Official "Get Friends" Thread



  • Hello! Hello! Just starting and looking for some helpful friends! Come provide me with support and I'll do the same for you! Let's work together through this crazy weight loss journey!!

    I'm looking to lose (in the long run) 65 pounds. Though at this point, I would be happy just to lose 5 pounds!
  • dingbat5
    dingbat5 Posts: 17
    i'm about 170lbs now at 5'7
    8-10lbs down, around 25 more to go, add me!
    coming up on my month marker.
  • Feel free to add me! I'm currently doing insanity so feel free to join me with that too! :)
  • Hey all! 5'00" 34yo around 195lbs (fluctuates regularly ) I'm new to MFP within the last 2 weeks and I feel like I've just been fumbling around trying to learn as I go... I would love to have some friends on here to help with accountability and such...
  • anviljenkins
    anviljenkins Posts: 562 Member
    I log Daily....take really weird looking selfies hehe, looking for positive friends who "do the darn thing" one day at a time :-).
  • kp1439
    kp1439 Posts: 343 Member
    feel free to add ... i can use any help i can get ..
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    Anyone currently bulking or doing the 5x5?

    not bulking, but I eat at maintenance and lift. I did SL 5x5 from Nov-March, then moved on to ICF 5x5 (recently switched to 3x5 when the 5x5 got to be too much for me.)

    I think i should mention that I follow IIFYM. I do not believe in eating below your BMR, food restricting, or fad diets. I also feel very strongly that no food is "EVIL". Food should not labelled as "unhealthy" or "junk". Everything is ok in moderation. Anyone who is of the same opinion please feel free to add me, I am always happy to have like-minded friends. :)
  • Phoe87
    Phoe87 Posts: 144 Member
    Hello, feel free to add me. I am 27, have more than 60 pounds to lose, but I am focusing on small changes right know. Regular walking, portion control - things I can make a permanent part of my life. I would be happy, if you join :) I log daily.
  • Feel free to add... i have around 50 pounds to lose for my first goal... having trouble gettin under the 300 mark... would love all the help and support i can get!! look forward to chattin with yall
  • jclu316
    jclu316 Posts: 1
    Add me if you would like :happy: 20 years old, Goal lose 25-30 lbs !!
  • Hi everyone!! I'm 29 and from the uk. I lost 42lbs when I first joined mfp and got down to my target weight... but then everything went tits up and I've put about 16lbs back on. Feel free to add me!!!!
  • Rett27
    Rett27 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey friends, I'm looking for anyone who'd like to join me on a 30 day challenge with Jillian michals 39 day shred. I'd like a little friendly competition to stay motivated, anyone in?!?
  • hellokathy
    hellokathy Posts: 540 Member
    Hey, I'm 31 and have about 150lb to lose. I log on daily and try to be helpful and encouraging as much as I can. I do not follow a specific diet (low carb, keto, etc.) but eat what I want, only less of it than before. Would love some more active friends, so feel free to add me and say hello.
  • smre225
    smre225 Posts: 2
    Hello! I'm Samantha, a 20 year old college student and I just officially started MFP today! I'm always here to listen and lend a good kick in the right direction (and would love some motivation also). I'm sure more friends to keep my accountable would help me get started and STAY on the right track. I'm currently at my heaviest of 195 pounds and have a goal to lose 60-70 pounds. Let's make a change together!
  • blably
    blably Posts: 490 Member
    helllooo im Mon :) i, from europe, and on most of the time..e.xcept the weekends (no time)
    i lost around 10 kg all together, i want to lose around 25 more...

    :) im forever 19 (actually ill be 24 in a few days but eeek i have a problem with aging hahaha)
  • PinkCupcakes84
    PinkCupcakes84 Posts: 235 Member
    30yr wife and mother of 4, one of whom is breastfed. Looking to lose 50lbs.
  • Every year I struggle with the extra 8-10 pounds. I'm trying to lose it by starting T25. Feel free to add me as I journal my daily meals. Good luck everyone!
  • sasasasa1
    sasasasa1 Posts: 29 Member
    im sara :)
    ive been around for quite awhile but mostly lurked the forums and used the app anonymously, too afraid to put myself out there
    im tired of all the extra weight and decided to really put myself into it. I struggle with self-motivation though so id really appreciate some friends to help me out !

    im trying to log in every day, currently im only on day 2 haha :P but i used to log in every day a few months ago before i lost motivation, i was alone :(
  • blably
    blably Posts: 490 Member
    Every year I struggle with the extra 8-10 pounds. I'm trying to lose it by starting T25. Feel free to add me as I journal my daily meals. Good luck everyone!

    t25 is great! it really gave me some definition in my arms and liftes my *kitten* haha :D
  • futurereporter88
    futurereporter88 Posts: 71 Member
    Would love some friends to motivate and vice versa! I am not new to MFP, but have just rejoined after a little break and feel refreshed, ready to start again, and have some new friends while at it. :)