Food prices that piss you off



  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    Like others, I try to grow as much as possible. We have strawberry plants and 5 apple trees. Each year I plant tomatoes, peppers, onions, cucumbers, melons, beans and whatever else sounds good. This year it's cilantro for my salsa. I don't have a lot of sunny space in our yard, so most of these are grown in large pots on our deck.

    I make, can or freeze everything I have space for. I trade apples with friends who have other produce to share. It helps that I grew up in the country where we had large gardens, raised beef and chickens, hunted and fished, even got fresh milk from the dairy farm next door.

    Our store prices aren't as high as many listed but are definitely much higher than even a year ago. We try to buy in season and take advantage of sales of course.
  • logicman69
    logicman69 Posts: 1,034 Member
    Sea Scallops. $16/lbs for frozen, and I have seen up to $26/lbs for fresh. That is just crazy!
  • Bulk foods is the only way to manage food costs. Dried beans, rice, unsalted nuts/seeds, etc. Fresh leafy greens, tomatoes, potatoes, bananas, apples and oranges are all I will buy in the produce area. For dairy its almond milk, unsalted butter, and an 18 pack of eggs. All the berries, broccoli and some other veggies will be frozen. I only white meat and the very occasional small slab of salmon when I can spend it. That's my typical run every 2 weeks and comes out to about $100 - $120. By cooking all meals from scratch, I'm feeding a family of 5 on that and it seems to be working.
  • xMermaidx
    xMermaidx Posts: 142 Member
    First of all, STEAK! Delmonicos, NY strip, lobster, scallops are now ridiculously expensive. And lastly, pineapples, $5 dollars for one pineapple is absurd!
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    Peanut butter without added sugar, why are you harder to find and cost more?

    Kraft makes all natural peanut butter - peanuts are the only ingredient and it's the same price as other peanut butters.

    Unfortunately, also hydrogenated oils I also despise.
  • IcanIwill1
    IcanIwill1 Posts: 137 Member
    Walking into Morissons and seeing jaffa cakes 50p a box, penguin chocolate bars £1 for 12 instead of 9, cadbury big bags of chocolates NOW ONLY £1!! Arghhhh!!!!! Why cant they do offers like these on fruit and veg?!?! No wounder the majority of the population is obese! :explode:
    hehehe...broccoli is only 50p (335g size but usually works out at 500g or more) both in Asda and Tesco.
    loads of frozen veg are £1 or less, and frozen veg is usually more nutritious unless grown locally, since most of the so called fresh produce in the aisles has been travelling for days, before being collected in a distribution center, then sent off on more travels to the store.
    The so called fresh veg could have been travelling for over a week. Whereas the frozen ones are frozen within hours of being harvested there and then on the farm.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    Walking into Morissons and seeing jaffa cakes 50p a box, penguin chocolate bars £1 for 12 instead of 9, cadbury big bags of chocolates NOW ONLY £1!! Arghhhh!!!!! Why cant they do offers like these on fruit and veg?!?! No wounder the majority of the population is obese! :explode:
    hehehe...broccoli is only 50p (335g size but usually works out at 500g or more) both in Asda and Tesco.
    loads of frozen veg are £1 or less, and frozen veg is usually more nutritious unless grown locally, since most of the so called fresh produce in the aisles has been travelling for days, before being collected in a distribution center, then sent off on more travels to the store.
    The so called fresh veg could have been travelling for over a week. Whereas the frozen ones are frozen within hours of being harvested there and then on the farm.

    Exactly why I habitually buy frozen fruit and veg. People think I'm crazy but it's cheaper and so much better for you.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    Went shopping yesterday, $8 for a flippin' cauliflower. Frozen for me this week! Broccoli is also $7 a kilo, and potatoes were $4. I think it is the unseasonably warm weather playing havoc with the winter veg harvests.

    I know frozen has more nutrients but I much prefer the texture of fresh...
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    All food in MS, seriously, how the hell can poor people even think of buying food in the state of MS with these prices.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Gas price's went up big time a few weeks ago, so what happens the food prices go up big time and then the gas prices come back down, BUT the food prices stay up and so on and so on. This happens all the time I have noticed.

    Milk a few weeks ago $4.10, now $4.30. :grumble:
  • SmaugHugs
    SmaugHugs Posts: 60 Member
    Mushrooms, asparagus, SOLO bars, milk... apples, berries... limes are getting ridiculous too... and I love lime and cilantro!

    I have started just going to my local Farmer's Market now... it has actually become quite a bit cheaper and I love the variety I have available.

    I am jealous of people who get milk for less than $5.00... I pay almost $6 bucks for a 4 litre...
  • Carley
    Carley Posts: 88
    Yup and broccoli here is $8 a kilo!!! :angry:
  • votkuhr
    votkuhr Posts: 276 Member
    "Fresh" Norwegian salmon (not frozen) over here is like, $15 for around 250g. FML.
  • emilylittle5494
    emilylittle5494 Posts: 29 Member
    brocolli $8/kg
    avocado $3.99 EACH :(
    strawberries $4.99 a tiny punnet
  • Yagisama
    Yagisama Posts: 595 Member
    I second beef jerky! Some of the packages are so expensive! :o
  • Yagisama
    Yagisama Posts: 595 Member
    As far as US food prices, when I was grocery shopping in Tokyo, I realized that I had been spoiled living in California.

    Ground beef was 100 grams / 298 yen. That comes out to $13.31 per pound of ground beef with the current exchange rate.

    Mushrooms were similarly priced and I had to get 4 100 gram packs at about $4 each.

    Ditto with mozzarella cheese where I got several small packs.

    Before you know it, dinner ends up costing you 60 bucks.

    Food prices have gone up in recent years but I'm still thankful I don't have to deal with expensive 100 gram packs for everything.
  • MiliOm
    MiliOm Posts: 134 Member
    Sea food, I love it but its so expensive!
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Walking into Morissons and seeing jaffa cakes 50p a box, penguin chocolate bars £1 for 12 instead of 9, cadbury big bags of chocolates NOW ONLY £1!! Arghhhh!!!!! Why cant they do offers like these on fruit and veg?!?! No wounder the majority of the population is obese! :explode:

    That's right. Blame the supermarkets.

    Of course, dont blame the obese person for voluntarily scoffing the additional 3 Penguin bars eh? He/she could have got about 6 bananas or a bag of satsumas for the same price.....
  • If possible, grow your own cherry tomatoes. At least you have them for the summer. All you need is a pot and you can put that on a deck, porch or patio if you live in an apartment. There are a few varieties to choose from. Now is the time.
  • Buying regular yogurt and then draining it on cheesecloth or coffee filter in a sieve makes it thicker, more like Greek yogurt. I haven't tried it myself because I get tired of yogurt even though I should be having the calcium.