready to drive to her house to do a try-on. She is in a 50"s Rock Concert and the girls are all dressing in poodle skirts. Should be fun!

    Have a wonderful Monday everyone:drinker:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I'm back from the garden center with TWELVE pepper plants. Four each of three kinds, one of which is habanero. I may be in trouble. I've never grown peppers before, and never cooked with them either. Unless you count opening a can of green chilies. I'd love to make dome homemade, low-salt salsa. And I read that hot peppers help with weight loss. Hmmm. Guess it can't hurt to try.

    First, I should try to get them to grow, then worry about what to do with them.

  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Hi all - thoughts on aging... I'm 67 now and sometimes see my mother peeking out of the mirror! That's all to the good because I do love my Mom and miss her every day. Inside, I'm still in my twenties or early 30's (depends on the day), so I don't feel old - never really have. Do have all the aches and pains thanks to arthritis and such (both knees replaced). Losing weight has helped my body feel more like my inner age. I also agree with whoever said her gray hair and wrinkles are battle scars (or medals!!) :wink:

    My mantra is I can grow older but I don't have to be a grown-up :laugh: Life is to be experienced and enjoyed as much as possible. I also think we should do no harm along the way and try to leave the world a little better than we found it.

    On a different note, I finally got a fitbit but am having a devil of a time trying to close the wrist band whenever I take it off and then put it back on. It is a real pain in the but!! Any suggestions??

    Heading out on vacation in a day or two, so may be out of touch for the next couple of weeks. Hugs to you all!!!:heart:

    Jill in western MA
  • tolynkenl
    tolynkenl Posts: 15 Member
    I'm new to this list and to my fitnesspal. After four days of watching my calories and exercising, staying below my calorie limits even without the exercise, my weight hadn't budged even 1/10 of a pound! I was pretty frustrated and almost ready to give up on this, but my husband told me to hang in there (bless him!). This morning, I got on the scale after 2 days of avoiding it - and I was down 2 pounds! That may not sound like much to you, but it is a triumph for me. It may be water weight or something else and could be gone again tomorrow...but at least for today, I feel thinner. ;-)

    I am not much into blogging and so forth, but thought I would give this a try to see if maybe it will help me stay motivated this time. Maybe having some accountability will be good for me. I have 49 pounds to lose now.

    Lynn in MI
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Happy Monday!! Well I was up acouple pounds this morning and working on not letting it get me down. We ate out alot this last weekend at graduations. I am down an inch on waist and hips: so that is good. Busy weekend and now back to work. Going to be a beautiful week weather wise and hoping to get my rock garden worked on.
    Had a great Sunday. Went to Hebron and had breakfast with DD and family, then joined several other CMA groups at a bikers Sunday. The church served us lunch and had good fellowship. Then on to Kansas and graduation. Beautiful weather, but we drove the car as my backside is still sore and riding the motorcycle is not comfortable yet. DH is ordering a new seat so hope that makes a difference. Saturday we went over to the Vets home and helped welcome the riders coming from California going to DC. I do enjoy visiting with the vets.

    Robin--Hugs and prayers for Bodi boy and you. When our babies are not well it is just as hard on us. Take care.

    Joyce--don't think twice about telling about your vacation plans. That is what we are here for. I do hope you find something that works for all of you. I know when I try and plan things I also get myself all worked up and worry about the littlest things. Then in the end it usually works out and everyone has fun.

    Heather--beautiful cake, you are so talented. thanks, sorry to hear DS is not feeling well.

    jb--prayers to all and glad to hear they got all the tumor.

    Michele--I would rather use too much then not enough.

    Cindy--Thanks for sharing and I agree, pretty comes from the inside. I also agree lately when I look in the mirror I think I look old. Seems also lately pictures look like I have had a stroke, I am still not used to what I see in the mirror.

    Syvia--I agree that I do think I like myself better as I feel better and can do things I have not been able to do for years or ever done. I sure do not feel 57and DGKs tell me I do not act old. Then there are the times I feel twice that age.

    nena--I really like that saying about the worst past and most beautiful future. Something to think about.

    I do find it interesting that people I know and or see have no second thoughts about asking me how much weight I have lost. Sometimes I feel strange about it, I do say I am working at it.

    meg--beautiful what DD said.

    deedee--thanks for your words of wisdom. Smiles make the difference and I am working on that. Interesting how hard I find it to smile at people. Working on acting like I want to feel. We are so Blessed to have such wise women in this group and everyone so willling to share and not judge. Each of us brings our own speical touch to this group and I love each and everyone of you. Thanks for being part of my life.

    I got an email telling me my fitbit has been shipped and should arrive tomorrow. I am excited and hope that I can figure it out. Well ladies enjoy the day and remember we are not in this alone.
    Blessings! Vicki GI NE